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Realistic or Modern The little Corner Cafe - Characters


New Member
Dishwasher/Kitchenhands: Geozaki Geozaki Expel Expel
Wait staff: Kaera Kaera Flame Demon Flame Demon vixe vixe Nefelibata726 Nefelibata726
Head Barista@Peaceswore
Barista assistants: EricSings EricSings athereal athereal
Head Chef (Taken by me)
Assistant Chefs: Lenny2000 Lenny2000

- - -

-Realistic image/realistic drawing goes here-




Hair colour/style:
Body mods(Tattoo's, piercings ect):

Short description:





Role in store:

Description: (Feel free to be brief and keep aspects of their past to yourself)

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Name: Adrian "Click" McCartney
Nickname: Ryan, Click
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Birthday: 5th July


Hair colour/style: Bright orange, shoulder length, usually tied back
Eye-colour: Hazle(Dark green and brown)
Height: 6'1
Weight: 175lbs
Missing big toe left foot
Nose has clearly been broken a fair few times, its misshapen
Various scars from ciggy burns on arms and torso
Very tiny scar on neck
Big slashing scar on chest
Body mods: N/A

Short description: Adrian has a fairly intimidating form. With all his injurys, one can tell the kind of life he has lived up until this point. His body is muscular, nd it is clear he looks after it. He is very tall, and broad, looming over many. His eyes are quite deep-set and he is covered from head to toe in brown freckles.


Likes: Black coffee, Whiskey, Cigars, Cooking, Dogs, Camping
Dislikes: Cats, chocolate, Sitting still for too long, Cigarette smoke, His cramped apartment
Quirks/mannerisms: Has a twitchy left eye, the twitching gets particularly bad when in a highly emotional state
Fears: Losing any of the Corner Cafe's staff, Getting back on drugs again, Anything happening to his girlfriend
Goals/aspirations: To teach the next future head chef, and move on to other places in his career and get out of this city. To own a countryside home in a small town

Description: Coming soon


Family: Mother - Emily McCartney (Whereabouts Unknown)
Father - Shawn Martin
Role in store: Head Chef

Known To Staff
Born in scottland
Father was a bastard who he'd rather not waste his breath speaking about
Lives in a small apartment with his girlfriend of three years, Sandy
Formally trained in an trades collage up town
Used to be an addict, and if drugs are found in his store, he will personally kick whoever is responsible's ass, customer or Staff,
Has a reputation for being rather unkind to anyone who threatens his store.
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Willow Hunt
June 18th

Short, black hair
Dark brown eyes
Stands at 5'9"
Weighs 173 lbs
Has a six-inch vertical scar running up his side, three horizontal burn marks on his left arm, and short horizontal scars on his wrists

Short description: Willow has a slim body and he is fairly tall. He has dark hair that is nearly impossible to keep neat, and he has dark chocolate brown eyes. He is always seen wearing a dark hoodie.

Likes: Coffee, reading, snow, sweaters, fires
Dislikes: Yelling, crowds, loud noises, his parents
Quirks/mannerisms: Always used the terms "sir" and "ma'am", always scratching his arm, touches his hair a lot.
Fears: Loud, sudden noises
Goals/aspirations: To get his GED, to become someone important

Description: Willow is hoping to obtain his GED when he is older, and he hopes to move onto something bigger. A few things that he wishes to do with his life is become a lawyer, start a business, or go into the music industry. Willow can be friendly when he wants to be, but its hard for him to get close to people. He finds it hard to trust people. He can be friendly to those who are nice to him, but those who treat him like crap will get to see Willow's dark side. Willow can be rude and cruel to those who have hurt him, despite how much he hates letting this side of him show.

