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Multiple Settings The Legend of The Crown (Fantasy/Realistic)


Junior Member
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Long Ago, in a distant land...

There were the vast lands known to the tribal groups as The Taiga, completely and utterly drowned by jungle plant life as far as the eye could see. In those times, there were four giant tribes living in the then-Aztec region of the world in peace with each other. From the heart of one of the tribes sprung a jealous, greedy Alpha that sought to bring the other three tribes to its knees in submission. Even the might of the three tribes combined still resulted in heavy casualties for their cause and the tribe of the greedy Alpha were relentless in their constant ambushes on them. A solution had to found to save them, and an answer arrived in the form of a frail looking old shaman that journey up to the council of tribal leaders.

in his hands, he held a cursed headress of his own making... Coronam Mortem.: The Crown of Death.

With Coronam Motem on their side, they found themselves in possession of extraordinary abilities. Dark demons burst forth from the ground and followed their every order, eventually bringing about the end of the forth tribe that had attacked them so vehemently before. The demons were giant beings of pure black with eyes made of fearful energy and quite scary to behold up close, but thanks to the one who wore the crown, the sights of the demon horde were set upon their unlucky enemies. When they quickly fell to the indestructible might of the beings, the tribes rejoiced for the new peace they had brought over the land. But Power has a way of darkening others over time and the council was no exception to the age old rule.

Not long after the defeat of the fourth tribe, the council tried to implement the demons as creatures that could carry out their forced will upon the people. Peace turned to enslavement for the people of the tribes. There were years upon years of horrible oppresion within their once sterling community, before they finally had enough of the rule of their leaders. It took time and careful planning, but a group of trained warriors smote the council and sent the demon horde back to the embrace of Hades once more. All that was left to remind them of their suffering was the accursed crown.

They could not destroy the crown, but they could not let it corrupt another with dangerous power. So the warriors created a vast tomb with seals and traps crafted to ward off those who might seek the crown. One young warrior in particular offered herself to be the last resort against a particularly determined soul--she would be cursed to the form of a statue for as long as it took for someone to eventually come for the crown. If the crown is even so much as shifted slightly, she would awaken from her eternal slumber to attack and reclaim the crown.

Or at least, that's how the Legend of Coronam Motem is told. You, being the daring explorer that you are, have no time to believe in such silly stories about demons. Sure, the jungle surrounding the ancient ruins is filled with animals both normal and cryptozoological, but you draw the line at supernatural things. You just want to nab the crown for a couple thousand bucks or so, before anyone else gets it.

And nothing, not even a hot tempered warrior chick, is gonna stop you, right?


Hello! In this roleplay, I'm looking for a detailed writer (Semi-Lit, Lit or Novella roleplayer) who'd be willing to play a fearless, cheeky explorer woman who finds the cursed crown and ends up reluctantly embarking on a dangerous adventure with the recently awakened warrior woman! I intend for there to be some slow burn F/F romance involved, but with a lot of convincing I might be persuaded for M/F. If you really, really want the part of the awakened warrior woman, then let me know.


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