The Legend of Alveron (DRAGON RP SIGN UP)

Doctor Disharmony

Senior Member
Welcome to Alveron, the expansive and beautiful realm belonging to a race of highly intelligent beings with powers beyond human comprehension. Yes, Dragons (what else would it be?). Beings who once ruled this world with an iron fist claw, who functioned together in wondrous harmony and peace.

It was do to the balance maintained by the three Gods: Alvox, the God of light. Sorian, the God of Darkness. Then finally, Tempus, the Goddess of Time. So what happens when Sorian becomes corrupted and attempts to use his beloved Tempus to unleash his own visions of a darkened world? Destruction, of course. After a century long struggle between the Gods (and the Goddess), it was only because of Sorian's own loss of control that he was unsuccessful. But as he failed, so did Tempus, who had to sacrifice herself in order to save Alvox, to save the world, to save even Sorian himself. It was the knowledge that she would soon return on the alignment of the seven moons in a new and more powerful form. It would be until then that Alvox ruled the realm with his wisdom, and they would once again maintain said balance.

But the harmony has been lost.

The peace has broken.

Now all we have is war.

Sorian has returned upon the reincarnation of Tempus, separating himself from his brother to crate a legion of dark followers. The population itself was cut in half, many going to the side of this shadow master.

Numbers faltering, resources dying, the good is loosing against the evil.

Whose side are you on?

Here are some basic pictures of the "feel" of the world. Yes, I know some are from Avatar, but I couldn't find any other photos with any other damned resemblance for what I had in mind. Keep in mind, after the war started it is nearly always nighttime (or the sky is just purple-is/pink), and the seven moons are always in the sky.There are only a couple hours of daylight.








*No god-modding. Not here, not there, not EVER.

*No Mary-Sue's or Gary-Stue's

*I'm fine with foul language. Curse like a sailor if you feel like it. But when OOC, try to not verbally bash another player too severely with your potty language.

*Romance is fantastic, in fact, it is encouraged. I only have to say: in the case that your characters are about to "get some", fade to black before it becomes more intense then allowed by the site.

*I'm not asking for you to speak with the fluency of an English professor, but if your grammar is bad enough to cause a problem, you bet your butt you'll be booted. No text-talk ether.


*Have fun!

Average size for full grown males is a height of 19-30 feet, females are usually from 14-20 in height. Weight and length varies, but go along that. Sometimes you will get males that are the size of females, and females that are the size of males. This is just a basic size guideline to prevent any really ridiculous physical peaks.



Age: (just put ether hatchling, young adult, adult, middle-aged, or old dusty bat)

Wingspan: (let's be reasonable. And remember, not all dragons have wings. If you are one of them then just leave it blank.)

Length: (from the tip of your tail to the tip of your snout. Also be reasonable here. Keep in mind the females are ALWAYS smaller then the males in almost every way. Sometimes its even drastically.)

Height: (the bottom of your claws to the top of your head/horns/fins/whatever. And still, be reasonable)

Overall appearance: (If you can use a picture, that is beyond awesome. If not, then a vivid description is just as good)

Basic personality:

Short Bio: (Nothing to long (unless you want it to be, then of course). Just a bit about there past, yadda yadda yadda.)

Faction: (Good guy, bad guy, neutral good, neutral bad)

Power: (Basic elements like Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. These branch off into rarer things, like Fire to electricity, Water to healing, Air to super-speed, and Earth to metal. Even rarer are mental orientated powers. Light and darkness are the RAREST, no others then the Gods have been seen with them. There is only ONE time dragon. But GET creative with your powers!!!! I want to see what you guys can come up with!!)


Name: Nightfire

Age: Young Adult (about 17 or 18 in human mentality)

Wingspan: 20 ft

Length: 15 ft

Height: 14 ft

Overall appearance: She is generally a small dragon, being of slender and feminine build. Most of her scales are a stunning silver traced with swirling patterns of black. Her underbelly is a deep sapphire blue. Instead of spikes along her back and tail, she instead has flames of green and aquamarine trailing up her spine. Unlike most dragons, her ears are actually very visible, and stick out much like that of a rabbits. Her left eyes is a stunning emerald green, her right is a striking ice blue. The inside of her wings, though outlined by the silver scales, is the same blue as her underbelly. She is actually a very beautiful dragon.

