The Liberation of Zeus.

Soviet Panda

Red Panda Commanda.
Roleplay Type(s)


Age: (18 and above. You can be an old fart if you really want to.)


Faction: (Read overview.)

Bio: (2+ paragraphs. Be as original as possible.)

Personality: (1+ paragraph.)

Other: (Things we might want to know.)
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Jules.gif.f1699c2e438dc562248defd454e32c21.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48444" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Jules.gif.f1699c2e438dc562248defd454e32c21.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[ Name ]

Jules Jones (goes by JJ)

[ Age ]


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Jules2.gif.1979a4ce2f5843a5776fe32c9cceb1b9.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48445" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Jules2.gif.1979a4ce2f5843a5776fe32c9cceb1b9.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[ Gender ]


[ Faction ]

Moon Walkers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Jules3.gif.6ee68d5e2ccd15c6c697978b6c95bf12.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48446" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Jules3.gif.6ee68d5e2ccd15c6c697978b6c95bf12.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[ Bio ]

Jules didn't really have some sort of tragic backstory. No her parents didn't die. No the Improvement company didn't mess up a surgery or anything on her. Infact she thought Improvement was a pretty cool thing besides the whole them being cruel leaders.

Jules father was the Improvement's lawyer and her mother was a secretary for them. Jules grew up with wealth and loving parents. She was popular and was the perfect child as well as an amazing gymnast. She always made good grades, trying to make her parents happy. However at night she spent most of her time writing out her frustrations.

However at the age of 17 her rebellious streak happened and it was here to stay. She simple just wanted to have fun and was tired of being the perfect girl. She went against her parents and started hanging with people who were completely against the Improvement company, changing her blonde haired good girl appearance. At first she was confused as to why they would hate them until they started showing her the horrible side of Improvements and Xander. Her friends then showed her the factions. She was quick to decide to join one. At first she wasn't sure which one to join until one of her friends took her on a test mission with the moon walkers. She loved the thrill it gave her. Flying from one building to the next and climbing up tall buildings gave her a huge adrenaline rush. It excited her and she wanted to do this her whole life until someone corrected the Improvement company.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Jules4.gif.656c8d6f129e67d865f6a2c932c6e974.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48447" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Jules4.gif.656c8d6f129e67d865f6a2c932c6e974.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[ Personality ]

Jules is super sarcastic and fun loving. She loves living on the dangerous side and risking her life. If is doesn't make her blood rush its not the right thing for her to be doing. She's also quick to get rid of the boring things in her life. She'll either avoid the things or stop talking to the person. Some may say she has a b*tchy personality. Really she just likes making people mad at her. The more enemies the better. She also treats life as one big joke. She believe's there is no point in living unless it fun. So death to her isn't something scary. In fact she expects it soon. this is all a defense mechanism however. Once someone breaks through the harsh shell, she's nice and sweet and caring. She really hates life and find no enjoyment in it and actually hopes for her death one day. But if she's going to die, she's going to die doing good.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Jules5.gif.e8e67b0b00f03f7793fccc9561c35076.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48448" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Jules5.gif.e8e67b0b00f03f7793fccc9561c35076.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[ Other ]

Dyes her hair often

Love ice cream and acts like a child when she can eat it

She is on the brink of addiction to Cat Eye. One or two more uses and it'll all go downhill.​



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Accepted. One thing, she has no doubt been introduced to both of the drugs, Cat Eye and Lock Juice. Is she addicted to one of them?
Beowulf said:
Accepted. One thing, she has no doubt been introduced to both of the drugs, Cat Eye and Lock Juice. Is she addicted to one of them?
Sorry, i fixed it yesterday. I thought i told you but i guess i didn't. My fault.
(I tried to create a template. (: )




Although she once looked like what is shown in the past, her hair is now shortened to around neck length. Her top is the same as the top shown in the past but she has changed her bottoms to long black pants and no longer holds a scarf with her. Her sandals have been replaced with black sneakers. She also wears black gloves of which the length end just before her elbows. She weighs 55 kg and stands at 5'4.

Name: Elena Corr

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Faction: The Free Arcs

Bio: Elena's family were generations of traveling dancers, except the lifestyle stopped when the Improvement began. Elena and her parents settled in a community and she felt comfortable and pleased there until the imminent threat of The Improvement was apparent. While she continued her performance the changes within her, due to Xander Tuet's actions, happened to increase to the point where she decided that her dance was meaningless if she and the people around her felt fear of the freedom of their future, just as it happened with her family when they were traveling dancers.