George Hunt- Father- Alive
Lisa Hunt- Mother- Alive
Katie Hunt- Sister- Deceased

Role in Store: Waiter

Willow grew up as the oldest child of the Hunt family. When he was around six years old, his parents had another child, a girl. The two kids were extremely close, they were always by each other's side. Willow took the role as the protective big brother, keeping his sister safe from any harm.
When Willow was around 12 years old, this is when things hit the fan. Bullying in school had gotten worse, his parents got divorced, his father turned to drugs, and Willow was expelled from school. When the boy turned 15, he ran away from home to live on the streets a few cities from his hometown. Now he works at the cafe, trying to get himself back on the right track.​
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Name: Jonathan Mills
Nickname(s) Jon, Jonny Boy,
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Birthday: 25 November


Hair colour/style: Deep Brown/Messy bed-head
Eye-colour: Pale Brown
Height: 5’11
Weight: 167 Lbs
Disfigurements/scars/Injury's: A scar along the left side of his neck
Body mods(Tattoo's, piercings ect): Has small stars along his left pointer finger.
This but along his finger DE2C0399-82A0-46E5-8992-AA6B45F3A06B.jpeg
Short description: He used to find himself more attractive than he does now. Most says he’s “good looking” but he disses that thought of himself. He typically has dark bags under his eyes he ignores until he’s home. He usually wears his navy jacket (see pictures) or a simple colored t-shirt and jeans. His shoes ranging from a pair of beat up, high top chucks, and a pair of green vans.

Personality: Jon here is pretty upbeat, small things not ever really worrying him. As most would say, don’t sweat the small stuff. He took that motto to heart. Ever sense he was a kid. He’s a little chattier than he’d like to admit, talking about the smallest things at times. He’s rarely ever in a fowl or depressing mood, always hiding it to keep the air around him cheery and bright. The part of him he doesn’t show often his actually his more anxious side.

Likes: The cafe (duh), his hair, his dog Parker,
Dislikes: Large crowds, cats, his dad
Quirks/mannerisms: Plays with hair constantly, bites nails, rubs at nose, sometimes slurs his words (not very often), Vapes.
Fears: Heights, loosing his apartment.
Goals/aspirations: To keep his life as steady as he can.

Description: His alive personality usually gets mistaken for being a few years younger than he is. On his more quiet days, he looks years older. The bags more defined and vaping constantly. He usually hides his fears away from everyone, scared of their reaction to him.


Mom- Rose Mills: Dead
Dad- James Mills: Alive
The Jenkins- Alive
Other family- No idea

Role in store: Dishwasher/Kitchenhand

Description: Jonathan never really talks about his past. Seeing it as a nightmare. His mother died at a young age, leaving him with his dad. His dad, just threw him out, a strong hatred brewed for his father for years. So, he bunked with his bestfriend (The Jenkins) through his teenage years until he could get on his feet. He finds that household to be more of a family than his real one.


Name: Liliana Violet Riddle
Nickname(s): Lils, Lily, Vi(only those close to her)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Birthday: May 28th


Hair colour/style: Long messy black hair
Eye-colour: ocean blue
Height: 170cm
Weight: 65kg
Rather big scar on her chest she got from trying to protect her mother from a robber
Body mods(Tattoo's, piercings ect): Tattoo of a wolf howling to the moon on her back and an ankh tattooed on her right shoulder

Short description: She may look harmless with her slim body and the fact she doesn't look that strong, but she hides quite a lot, like her scar

Liliana is quiet most of the time and only really talks when she has to, she's often found reading a book or a magazine when she's out of books to read, but she doesn't like sharing things about her past with anyone in the cafe, she feels safe in the building and around her father when he's not drinking. If she's not with her nose in a book she can be found drawing, she is very observant.

Likes: Being in the cafe or around her father, reading, books, working at the cafe, animals, drawing, her dog Artemis
Dislikes: Talking about her mother, gangs, fighting, her run down apartment(she lives with her father), drugs, alcohol
Quirks/mannerisms: Twirls her hair around her finger when he's thinking or bored, bringing books to the cafe and forgetting them, always carries two daggers hidden in her boots
Fears: her father when he's drunk, guns
To move out of the city with her father and live with her grandparents on a farm in a small village.
Is working because her father couldn't get a job to get them out of there, she went to school though, but currently does things online so she can work fulltime.