Basic personality: Highly intelligent, eccentric, unorthodox, adventurous, slightly reckless at times, extremely curious, a leader at heart. She is excessively witty and clever, prone to sarcasm and such. Her persona is a very unique and strange one, constantly undergoing many swings and unusual tendencies. Her smooth talking skills are just as incredible as her crowd engaging skills. Others tend to gravitate towards her due to her strong, will-full, powerful presence. Her equally unique methods may surprise many, but they usually work out for the best. She also loves to invent things, using these devices on the battlefield. In a fight, despite being small, she strikes her opponents weakest spots and can bring down an enemy 5 times her size. Her speed and elegance greatly contribute to her shear fighting power, as she can move between strong head-on assaults to slick sneak attacks, and is equally comfortable in both.

Short Bio: Nightfire is the reincarnation of Tempus. The whole story of that situation was already written, so I'll just go from when she first appeared on this world once again. She hatched in the darkest caverns of the badlands (this is a large area where Sorian has complete control. It is overwhelmed by decay and darkness, destruction and battle). Being completely alone, it's a wonder how she managed to survive. It is said that she survived in the abandoned Crystal caverns, mythical caves deep under-ground which are supposed to be toxic towards most beings. Using the resources there, just barely able to get along, she found herself at constant battle with squadrons from Sorian's command. Of course, nobody knew WHO she really was, in fact, not even SHE knew who she really was. It was only on a special mission from Alvox's forces did she come into contact with the ancient God. Knowing she held potential for being the very Goddess in which both factions had been desperately searching for, he managed to convince her to maintain contact. At his falling ill, he requested that she work with the Crimson Guard, specially trained dragons with elite purposes in both offense and defense. She has just arrived to their base.

Faction: Neutral good

Power: Time


Name: Maddox

Age: Adult (about 20-25 in mentality)

Wingspan: 30 ft

Length: 27 ft

Height: 23 ft

Overall appearance:

Basic personality: He knows the value of looking good and isn't afraid to let others know it. It's not simply his own lines he's interested in; he has an appreciation for "well-built" beings of all sizes and factions... and a nasty penchant for tearing them apart after he's done admiring them. Slick, sly and snobbish, he's Sorian's "hunter", going on special missions to take down the enemy, and professes both a preference and proficiency for destruction as well as capture. However, his incredible skill has kept him in high demand; he's even performed vital roles in a great many battles. His flirtatious and sensual manner is also a huge part of his personality, and he expresses it with nearly EVERYBODY.

On the battlefield, Maddox typically works with Sorian's second in command, Sycon. Maddox is the speedster of the duo, swiftly striking his victim's vulnerabilities with his power in debilitating sneak attacks.

Short Bio: Maddox is not, as to say, "Evil". In fact, he just wishes to freely express his will to manipulate others into doing as he commands. The opportunity to join Sorian's forces provided just that, as his skills would be praised opposed to looked down upon. He left the Crimson Guard and soon worked himself into a comfortable rank underneath the Lord of Darkness, savoring the freedom of destruction. Generally working with Sycon, the two have formed an odd battle partnership, as they are usually paired up for missions. They fight constantly, though do have a certain respect for one another.

Faction: Bad guy

Power: Hypnotism


Name: Sycon

Age: Adult (about 25-29 in mentality)

Wingspan: 39 3/4 ft

Length: 30 ft

Height: 28 ft

Overall appearance:

Basic personality: Treacherous. Standoffish. Narcissistic, foul-tempered. Power-hungry and driven by jealousy. Calculating. Wrathful. Independent. Insecure and unpredictable.

