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Realistic or Modern The Livid Setting (Recruitment)


Apocalyptic Wonder
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

The world would seemingly stop turning on December of 1993 when Several Cities and Towns within Knox County would go under quarantine due to an unknown blood-born form of Rhabdoviridae that would spread through the Region like a wildfire.
Those within the walls of the Quarantine would find survival a trial within itself as both Man and Victim fall to madness within it's confines. You and the people around you are just a handful of the poor bastards who were in the region before it all went down and you'll live it all out right from the beginning.

Triggers: Body Horror, Graphic Scenes, General showing of Human Depravity when put into stressful situations.
(Nothing NSFW planned so Do not Worry)

Set in the Fictional County of Knox, Kentucky December 13th, 1993 this roleplay will start during the days before the Initial outbreak before the general Populace was even aware of the danger that was coming.

A government project has escaped the confines of it's testing area and has found itself affecting the area around the County of Knox.
The blood-born virus is highly infectious and dangerous to all those who come into contact with it and it's rapidly mutating to overcome any obstacles in it's way.
Already the Wildlife around the county have shown adverse reactions to it and unfortunately for us it has made the jump into Humans.

Subject - J-0882

Name: James Allen Craven.

Date of Birth: July, 17th 1964 (29 Years of Age as of the Initial Infection)

He was born an raised on a cattle farm in the south of Kentucky where he was taught that honesty and hard work was the way of the world and to an extent he always agreed with that world view; In the later years of his life after graduating high school he got it into his head he wanted to be a Doctor to properly help people- yet his family were vocal against it, none more so than his father who threatened to disown him if he didn't take over the farm like the fathers before him; He had smiled and gave his Ma' one last hug as he walked out the door with big dreams on his mind that day.

He did achieve his dreams to an extent having joined the Military when he realized dead end jobs weren't going to cut it with trying to get enough money to even try for a medical school but quickly he found himself working with Combat Medic's and quickly studying to get to where he wished to be. Things would take a sour turn come the conflict in Iraq that saw him being honorably discharged after severe injuries left him weak in both body and mind.

Coming home was a sordid affair, finding a job and moving into his parent's old home- Finding out they'd passed away while he was gone was a shocker but He'd rallied quickly though and got into a stable groove of things, During his time in the Military he'd met a lovely girl and they'd gotten hitched a year into their long-distance relationship, riding on the high that is the honeymoon phase when he came back from the middle-east they quickly found themselves with Child.

He was happy- so damn happy to be a father, But coming home like he had without fair warning only showed some truths to him... Well safe to say that the three year relationship went nowhere fast and he gets a week out of the month with his Daughter.

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