The Life of Wanderers [Inactive]


Free Spirit
Zora sighed softly as she walked from her caravan. It was a cold and misty morning, the moisture in the air stuck to her skin. She leaned over Alvar with a huff, last night had been quite the affair. Not only had the local townspeople drove them from their previous campsite, they had set fire to the ground, spooking the horses and causing even more chaos. But, such was the life she was born into and in all honesty, Zora wouldn't have traded it for the world because no other lifestyle would sate her need for danger and mystery. And thankfully no one had been lost or injured in the chaos.

@Kumori~ @Akeira @Laney @Kalypso @Lovable Dark-side @oOBubblesOo @ForgottenBlood @MyFishToldMe
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Katherine glances at her reflection in the small ornate mirror hanging on the back of her caravan door, tilting her head to the side so she can see the sides of her hair which is brushed in dark waves over her shoulders, fringe carefully braided out of her face. It'll do.

Grabbing a thick woollen poncho, Katherine un latches the door and steps out onto wet grass, leather shoes protecting her feet from the damp. Very few people are awake this early, most still resting from being up into the early hours re-pitching camp. The stillness heavily contrasts with the ruckus of the night before, it's pleasant to spend a moment taking in the surroundings before the days work begins.

Through the mist, a slender figure strolls in your direction, skirt hem dragging in the grass.

"Good mornin' Zora"
Exhaustion threatened to take him under so Ezra groggily sat up. He failed to find the comfort that is sleep last night, his thoughts too active and filled with the angry faces of the towns people. Groaning he stood and exitted his tent, braving the cool morning with nothing more than a pair of brown pants. The bite of the icy dew on his bare feet woke him up fast enough and he quite enjoyed the chill that came over him. "Mornin',"He said to Katherine and Zora.
Jaelle sighed, leaning down to feed Sage and Marco some of the sunflower seeds she stored in her pocket. She bent rubbed each of their coats gently, smiling weakly in an attempt to cheer herself up. Unlike her normal cheery demeanor, Jaelle found herself in a mood after the townspeople terrorized them the previous day. They were just peaceful enjoying themselves at the campsite, immersing themselves in dance with the accompaniment of their music. All of the sudden, there were loud shots when the townspeople invaded their camp, burning everything to the ground. She was glad everyone in the troupe escaped, knowing that the death or injury of anyone would have caused her grief.

After finishing feeding her kids, she pulled her shawl further around her body and began to walk closer to the main area of their new campsite. Looking from left to right as the two goats followed behind her, Jaelle saw few people out, as it was still early in the morning. Being an early riser, she was used to the dead camp this early, especially right after re-pitching their tents and stabilizing the caravans. She ran a hand through her thick dark curls, thinking that water would be nice to have. With the strenuous work of moving camp, a lot of the troupe members were tired, something that Jaelle did not like and knew could be cured with the help of nourishment.

Gathering her skirts, she looked up a bit when she heard a caravan door shut and Katherine exit. She began to head in that direction, thinking that perhaps she could find help there. Moving closer, she saw Katherine walk in the direction of Zora and Ezra, addressing the pair. Perhaps they know of a source of water. She thought to herself, scurrying toward them and attempting to smile. "Good morning, you three." She began, looking at each one individually and then reaching down to pick up Sage for a moment. "Have either of you seen water nearby?" She asked, thinking it would not be long until they were dehydrated.
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Peter woke to the sound of people stirring outside of is caravan. The familiar voices were quite soft, still, Peter felt almost as if they were screaming. He climbed out of his makeshift bed and wandered over to the area in which he kept his clothing. Peter stood before the pile of clothes, rubbing the back of his neck as he stared at it. He shrugged, leaning down to grab a pair of dark colored pants. Peter looked out one of the nearby windows, looking to see how bright it was outside before he exited the caravan.

Peter stood just outside the caravan, holding his pants in his left hand while he looked around. No, it didn't bother him at all that he was in his underwear. Peter honestly couldn't care less. He just looked around unhappily at the nearly destroyed area around him. After being exiled from where they were, Peter wasn't in the best mood. He sighed as he slipped on his pants and began heading down towards the others; his bare feet becoming slightly moist from the dew.

