The Legend of Alveron (Offical RP Thread)

Doctor Disharmony

Senior Member
Posting order:

1: Doctor Disharmony

2: GoddessOfGod

3: Renn Skye

4: Riddle78

5: TheLoreMaster

6: Atreyu

7: Naga

****THE ORDER IS ONLY TEMPORARY. Because this is a very complex and driven story, for the first couple/few days, I and some other people have found it best that as to set the whole thing straight, to start off it would be better to allow everybody to have a chance. You can get out of the order if you and another player are separate together, but you'll have to jump back in as soon as your characters join the rest of the group. For those of you with more then one character, if your characters require separate posts that go out of order, I trust you will be reasonable with it and not go crazzay with the power, and I'm sure you'll be able to do it in whatever way you determine as best. The order will be lifted as soon as everything is set straight, so nobody gets left behind in the beginning. I know it sucks, but trust me, it will work out for the best****

You know the rules and the story, here are the character sheets if you need any reference or reminder or what-not:

The sign-up thread is also where we will discuss anything story or character related, plans, plots, or just regular OOC.

I know my first post is abnormally large, so don't think it's a general size expectation. I'd prefer anything from a paragraph to beyond. Large posts are fantastic (as long as they are not clumpy and difficult to read). NO ONE-LINERS. I understand if you are busy or only have a mobile device, that is perfectly fine. I also do not expect a full paragraph if your character is only replying in dialogue, so don't be pressured to extend that. And I will not snap at you ever time ya have a typo (hell, I have them constantly), but I honestly don't think bad-grammar will be a problem with this group (all you guys and gals here rule).


*Personally feels like a total douche for taking so long.*


In the long ago an eagle circled high above a rabbit burrow and would swoop down and lay on the ground a branch of ripe berries, and then climb high again into the sky.

The rabbit would see how high the eagle as and know there was time to leave the safety of the burrow to snatch the berries and return to the burrow before the eagle could reach him from up so high.

Again the next day the eagle would swoop down and leave a branch of berries, but this time a little further from the burrow. Again, the rabbit would see the eagle circling high in the clear sky and seize the berries and return to the burrow before the eagle might reach him.

For seven days this happened, each day the rabbit venturing farther from its burrow, and the eagle simply circled high overhead and looked very small against the pale blue top of the sky. The rabbit decided the berries were a gift, but still the eagle was an eagle and not to be trusted.

On the eight day the branch of berries was still far from the burrow, but the eagle so small in the sky seemed no threat and like a mote in the rabbit’s wary eye.

But as the rabbit left his burrow the eagle became larger, and it wasn’t an eagle at all this time but a hawk that had seemed so high only because it was smaller than the eagle that the rabbit usually saw. Too late the rabbit realized what had happened. There was no time to return to the safety of the burrow.

The weak things in the world have a time to die that is sooner than the strong. That is why the spirit made the weak and the strong. In its heart, the rabbit knew this and was still.

The hawk swooped down, and its wings spread wider and wider and covered the sun and made the sky black. The hawk’s talons cut like blades into the rabbit’s back, and the rabbit screamed as the hawk lifted it higher and higher into a blackness darker than the night. The screams became the wind and the beating of the hawk’s great wings the thunder of the coming storms.

In the long-ago day, these things did happen.

And in this new world, they still do.

-Urge to Kill, by John Lutz.

CHAPTER ONE: A Fire In The Night :

"The root of violence is science without humanity"Gandhi

At first, there was nothing. Simply…..nothing. It wasn’t darkness. It wasn’t light. It was nothing. It had always been nothing, and it seemed as though it always would be nothing. But, even nothing can become something. In a place without time, without brightness or shadows, without a past, without a present, without a future, there was no beginning and no end. It just was and it wasn’t. That very concept is what created a something from the nothing. Because there was no big bang, no historical religious enlightenment, no anything. It was now….an idea. And within this idea, the nothing evaporated and was engulfed within possibility. So, accordingly, it now became darkness. Yet, this was not the type of darkness which young hatchlings hear of in the night, that in which we are taught and bred to fear. This darkness was neither good nor bad. It just was. But the darkness became lonely. The darkness found it despised being alone. It also found that being alone made it weaker. So, the shadows created the light. The light was new and young, but it was also old and wise. The light held knowledge of everything that had and had not happened. Being that there was no time and no space, this is how it could be.