Sycon works best when he operates through the three ideals that earned him his position as Second in Command of Sorian's army: lying, manipulation, and deceit. When all else fails, a bit of sabotage never hurts either. He is a devious long-term planner, capable of devising complex schemes against his enemies (and his fellows) that might take months or years to weave into completion. Even when his plans fail every retreat is a calculated risk, designed to fulfill a greater purpose.

In combat he is a sadistic pragmatist who uses his speed and superior flying skills to his advantage. Sycon will not be goaded into a fight that might put him in the direct path of harm, preferring instead to exploit the flaws and weaknesses of his opponents. When he does attack it is indirectly, from stealth or from behind, or when it is least expected. He will not hesitate to kill the helpless or unarmed. A dangerously savvy villain, Sycon refuses to play by any rules except those he has created.

Short Bio: He used to be captain of the Crimson Guard, a powerful position providing him almost everything he desired. Almost. His manipulative personality felt trapped beneath the rules and protocol provided by the job, so when Sorian rose to power he immediately jumped at the chance. Using his extreme intelligent abilities, Sycon quickly climbed throughout the ranks as he secured himself a vital role directly beside the shadow God himself Sycon's extremely volatile personality means he is not very adept at hiding his true intent. He is prone to panic, cowardice and bombastic gestures. His egotism, vindictive cleverness, and fondness for gloating frequently get him into trouble. His treacherous nature, when exposed, gets him into even more trouble, usually with Sorian himself. Most know better than to trust Sycon.

In terms of physical power he is lacking when compared to other dragons, and relies on cheap shots. He is not a strong close-quarters combatant and will fall back on his long-ranged attacks and integrated blasts in a firefight, or else take to the skies. His armour is light-grade, not meant to withstand heavy damage.

Faction: Bad guy

Power: Venom (poisonous)


Name: Alvox

Age: Old Dusty Bat (has the mentality of somebody about 40-50)

Wingspan: 50 ft

Length: 45 ft

Height: 44 ft

Overall appearance:

Basic personality:Wise, strong, kind, powerful. He is a leader at heart, using his gentle yet affirmative nature to ensure the loyalty of his followers. Being the complete opposite of treacherous, this old dragon is prepared to give his life to the cause of balance. He is neither good nor evil, but instead focuses on what is right for the realm.

Short Bio: Described earlier, except that he currently has fallen terribly ill.

Faction: Good guy

I am going to post some other awesome characters I had created, in case any of you guys would want to take them. If so, I love you forever, if not, that's just as fine. 
Name: Blindside

Age: Adult (about 30 in mentality)

Wingspan: 43 ft

Length: 31 ft

Height: 29 ft

Overall appearance:

Basic personality: Blindside has, in fact, THREE personalities (I mean, he does have three heads).

Personality #1: The first head to the left. An absolutely insane, random, utterly unpredictable persona who wants nothing more then to cut everything up (literally). #1 is completely obsessed with dissection. He talks a bit faster then normal, is ALWAYS excited, and in general (aside from the murderous tendencies) would be considered a very fun being to be around (that is, if he wasn't trying to rip you to shreds).

Personality #2: The head in the middle. An extremely violent, hot-headed, egotistic, arrogant person who has the constant desire to beat up any being who even slightly suggests something he doesn't like. He gets distracted easily, and is really very dull mind-wise. His brute power is enough to scare away must opponents.

Personality #3: The head on the far right. An incredible intelligent, cold, calculating, decisive person who just adores showing off his smarts. True to his power, he is indeed very cold and is prone to excessively harsh tendencies. But, being reasonable, he is willing to bargain IF and only IF, you have the right price. #3 is also the "leader" head, as in he is basically in charge of the others, constantly keeping them in check.

Short Bio: Blindside used to be perfectly sane, with each and every head kept in check. Being a medic, he contributed much to Alvox's forces. But it was due to a horrible accident that every possible mental screw in his mind just *poof*, fell apart. He had always been extremely fond of working in his lab, actually it was his passion, but it was that one particular incident that changed everything. He became cruel and crazy, turning his experiments from good intent to that of evil. When Sorian rose to power, somebody with his skills was needed for the darker faction. Now he works there, continuing to experiment and treat those he is required to. Blindside has even performed incredibly vital procedures on Sorian himself. Though he prefers to tear apart his patients opposed to actually healing them, he is a skilled surgeon. And don't think that because he used to be a healer he's not a fighter. Blindside will furiously battle almost any opponent, and is usually seen in the war-zone contributing to the blood shed.

