Other The Letter that Will Never be Read


Dear "Friend",

This is my last goodbye. Even though we may have met a couple of years ago, I only really ever got to know you in several, short moments when we could talk. Those were exciting times learning things about you, having fun with you, and in general, hanging out with you.

It's not unusual for online friendships to fizzle away, but with you I thought it would be different. Because I felt different whenever I talked to you. That's why I opened up like I did before to you, handing you a piece of my heart as I talked. Only you tossed it aside like nothing.

You say one thing, but then act another. You say things like you really do enjoy talking to me and that we should do it more often. Lies. All the time. You've been recently haunting my mind as I notice your presence online, waiting, wondering, sulking. Do you even think about me? Do you even notice me? The silence kills me. Especially when you have easy access to talk to me. I felt you would understand the feelings and struggles I've endured because you've shared similar experiences as well. Then why? Why won't you talk to me?

I keep giving you chances despite how much it hurts my foolish heart. I reach out to you first in hopes that perhaps you get distracted from answering me. But it's been some time now and no matter how many days pass where I see you online doing other activities, you never reach out. So that leads me to believe that I am just another name. Another person that gives you attention. Well, if that's the case then I'm done. Hurt and over with it.

I realize that you are unaware of the pain this has been causing me and I never want you to find out about it. But from now on, you'll just become another name in my book of friends just as I am in yours.

With best wishes,
Just Another Name

This is by all means just a written out frustration focused on an individual off this site. I wanted to share this with the intent that there are others who probably have felt the same or maybe even open the eyes of some.
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