Tom Riddle - father(alive)
Alice O'Neill - mother(deceased)
Role in store: Waitress

Known to staff
Will tell people her mother is dead, but never tells anyone anymore then that
Her father will drink from time to time and hit her when he's not in his right mind which is half of the times her gets drunk
She used to live in the better parts of the city before she ended up on the bad side of things after her father lost his job
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Alexander Cathy Williams e06f238e1420fe24f8a690d8f5cf769d.jpg Nickname(s): Alex, main one she goes by since Alexander is just a mouthful, you can also call her Lex, Cat etc or just make one up for her.

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Birthday: November 13th

Hair colour/style: Her hair is completely black and for the most part is placed in a messy ponytail that doesn't looked combed in the least (cause for the most part it isn't)

Eye-colour: Very light brown, easily mistaken for yellow, though that's not the case.

Height: She's at a good height of 5 foot nine inches

Weight: She is pretty fit and weighs around 129 pounds give or take

Disfigurements/scars/Injury's: She has an old scar over her right eye, one straight across her nose, and a burn on her right shoulder that is really old.

Body mods(Tattoo's, piercings ect): She has two piercing in her left ear, but that is it.

Short description: Alex is a African American girl with dark skin and black messy hair. Though for the most part her skin is pristine as she does try her best to keep it nice and clean. There are a few markings of being hurt along her body. Namely her face and shoulder. While she does take good care of her skin, she rarely wears make up. Even though due to how busy she is she looks far older than she actually is (because of the baggy eyes, slouched posture and just all around tired look), the only time she might consider it is a formal event. Even then the use of make up would be minimal as she just doesn't enjoy putting all those colors and such on. She knows she can look even more gorgeous if she put it on, but feels like doing that all the time would just take too much time out of her already busy schedule. When it comes to outfits it always depends on the day and weather. For the most part though, she wears jeans, tennis shoes and a tank top of a variety of different colors and styles.

Personality: Alex is for the most part a logical person, she isn't one that will let her emotions decide her course of action. If she does allow that to happen its because of something she is passionate about or cares deeply for. Things like petty arguments are something that she uses logic over emotion. If she sees a flaw when someone is trying to fight her, she will call it out. Of course if the argument has nothing to do with her, it is unlikely she will butt in. That is unless the other person in the argument is a close friend or a co worker of hers. If that's the case she may interject to help them out, though if they have it handled she will not bother them. When it comes to arguments she doesn't yell, she hates yelling and finds it solves nothing. Instead she will look at the person dead in the eye, and explain to them in every way as to why they are in the wrong. Her voice would stay calm for the most part, though depending on why the fight is happening, a tone of annoyance, frustration, or down right disbelief can be heard from her.

While she is a logical person, she isn't social inept or anything like that. She can have a good laugh and has no issue hanging out and just casually talking to people if she has the time. She isn't rude or demeaning, and while people may think she's apathetic that's far from the case. She is a great mentor, and has a knack at picking up skills and knowledge at a decent pace. Because of how she is, she is great at training new people if need be, and all around just a friendly. She has a good deal of confidence in her words and isn't afraid to stand up to people that are frightening to others. She has been known to give an ear full to gang members that try and cause trouble in or near the shop, scolding them much like a mother would in some aspects. Alex isn't one to turn away a conversation and has no issue teaching people new things. On top of that she is for the most part patient when it comes to teaching and just talking.

Likes: Working at the barista, her younger sister, working hard, keeping things clean, just having a good laugh, making others proud and happy with her work, flowers, the right color of blue, video games of all sorts (really good at fps and moba games).

Dislikes: Rude people trying to ruin other people's day, gangs, fire, spiders, roaches, slow internet, braggarts, people who start fights over the smallest of things, dine and dashers

Quirks/mannerisms: She is always messing with her hair if she's holding still or nervous. She will take it out of the pony tail, attempt to braid it, only to find its not working. She'd undo the braid and put it back in the original ponytail. Or any hair that is loose she twirls around her finger, be it while she is talking or just plain bored.

