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Dice The Long March - Mechanics

general ostruppen

General Ostruppen


"Alright listen Soldier, Im your instructor on how to get through this roleplay alive and back to your wife and kid or whatever, so listen up."

  • One: this roleplay will be using dice in combat or other situations.
  • two: when making your character you can pick any weapon that has been made, or if you want you can pick a futuristic weapon that might be in this war. Remember this is 1946 and alot of things have improved.
  • Three: If your character is a tanker or pilot or ect, your allowed to pick your very own personnel vehicle, but it all depends on how detailed you are on your bio. I will determine if your character has had enough experience to earn the vehicle. Also I will accept vehicles from 1930's to 1950.
  • Four: You will be fighting Npc's and you will be using 20 die, you must have a higher number than the npc's roll in order to confirm a hit, if you miss you must roll a defence roll to dodge a bullet or shell. (Npc's roll will only be limited to 1-15 when rolling). Players after dodging a bullet can relocated to a safer place so that they can't be targeted again, but you must roll another defense die if you choose to do that.
  • Five: There will be missions where your faction members face another (I will secretly message each faction on their missions). To determine who rolls first it will be decided on faction leaders to roll and see who spotted first if they win. Also each player has a limit on how many times they get hit. You will only be able to sustain five hits before your considered out of action (your not dead just severely wounded). If your wounded you can't fight anymore and you gotta hope that your teammates get you the hell out of there or be risked captured. When you are down, you will be rolling for defense and have two hit points. Once your hit point is all the way down then "YOU ARE DEAD". You can make another character but will be limited as a recruit.
  • Six: This is my favorite part for we are going to talk about tanks. In this game for tanks there are four different category's. Which are light, medium, heavy, and super heavy.Just like a soldier you roll a 20 die for attack and defense. You can also pull out to find a safer area but if your in open terrain you can't.
  • Light tanks are fast and effective against infantry (except for anti tank stuff) but are somewhat useless against tanks higher then them, They can destroy medium tanks and heavy tanks by shooting there tracks or weak-spots but you better have a lucky roll. These tanks can't take on super heavy tanks. if you pick this tank you have two hit points, but have the chance of shooting twice. These tanks are used mostly for scouting.
  • Then we have the medium tanks which can take on any tank but unlikely against the super heavys. These tanks are both somewhat fast and have better firepower with improved armor. Your tank will have three hit points before they are destroyed. You also get +1 in roll when attacking or defending.
  • The mighty heavy tanks have Superior firepower and armor. Only problem is they lack speed, and there easy to spot from a distance. Your tank will have four hit points before being destroyed. +3 when rolling for defense.
  • Last but not least the Super Heavy Tanks, the monster's of all tanks. These things have even more armor and firepower then the heavy tanks, there also immune to bazookas and most shells. However these things can barely go no more than 20-30 MPH. Your tank will have five hit points before being destroyed. If your opponent is using a tank and shoots at you and he/she gets his first or second hit on you, that first and second hit is automatically bounced unless the attacker gets a solid 20 roll. However if your using a super heavy tank I will roll to see if your tank breaks down at random times, you will roll to see if your tank stays the same. If my roll wins you skip your attack roll.
  • Also if you lose a valuable tank, high command is gonna give yah hell.
  • Any other vehicle that is not a tank will have a one hit point.
  • Seven: nowadays anti-tank guns are either medium or heavy and easy to use than arty, there are rarely any light anti-tanks guns. Usually there used by militia groups holding the line back home. But anti tank gun crews are heavily guarded at all times.If you don't have anti-tank weapon against a tank, find one. If your character knows how to operate a anti-tank gun you get a +2 for attacking a tank when using one.
  • Eight: For those of you are going to maybe get a chance to fly a plane and help our boys downstairs let me teach yah the basics. There are three types of planes your allowed to access, multi-role/jet planes, bombers, and a transport plane in case you and your team need to get behind enemy lines.
  • Transport planes are just delivery planes and are only equipped with some turrets to defend themselves. These things have two hit points.