So darkness and light became siblings. They found that they both needed each other, as you cannot have shadows without brightness, and cannot have brightness without shadows. So like that, light just was.

Now the brothers were happy. For as long and as short, they were satisfied in their unity. But even with unity, there was not harmony. There was not balance. Without the balance, even with each other, they became lonely. That is why they bonded together, using their concept to create yet another thing to fill the nothing. This thing was Time. Now, Time was different from light and darkness. Time was the first female energy. She was the actual bond between the black and the white. She existed with them, but was not here until they put their love for each other into this form. So Time, Light, and Darkness, now were a whole. There was no longer nothing, as the three necessary elements for true something now filled the idea. This created the universe. This created physical essence. And like that, time just was.

For a very long time, they worked together in actual harmony to maintain actual balance within the new universe. They were happy, they were loved. But they felt something was missing. Light, Darkness, and Time knew they had to fill the universe. So they then created life from their ideas. Light created to trillions of suns to provide day and energy, Darkness created the millions of moons to provide night and strength, Time created the millions of stars to provide guidance and unity. Together, the elements created life. However, what they did not yet know was that for life, you must pay a terrible price. It wouldn’t be until years later that the charge would finally catch up with them.

With this new life came new names. Each being held countless names, yet they knew that in order to become one with their recent worlds, they must take a title from the mortal creatures. Darkness took upon the name Sorian, Light the name Alvox, and Time…..Time became Tempus.

For thousands of more years, the Gods and Goddess kept the balance of life and death between the now alive universe. As their knowledge expanded, so did that of their creations. But with knowledge can come arrogance, and ignorance, and even foolishness. The life-forms found themselves resenting Sorian. He never did anything to ever harm them; in fact, he loved them as a father loves his children. But his darkness was hated by the world. They grew to care about Alvox and Tempus, putting aside the lesser emotions for the God of Shadows. Though Tempus was able to continue her bond with Sorian…..that in which he an Alvox once held……


Brothers were broken.

Shadows crept with evil.

Darkness became corrupted.

The bloodshed bathes our eggs.

Death follows beneath our claws.

The war…..has come


The young dragon stood her ground. Today, she was a warrior. Yesterday it had been the same, and she knew for a fact it would be tomorrow as well. She was fierce. She was strong. She was in control. Many, if not most, would question this with severe doubt. Why? Because they would judge her capabilities by her size and her beauty. Even with scales that shimmered so brightly that it appeared as though the moon itself was captive within the metallic tinge, she was so slim and sleek that no other would consider her for battle. No dragons wished to associate physical appearance and small stature with battle. Nightfire was determined to show them otherwise. Had she even been aware of her attractiveness (which she was not. Despite her tough demeanor, the dragoness was actually very much, genuinely modest about her looks). Either way, none of that mattered. Today, she was a warrior.

Nightfire spread her wings, the glistening sapphire scales catching trails of the darkness. She bared her teeth, a low growl of warning escaping her throat. The blue of her belly appeared black, menacing and reflective of her opponent’s faces. It was a relatively small pod of the Shadow Master’s scouts. She had known they were tracing her from the very moment they decided to follow the false path she had specifically left behind for troops. It had been around 4 hours before they finally decided to “make their move.” That was only the beginning of a series of many mistakes which would end their lives. So now, with her natural armor tensing, with her head held high and mighty, with her eyes hidden by shadows, Nightfire gave a taunting chuckle. The glowing red orbs before her rose higher, towering above the young female. They burned like false flame, unnatural and intense. They were the eyes of the damned. Incredibly massive and intimidating to those who allowed themselves to be intimidated. Then, following the trail of their sights, the creatures left the cover of the dusk which had enveloped their warped frames. And, oh, how their frames were warped. It was as though a dragon had been taken and bathed in shadows, allowing snakes of evil to take physical form as it disintegrated their usual appearance and sewed together the left over pieces with thick roots of black. One of them, the squad leader, opened his large mouth (revealing thousands of needle-like blood red teeth). “Resistance is futile”, he hissed, “surrender now or face the consequences.” The striking dragoness merely smirked. “Consequences? For one to speak of that in which I am supposedly set to encounter due to my actions, shouldn’t they first consider the very consequences in which their actions have now caused?"