Faction: Bad guy

Power: Head #1, metal. Head #2, fire. Head #3, Ice.


Name: Axel

Age: Older adult (about mid-40s in mentality)

Wingspan: 32 ft

Length: 28 ft

Height: 27 ft

Overall appearance:

Basic personality: The good guy's resident doctor. While he is a medic, he does not have a particularly good bedside manner as he frequently throws things like tools at his patients if they got hurt for doing something stupid/something they could have avoided. He only threw things once he had repaired them properly of course. He is very sarcastic, grouchy/grumpy, and a loner. Despite this, however, he is a caring dragon who wants to do the best thing. He would never admit that, of course. So do not expect him to be very compassionate, he just wants to do his job and be left alone. He does have a soft spot for hatchlings though. Many say that the reason he chooses to push others away is because he is afraid of loosing them, just as he has lost so many others in this war.

Short Bio: An adviser (and friend) to Alvox, Axel has been around a long time. Its been in that long time where he has faced constant struggle in this war. He lost a great many close comrades to Sorian's forces and is determined to not loose anymore. Axel wants to help others, but has a tough way of doing it.

Faction: Good guy

Power: Healer


Name: Sparkplug

Age: Young Adult (mentality of an 18-19 year old)

Wingspan: 25 ft

Length: 22 ft

Height: 19 ft

Overall appearance:

Basic personality: Competitive, sporty, fun-loving, reckless. He is extremely loyal, though is prone to doing stupid things. He's very clumsy as well. Sparkplug LOVES to prank others, and sometimes pushes the limits of practical joking a little too far. His jokes are terribly cheesy, but that doesn't stop him from thinking they're the funnies things in the world. Sometimes over-estimating his abilities, he has a severe tendency to get into sticky situations. But do not UNDERESTIMATE his abilities ether, his sting is just as powerful as his bite.

Short Bio: His entire life, Sparkplug has wanted nothing more then to be a warrior. Working through protocol and training, he found himself finally positioned as a scout for the Crimson Guard. Despite the fact that he is constantly causing trouble, he has proved himself a good fighter with good intent.

Faction: Good guy

Power: Electricity


Name: Blink

Age: Young Adult (about 19-20 in mentality)

Wingspan: 27 ft

Length: 24 ft

Height: 23 ft

Overall appearance:

Basic personality: Fast. That's the best way to describe Blink. Everything he does, he does with speed that is matched by no other. He even talks at a super-pace. His mind is as quick as his feet/wings, and he is extremely smart. Fast-talking, excitable, and prone to worry or complain. Can sometimes slow his speech when he wants to be taken seriously. He hates when others get in his way, especially when it interferes with his plan. Otherwise he is loyal, a bit of a flirt, and very competitive.

Short Bio: A prized cadet in the Crimson Guard, Blink has always been fiercely dedicated to fighting evil forces. He sees himself as a soldier, always has and always will. His super-speed comes to great usage in nearly every situation, as he can defeat even much larger opponents and get out of tough predicaments.

Faction: Good Guy

Power: Super speed


Name: Sorian

Age: Old dusty bat (mentality of a 30-40 year old)

Wingspan: 60 ft

Length: 52 ft

Height: 49 ft

Overall appearance:

Basic personality: Sorian has earned his place as the leader of a faction, not having the faith and confidence of other dragons placed him in through the blind following of a demi-religious artefact. He has earned his place through sheer will to power, and he believes that it is through such will and strength that Alveron will be rebuilt to its former glory. The good cause has spread like a cancer, and like a cancer it has destroyed the body whole. Unity can only come about through obliterating those destructive forces, not trying to make peace that will never last because of differing ideals. In evolution the strong survive and the weak perish - for the good of the species. Alveronians have simply evolved enough to be able to identify the weakest of them; that is, the soft-sparked followers of his brother.