Still, she was reluctant to join a fight when she much rather act as someone who gives encouragement than a fighter. Yet since her family feared that their life would be threatened if they did not fight for their right to maintain the independence of their current community then they would not be able to survive anywhere they went.

Elena was pressured by her family's desperate desire to maintain independence and eventually, her family took drastic measures in forcing her to fight. Despite her plea to allow her to fight through her encouragement, her family denied her, saying that she was choosing a coward's road. Believing that her family would not have become aggressive had it not been for Xander Tuet, she took her father's guns and began to hate Xander Tuet for causing such distress and unhappiness.


Elena was once a lively woman when she was a dancer but her positive attitude took a drastic change when she picked up her father's guns. Although her hope for liberation remains strong, it is clear that she sounds sad whenever she talks. She laments a lot and therefore puts off a lot of people around her, including her family. For that reason, she has also become a little reclusive and nonchalant about her life as long as she gets things done. It is, however, obvious that she feels happy when she dances.


Unable to completely give up dancing, she dances when she is alone and out of sight of other people as a stress reliever and her dancer's outfit is preciously and secretly stored in her sling bag, which she carries around with her.

Elena has started using Cat Eye quite recently since it helps her fight even during the night. While the side effects have yet to take extreme effect on her, she is realizing that there are moments when she feels strangely uncomfortable and reckons that it is a matter of time that she will become addicted and very affected by the drug. She laments that this may lead to the end of her dancer's life, although she strongly feels that she cannot stop just yet.
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The addiction to drugs is not necessary, but it is still nice to know in this setting where both are used widely. If you want, you can change it so she is not addicted. Otherwise, accepted.



Name: "Troy" (His online name. Very few know his actual birth name)

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Faction: Friends

Bio: Troy was quite close to being killed dozens of times. Shot up by drug killers, given the death penalty for being involved with drug dealers, breaking out of death row. Those kinds of things. Troy grew up in a sh*thole, but it was his sh*thole. He started work when he was ten to help support his family, but after a factory accident, his father was killed. Troy, now 12, knew he was more of a burden on his family and ran away. After nearly starving in the first week, Troy was taken in by Friends, he was in their debt. He was given a bed and full stomach by another hacker named 'Bartholomew' who quickly became a father figure. Fast forward a few years and Troy has come into his own as a hacker, a valued member a friends. Albeit a bit unorthodox.

Personality: Very diplomatic, but at the same time narcissistic. He'll make a habit of giving out favors. This gives Troy 'friends' in high (and low) places. Troy likes to think he does the right think, but occasionally tips the moral compass in his favor. Troy believes in karma, but other than that, he's completely atheistic. Troy can be very manipulative, but those who help him without ulterior motive gain a special spot in Troy's mind.


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I cannot make a final judgemen until you fill all of it out. But so far so good. We are having a nice variety, with only the Locos left out. Keep up the good work lads and ladies.

Is there anythin in other? I see a large white spot between that and the bottom of the post. Wondering if there is a reason for that. And I do like the personality, more diplomacy then outright fighting like any good member of Friends learns. That being said, the backstory is a small bit clichè. But backstories were never my strong point, so I'll accept it.



Name: Arcer Quintekka

Age: 26

Gender: male

Faction: Locos


Being the brain of the brawn, Arcer is the loco's advisor, as well as the leader's right hand man, being one of the more skilled in weaponfiring and preferring more sophisticated weaponry such as pistols over large guns.

After being thrown away by his parents, Arcer was taken into an orphanage and spend 5 years of his life there, after that he got the opportunity to join a medical crew who was researchin the survival capabilities of the human body as test subject, he was admitted to horrific experiments, many of them left a scar on him physically.

The last test before he was able to make his escape was him being put in a black suit, capable of withstaining harsh climate, some biological weapons and also giving him lots of protection. The bad side of this suit was that it was imbedded onto his skin, he can never take this off, only open the visor. He used this suit to vust out of the lab, joining the locos and quickly rising through the ranks because he was one of the more, ahem, intelligent ones, and also didn't have wood chippings instead of a brain.


Arcer is a confident, cold, sadistic and ruthless person, being one of the more intelligent loco's, he's also the right-hand man of the leader, his loyality to him unmatched.

He's always ready to serve and will never deny a request from his superior, he knows his place.