The head demon-spawn held it's head higher, growling a furious and thunderous sound of anger. "Do not bother to attempt plaguing my mind with your riddle-words, child, I am-"

"You are so dull that your mind confuses riddles with the common tongue of conversation?" She tilted her head mockingly. The creature glared, his comrades now joining in on the creation of that wretched noise. "My orders may be to take you alive, but do not think me against putting you into your place, child!" Came his irrational shout. She just laughed. "So then you plan on laying to the ground, allowing me to slice off your head while I triumphantly gaze towards the stars from your dead backside? Because that, my dearest demonic fool, is my place." The troop would take it no longer. Their next mistake was allowing their pride and arrogance to overcome their practical judgment (if such creatures were even capable of such a thing). But, as usual, as said before, she was ready. So as soon as the entire squad charged at the shining dragoness, the blackness of night hanging above them, Nightfire grit her teeth and awaited the pleasure of a fight.


What defines legend from myth? What separates fact and fiction? What is the difference in reality and fantasy? All individual questions with a single answer: Nothing. There truly is not a definition, a separation, a difference, from any of those things. They are as similar and contradicting as light and darkness, day and night, love and hate. It is due to this that they are more than brothers in meaning, they are bonded in intent. There was once a time when all saw it this way, but that time was now gone. Sorian himself had extinguished that bond, and that was something which would haunt him forever. The thing with the God of Darkness, however, was that he did not regret anything. Regret was an emotion which he refused to allow glimpsed by any side of him. Many beings found this to be a trait of the shadow master that they would consider to be the absolute most terrifying. Why is that? Because with no regret, there is no mercy. And truly, there was no mercy. So even though Sycon held his great gray shoulders back, his head held high as he walked towards his leader with dread in his heart, he was terrified beyond normal possibility. Beside him was the smaller, though much more extravagant, Maddox, who kept himself straight forward in his graceful strut. The red dragon was fearful to, but at least not foolish enough to be arrogant about it.

The enormous orbs of blue electricity which Sorian called eyes narrowed at his commanding officer’s approach. He knew something had not gone according to plan, otherwise that moron Sycon would not risk his life to come here. The great strands of black tendons which entwined the vibrant dark energy of the black dragon tensed in impending fury, though he withheld his anger, saving it for the moment he would need it most. “Explain.” One word. That was all it took to make Sycon drop his cocky stroll and bow his head like a hatchling in fear of its father. “master, allow me to provide the assurance that this certainly was NOT, in any way or form, a coincidence to my actions. In fact, I would prefer to blame MADDOX for his incompetan-“, Sorian cut him off. “Enough!!” His snarl immediately shut up his second in command. “I am sick and tired of your pathetic blame game, Sycon.” The dragon took a step back, once again bowing. “Is it THAT difficult for you to simply refrain from throwing others in front of your mistakes? Take the fault like a warrior, and explain.” The smaller male gulped, shooting his partner a venomous look. Maddox only smirked, maintaining his silence as he tilted his head in an urging motion towards Sorian. True and unquestionable fury in his bright crimson eyes, Sycon found that he had no choice but to look to his master. “My Lord…..” he began, putting on the false mask of modesty which he always wore when he attempted to stay away from punishment. That sickened Sorian to the core. If it weren’t for Sycon’s usefulness, even the commander himself was aware that The Dark Master would have already extinguished his life source. Unfortunately, that had terrible consequences for all. “My Lord….I….I….well, Sir. The…East end troops were….”, he gulped, scratching at the black diamond floors with his long talons in an act of anxiety, “They were…..ambushed.” Sorian grit his teeth, causing the bearer of bad news himself to flinch.

“Was it Alvox’s forces?” He hissed in question. Sycon shook his head. “No, master. It was a renegade dragon. They…. attacked them. A small squadron managed to go after the scum-bag, but I have yet to receive report.” Sorian was torn between a smile and a frown. He was angry yet excited. Very few dragons had the ability to single-clawdly take down that large amount of his fighters. Each of those dragons was so important to each side of each faction that capturing them would be beneficial beyond any form or way of doubt.