Ion sighed as he sat criss-crossed by the lakeside that he found deep in the woods."Misty...?"he called out to his goat wondering where he ran off to.A few seconds after he found him running over licking his mouth."There you are."he said with a smile as he rubbed the goat's back then stood up himself and wiped off his pants then filled up the white jugs with the fresh water he found"Come on boy."he told him after ten minutes of filling all of them up.He sighed and began to walk back to the area where everyone else was.Ion got up earlier than everyone else...well way earlier seeing that he got up about ten minutes before the sun did and hiked down deep in the woods.He found some old drift wood and nailed together a little wagon to sit all the jugs inside and so that Misty had a place to relax in while he tugged everything back down to camp.Wiping the sweat off of his head with the back of his hand,Ion finally got to a path back to where they were all at and began to slow down a bit knowing that he was almost there.Ion smiled when he saw a few people awake finally and popped out from the woods and into the open space"Well good morning."he told them all as he parked the wagon in the middle of everyone"Water for everyone."he said smiling.


"You're nothing Nicu!You're worthless and no one cares about you!Don't you get that!?You're.Nothing.Just a piece of trash someone forgot to throw away is all you are and you'll never be nothing you hear!You might as well die."Nicu looked at someone who really disliked him"Th-that's not true..."he told him looking down at the ground trying to hold back the tears but,the impact was to hard."Yes it is!When will you stop thinking that you're not!?People walk all over you and push you around li
ke a rag doll Nicu!You're nothing but at toy and will always be so you might as well go die somewhere.The male shook his head at Nicu and walked away from him.Nicu blinked and wiped away a combination of rain and tears from his face as he looked in the distance and watched him walk away.Nicu cried more and walked into the street not even paying attention of cars that where coming by when all of a sudden a light flashed and he heard a long honk as he snapped his head towards the car and with one gasp....


Nicu screamed as he gasped and sat up instantly breathing heavily and looked around seeing that he was still in his caravan.His heart was racing so fast that he was surprised that he didn't have a heart attack or something.He held his head in both of his hands as he wiped away the tears from his eyes not remembering why he was crying in the first place.He looked up at sighed now that his heart had steadied a little.He flipped the covers off of him and planted his feet on the floor trying to gather everything together before he actually got up.
Hero woke up and felt the small breeze pass by her hair and she gave a small smile. Though today was just an ordinary day it was a new one, new hours, minutes, and seconds. She took out some of the pebbles from her small pocket and counted them. Making sure she had exactly eight, she held them tight and put them back into her pocket. Hero glanced at the sun and them walked out to see the others outside of their caravans. She walked up to the group and gave a slight smile, "Good Morning" She said to everyone in pretty much a whisper.

Zora gave a small nod to those who bid her good morning but she wasn't exactly in the mood to talk. Instead she lifted herself up to lay like a ragdoll on her horse's back. It was a good twenty minutes of ignoring everyone like that before she lifted her head. As much as she should want to be with everyone to celebrate the small gift of everyone and almost everything making it out alright, she just couldn't. Though she was sure everyone else felt like that and sooner, rather than later, she would have to pull herself together. In a bit of a hopeless effort, she slid off of Alvar with a soft hum and began to make rounds around the camp to help those who needed it or comfort them.
Peter made his way up to where most of the others were. He stood mostly still, rocking back and forth only slightly. Peter looked around him, taking in his new surroundings. It felt odd to be here in this new place after what had happened last night. He wasn't as comfortable here as he was in the last place but this would have to suffice. Peter looked at Ion as he brought up water. "Thanks, Ion. I'm feeling quite thirsty."

Peter closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath of the fresh, new air. The air smelled almost fresher, like a new beginning. That part of this new place he did happen to like. Before asking for water from Ion he took a step forward then turned his gaze on Ion. "I will be back for that water eventually; if there is any left." He smiled widely then practically ran off into the woods.

Peter couldn't help but want to wander off at a time like this. Everyone was still waking up which meant there as a very rare chance of running into anyone out in these woods and he loved those odds. Peter felt like he could really use a break from being around so many people and he craved the wild at this point. It was almost as if he were meant to be out here, alone, wearing nothing but his pants in the woods. To him, this was one of the most magical things to ever feel. The wind hitting his face and chest as he ran and jumped through the woods... It felt incredible.
Aurora woke in a panic, the heat radiating from her was suffocating. Wiping her hand across her brow she realized she must have sweated a lot in her sleep, either that or she was too exhausted last night to change into dry clothes. She had helped try to put out the fire but to no avail and had ended up drenched in water that had spilt.