Fears: Not having enough money to pay for all the bills, fire, losing her jobs because she makes one mistake

Goals/aspirations: In truth, her goal isn't some kind of big wig job. She doesn't want to become the next actor or singer. Her dream is to be a popular twitch streamer, and maybe one day a pro gamer.

Description: Alex main focus is paying off the bills that are piling up daily from not just the bank but loan sharks as well. She works as many shifts as she can at the barista as well as her second job as a telemarketer. She already has her GED, but due to her finical situation she just cant do anything that would let her move up in the world. Any free time she gets she goes to the nearest internet café and plays her heart out when it comes to gaming. She does try to stream and has a youtube channel, however due to her busy schedule she cant post as much as she needs to, and even then she isn't popular in the least.

Family: Father, Mother, Grandmother, and younger sister

Role in store: Head Barista

Description: Currently Alex lives with her parents in their rather small home, though she is rarely there. For the most part she avoids her home like the plague, on more than one occasion she either has slept at a friends place and at the park. While she doesn't talk about home she always avoids the subject, really the only people she ever seems to speak fondly of is her sister and grandmother.

Things people would know about Alex:
Born here
Doesn't like make up at all
Loves her little sister
Has an interest in gaming
-Realistic image/realistic drawing goes here-


Name Yuri Balks
Nickname(s) Yur
Age: 17
Gender: M
Birthday 5/13


Hair colour/style:blonde(sometimes he dyes white streaks )
Eye-colour: green (light)
Disfigurements/scars/Injury's: malnutrition and scar on lower lip
Body mods(Tattoo's, piercings ect): None

Short description: abused in childhood to the point of scars on his lower lip from his father made him hide his face with a mask to hide himself, he moved away to the city to try to get away from the past but got addicted to smoking.

Personality: shy personality with

Likes: smoking, board games, basket ball
Dislikes: excess work, confrontation
Quirks/mannerisms: does not like socializing even if it is the cure to his problems
Fears: abuse like his father
Goals/aspirations: wishes to be a doctor

Description:is addicted to smoking and impacts his performance


Family: son
Role in store: assistant chief


Name Lorelei Byrne
Nickname(s) Laurie, L
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Birthday 8th May


Hair colour/style: Dark brown, wavy
Eye-colour: Light blue, almost an icy grey
Height: 5ft 4
Weight: 130 lbs
Disfigurements/scars/Injury's: She has a scar on her left hip from an accident, as well as a series of smaller scars along right wrist.
Body mods(Tattoo's, piercings etc): She has a sleeve on her left arm, and a nose piercing on the left side.

Short description: She's never seen without a beanie. It became a part of her look when she was younger. Normally, she needs to wear glasses, but she recently swapped them out for contact lenses, finding herself more attractive that way. Her look primarily consists of a zip up hoodie, usually a different graphic tee, skinny jeans, and a pair of converse. There's only one scenario in which she will ditch her beanie and hoodie, and that's for a formal event or a date, not that she's been to either in a few years. There has been the rare occasion in which she's been spotted wearing a dress, still accompanied by a beanie and converse.

Personality: (Will fill later)

Likes: Music, Reading, Skating (Roller and ice), Skateboarding, most sports (with the exception of baseball and american football), and some videogames. She also likes to go out with her friends, usually to a club or out for a drink.
Dislikes: Her parents, spiders (Seriously, how do they even walk?)
Quirks/mannerisms: She fiddles with her beanie a lot, stares at strangers' tattoos, keeps a short length of string or rope on her at all times.
Fears: Her parents, snakes, rejection, being alone
Goals/aspirations: She doesn't have any real "big" aspirations, just small things like learning to surf and perhaps becoming a professional travel blogger.

Description: (Will fill later)



Mother - Ainslee Byrne
Father - Kristopher Byrne
Brother - Dara Byrne
Role in store: Waitress

Description: (Feel free to be brief and keep aspects of their past to yourself) (Will fill later)

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