But Sorian was willing to bet his entire personal source of dark energy crystals that the dragon who did this was not just any dragon, but a certain dragoness who he had-

“Master?” Sorian averted his full attention to the treacherous bastard himself. “What else?” He grumbled, clearly agitated. Sycon stepped back. The gray male had an odd, slight hunch to his shoulders, which though may be considered attractive by females, was also quite sinister. He bent, then straightened himself once more before continuing. Sorian raised a shadowy brow in impatience. “I am sending some ground command….” The massive leader raised a forbidding claw. “No. You will use your private air-fleet.” Sycon’s mouth dropped, but he regained himself. “But, But SIR! You can’t-“. Sorian bent his neck lower, only slightly rising from his massive seat (it was naturally formed from the black diamond, enormous and cruel looking, with millions of sharp edges to surround its arrangement). The enormous God now was inches from Sycon’s face in a matter of seconds, his breath that of shadows as it burst from his noise in a demanding snort of magic. All God’s had two forms. Their Ethereal form, and their mortal form. His ethereal form was far too large and frightening to even fit in this castle, so like Alvox he was forced to maintain this puny (to him it was puny, to others it was unimaginably massive) way of life. Sycon shrunk back, raising his front claws in protest. “I. Can’t. What? I can’t issue proper commands, unlike you; who seems incapable of distributing even the smallest grains of common sense?” His voice was rising in a menacing way, truly terrifying. Sycon found himself at a loss of words, as his anger was now entwined with terror. He could only manage a small nod, his voice tiny as he spoke. “I….I’ll get right on that, my liege.” The dragon pointed behind him. “Please, master, if you’ll excuse me….” Sorian pulled back, his look one of disappointment, poise, and disgust. He motioned to the great cavernous exit behind his commander. “Go. And don’t let me see you’re sniveling snout until we have locked sights onto this “renegade attacker”. Do not mess this up, Sycon. If you do, I promise you will regret the very day you crawled out of the slimy pit in which you came.”

The smaller male rapidly nodded, giving another anxious bow before turning around. His solemn expression instantly turned to one of anger and contempt, his lip rising in a silent growl. Shaking his head, Sycon walked along the enormous bridge that lead into the gaping hole. Beneath the bridge was a never-ending darkness, horrifying and creating the intimidating thought of falling into its deadly jaws. His shoulders gave a small shove to Maddox as he walked, his form becoming smaller and smaller as he departed. Sorian narrowed his eyes, tracking Sycon before returning his attention to Maddox. “Do you have something to say, red wing, or are you going to finally leave me in silence?” A sly smile crept onto the handsome face of the hypnotic entity. His eyes swirled, enticing and intriguing, but Sorian was not at all affected. With a swift bow, he tilted down and rose again. “My liege, it is a pleasure as always.” His voice was smooth and sensual, dripping of charm and charisma. Sorian growled. “Spare me your compliments, Maddox. Just give me a full report and be gone.” His smile unwavering, the handsome male nodded. “Yes, yes, of course, your graciousness.” The Dark Lord tapped his claw impatiently, the sound clicking along the striking walls. Maddox cleared his throat.

“Lord Sorian, I bring both good and bad news.”

“Just be over and done with it.”

“As you wish, Sire.” The red dragon twirled his tail, his wings giving a small flutter as they flattened along his backside. “We have captured approximately 27 members of Alvox’s front-line fighters.” His chest puffed up with pride. “All were high ranking lieutenants; all were brought down with ease.” A cruel smirk slipped to his lips. “I did not take long for them to submit to our forces.” Sorian’s eyes brightened with pleasure, but soon darkened once more. “Good…good….but what of this “bad news”?”

Maddox looked to the side, tracing circles with his frontal claw. “Well…..”

“Out with it, Maddox.”

“Before capture, they managed to assault our energy supply. We are growing lower and lower on dark crystals, and some soldiers are already experiencing withdrawl. The only way to replenish our supplies would be to dig deeper into the caves, but to reach a new vein worth digging could take countless cycles……”

Sorian’s body suddenly blazed like black fire, warping around him till only his glowing pupils and mouth could show. Maddox took a hurried step backwards, his smile faltering and becoming a nervous grimace. But the outburst quickly subsided. Despite no longer being engulfed in his energy, however, Sorian’s anger remained. Those sources…they were vital! Necessary for survival! They would have to extract the power from living soldiers and place it into more important officers! Sorian was prepared to have a “word” with Maddox, and knowing the fury-fueled roar of words which would follow, could certainly scar his own (that being Maddox's) position and life.

The Dark Lord knew the very same.


Nightfire did not allow herself to become consumed by pride or arrogance, even as her opponents lie defeated miles upon miles upon miles behind her. It was nothing more then a tiny victory, and though all victories were savored, if you savor them for to loose caution.