  • Multi-role/fighter planes are flexible and can take on planes and ground units. Planes fighting planes just role the same 20 die for offense and defense. But if your fighting ground units then you get a +2 bonus in your offense role, but a -2 for defense. If your using a jet plane then you get a +3 on both attack and defense but only against planes, you get -2 if your attacking ground troops. These planes have 3-4 hit points depending on whether your using a regular plane or a jet plane.
  • Bombers are the heavy weights and are equipped with tons of defensive turrets to defend themselves, and literally tons of bombs. These hunks of beauty are only effective on bombing fortresses or softening the enemy troops. These planes CANNOT ATTACK OTHER PLANES, they can only defend and try and shake the enemy off.
  • Nine: There are going to be some artillery pieces out there that you can use to bomb enemy's, or anti-aircraft guns to fire on enemy planes. however unless you've actually had experience in training I don't see how your going to hit anything.
  • Ten: There are going to be times when you won't be assisted with additional troops or be taking planes, anti-tank guns, tanks, or ect. You will have missions where you will have to rely on your teammates, skill, and wits.
  • Eleven: If your playing as a medic you have one shot chance of reviving a player back from his wounded state. I will roll against you, if you win that player will be back into action with only two hit points, If I win then the wounded character will only achieve another hit point and stay wounded.
  • Twelve: Players can't shoot planes without the proper weapon like anti-aircraft guns, unless the plane commences a attack that involves them going to low altitude.
  • Thirteen: For you guys who have vehicles and have tools. there will be a time when your vehicle is damaged and when the mission is over you'll be given the chance to fix it. Of course me and you will roll to see who wins, if you win then your vehicle gets one hit point back. But if I win you don't gain anything. Also if you roll a crit one, then your vehicle will lose one hit point. So keep that in mind when you are given the chance.
  • Fourteen: Pilots when on missions will be given 5 chances to fire upon the designated target they desire, planes with bombs attached to them will have one or two strikes or more depending on what plane or bomber you are using.
  • Fifteen: Tankers will also be checked for there ammunition, now of course I will be the one that will tally the amount of ammunition you have, if you have questions on how many shells you have just ask me on the ooc.
  • Sixteen: Weather will take affect in this game depending on the area and its geography, It will either favor or hurt your side.
  • Seventeen: Every Infantry soldier will be granted 10-12 clips, unless your machine gunner and have a AT rifle those people will be given 6, bazookas 2. The way I will work the ammo system is the first question, what happens if you lose in a roll in attack. If you roll a crit 1, you will waste four bullets, machine gunners lose around 10-15. If you roll 2-9, you lose 2-3 bullets. Roll 10-17 then you only lose 1 bullet. Any higher will just make your character not take the shot if the defender rolls higher then you.
  • Eighteen: Now Ill cover the if you hit part, If you get 2-9 roll that is higher then you kill 1 NPC or deal one damage to a players character. If you get 10-17 then you kill 2 NPC's and still deal one damage to the apposing players. Now if you get 18-19 you kill 3 Npcs and still deal two hit point damage to players. If you get a crit 20 you can kill up to five Npcs or deal three hit points to the character.
  • Nineteen: Now for everything else wether its using At guns, AA guns ect you will use it eventually when facing armored vehicles. With the proper gun and winning the attack roll, if you roll 2-16 you deal one damage to the designated vehicle. If you roll 17-19 you deal two damage, and of course crit 20 will basically deal three damage but also cause the vehicle to lose something which I will message to the person taking the hit if it ever happens.
  • Twenty: Artillery, Bombs, At explosive rounds, and grenades are similar to one another. Only difference is there splash damage and precision. Artilerry and bombs if given a higher roll then the other apposing front, they can kill up to 6-8 people or two hit points to tanks. Grenades and At explosive rounds if given the winning roll will be able to kill up to 1-4 people (light vehicles are the only things that can be penetrated by At explosives)
  • Twenty one: Shooting your gun or driving a vehicle (like a tank) while shooting will give you a bonus of +2 for dodging but -2 when you attempt to shoot.
  • Twenty two: Shooting a Anti tank rifle or bazooka can be difficult to handle. You must roll a 10-15 to get a hit point one on a vehicle, a 16-19 for two hit point, and of course crit to get three. The damage applies if your enemy is unable to dodge the hit.
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