His scarred memories left him with an incredibly stable mind, he's able to withstand heavy amounts of torture and mental abuse, as well as being emotionally very stable and to top it off he can remain calm in most situations.

He doesn't have any addiction (yet?) but has a very sick obsession with weapon-modification. His obsession led to countless downright horrifying experiments on prisoners, he's especially fond of super-incendiary ammunition, which he currently uses in his pistols, this ammo has the ability to ignite the place it strikes due to a special concoction of alcohols and ethers within, searing everything they touch, especially fleshy and ignitable structures.


his suit has a weakness that it needs to be powered in order for him to be able to move normally, when it's power is depleted he can still move but it causes immense pain, even too much for him to handle
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Ok. I have very little complaints about your character. But one is that the whole ideaology of the Locos is that big guns= faster wins. However, you kind of went around that nicely with the whole suit. So, I don't have any real complaints besides that one little thing. One thing I must caution you against. Even though you are in that suit, you are not invincible. If I believe that you are doing your best to not be touched by bullets to the point that they are just bouncing off you, I will test how large a calibur it can withstand. In other words, I will essentially blow up your character if I believe you are god moding. Now, after all that, I say accepted.
It provides protection, but only a little more than ordinary armor does, he won't shrug off bullets like they're nothing though, that wouldn't be fair anyhow... I'm glad it's accepted anyhow :)

Name: Iris Pentacost

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Faction: The Free Arcs

Bio: Iris was brought up as the oldest child of a family of five, both of her parents working for The Improvement with her father as a consultant and her mother a marketing manager. Unlike her two siblings, Iris was born blind, her world completely covered in darkness. It was not until she was 16 she was eligible for a brand new implant to assist those who are blind, using fiber optics among other advanced technologies of analysis and light perception to 'see'. The surgery was a success and for two years, Iris had to relearn everything about the world through her new eyes. With her brand new eyes, she was able to take on martial arts in a whole new light, excelling flawlessly in four different styles.

Her life continued to where she attended university and eventually medical school, graduating only by the age of 25. But her world came crashing down when her father started to question the decisions of the company, and Iris suffered as a result. Dragged in by her hair into a holding cell with her father strapped into a chair, Iris was the subject of torture, screaming for her life as the very boss himself began to damage the technology inserted into her original eyes, the pain beyond her dreams. When her father caved, Iris's perfect vision was partially damaged, the program's magically repairing themselves a little bit, but only letting her see everything and everyone around her in brilliant colors of energy.

After the incident, Iris left her family for the Free Arcs, bringing with her the skills of medicine and hand to hand combat. She took on as much as the Free Arcs we're going to teach her, making sure her damaged eyes did not hold her back. She is now the head medical doctor for the Free Arcs, sometimes even called the Miracle Worker.

Personality: Iris is fairly smart but is not one to flaunt it. She is serious with her job and makes sure to learn more about medicine and the human body to ensure she provides the best care to her fellow rebels. She is kind and caring to everyone she wishes to protect, can even be aggressive towards others if those she cares for are endangered. Iris is often one that does not want to ask for help, believing it shows she is weak. While soft spoken to others and strict in her own moral for, Iris often feels lonely and tries to keep her personal troubles out of the conversation, even going as far as to suffer alone through the horrible pain from her eyes.

Other: Iris's eyes, before the surgery, worked much like a camera, taking in different rays of light to adjust the image in front of her to perfect clarity, the implant seamlessly blending with her optic nerves. They were able to help her take in everything around her with perfect clarity. But after her accident, her implants were unable to completely repair themselves, leaving scientists shocked to begin with that they could repair themselves. Instead of registering the energy of light, Iris's eyes began to register living heat as energy (such as thermal energy and the unique energy of every living thing), enabling Iris to register her surroundings through the various colors to help her map her world.

Because of the damage to her eyes, Iris can have horrible pains here and there, her neurons firing uncontrollably causing her to become sick and unable to do anything. The more she fights the pain, the worse it gets.
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Thank you for explaining everything. Accepted. I'd say when I get the leaders made, this weekend, I might start it. Recruit your friends if you want, in a PM or the interest thread please.
May I request everyone migratin over to the OOC section and checking in? It's just a personal preferance of mine.