She could not afford to loose caution.

Especially now, when in every corner lurked a new force, ready to leap the very second her back was turned.

The thing with Nightfire was that he back was never turned.

The floor suddenly became grass, small vegetation being eaten by rot. More proof that the lack of rain was spreading everywhere. It also meant she was close to her intended destination. The beautiful dragoness would have never come had Alvox not literally sent one of his last requests to be her arriving here, at his private and hidden quarters. Even so, her coming was known only between the two of them. He had notified his personal dragons, the great Crimson Guard, that a visitor would be showing up. The King of Light had neglected to inform them of her sex, appearance, nature, or even when she would attain.

He was just as cautious as she was, if not more so.

Nightfire was also aware that his loyal soldiers were everywhere, every time. Even now, she knew exactly which scouts were reporting back to him as they hurried away from their nearby positions within the shadows. They couldn't be sure she was the expected "visitor". It was safe to assume they believed a greater dragon to appear, which is most likely why they have yet to make a move (most likely the guard though her to be an enemy this moment).

But while the moonlight graced her scales with a captivating shine, she kept her wings flattened on her back, the only sign of hostility being her intimidating stare and subconscious aura of possible aggression. About mile away, hidden within the rocks, lay the catacombs in which Alvox himself bade sanctuary. One of the higher-ups would surely be informed by the scouts, and she felt safe to expect that mentioned higher-up would come himself to attempt animosity.

That, of course, would be foolish.

The wind was whistling like it was a harmony. The clouds parted ways when she came flying through. The sun shined down on her scales. Showing how pretty almost transparent they were. The dragons below roared when she flew by. The children joining in her little flight test. Each running and lifting off, as If they were a plane.

"ZENAAAA"Fast as a bullet the young dragon flew by. There were no wings just a slender body that twirled about in the air when it elevated in to the sky. Straight up toward the sun to where she could never reach.

Her body moving side ways when she was going forward, toward the mountains to loose the children. They decided to paly tag, and apparently she was the one to be tagged. The male dragons stopped what they were doing to watch as the kids screamed her name over and over. She was to fast however, an advantage for a wingless dragon like herself. One of the younger dragons tried to grab her green hair but failed to do so when she made a sudden drop for the waters. The child growled as he followed her lead. A soft giggle escaping her mouth as her eyes glanced back toward the stressed dragon. "Calm yourself , this is only a game." She twisted her body like a cork screw and flew to the boys left.

"EASY FOR YOU TO SAY." Zena smiled as she dropped again , confusing the other dragon children. "Oh come now , have fun and smile Roman." Zena flew down faster than the last but came to a stop when she heard one of the children scream. Her tail flicked to the side as she threw her head back. Her eyes narrowed as she searched for the noise. The girl who started the game of tag was being pulled in by something. Zena moved forward, shooting up at an angel. The breeze became cold, and her body tingled with fear. She stopped to look around but it was nothing, nothing was there. The skies began to darken as the clouds grouped together. Storms began to roll in, the lightning striking down toward the children who helplessly tried to avoid. "CHILDREN" . The girl screamed again , before she was pulled up in to the clouds. Zena moved again, flying past Roman with speed that knocked him off course.

Her hands stretched out as the grabbed on to the young ones legs. She pulled her down, only to see clouds wrapped around the girls hands. Zena gritted her teeth as she looked about her. "Help." The wind responded with no hesitation. Helping their master by pulling down on the girl who was captured. Zena let go allowing the wind to do its job. She let out a roar before twirling herself around and shoot up in to the sky. No one must be hurt is what she thought. Everyone must be unharmed. She held in the air she gathered by opening her mouth. She flew higher up in to the air, before coming to a stop and tilting her head back. With the release of the air , she roared a spiral of wind toward the clouds that had lighting. The wind was strong and broke the clouds apart. The lightning coming to a stop when she closed her mouth.

She scanned he parted clouds that turned from black to white once again. The breeze was back to normal, but the presence of a darker person was still there. She squinted trying to find the cause for this. Off in a distance she saw a dragon much liker herself , fly off. She was tempted to follow but was stopped by the girls sobbing. Zena has already directed her attention to the crying one, and flew back down. The young girl tucked in her wings when Zena wrapped herself around her. "Shhh , no need for tears, you are safe now." The girl looked up at her and Zena smiled down. "I am here for you young one."


