The Life of an Experiment


Lady, running down to the riptide
Lizzy submitted a new role play:

The Life of an Experiment - The lab has been working on a new project, experimenting on humans to make a new species.

Welcome to the lab, where many die and suffer each day. This lab is in the middle of absolutely no-where and they are constantly kidnapping or buying humans and experimenting on them to make many different kinds of new species such as robots, clones, super-humans, the like. Many of these experiments have failed however and the scientists usually throw them out somewhere random, choosing to let them die on their own. However, it's possible for a few to survive, though it's quite unlikely.

In this roleplay you have the choice to play as a scientist or an experiment. We will need at least 2 scientists however, though you can have both a scientist and an experiment if you'd like.

The life of a scientist at this lab is to merely work. You would be a normal human. Your job is to create new species with a random human the lab has 'found'.

The life of an experiment is terrifying, confusing, and painful. Tests, needles, and fluids are forced into you every day and usually your 'room' is a dog-crate or a small cell, depending on your size and age. Of course, they only give you room so your out of their way while they torture some other innocent being. The main experiments here are Failures, robots, clones, and super-humans.

(There will be 'rarity-chart' with 1 being most common and 10 being the rarest in the experiment's descriptions)

Failures are the most common and normally have random powers, flaws, and would likely never survive long in the human world again.

(Rarity: 2/10)

Robots usually look like a half-human half-robot person with metal or artificial limbs though some of the intelligence, figure, and physical appearance.They don't need food/water or normal human essentials to survive. They can have powers as well.

(Rarity: 9/10)

Clones are usually just a clone or mirror of someone, normally a scientist or someone it is programmed to appear as. There are usually obvious flaws however such as random pain or seizures or anything else such as eyebrows, eye color, clothing, etc.

(Rarity: 6/10)

Super-Humans can appear to be perfectly normal humans though actually their tests can range from many different things such as wings, fangs, shape shifting, lasers, X-ray vision, etc. Basically anything from those movies/shows like Doctor Who(BestShowEver!), Or...Any other movies you might know that I obviously didn't list. (*Lazy me*)

(Rarity: 5/10)

The only time the experiments are allowed to escape/leave are when the scientists either put them in human-civilization, The Woods(I'll explain that in Maps), or they are sentenced to death. Death sentencing normally only happens when a creature goes completely insane or evil however.

The lab is basically a huge 3-story building in the middle of no-where. Literally. It's impossible to find the place and if you do somehow find it, it will just look like a random building with an un-inviting iron fence around it. The fence stands at about 7-feet high.


The Woods is an artificial world made by the scientists. Sound impossible? It's not real, don't worry, or maybe you should...?

This is a dream-world where the scientists can send anyone, though only experiments. They just attach you to this big, iron table, put a large metal hat with lots of wires sticking out from it and connecting themselves to a computer across the room to your head, then with a single press of a big red button you pass out and you seem to wake up in a forest, totally alone.

Once you die in the never-ending forest however, you wake up on the table, but suddenly, your dying just how you did in the forest. If it was starvation, infection, or anything, you'll suffer that pain in reality and really die. Then your dead body is taken from the table and thrown away or dissected for later uses or information.

Nobody cares that you were a real person and did no wrong to deserve that terrible pain, they only want the information.




Rules: 1. No god-modding.

2. Only the scientists can kill experiments or send them to other places.

3. Relationships are allowed. Nothing 18+ though. Anyone can fall in love. Even experiments and Scientists.


5. you can have up to 3 characters. If one dies, delete their sheet and you are allowed to make another.

