The Living


The Bookworm

There is now ONE slot open:

One Girl is left.

You may

have side characters, but they

will eventually die off.



Age: (14-18)



Brief History:

Relationship Status:

Crush: (optional)



Name: Jack McAlister

Gender: Male

Age: Seventeen

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Jack is generally seen as a quiet, thoughtful kind of guy.

He can be sarcastic and rude to most people, and has serious trust issues

that goes all the way back to his childhood. He often sticks to himself,

keeps quiet, and helps out whenever he can when people need it. He

is loyal, selfless and brave. He usually doesn't talk much, but when

he does, everyone listens.

Brief History: Jack grew up on a ranch with four brothers, two younger

sisters, a mom and a dad, along with an uncle. He didn't have any friends,

got good grades, and worked hard around the farm. He played baseball

as a young teenager, enjoyed swimming, and loved working around

cars with his uncle. He was close with his brothers, and often spent

most of his time outside. The rest is history.

Relationship Status: Single, but heartbroken.

Crush: None, yet.



Other: Jack is handy with a bow, a knife

and an axe.

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Name: Simone Cassandra Evans

Nicknames: Simz, Cass, Evans

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Simone is an all around happy-go-lucky person and a free spirit. She's the town sweetheart, known to go completely out of her way to make someone else smile or help them out, whether or not she has the time or energy. Simone lives for helping people, it's a major part of who she is. However, she's not just peaches and cream, she has a rough and tumble side. She's not afraid to get down and dirty, to work long and hard for what she wants.

Brief History: Simz grew up as the youngest with two older brothers yet she some how managed to be quite the girly girl. She had a classic up bringing, nothing much to mention. Her mom was a stay at home mom and her dad was at work every day. They were a very typical, middle class family. Once her oldest brother graduated, he went to the Army, her other brother followed suit, going to the Navy. That's how she learned to shoot and her older brother bought her, her first gun, a Smith & Wesson .9mm.

Since she was the only girl, she was of course daddy's little princess and when she asked for something, she got it. And while, yes, she got almost everything she asked for, her parents and brothers, never let it go to her head. Despite this, she's far from being a city girl, simply a country girl born in an urban area. Simz spent a lot of time in the country, riding horses and hanging with her friends out there.

Relationship Status: Newly Single [Ex fell victim to the virus]

Crush: Jack

Appearance: 5'8", We are gonna live tonight like there's no tomorrow cause we're the afterlife in cursive on her right shoulder.

Other: She can shoot anything, gun, bow, crossbow, if it launches projectiles, she likes it and is gifted when it comes to using it. However she prefers guns and recurve bows.

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Ren Aurydale








Definitely a rebel type of person. Ever since she had a near death experience she has always tried living everyday to its fullest. She likes to act as if life is a movie or an anime show... Bit of an otaku... ^.^ Very opinionated and stubborn as a mule. Though she may not show it, she has a soft side.

Brief History:

When Ren was 14 she was kidnapped and held for ransom money against her fathers big shot corporation. She was thrown about the daily for 3 weeks, and even raped twice by the captors... Before being taken she was a bright blonde who was happy and bubbly, never one to be unpopular. By the time she was rescued, she had suffered a brain injury which caused part of her memories to be lost. Because of this hassle, her parents tried keeping her close to them but she insisted on doing things her way. She learned self defense and dyed her hair, as becoming a new person.

Relationship Status:



~OOO, nobody yet~




Kawaii desu ne?




Gunner Ferris.






Asexual with Demisexual tendencies.


Gunner is an socially awkward but entertaining young male. He can often be silly or a rebel with his friends, but really serious around people he doesn't know. He often loves to tease people or crack dry/dark jokes. He's often very pessimistic, but very bright. Intellectual keen, and cunning, he has a great sense of humor and is slightly wise. He's almost like a caring father, and is very good at communicating seriously. Socially communicating, he considers himself hopeless at.

Brief History:

Had the best high school experience. He had the friends, the teachers, he was living it up and every was good. Now, he's not even sure he can find his friends.

Relationship Status:

Single and very awkward.


Err, nope.



Gunner stands at 5'11, slightly buff or muscular build. He has moles splashed around his face and is quite embarrassed about them.


Gunner is a huge young author, he wrote a virtual novel that was highly praised in his school.

Father worked with guns, so he has his fair share of shooting.

Gunner is a marksman, very good accuracy and eyesight.

his muscular build, he does some lifting and parkour, so he's a sprinter.


All right you guys, I posted the starting post!

Remember not to leave anyone behind.

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