"SMASH THEM SON, DONT LET THAT MOUNTAIN TELL YOU WHAT TO DO." Breaker and his father were at it again. Back to the rocky mountains practicing on breaking the mountain with his head. He had already grown a hard shell, form when he was just a boy. his tail had spikes so when he smashed his head against it, his tail would go flying. "RIGHT FAHTER ". He yelled out , only because his father was on the other side. Doing the same thing as his son. "ON THE COUNT OF THREE". Breaker had backed up , but not to far. His wings flapping down hard enough to create a mini sand storm. His father on the other side as he repeated . The mountains landing became covered in sand dust, hard to see the bottom or them. "1" His father roared out as he leaned his head toward the right angel.

"2" Breaker repeated, tilting his head at the angel his father told him to. He had curled in his fingers. And swung his tail around as if he was mad. "3" Both men charged in to the side of the mountain , making a loud boom sound. The dust that was once there, parted ways . The earth shaking due to the sheer force they used to hit the big mountain. The mountain itself shook . The father had parted from the mountain and flew over toward his son's side. "Did we get it?" Breaker pulled back, shaking his head as he looked up at the mountain. "Maybe?" He got close to it but quickly backed away when it made a crack through the center.

The mountain cracked further down to the bottom. With a n umph the mountain cracked in half. Breaker smiled wide as his father nodded his head. "that is how you break a mountain "
Fenrir layed inside the dank and wet cave, small streams of smoke came from his nostrils as he took his mighty breaths. This world was not big enough for him, he wanted more… not just power… but control. Alveron would be his… or he would die in the pursuit of it. Suddenly he lifted his head as he caught a scent, what he had been waiting for. A dragon he had been tracking for quite some time now… the dragon did not know but it was nearing it's last breath. Fenrir creeped to the edge of the darkness at the mouth of the cave. He saw the dragon gliding through the air… it appeared to be hunting something. Fenrir's luck was high that day as the wind was blowing SW toward him as the doomed dragon flew NE. He slowly crept out into the pinkish light his skin was rough and reflected no light. He watched the dragon as it flew… the fool. Fenrir lifted himself from the ground and ascended into the sky, stalking the dragon slowly but surely. As he came closer and closer he could sense the fear that began to well up in the dragon, Fenir's teeth began to show as he was almost close enough to grab his tail. The dragon turned it's head as Fenrir spewed an inferno into it's face, causing it to roar out in pain and begin to plummet toward the ground, Fenrir dived down and grabbed the dragon, adding to the force of it's fall. The ground shook as the two dragons smashed the ground causing trees to fall and a loud boom to echo all around. The dragon tried lifting it's head but Fenrir pinned his head down and ripped at it's throat with his maw instantly ending it's life. Fenrir roared and stomped his front legs triumphantly… none would defy him.
This world was rotten, and the Lord was content with it.

A musky odor filled his discolored, distorted nostrils. Flaring, they relished the air and spat it back out, it whistled merrily as it's path was strangled by the spikes of cartilage on the dragon's upper lip.

His breath was tainted with an odor more vile than that which had been originally swallowed by decade-old lungs, with a stronger scent, the scent of things long dead and ages eating away into millennia.

It smelled of old books eaten by mold- the black fungi eating away at words with a hunger unlike any other. It smelled of maggots, and worms, and terrible beasties of the dark, eating away at a host--ever-so-slowly, flesh no longer supple, but a long-dead disintegrated nest for their nightly feasting. It smelled of night, the darkest darks bloodied by wetness, birthing new rot in the bog that welled against Benzel's swollen, bloated body.

The enormous beast shifted, and the things inside of him stirred.

A persistent buzzing rose in the back of his skull--he knew what it was. The swollen skin around his two horns that precariously jutted out of his massive cranium, were filled with dozens of bees. The hungry stinging pests were one of his rotten body's many systems of defence. Of defiance against endless sleep, against death. Dying. The final rot that had refused to take the disgusting monster.

He could feel worms tunneling slightly further into him at his shift, their little, stubby bodies needing his undead girth to survive.

Pearly white orbs opened, false life blossoming in his brain. A limb forced itself into a more comfortable position on the muddy terrain.

Ah, this was not life, but living rot.

The monster did not have much to do, just to guard his home- the enormous expanse of soggy, dark, foggy, carcass-smelling bog, a place he called home.

And the Lord of the Rot would not be as content elsewhere.

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