6. Post at least once or twice a day. If you are unable to get online for a while, tell me first.

Put 'Fluffy Kitty-Cat' to the bottom of your character-sign-up-sheet if you read the rules
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Lizzy woke up in her cell and stretched while laying on her back...On the floor. The cell was probably only a 5 by 5 foot area so basically Lizzy lived, slept, and ate on the floor. She rubbed at her face then sat up and yelled, "Oi, I'm hungry!" Being sassy and also a prisoner only made her bossier. A few minutes later a plate was pushed into her cell and like the little brat she was, said, "About time. Oh hey! Look at this! It probably has...30% less protein from yesterday's breakfast. Keep up the good work, by next week I'll be fat and starving at the same time!" The human that had served her merely scowled then hurried away. Lizzy ate the meal silently after then, smirking slightly at first.


Talya was in her chambers, washing her face in the tiny bathroom she was given. Once she finished she pulled on her lab coat then began to walk outside and into the lab. All the scientists were given their own small rooms. There was no going home here. No one even remembered how to, or why they didn't. A few suspected brain-washing was given when someone arrived, though there wasn't any proof of course. Talya nodded a silent greeting to a few other scientists as they all made their way to other rooms, Talya however was just doing her rounds; checking on all the subjects and such.
Alliana was in her dog-cage-cell-like-thing all knocked out for the moment. She was curled up and sleeping like a cat. Her claws were retracted back into her hands that way she doesn't scratch herself while she sleeps. Only a shout from a nearby prisoner woke her up. Her ear twitched before she yawned and returned to sleeping. As a prisoner, there was nothing much to do. The only things she can do to pass the time are to sleep, claw at the wall, eat, and clean herself. It's been three years and she has done this. She's just a little worried about getting killed.
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Oliver woke with a start when he heard the metal clang of his cage ring out in the silence. As he opened his eyes, he saw a small tray of food sliding under a metal gate as he slowly got to his feet. He narrowed his eyes as he saw the white-grey porridge that he got today. Luckily there was a glass of water which he gladly gulped down in one short movement. Officially waking up now, he kicked the awful looking porridge to the corner of his cage so if he was really desperate he could have it later. A moment later, he heard another experiment, from the sounds of it a girl, shrieking at the man delivering food. Rubbing his head, he fell back to the ground and began to wonder what "activities" were planned for today.
Lizzy shoved the plate out of the bars of her cage, hearing it clatter to the floor. Then she leaned back against the wall and stared out of the bars, seeming to creep out a few scientists with her dark, dead stare. Occasionally her gaze would follow after a certain scientist, watching them scurry away as they passed her cage. It also seemed many were nervous to approach or talk to her...Not that many probably would want to anyway. Lizzy sighed, a small snicker escaping her. She couldn't help but feel superior even though she was the one in the cage.
On the walls of Alliana's cage are various scratch marks. Those are from when she would scratch at the wall out of boredom. She began to purr as she slept. Due to being part human, her purrs were a bit loud. As loud as a conversation between two people. Her form was almost like a cat, so she started to act like a cat. That started a year ago. The scientists injected her with some cat DNA. That caused her to gain her claws and behave more like a cat. She has grown to it and actually likes it. Alliana could be a domestic cat-human if she ever leaves this place.
