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Note: The background below assumes the RP is located at Dugway Proving Grounds.


(Duncan at age 13)

Duncan Moran

Gender: Male

Age: 15 (16 in Sept)

Grade: 11

Starting the 11th Grade, but he has been heavily homeschooled. He’s completed High School requirements. Plus he has most of college level chemistry, physics and math completed. However, both his parents and maternal Grandparents agree he needs to grow up with kids his own age. That means mainstream school. He doesn’t exactly agree, but he’s he’s really too young for a job.


Duncan has absolutely NO sense of fashion. He looks like his mother dressed him. His hair is normally either cut off like he is in Basic Training, or a bowl haircut that makes him look like Moe. (He opts for the former if he has a choice.) His clothing usually consists of jeans, a T shirt (preferably some dark color), and tennis shoes. Much of this is hand me downs, flea market or yard sale specials or worse (if you can imagine worse. Trust me; there is.)

He is cute enough for a 15 year old. He’s a geek, but he is in superb shape, and likely stronger than boys a couple years older. He stands 5’3” tall, weighing in at 120 lbs. (Don't worry; in another year he'll grow about a foot.)


Duncan is extremely intelligent, reading well over 1000 wpm doing SRA’s (Strategic Reading Assignments) by age 12. He gets bored easily, especially in school as he finds other students … slow. But he keeps silent about it - probably his one redeeming quality in this area. He usually ends up in trouble for reading some sci fi book - if he can find one he hasn’t read at the Library. He is also more than happy to help any other student. He doesn’t even have to like or dislike them.

He works as a TA (in courses taught to student of his age) and Library Aide at the High School.

Duncan loves all hard science (ie not the squishy ones - Biology? Bleh!) He refused to take it EVER. He is a natural mathlete. He is an expert at chess, but is utterly bored by it. Computers? Not so much his thing. Nor anything electronic or mechanical. Have HIM try to fix anything and you are asking for disaster. He does NOT have the car bug either, though he needs to get his first car soon.

Sports: He loves Soccer and ALWAYS has a soccer ball either with him or in his locker. He also loves swimming and rock climbing. He’s a natural at football. He HATES baseball - even though he is great at it. While he has played some of the other sports, soccer is the only one he can be easily tempted to play - if he cares to ask his father. Despite his abilities, he will probably always be picked last for team sports. He just doesn’t LOOK like a jock.


In Gym Class, he will NEVER play Skins. Ever.

Duncan spends all his time in school or at home doing chores. But he will take any excuse from the school not to go home. He has no friends. He is simply awkward in social situations. (Maybe his Grandparents were right?) And girls? Oh dear God. There’s only one thing he’s more afraid of than his Father - girls.

He does NOT do social media. (Yes, he has a full office computer at home and a state of the art laptop.)

He has
no cell phone.

Skills, Hobbies

Besides the skills his studies in science and math, he has branched out a little into music. One of his aunt was a music teacher. And an uncle teaches music at the University of San Diego. Duncan learned the piano from his aunt first. He started guitar about 2 years ago and plays fairly well.

His other hobbies include amateur Astronomy, math puzzles, rock and fossil collecting, lapidary (his parents got him a tumbler a few years ago for Christmas and his grandfather got him a saw), UFOlogy (and any fringe science), rock climbing. He has actually found precious stones worth setting into jewelry, and discovered three dig sites (two he stumbled on and were neolithic; the last was a modest fossil find).


Duncan biological father was US Navy. So he was born into the military from the start. As an infant he was sickly, and at age 3 and a half he was dying in the hospital of spinal meningitis when his father abandoned them.

At Age 5 his mother met his Stepfather, at the time a USAF Staff Sergeant (E-5) in military transportation and they were shortly married. Overnight he went from being an only child to having an older brother and sister to pick on him. His whole step family resented him. If his older brother did something wrong, guess who got blamed. They were Deep South Southern Baptists preaching hellfire and damnation and he was the spawn of Satan - as his mother was Catholic.

He soon learned that his stepfather had other flaws. He was prejudiced and abusive. Hardly a day goes by that Duncan doesn’t get beaten. So he blesses the days when his father is away on TDY’s. Of course, there is always a list of chores. His brother used to take off some of the heat. But with him gone, his stepfather takes it all out on Duncan. And it doesn’t help that his Father thinks science is a waste of time. (His mother is the only shield he has from that issue.)

Duncan developed his hatred of Baseball when his stepfather made his brother hold his feet to the ground while he threw the ball hard at Duncan. Duncan was 7 at the time and had never held a baseball before.

Thus far Duncan has spent 6 months at Nellis (age 6), 2 years at Eglin (age 7-8), 2 years at Incirlik, Turkey (age 9-11), 3.5 years at Kirkland (age 12-15).

Duncan’s father is now an E-8 SMSgt, and the senior enlisted man in charge of military air transport. He also serves as the first Sergeant for USAF enlisted personnel. On the side he runs the base Rod and Gun Club.


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[because evening out genders is always important for me... And because he's more afraid of girls than his father.] This is still a WIP.



Winifred Amara M. Breiner

Nickname: Fred, Freddy, Amara are all fine to use. For her close associates, they usually call her Lynx, or just Lyn, having been her name from the days at the orphanage. (Yeah, don't ever call her Winifred. She doesn't like that name at all. Sounds stupid and old, in her opinion.)

Gender: Female. (Anyone who doubts that gets a kick in the gonads or a punch in the gut, regardless of age and gender.)

Age: Eighteen. (At least, that's what her folks and her think. There's a possibility that she is sixteen biologically, since she could've been lied to about her age back at the orphanage.)

Grade: Eleventh.

Short Educational Background





Sports: answer



Skills, Hobbies





I'm sorry but what do I put here? (This part is really for anything unusual that one is almost never without. If we started after the apocalypse it would be more important.)

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