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Fandom The Legend of Zelda: Ray of Hope [Dead]


Ray of Sunshine
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Long ago the land of Hyrule was a beautiful and prosperous place. It's ruler, King Roham, was beloved by the people. Under his rule the Kingdom of Hyrule flourished and was the most prosperous it had ever been in recent memory. Of course that didn't mean it was completely problem free but Roham and the rest of the royal family and their allies worked hard to fix them. One of these allies was Ganondorf, King of the Gerudo. He had been friends with Roham since they were children and loved Roham just as much as the rest of Hyrule.

However, as much as Ganondorf loved Roham he was also jealous of him. As king, Roham had the power to do pretty much whatever he wanted, but he wasted it all throwing banquets and helping the people. Not that Ganondorf didn't want to help the people, he just wanted to help his people, that is, the Gerudo. The Kingdom of Hyrule was prospering but Gerudo Desert was not. Like everywhere else, King Roham did his best to help but it just wasn't enough.

One day, King Roham was struck with a terrible illness. The doctors were unable to cure it in time and the King died. Stricken with grief, Queen Sonea, Roham's wife, threw herself off of Hyrule Castle's highest tower. Now, with no king and no queen there was a power vacuum in Hyrule that needed to be filled. Usually, the crown would go to the King's eldest child but the princes of Hyrule, Prince Latium and Prince Rozark, just so happened to be twins, meaning that both of them were technically the eldest.

Both of them wanted the throne and neither of them were willing to let the other have it and thus a bloody civil war broke out, possibly the bloodiest Hyrule had ever seen. People died by the thousands, it was just awful. Eventually, the princes decided that the war had drawn on for too long and declared a temporary truce. The two princes met in Old Hyrule Castle to conduct peace talks. The Castle was mostly uninhabited with the exception of their sister, Princess Zelda XI, her stalwart guardian, Impa, and a few servants. If there was one thing the princes agreed on, it was that they loved their sister and sought to keep her out of the war, hence why she was being raised alone in the Castle, isolated from the outside world.

While the princes slept to recover from the long journey it took to get to Old Hyrule Castle, an assassin crept through the darkness. Ostensibly, the assassin had been sent by one of the princes to kill the other. Unfortunately, the assassin got the wrong room and ended up killing Princess Zelda instead.

Hearing the scream of the innocent child the, Princes each hurried to find out what was going on. Upon arriving in her room, the princes discovered the Princess' dead body but the assassin was nowhere to be found. The two princes blamed eachother and dueled to the death right then and there. The duel truly was to the death, as both of them died.

The next day Ganondorf announced the three royal children's deaths and took the throne. While at first he seemed to be a good ruler, he quickly turned tyrannical, oppressing the people of Hyrule and eventually even his own people if they dared try to oppose him. He also imposed a policy of isolationism, cutting Hyrule and Gerudo Desert off from the rest of the world.

Meanwhile, Impa, who had previously suspected Ganondorf had been plotting his takeover before the war even began and was now sure of it, rode off to find the one thing that could stop him: the Triforce. Legend said that whoever possessed it would get one wish. Unfortunately, Ganondorf also knew this legend and he wasn't about to let a wish granting artifact just sit there where anyone with sufficient skill could grab it. So he sent his top lieutenant to shatter the Triforce. And she did. She managed to get there at the same time as Impa and made her watch as she destroyed her last hope.

Or so everyone thought. In actuality, while Wisdom and Power retreated to the sacred realm upon being shattered, the pieces of the Triforce of Courage scattered across the land, embedding itself into people who seemingly fit the criteria for wielding the Triforce of Courage.

100 years later and Ganondorf is gone. He was not deposed, no, he apparently died in his sleep of natural causes. Now his daughter, the ironically named Hope, runs the show. And she's almost as bad as, if not worse than, her father.

It is at this time that the pieces of the Triforce of Courage decide to activate in the descendants (or possibly the originals in the case of longer lived races) of the people who had been first chosen by the Triforce of Courage. These chosen heroes, drawn to each other by fate, are sure to defeat Hope and retake Hyrule. Or possibly screw up in the most hilariously awful way. Hopefully that first thing.

Hello friends. Many apologies for making you read a lot. But hey, if you got this far then you probably want to join the roleplay because why read this far if you don't.

Anyways, I think the description explains everything so... yeah.

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