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Realistic or Modern The Lights Above [Open & Accepting][Western/Aliens]



UFO Hunter
ufo 2.gif

Somewhere nestled in the west of the United States of America; time is changing.
The days of the Wild West are coming to an end with government intervention; heroes and villains fading into the dust. Dirt roads are being replaced by railroads, small towns transforming into cities overnight. While the buildings grow taller and the mountains are blown up with dynamite, the town of Neilson has a population of exactly 101. The next town and train station is about a day and a half across a stretch of plains. Neilson is practically untouched by the industrialization of the great nation. Perfectly nestled between the mountains and covered by tall pines. The townsfolk rise with the sun and settle in when it goes down. Aside from the occasional drifter causing a ruckus, most of the townsfolk are familiar with the going on's of their next-door neighbor. While the rest of the world is growing, they can rest easy knowing that the tall buildings and steamboats are kept far enough away for now, though they expect a time will come soon when they will have to accept the way of the future. For now, there's not much they have to worry about.
Except for the lights in the sky.
What started out as a rumor from the town drunk quickly turned into the talk of the town as soon as the occurrence happened a second time. Animals mutilated during the night, farmers waking up in the middle of fields with no recollection of what had happened the night before - strange markings on their stomachs. While there is an explanation for most things, not even the preacher could figure this one out; fearing Armageddon was upon them, he gathered up his devoted followers and headed somewhere that street lamps were lit at night. That wasn't the case for the townsfolk whos fear of God did not strike them with such a passion. Eventually, word spread of the mysterious happenings and those on the outside who knew about Neilson decided that the most logical thing for them to do was take the long way around the mountains.

  • Quality posts of at least 2-3 paragraphs.
  • Please tag whomever your character interacts with/is in a scene with.
  • No god-modding. If you all don't know what that is by now, shame on you.
  • Please stay in the setting/time. No cell phones in the wild west, boys.
  • Since this is a historical setting, if you're not sure if someone had a phone during that time, a quick google search will set you in the right direction.
  • No Mary Sues or Gary Stus.
  • No smut.​
  • Please use parenthesis when mentioning something OOC in your posts. ((Like this!))​
  • Keep all other chatting/questions to the OOC chat!​
  • Above all else, be kind to one another! <3

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