Sorian, though not impulsive or reckless in himself, can quickly be driven to be so through all-consuming rage. He relishes battle, the simple language of combat leaving no room for disillusion, and he particularly relishes close combat with his antithesis brother. His feelings towards Alvox are not simply loathing, but also frustration, pride and a degree of envy that he has led armies without threatening them.

Sorian sees himself as an island that has endured for centuries and will endure centuries more, habituated to war and all the invigorations that come with it. A small part of him is dedicated to his iron-hold on commanding the faction because he knows how much it torques off Sycon, and that's a fun puppet to watch dancing itself into a frenzy.

Short Bio: Described earlier.

Faction: BAD GUY

Power: Darkness
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Name: Zena

Age: Young Adult

Wingspan: 19ft

Length: 14ft

Height: 14ft

Overall appearance:

Basic personality: Zena is a soft hearted and caring. Matching her beauty matches her heart is her saying. She is sweet and will risk her life for anyone. Good or bad they are all equal in her eyes. She never gets angry, energy wasted if she does that. She becomes sad though when one has wronged her but she does not hold grudges. She is protective but not to the measure of killing you. She hates to see one sad or pained by someone wrongs doing or their past. You could call her a saint, a therapist. The true that light that shines brighter than your darkness.

Short Bio: Zena was named a goddess when she was little. She did not hold the power of one just the name. She was to nice to have done an evil thing in her life and to caring to leave someone stranded. In her village she was the hope of others. Her mother was the first one. The only thing cursed you could say about her family is that her father decided to join the bad side. The people said her birth was the change of everything. Her father would not kill her but he would not be near her. He left leaving her and her mother alone.

Faction: neutral good

Power: Her element is wind. The power to manipulate to her will. She is able to use wind in various forms , one rare as healing or even turning the weather into a storm.
Name: Kai

Age: Young Adult/Adult (mentally probably just starting to enter his twenties)

Wingspan: 30ft

Length: 27ft

Height: 22ft

Overall appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Air-Dragon-air-dragons-9212363-452-319.jpg.3e9aa0b8a882cb8a94f9a39abb6aa929.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2157" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Air-Dragon-air-dragons-9212363-452-319.jpg.3e9aa0b8a882cb8a94f9a39abb6aa929.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kai is an air dragon of middling height, which is to say he's nowhere near the size of your typical fire dragon, but he's not too terribly small either. He's fairly thin/lithe in build, taking on a sort of narrow, snake like appearance when fully stretched out which better enables him to conform to specific air streams, as opposed to being caught up by his bulk. Being an air-based creature that is essentially a hunk of folded metal strength scales, Kai has some special requirements to help him fly. He may seem thickly barrel chested, but in truth he's mostly hollow - four large pockets or sacks of air fill his chest and stomach while his organs are nestled behind and between them, the sacks themselves are filled with hot air that his body has to constantly be keeping up both to keep his cold blooded self from freezing in the mountainous terrain he likes to live in (and the altitudes he likes to soar at) and to help his wings to lift him into the air, much as a hot air balloon uses warm air to rise. He has an exceptionally long tail that he uses much like a rudder when flying and each of his fore and hind legs sport four very thick talon like claws. Those on his forelegs are generally sharper then those on his hind, as his hind get blunted over time with regular landing pressures.

Basic personality: Kai is about as moody as the weather. He changes like the winds and can be steadily one thing for hours or even days only to change without warning and start acting exactly opposite to how he had been before. He can run the gauntlet from as angry as a thunderstorm to as calm, collect and gentle as a warm breeze in a few short hours or stay consistent for days on end. It's likely very infuriating, the way his mood likes to shift, and some of his friends have trouble putting up with it at times. He's as predictable as the element he was born to, which is to say not at all.