Heaving a sigh she got up and quickly grabbed some clothes, heading out towards the forest in search of water. Eventually she found one and instantly stripped and dived in, relishing in the icy water as it cooled her fevered skin." Ahh, much better." She sighed

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Jaelle looked up in surprise when Ion came in with the water, instantly solving the problem she had created and voiced moments beforehand. "Well, this saves me a trip, doesn't it?" She remarked with a grateful smile and nod, moving toward the parked caravan to get a bit for herself, Sage, and Marco. "Where did you find the water?" She asked Ion curiously, turning in his direction and drinking a small amount of water from one of the large jugs. It was a fantastic finding, something that might be useful in case the townspeople decided to burn their camp once again. Perhaps this time they would be able to save some of their belongings rather than packing up what was untouched and moving on. In addition, bathing in this river or stream would be a luxury she would like to indulge in for an hour or two.

While waiting for an answer, she poured some water into a smaller container, bending down on her knees and calling her kids forward. She smirked when they ran toward her, laughing loudly and regaining some of the joyful nature that was lost in the flames the previous night. Jaelle loved the two as much as she loved life itself, always finding the young ones full of life despite what went on around them. Slowly lifting the jug to each of their lips, she helped Marco and Sage lap at the water, getting their own share before letting herself drink a bit more afterwards. After those drops, she closed the container and stopped drinking, knowing it would be best to conserve some for the others later. There was nothing worse than being careless with a small quantity of resources in the troupe, a mistake that could doom them all.
Peter heard someone nearby in the woods. He stopped running, trying to calm his breathing so he could listen for people talking. At first, he was worried it was more people coming to tell them to leave, again. Once Peter had managed to calm down, he started walking through the woods. This time, he kept his eyes and ears open for anyone talking or movement.

Peter came up to an area of water in the forest. He sat down on a rock nearby and looked around. That's when he heard water moving around; more than just a natural current or fish swimming. Peter moved his eyes on the water to see Aurora in the water. He jumped up from his spot quickly and turned around. Peter hoped she hadn't seen or heard him but she probably had and now things may get awkward.
Aurora had been singing a beautiful lullaby about good times and the future, she gasped and turned around towards the sound of ruffling. She tilted her head to the side at the sight of the familiar back." Peter? Is that you?"She asked, visibly relaxing."Morning', are you out on a run again?"She asked, climbing out of the water , having no qualms about nudity. She braided her now soaking wet hair and put it over her shoulder.

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Peter froze, turning hesitantly to face Aurora. He forced his eyes to remain looking at her face when she talked to him. Peter rubbed the back of his neck, trying to ease himself. "Hey, Aurora... Yeah, I was just out.. running." He raised his eyebrows and gestured towards her. "I liked your song, by the way." Peter wasn't really awkward about wandering around naked himself but when the shoe was on the other foot it made him really uncomfortable. Mostly because he didn't want to make other people uncomfortable. In this case, Aurora seemed just about has comfortable as he would be naked so he just figured he'd let it go.
"No need to feel awkward, nakedness is natural, in a sense. None the less, your reaction is cute." She laughed softly," And thanks. Singing takes the stress away, kinda like running does for you, I suppose."Aurora perched herself up on a rock, the smooth coolness making her shiver slightly. The sun peaked out through the clouds and bathed her in warm positive rays of sunshine, drying her off with the help of the gentle breeze flowing through the forest.

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Peter took a deep breath and sat back down where he had been before. "I just don't want you to think I'm being creepy for staring or anything.." He smiled in response to her last comment then cleared his throat, looking over at the water then at her. This time, he began feeling more comfortable. "Well, it's always nice to have something to help relieve stress. With everything that has happened lately I just hope everyone else can find a way to feel better."
"We're gonna be fine. We'll have a celebration and see things in a new light; for that is the gypsy way." She said reassuringly." And even if we don't, just about everyone will cope differently. Whether it be singing or running, confiding in ones friend, family or lover, as long as it serves its purpose." Auroras hazel eyes shown amber in the sunlight as they met his.

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Peter smiled, looking up at Aurora. He locked eyes with her for a long moment before saying anything in return. "I'm sure you're right. Everyone will practically forget about what happened and move on like nothing ever occurred. It is a bit odd if you ask me but I guess if that's what helps us all sleep at night then so be it." Peter let his thoughts fade away as he finished his sentence. He almost felt like he wasn't really talking about their group at all anymore so he quickly tried to stop himself from going any further.
She tilted her head, a small smile playing on her lips,"Dwelling on it wouldn't be good, but I guess not acknowledging it would be just as bad."Aurora sighed and leaned against his shoulder." But I understand, something's gotta give sooner or later. The hate has to stop or at least fade a little."

Ezra had perched himself up in a tree to watch the new made camp come to life as the troupe woke up. He sighed, attempting to rid himself of the troubling thoughts from the night before.

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