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Realistic or Modern The Lions (Always Accepting) Music


The nerdiest and fluffiest marshmallow of them all




Skill (Play, Sing, Dance, ETC) :

Appearance (Anime or Human):







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Name: Olivia Williams

Nickname: Liv

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Skill (Play, Sing, Dance, ETC) : Sings and plays guitar

Appearance (Anime or Human):


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: Books, Anime, Manga, Internet, retro movies, asian dramas, crafting, Fandoms, and Music

Dislikes:liars, cheaters in any way, and hypocrites, also violence.

Crush: TBD

Bio: Liv is 21 years old and grew up with divorced parents, her brother went with her father while she went with her mother, she passed away last year and she refused to contact her father or brother that she hasn't spoken to since they separated, she received no cards or calls from either male members in her family. She couldn't afford to go to the college she went to after her mom died but her music teacher recommended her for a musical college, if she can make a career out of her voice and guitar she wont have to pay for the college, not mention accomplish her dream, music is her life as much as it was for her mother. Liv is the leader of the band

Personality: Liv is an independent girl, she can be sarcastic and a silly ball of randomness, she is a huge nerd and spends most of her time in her room or practicing in the music room




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Name: Gabe Flasher




Skill (Play, Sing, Dance, ETC) : Singing high notes

Appearance (Anime or Human):Human (I can't post links yet but when I can I'll put it in the OOC)


Likes:Baseball, collecting praying mantis's and playing video games

Dislikes:Tsa, homework and "real wrestling"


Bio:Was born in a small town called Bisbee

Personality: will be shown in the role play

Extras: Can do the solo in Oh Fourtuna
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@Little gasmask accepted, and if your not interested in anyone or don't care about the romance, put Asexual in the sexuality tab. Welcome to the pride!
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Name: Arcus Black

Nickname: Arc

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Skill (Play, Sing, Dance, ETC) : Sings, dances, and drums.

Appearance (Anime or Human):



Likes: Singing, Skating, Playing the drums, hanging out with friends

Dislikes:Country music, quietness, Really hot days


Bio:As a child Arcus was a very bubbly kid, but that all changed when he went to middle school. One day after school, a kid in Arcus' class asked, him to come over to play. Though it was really a plan to kidnap the child to get a ransom from his parents. That never happened. This girl had be Arcus' friend since he was a little kid. When he found out what was truly going on he was scared and devastated. When the kidnapper sent the ransom video, the parents completely ignored it. They said they never had a child. Though the girl did something to help Arcus. She called the police and explained what was going on. Though it was short lived. The father found what the girl did, and killed her in front of Arcus, but the police showed up right after that. I guess the girl was trying to ask for forgiveness for her actions. Secretly Arcus forgave her. He just wished he could have told her. After the incident Arcus was flown to half way across and was giving to his aunt Rosa. She became his legal guardian. Though she was trying to bring the little boy she used to know back. Arcus has learned to trust people. but he has to know them very well. HE know explains himself thorough his music.

Personality: Arcus is a shell of a person. He comes off as a bad boy/skater type, but that truly isn't him. He has had a very troubled past. He was moved across the world, to live with his aunt, because of his parents. He wants to be able to trust people, but someone very close to him broke that bridge a long time ago. Though maybe a friend, or friends can make him to be the person he once was.

Name: Amelia Thompson

Nickname: Reaper (she found the name cool and as she seemed like a coldhearted person, her friends chose that to be her nickname. Since that, she is called reaper and known as such in the music branche as well.)

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Skill: Singing, Playing Guitar, playing drums


Sexuality: Bisexual (Tendency to boys however)



Being alone or with close friends


Emotional Moments

People she does not know

Crush: TBD

Bio: TBR (Was an orphan, that may be said)


At first impression, it may appear like she lacks any kind of pity. If you take a second look, you will be shown you are right. However, after maybe the fith one, you might find the kind girl inside the cold facade. Her humor, however, always will stays a bit morbid.