Still sitting on the floor, Oliver stared at the empty glass of water, already starting to feel dry. He really wished he had saved some of that for later. He clamored to his feet and pressed his face up against the bars on his cage and shouted out to the nearest guard, "Hey! Someone! Can I have some more water? Or like a jug of it? Or better, can we go exploring? I love exploring!" He looked up and down the hallway through the bars but could see no one. He gave a small chuckle as he said this because exploring would be something that would NEVER happen. He continued to look out of his cage out of pure boredom, waiting for the next person to walk by to have some interaction, despite being brief.
Talya was nearing the cages and hurried past Lizzy at the creepy stare she was given. She passed a few more and only sent small glances in their direction then wrote something on a clipboard she was holding. She slowed her pace to peer into a cage with Alliana in it, and while the creature was sleeping in such a position, it was quite adorable. Talya found herself smiling softly as she quickly and quietly wrote something on the clipboard's paper. Reluctantly she'd straighten up and keep walking, finally coming to Oliver's cage. Her pace was probably slow enough to spot and halt quickly, but only because she hadn't been bothered by any of the experiments yet...Well, besides Lizzy but she seemed to bother everybody. She suddenly paused a little ahead Oliver's cage and wrote something down on the board as well. If she wasn't stopped she would keep walking. She was actually planning to visit Alliana again soon.
Out of the corner of his eye, Oliver saw a small flash of movement that made his head turn to see it. His eyes slightly narrowed when he saw the white lab coat but disregarded that because he was so desperate to talk to someone. She looked nice enough and willing to talk. Most scientists just keep walking, and he hoped she wouldn't. Oh well, he might as well have some fun. "Hello white coat! So, I was wondering if you might, you know, let me out?" He grinned largely, showing off all his teeth. "I wouldn't do anything bad? I swear. Just look for ways to escape this hellhole." As he finished talking, he looked the woman in the eyes grimly.
Talya paused, regarding the experiment uncertainly. "I was not told to let anyone out..." She would say, holding the clipboard at her side as she looked at Oliver. She couldn't believe this 'fish-boy' was actually probably a normal boy someplace else... "Look, I have to finish my rounds..Do you need anything?"
Smiling slightly at her somewhat confused face and not at all disappointed by her rejection he replied after a few seconds, "Yeah, could you get me some water?" As an after thought, he added "Please?" He figured it would be helpful to be polite to someone who could help keep him sane for at least one more day, something he always treasured in the years he'd been at the Lab.
Alliana stirred awake and let out a soft, high-pitched yawn. What a wonderful nap. It would be nice to have a little quiet once in a while. She crawled her way to the bars and looked outside in curiosity. Her ears went up a little, signaling interest. Her mouth was a little open, with a slight view of that one fang. After looking around, she smiled. Being slightly a cat, being here is kind of like a vet or a doctor's office, but even more advanced. She seemed to grow on the lifestyle. The place felt like home to her now. But dieing here was still a possibility. Her mom used to say that she should live her life while it lasts. It's been three years since she was put into this laboratory. She's been experimented on like how a domesticated animal goes through diagnosis. Getting modifications is like treatment. Kept in a cage like this was like being looked after. Then again, she feels sorry for the others. Alliana may have came out lucky. Who knows? This place was a hell-house to others. To Alliana as of this past year, it was home. She felt like a pet with a close family. Even if she was tortured, she would look for a bright side. She likes her new form. She was cute! Maybe in the future, she may the future of pet care! She would probably return to her old family with her birth parents and return to a life of normality even if she changed. But that won't be the case as of so far.

