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Fandom The Lazy Days Search [10/01/24]


Said you'd die for me, well -- there's the ground
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hey ya'll!

Fandom only this time, though some are just the "world". Sadly, I'm in a weird space right now where I can write, but my world building is just Not Here, so I'm knocking off all my original plans for another day. Right now, I'm seeking some fandoms instead. Take a look and see if we have any matches, and if we do, come back and look at my rules to see if we're compatible. There's a code in the rules, so I'll be looking for an answer to that.

1. Don't God-Mod. In other words, don't make my character speak, don't make my character take damage, and don't control my character. If you want something to go a certain way for plot purposes, just PM me and ask. Usually, I accept "god-modding" during travel and the like. It is usually acceptable to assume movement if a character is already committed to the journey.

2. Please be able to play all genders, and play multiple roles. Your main character(s) may be just male or just female, but I expect all the side characters and NPCs to have life and flavor, too.

3. I always double regardless of pairings involved, so you are also expected to double.

4. On the note of characters: I will always play one female character. So, be aware of that. I'm open to all pairing types, and have enjoyed all, so come at me with what you want!

5. I only RP on threads, (or GDocs in rare cases; you’ll have to convince me because I hate cluttering it up), so no PM, kik, discord, e-mail, or other rps with me. So that I know you’ve read the rules this far, please let me know what your "I deserve a treat" food is!

6. Please be able to write more than a couple of sentences as responses to me. I have tried to do “simple” RPs, but I end up not feeling motivated to respond or continue the RP. I will need you to be able to write a paragraph or two, each post, at least.

7. PM if you are interested. The only reason for you not to PM me is if you cannot do so due to the fact you haven't reached 24 hours/10 posts.


1. I do not like to be hassled for posts. Especially if I have already posted that day or the day before. Do not bother me for posts until at least two days have passed. Otherwise, I will start to resent our RP and lose interest in it.

2. I enjoy OOC talk, however I will not respond to "hi" or "-poke-" or equivalents. Have substance to the chatter, even if it just asking "How are you?".

3. Do not bump our thread, or do anything OOC in the IC thread. I will not post out of spite. I have a problem with this, I acknowledge it, I'm not fixing it.

4. On that matter, please keep OOC to PMs and not on our IC thread. IC is for posting. If you have a question, concern, or comment, just shoot me a PM.

5. In general, I do not enjoy immediate romances or "slice-of-life" RPs, so do not come to me expecting I'll do either. I do want romance in 9 out of 10 cases, though. I may make rare exceptions.

I am doubling trash, so PLEASE come to me with who you want me to play for you, lol

Final Fantasy VIII: Seeking Seifer
Alternatively, I do have an idea involving a "Post-Squall" world, so at least 100 years in the future, involving Hyne. So all OC cast, but using this world as a base.

Game of Thrones:
Seeking Euron Greyjoy (more book than show), Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Tywin Lannister, or Oberyn Martell
I haven't watched HoTD. GoT did me dirty with Season 8, I'm waiting until this show finishes to decide. But Aemond seems dope.

Baldur's Gate 3: Seeking Enver Gortash.

Star Wars: Seeking Poe Dameron, Armitage Hux

The Dragon Prince: Seeking Aaravos, maybe Viren.

Devil May Cry 3ish: Seeking Vergil
I have not played games after 3.

Armored Core 6: Seeking Walter

Castlevania: Seeking Trevor Belmont (Netflix only)

Fallout New Vegas: Benny, OC Legionnaire

Original Genres:

+ Modern vampires. I take inspiration from Vampire the Requiem.

+ Original Fantasy in line more with Witcher, but Berserk and Elden Ring vibes are welcome.
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