Amelia is a very closed person, she does not try to make friends or similar. She does usually make herself unsympathetic by the sheer amount of carefreeness towards others. However she is very loyal and trustful if she after all DOES count you as her friend.
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Name: Lukas Grey

Nickname: The Robot

Gender: male

Age: 20

Skill (Play, Sing, Dance, ETC) : sing, dance, dj

Appearance (Anime or Human): my profile pic

Sexuality: male

Likes: girls with short hair, video games, electro, EDM

Dislikes: bullies, people that hate his type of music, being pushed around

Crush: none yet

Bio: Lukas discovered electro through video games and is a great DJ but when people don't like his style he gets furious. LU

Personality: helpful,bright, isolated

Extras: has a pet puppy husky named Astra<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images.jpeg.b2bd1268af2b2b443d04458e1a1912b3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="124918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/images.jpeg.b2bd1268af2b2b443d04458e1a1912b3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Elliot Iwu








Playing Bass








Coffee, Night Out, Cats, Cooking, Antiquities, Tattoos, His Family, Looking Out for People


Brats, Slackers, Homophobes, Bright Lights, Broccoli, Cockroaches


N / A


Elliot is an only child, his father an African immigrant and his mother British. Part of a large family, his life was never particularly easy but he always managed to endure the hardships it threw him.


Laidback and easygoing, Elliot is the kind of guy whom you expect your big brother to act like if you had one. Protective, likes to tease others, responsible, he has it all. He can be stubborn and a bit blunt at times but his heart is in the right place.
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Name:Zackary Adhuchus




Skill:rapping,dj,music production(makes his own beats and rhythms),plays saxophone very well.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.3a14b00c49859e06a0c581a81db2f98f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="125496" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.3a14b00c49859e06a0c581a81db2f98f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Likes:freestyling,battle wrapping,scrapping (hood term for fighting),"being the hardest",switching styles on someone mid battle.

Dislikes:being on time,showing weakness(will get you killed where he's from),feeling stupid


Bio:zack has spent his life in pursuit of his music,in a part of town where you were either affiliated with a gang,or a victim of one. He toughed it out managing to stay out of too much trouble,with the law at least. He always raps about his real life, this gives him no shortage of material,as he has seen hell in the streets where he lived. After his father was killed in a drive-by shooting his mother used the money from his life insurance to pay the tuition and get her son out of the jaws of the street before it chewed him up. The way he sees it his pops gave his life for his opportunity,and he will never squander this last gift...

Personality:he's a bit hard to be around if you aren't from a similar background,he's quick to fight and quite frankly he's an asshole. But this is all part of the armor he has had to wear his whole life who knows what you will find beneath that crabby shell of his





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Name: Zaida Muratovic

Nickname: None

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Skill (Play, Sing, Dance, ETC) : Sings and plays Guitar

Appearance (Anime or Human):


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: Cats, Art, Flowers, Books, Hot Chocolate/tea, Rain/water, S'mores

Dislikes: Noise, Dogs, Heat

Crush: None as of right now

Bio: Born in Bosnia as a fraternal twin with a brother in the final two years of the Bosnian part of the Yugoslav Wars, Zadia though being extremely young in her own words was partly 'cursed' with an almost photographic memory which allowed her to remember the such tragic events that occurred. She remembered the chaos that her family went through as war tore everything apart as Serbia committed it's genocide on her town and a lot of people. She remembered her father being killed as Serbians executed men of the town giving her a bit of a cynical view on people, and lead her to be a bit depressed in the future especially when her thoughts drift there. Luckily slowly but surely life looked favorably upon them and they were able to move to the United States.