During the past three years, Alliana had to grow used of being experimented on. Needles, surgeries, mutations... It was really hard at first. When she would get frustrated, she would bang on the back wall of her cell. Over time, the experiments became a routine. Then when she became part cat, she became more laid-back. She became domesticated. It all seemed like life now.

Talk about character development.
Talya examined him a moment then nodded and said, "A glass of water. Fine. Nothing else." Then she turned away and made her way to a water fountain with a few cups stacked next to it. She took a cup and filled it up then headed back to Oliver. The plastic cup didn't fit through the bars so she commanded sternly, "Get to the back of the cage, I'm opening the door." She said that because she didn't want him to escape. She did know however it wasn't possible to leave the building or area anyway.

If/when Oliver obeyed she would crack open the door a little and put the cup on the ground the quickly shut and lock the door once again. "Water. Your welcome." Then she would turn around to finish her rounds.
Kanna shifted in her cell, the ground cold beneath her. The sounds of people around her made her curl away more. She was trying to savor her dream, the first good one in almost a month, but the cold and sounds of people and creatures moving about broke through into her consciousness. She knew she'd have to get up eventually, but it didn't have to be now. She'd get up when someone made her.
When Talya returned with a cup of water and said she would open the door, Oliver stepped back partially because he was glad to have the water, and partially because it's always good to have connections on the inside who can help. He figured he might as well gain this woman's trust before he tried any funny business. Just as she said, he stepped back and brought the cup in. As she shut the door behind herself and left, he picked up the water and ran to the door of his cell shouting, "Thanks a bunch White Coat!"
Alliana began to clean herself, starting with the... Hand-paw-grabber-things. She began to lick at her fur gently, as the hairs are short. Suddenly, something clasped onto her tongue. It was a flea! How'd a flea get on her?! She quickly revealed her claws and carefully grabbed the flea before it could lay eggs. She scratched it against the wall, scraping it. After that was over, she sheaved her claws began to clean herself again. Alliana then begins to wonder when her next meal will come.
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Talya hurried away with her clipboard and soon came to Kannas cage. She merely glanced inside, wrote something down on the board, then walked away again if she wasn't stopped by the experiment.

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Kanna heard the scientist behind her. "Do i have to get up...?" She asked. Her stomach rumbled, and she curled away more, not wanting to give the scientist the satisfaction of hearing her hunger.
"Not yet.. Im just checking on you all." Talya would ressurre, pausing for a moment to speak. "Any other questions?" She asked Paige fly.

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Kanna huffed, not turning around. Her dream gone for good, she turned over, laying flat on her back. She then realized that was uncomfortable, because of her wings, and lay on her stomach. Bloody scientists, keeping me from my dreams. She thought, then snorted. "Both literally, and figuratively."
Talya walked away without another word, eventually nearing the end of her rounds. She dropped off the paper to the main office then paused to look at her watch. 9:15 am. She had another half-an-hour until she needed to start pulling experiments out for their tests.

Lizzy pressed her face up against the bars, scanning the area in front of her and slightly to the sides, where she could see at least. She felt like being loud and annoying, though didn't know what to scream about. And if she did start randomly screaming, she needed a 'logical' reason... She could always say something that would seem like some painful side-effect of a recent test, however then she would probably get more tests. Hmmph.
It'll be just a little while longer until it's time for more tests. Alliana has grown used to them so all she could feel is routine. While she waits, she sorta begins to claw at the cage walls, creating more scratches. Erosion at work. Well, she does know that escaping could mean death. So she tries her best to do soft scratches. What else to do in the half hour? That and possibly nap.
After a good twenty minutes of poking the lump of food that he still hadn't eaten, Oliver was bored out of his mind. Not as if that wasn't normal for him, but it was still terribly dull. Without thought he grabbed some of the food, which had slightly solidified after it's time sitting in the corner. He rounded it into a ball and tossed it around. For a brief moment, he could hear his mother's voice telling him not to play with his food, but because he was all alone, he chucked it at the wall, where it made a splattering noise and dripped down the cage wall. He smiled to himself, and sat down, thinking that there could only really be another half an hour or so until tests.
About half an hour later a bell rang and more scientists walked out, a few saying a few quick words to Talya. The younger scientist nodded meekly at their words, writing things down on yet another sheet of paper on a clipboard. About 5 minutes later she walked off with eyes on the paper. She was nearing the rows and rows of subjects and was nearing Subject 803761, or Alliana. Slowly she opened the cage and said, "Time to go, follow me." Then she would wait for the creature to emerge and give some sort of reply before Talya led her away. If the subject appeared to be anxious to get away or gave any hints of so, Talya would gingerly grip one of her shoulders and lead her away. If the subject was very calm and obedient, Talya would walk away, gesturing for her to follow.
It's time for more testing. Alliana approached the scientist and nodded calmly. More needles and fluids. It may be painful, but at least the good news is that she's able to make it through. It's just the Woods she's worried about. They could send anyone there. They best she can do is obey and hope for the best. But there is still that feeling of belonging in her. She knows she isn't alone and the comforts her. Plus the fact that humanity may be on the verge of a new discovery and it may benefit the species. When she thinks about that, it makes her more comfortable. She's more willing to participate. She gets on her feet and looks at the scientist with obedience.

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