Deadkool said:



Name: "Troy" (His online name. Very few know his actual birth name)

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Faction: Friends

Bio: Troy was quite close to being killed dozens of times. Shot up by drug killers, given the death penalty for being involved with drug dealers, breaking out of death row. Those kinds of things. Troy grew up in a sh*thole, but it was his sh*thole. He started work when he was ten to help support his family, but after a factory accident, his father was killed. Troy, now 12, knew he was more of a burden on his family and ran away. After nearly starving in the first week, Troy was taken in by Friends, he was in their debt. He was given a bed and full stomach by another hacker named 'Bartholomew' who quickly became a father figure. Fast forward a few years and Troy has come into his own as a hacker, a valued member a friends. Albeit a bit unorthodox.

Personality: Very diplomatic, but at the same time narcissistic. He'll make a habit of giving out favors. This gives Troy 'friends' in high (and low) places. Troy likes to think he does the right think, but occasionally tips the moral compass in his favor. Troy believes in karma, but other than that, he's completely atheistic. Troy can be very manipulative, but those who help him without ulterior motive gain a special spot in Troy's mind.


I can't see the picture.

Name: Char

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Faction: Locos ((Leader))

Bio: Char is, simply put, a mad man. From a young age, they knew something was off with him. But they only thought i was a part of growing up. And it was, until the metaphorical shit hit the fan. He fell deep into the wrong crowd, started using and abusing, trafing one for the other. He was a fighter and killer, and he did this well. That is, until the Peace Keepers caught him and hauled his sorry ass off to Improvements' testing facility. This is where he first met his advisor.

He snapped quickly and violently. Screaming sweet nonsense about he was going to gouge out their eyes so they can see him shoving their tongues up their asses. Around that same time, he found a fasination with blood, and it's pretty color. When his right hand broke out, he was right behind him.

Then he returned to his gang, and kicked everyone of their asses. Walking in on one of their speak easies, he gunned the whole place down, and drew a rather happy looking face on the wall in their blood. That was when he became the leader, and the survivors of the massacre that Char brought were very similar to him.

Personality: He is, as previously mentioned, insane. He may appear stable, but for only a shirt time. It is for that reason that the other faction leaders question why they don't kill him, then they realize that he is the one that brings the things with real stopping power. And he also has a strange fascination with blood, hurrying his way over to where there might be any.

Other: Whenever he hears a lot of gunshots, and is pretty sure it isn't a firing range, he will start to skip towards it and name off what he hears. Is also fully addicted to Loco Juice. Injecting or ingesting it is fine with him and he can hardly go a day without the stuff.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-18_11-34-40.jpeg.a23ca2f60a3cdd78f258cac8c68f4649.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49600" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/upload_2015-4-18_11-34-40.jpeg.a23ca2f60a3cdd78f258cac8c68f4649.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Jhonson Stone. Or just Sir to most.

Age: 56

Gender: Male

Faction: Free Arc (leader)

Bio: A former officor, and in fact general, of the city before Improvement and Tuet took it over. He was the driving force for his arcology to break away, and he lost a leg for it. But if he had a choice, he'd do it again.

Personality: He is the "leader" of this sorry excuse of an alliance. He makes a majority of the military decisions, which makes sense considering he served in the military. He is under a great deal of stress, so he is known to occasionally snap and lash out at people for no apparent reason.

Other: He is never without several things. His uniform, a pistol, his cane, pipe, and a stiff drink in his flask.

I lied. I'm going to have a good portion of the Moon Walker's leader.


Name: Only goes by his callsign, Rabbit.

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Faction: Moon Walkers (leader)

Bio: He doesn't talk about his past to much. But some suspect that he is the fabled cat burgaler that the Moon Walkers want to become, most of them anyway. Bit several things are certain, to the masses. He was in an accident, and that accident gave him several large burn scars across his body.

What is not know to the masses is that he is, in fact, that master theif. Well, a member of the same family tree at least. His grand uncle would never have had the spine to fire a gun or the patience to sit in an abandoned arcology for days waiting for the perfect target and the perfect time to strike. And as for that accidnet, i happaned when he was young. They were driving, by they I mean him and his friends, and had no where special to be. So they decided to go to the yellow zones.

You see, the Free Arcs weren't the first to want freedom, they were the only ones that managed to get it. And one way or another, someone thought their car was filled wth explosives and shot an anti-vehicle projectile their way. The rest you can figure out by your self.

Personality: A cold hatred for towards Improvement. He puts himself on the field to do one thing, and that is to line up a shot in the middle of some officors forehead. When it comes to his fellow rebels, he is much more personal. Walking among them and working with them. His reasoning is that if they have to do it, so does he.



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