Zadia though with her almost photographic memory fighting through a bit of the depression she would feel, excelled at school and worked vigilantly to do so. But she never truly fit in, due to her language barrier but when she learned English quickly she could be a bit more social but she was one to be quiet, and never made much of an impact. This lead to a couple occasions where she would get bullies and her brother who ended up being a big boost for her, and would deal with them. She and her brother grew close as a result, as time went on Zadia found out she could sing well and it helped her with her depression although these songs ended up being a bit gloomy especially if she was thinking of her past came in there. She found also that the guitar that she loved to play and caught on easily could express these feelings as well. Though her family struggled financially, she worked and still worked small gigs with her brother on occasion at places in preparation for college to make enough money, they both decided to use their musical talent to get to college and be together to hold each other up. Once they got accepted, Zadia decided she needed to become a bit of a new person as she had gotten rid of a good part of her depression, though it still gets her a bit she decided as a demonstration of that she would bleach her hair platinum white. She got it done professionally, but something went wrong and while her hair turned into the platinum some of the bleach got to her middle finger and extended to her elbow. Luckily not much did, and it was quickly healed, she then kept this a secret from her mom and keeping the burns hidden faked a 'cooking accident' and was not questioned much more. Now she and her brother are in college and both are hoping to succeed.

Personality: Zadia is rather aloof and spends her time pondering over humanity. If there are social events, she studies each individual rather than engages in conversation. Not that she doesn't mind conversation! She prefers intellectual conversion; but that doesn't keep her mind from occasionally wondering into the gutter. She isn't as shy as people think she is; she is just exceedingly quiet. Of the two twins, she was blessed with the smarts and not so much of the will to fight. However, if absolute necessary she will fight and refuses to give in until she has claimed victory. She is also a bit of a cynic of people and life, and she still shows symptoms of depression although this has been controlled.


Has almost photographic memory

Has a burn mark scar running from her middle finger extending down to her elbow

Is 5'2" tall and weighs 135 lbs

Zadia is petrified of Sheep, even though she grew up around sheep. She doesn't necessarily have a legitimate reason for it, she just knows she does.

She is known to have plump lips

Zadia fiddles with her hands whenever she is bored and bites the inside of her cheek whenever she is nervous.
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Name: Vildan Muratovic

Nickname: None

Gender: Male

Age: 22

Skill (Play, Sing, Dance, ETC) : Play's acoustic bass

Appearance (Anime or Human):


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: Dogs, Mud, Fast Food, Summer, Sports

Dislikes: Quiet, Loneliness, Cold, Cats

Crush: None at the moment

Bio: Vildan definitely does not have much of an idea what life in Bosnia was like, so whenever his sister remembers well things of Bosnia it's like an outsider learning about a stranger but he has a bit of memories of some of the bad and good. Growing up due to her sister's depression, he had to stick by Zadia's side and while he was one to not take studies seriously he did so to protect Zadia and has gotten in a quite amount of fights protecting her, and being an emotional support for her. Zadia in return could assist him in his studies and helped in teaching him English, and music soon became a portal for the two to connect even more with him picking up on the acoustic bass with her the acoustic guitar. This helped keep him out of trouble, and stay on track though he still has his moments.

Personality: Vildan is the more rambunctious of the two. He almost goes looking for trouble for the pure thrill but is controlling this due to Zadia's input. He can be an attention seeker, is quite blunt and comes off as rude. However, he doesn't mean to. He is highly fun-loving and sarcastic. He was born with the will to fight and hardly thinks before acting especially if his slightly bigger sis is involved. He has a big ego that hardly takes damage. And can almost be seen as over-bearing in some cases. He was seen as a great backup to Zadia and works alongside her in both of their attempts at making money for college he is thankful for his big sisters help and tries to support her as much as he can.


Is 5'11" tall and weighs 156 lbs

Has a toned and rough body with many scars from the various fights he has been in which can make him look intimidating.
Scottie Matthews


5'1 and 105 lbs.


Age: 20

Skill: Singing, drums, keyboardist (piano), and dance

Sexuality: Bisexual, leans towards boys




-horror movies

-Star Wars



-The color green


-Chick Flicks/Romance Movies

Crush: Perhaps Lukas later on, N/A for now

Bio: Scottie has the soul of a tomboy but loves to dress up and wear makeup. She has had only her older brother James to raise her since her mother left and her father passed away when she was 14. She has a very optimistic outlook on life, but expresses it rather sarcastically a lot of the time.

Personality: Sarcastic, "Snarky", hates the ordinary and "boring", easily excited, perky

Extra: She has a few tattoos but no piercings









(on her lower stomach area ^)

Mentioned: @FrostRaven
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