He likes to play with his food, and quite enjoys flying it up to high altitudes and then dropping it, only to catch the poor creature right before it hits the ground - usually while it's still alive (he very rarely thinks about the fact that his probably terrifies the poor beast, and, really, it's going to be eaten in the end so why worry, right?). He's very playful in general and likes to show off. He loves bursting through clouds, but hates how wet and clammy he gets once he comes out of them, and like most reptiles one of his favourite activities involves laying out in the sun on warm rocks and laying there until he's warmed down to his bones.

Short Bio: Kai was hatched in some of the higher, more mountainous areas of the land where he was raised somewhat apart from the war. Because the area was hardly disturbed (being both so high up and so bitterly cold that most didn't care to bother it and because it was just generally far off from most important areas) Kai grew up with very few others around him. While there were other's around to help raise the young dragon there were very few in his own age range and he ended up growing up highly independent and isolated, and can be a bit socially reckless and unaware because of it. Recently he's taken more of an interest in the world around him and has started travelling to more and more populated areas, though his nomadic life style isn't exactly suited to wartime he's managed to around with little to no incident thus far.

Faction: Neutral Neutral - no leaning towards good or bad, really. He just... is. On his own side, basically.

Power: Kai's element is air, and his abilities centre around probability control (PC). PC is, basically, the ability to manipulate luck - both good and bad. Kai's powers are more of a subconscious treatment of his environment than anything else, as he's not bothered to try to train or control it. As such he just seems to be 'born lucky' - he never gets caught out in the rain and he always seems to be passing by at exactly the right time or leaving just in the nick of time. More than that, he can occasionally cause people to have intense bad luck when around him - if he's angry or upset at someone the chances of them having a bad fall or getting stuck out in a thunderstorm become much higher - and those he's fond of often find themselves have a good turn of events when he's near by. He's just a really lucky person, and sometimes that rubs off on others.

Unfortunately, Kai has absolutely no control over his abilities - it happens randomly and in ways he doesn't always anticipate or in ways he doesn't want (often he doesn't wish bad luck upon others and if he knew it was his fault he'd likely feel somewhat guilty over it). If he bothered to train himself/if someone saw his potential and cared to use it he'd probably learn to be able to effect specific luck (ie., making someone trip and fall or injure their wing with a bad landing, etc., specifically), but he would no longer have the protection of his 'born lucky' nature - it's a trade off. Control means he'd be able to direct it, but without controlling it he never has to worry about turning it on or off.



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Thank you! I'm finishing Siste right now, and debating on apping up a third since my dragons so rarely get out.
It seems as though there is such a lack of Dragon role-plays, so my thousands of characters are just flying around in my head with no place to go. It just kills me that I can't be them all. If you would like to be three, then by all means, go ahead!
All right! I love to let them out so I probably will~ 
Name: Syste

Age: old dusty (very wet) bat


Length: 16ft

Height: 7ft

Overall appearance:

Basic personality: Syste is a very bitter creature, twisted by time and seclusion and plenty of it. She was once a very kind sea dragon, carefully tending to the wounds of every creature she came across, not just other dragons, but over time she's... warped. Some time ago she lost her love mate, and shortly thereafter their hatchling, and the loss drove her quite mad. In her grief she pushed herself away from society and lived on her own in the depths of the ocean, and there the blackness called to her. The deep became her new lover and she relished in the murky world on the bottom of the earth, came to see the beauty of darkness and loss. More than that, though, she began to blame others for the loss of the two dragons she held dearer to herself than all others, and she soon found herself spurning all other contact. Hate boiled in her every time she saw others and her once kind nature - and her once soothing abilities - reversed on themselves. Now a days she's quite harsh, she actually seems to enjoy harming others as if their pain could help to alleviate her own.

Short Bio: Okay, most of this is covered in her personality so I'll be brief here. Syste used to be a fairly well known healer - fairly gifted, as well, she'd had a long time to hone her talent in the art - but two terrible losses one right after another (the first of her lovemate who she was two far away from to tend to/patch up when he sustained injuries who took his life, and shortly thereafter her hatchling who contracted a terrible illness that - given her broken mental state over the loss of her lovemate - she was unable to heal him from) drove her to isolate herself at the bottom of the ocean. Long years spent at the seas floor warped her point of view and she's basically gone all dark.

Faction: Neutral Bad (no side, just likes to break things)

Power: Syste is a water dragon, and an anti-healer. She used to be quite skilled at the healing arts, and as her mind warped so did her abilities. She takes what skill she used to have for mending flesh and now rends it - her healing touch instead of mending now burns, can cause muscles to weaken and atrophy, bone marrow to thin. While she cannot cause illness she can raise boils and age or weaken skin and scales. Everything she used to treat she now causes, in essence. She turns bodies against themselves and makes wounds un-knit rather than start to seal together. It's probably a really, really good thing she's confined to water.
Wow, stupendous! I think she and Axel will....get along "nicely". As in, they'll probably butt-heads as soon as they meet.

Go for it, Goddess!
Name: Chrysolagon

Age: Middle aged/almost a dusty old bat

Wingspan: 40ft

Length: 35ft (yes, he's a big un')

Height: 32ft (again. Friggin'. Big. Guy.)

Overall appearance:

Basic personality: Chrysolagon first comes off as your basic stoic fella - tall, dark, so he shouldn't talk a lot, right? Wrong. He tends to be highly sociable and kind hearted when off-duty, though very defensive of his territory/post - and when he's working don't bother. He tries to be as professional as possible and so when he's on duty he's very focused and straight forwards - like the Queen's Guard on earth he doesn't slip up while in uniform, basically. Once he's off duty, though, he likes to partake in the usual soldiers revelries, and he can be just as bawdy and loud mouthed as the best of them. He also regularly likes teasing younger dragons for their green nature, but can be highly defensive of said young un's when anyone else threatens or challenges them. 'Cool dad' style, almost. He's incredibly dedicated to his post and loyal to the cause, and when either are brought up or into question he can get very defensive and harsh very quickly - no one speaks poorly of Alvox or his plans or the war effort in front of him if they know what's good for them. basically he's the sort of person who keeps work and life separate, and when work gets brought up slips into the work mentality completely. It's almost like two separate personalities functioning as one.

He's a very good defence strategist, but he's rather rubbish at offence. Basically, if you give him something to defend he can keep it safe for decades with little resources to draw on, but he can't figure out how to stage an attack on someone else's strong hold. Home games are his lot, more than anything.

Short Bio: Chrysolagon has been on the side of right since very close to the beginning of the war - he was a young dragon when things first fell apart and worked hard to get himself into Alvox's ranks and to keep himself there (and to climb the ladder somewhat) for most of his life. While he started out as a common soldier his defensive capabilities quickly got him put into more and more guard positions and over time he's gained a role in Alvox's personal guard. Over time he eventually got promoted to captain.

Faction: Good guy

Power: Chrysolagon is an earth dragon and his power is protection. When on the defensive his body releases certain chemicals that allow him to fight longer and harder and with more diligence and ferocity then should be possible - much like a mother protecting her child he just goes off the charts when it comes to keeping something safe. He's also fairly gifted when planning a defence system of a stable object - say, a fortress. The same does not apply when on the offensive, however, sometimes it even seems as if the opposite takes place. He fights at least half as well as he does when protecting something, and often seems sluggish or half-hearted in his approach, and while he can see eight million ways that the area he's defending might be attacked he's very bad at planning an attack on someone else's territory. It's like his brain just isn't made to attack, only to defend at all costs. 
Haha, they probably will. I'm sure they would have gotten along when she was whole, at least.

And there. Enjoy Chrysolagon~
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You guys are providing an overwhelming amount of wonderful characters. And yes, him being in Alvox's personal guard is just fine. In fact, if you want he can be the captain of Alvox's personal guard. I'm always open to ideas or suggestions for the characters or the plot, so don't worry about things like that. Thank you for asking first, though. I appreciate that.
Name: Breaker

Age: Adult

Wingspan: 20ft

Length: 23

Height: 24

Overall appearance:

Basic personality: Breaker is hardhead and doesn't understand the words no, not right now, never ,or stop. When in a fight he sees no mercy, even when he' having fun. It's always the first man falls. He likes the game uncle, it shows that even they have to say it no mater what power you have. He is a believer , a fighter for all things. He Is proof of the fact everyone can be hurt, even the stronger.

Short Bio: Breaker was born in the plains of a dessert and rocky mountains. This is how he adapted the hard shell. He was raised by his tough father who saw that any sign of weakness means your not a man. He fights hard core and taught his son that way. One day he told him to go out to the mountain and to hit your head on there until the mountain breaks or at least shakes. He thought it couldn't be done, but after hitting if for 6 nights and 6 days the mountain shakes and he as able to make a bigger crack than expected

Faction: Good

Power: Earth
"hardhead and doesn't understand the words no, not right now, never ,or stop."

You're character is awesome, it's always great to have that type on the team. But dear lord, I just.....I can't....

In that first sentence he almost sounds like a rapist.

Ether way, hehe, consider him in!
Name: Elgliz

Age: Adult

Wingspan: Twenty-five feet

Length: Ten feet

Height: Eight feet,full limb extension


Comes from a mountainous taiga environment.

Personality: Elgliz is cunning and ruthless,but nonetheless adheres to a certain code of behaviour. Never strike without reason,but to never be without a reason.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral with Good leanings.

Power: Sonics,meaning sound. Elgliz can unleash a Dual Heterodynic Sonic Screech. The screech releases two sound waves,one high frequency,one low. Every other high frequency peak will meet with every low frequency peak. This creates a resonant frequency within the sound wave. When the sound wave meets with solid matter,the matter will vibrate at IT'S resonant frequency,causing it to disintegrate. Due to the nature of sound,however,the screech loses coherency at longer ranges,meaning it's only truly effective at ranges of about ten feet. Furthermore,the screech puts immense strain on Elgliz's larynx,which means overuse could permanently render Elgliz dumb,and therefore without his primary defense. It's utterly silent,despite the name.

Background: Elgliz was born to a clutch of many. The jagged,near-barren peaks provided little prey,and the climate was harsh. When they could fly,they quickly flew off to find their own places to nest. However,the mountains possessed little food. They were forced to prey upon eachother. When the war cast the world into it's own little corner of Hell,the mountains quickly became a battleground,in desperate bids to control the mineral wealth and narrow passes within. And so,Elgliz keeps to himself,flying under the cover of night to flee to a new place to rest,should the armies draw too near.

But,war has a habit of coming to those who don't want it. Elgliz knows this too well. He knows that he'll have to take part. Eventually. Until then,he'll do everything he can to avoid it.
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Solid matter is solid matter. I'll throw on some balancing features,like a very short effective range.
I edited in the two (VERY major) limiting factors.

Physics is in full effect. If the air itself was manipulated in such a way to create a total vacuum in the screech's path,then the screech would be stopped. Otherwise,it proceeds with a disrupted range.

I gave Elgliz this screech as a means to give him an edge in an overly-hostile environment and against otherwise too-powerful opponents. Elgliz is tiny. And fully grown.





Overall Appearence:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1371963264.520454.jpg.2e92813bb5bc48a9f453b719758c251c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2165" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/ImageUploadedByTapatalk1371963264.520454.jpg.2e92813bb5bc48a9f453b719758c251c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Basic Personality:Proud, Manipulative, Power Hungry, Calculating

Short Bio:Fenrir's only goal in life, is to become more powerful than the gods and begin a new era, he will use and lie to anyone who allies with him, yet he will allow an enemy to die an honorable death. In his youth he met a mysterious dark dragon who showed him how to block his mind and body from psychic manipulation both good and bad, since then he has traveled the lands in search of power and followers.

Faction:Neutral Bad




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...and all I could think after reading your characters name was Loki's son the Fenrir wolf *shot'd repeatedly*

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