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Fantasy 𝒯𝒽𝑒 ★ 𝐿𝒶𝓈𝓉 ★ 𝒲𝒾𝓈𝒽

Academy Exterior
Early Afternoon
The weather changed as much as Auber's routine had in the past week or so.

After everyone started heading into classes, he passed a few of the club rooms that were empty and marveled at the equipment they all had, from crafts to computers to the actual people still in the martial arts club. Sliding to get out of the way as they all rushed into the hall, he arrived at his classroom and sat somewhere in the middle of the room. Class itself didn't seem totally different; he was naturally better at English due to it being his first language but struggled a little with Maths and Japanese Language lessons. He didn't have total losses, but he hadn't aced anything, but he felt himself getting better, due to the slow increase his wish granted.

The morning came and went, and lunch quickly arrived. Auber always brought some Western-leaning foods since that's what his family mainly carried, but he was always a little jealous of the typical bentos most of his classmates had. And lunch, like many things, was done quickly and by himself at his desk. As he ate, Auber watched some stray snowflakes fall from a roof tile onto the windowsill. Several of others moved around to talk to friends or head out to eat somewhere else, and Auber simply got out of the way politely.

After eating, Auber headed to the bathroom. Going to wash his hands, a charge stopped him dead in his tracks. Checking to make sure he was alone, Auber checked his Soul Gem which he had sewn into his belt, as it pulsed worryingly towards the snowy track outside. Taking a deep breath, Auber clasped his gem as light engulfed the bathroom.

Spinning in a circle, flashes of several groovy patterns swung across his body before solidifying as the checkered outfit he now wore. His belt flew upwards and expanded into his bifold hat, under which he hid his Soul Gem. He reached up and flicked the end of his glasses, spinning them into his mask, disappearing his pupils and inverting the colors of his body into the pales and blues of Fool. With one final spin, Fool slipped out of the bathroom window as his fingertips filled with saved color from last night.

As he crouched on the windowsill, he placed his hands in front of him, and extended a red pathway forwards through the air. In a dead sprint, Fool took off on top of it. As he ran across the small color beam, he spotted some other Magical Children of which he had yet to ever see. While he had been waiting to meet others like him, a Wraith so close to his academy wouldn't be good. He saluted at them, before cartwheeling into a back handspring. As he touched the platform, he absorbed it and took out his wooden rod, using the color to slightly sharpen the weapon as he plunged downwards at the Wraith from the air.

Nothingness Nothingness Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
code by @Nano

Aki looked away momentarily when Yuusuke questioned why he'd still go to their "club" meeting if he was in pain. A million potential reasons that he wouldn't have been able to go, the most prominent being the possibility of Hikaru dragging him there, ran through his head. A million more lies. Maybe a simple statement that he'd heal faster if he transformed, but he didn't want to do so alone. Not wanting his sisters to climb all over him when he was pretty sure he still had a broken rib.

The bits and pieces of the truth weren't quite putting together a good enough reason right now. He was simply scared to refuse once he'd been asked to do something.

Something that didn't pin the blame for him going on anyone else. That's all he needed.

"I guess I don't, but..." He hesitated to finish his sentence. He would go anyway, because he was asked to. He didn't have an excuse right now-

He could feel his Cursed Gem, weakly pulsing against his chest from the necklace he wore it on. Somebody must have transformed nearby. Not a big deal, really, but whatever excuse he seemed to be thinking up died on his tongue as he felt this. What, had somebody made a Nightmare in the middle of the day? He adjusted the necklace hiding beneath his shirt, so that he couldn't feel it quite as well. He didn't want to go help with whatever was going on.

"Who knows? Maybe somebody will have spotted a Kuchisake-Onna. That'd be a fun haunting to check out, wouldn't it?" Aki put a finger to the corners of his mouth, dragging them up to the his ears, playfully indicating what he'd expect to see from such a phantom before he tossed another tomato in his mouth. Just one character out of the list of Youkai Aki seemed to actually believe in, if his delusion was anything to go off of, even if he was currently only using it as a theatric to get his classmates to stop staring at him. Show he was in a good mood and that he liked Yuusuke, and those accusatory glares would leave them.

And most of them did.

He knelt down, picking up his Bento box (still in one piece, thankfully), pushing the mess back into it's former home to get it off the floor. Best to not leave it there, even if cleaning the mess up still made him feel significantly worse. As long as he expected it, tolerating the pain wasn't too hard. He closed the lid on it once he'd gotten it cleaned up, and placed it on a desk.

"No, no need. I have money." More than enough, considering he was employed and Hikaru would give him money whenever he wanted. He didn't have much of an appetite right now, anyway. He idly tapped on his Cursed Gem, thinking. If something had happened that was making his soul react, most of the Magical Girls and Boys should've gone to deal with that.

...Meaning he could probably transform to let his body heal.

"But would you mind helping me get some cleaning products from the hall?"
Theasuke Theasuke
Those who were acquainted with Sibylla would find it no surprise that she spent lunch alone, deep in her "meditation" like some combination of air traffic controller and spy, monitoring the relationships and emotions of everyone present within the range of her perception and looking for strings to pull at. Even so, she tended to spend her time at school restive, looking forward mainly to her meetings with the rest of the "Paranormal Society" as well as her work in the other parts of the city.

Maybe later today she could follow up with that middle-aged man in the business district who was feeling guilty about cheating on his wife...he was looking over his shoulder constantly, as if being found out was an inevitability. He would soon be a prime candidate to have his Nightmare expressed...

As she walked through the corridors, a beep came from her phone. She fished out her earbuds from her bag, plugging them in and allowing the phone to read the message.


Sibylla sighed. Well, that kind of distraction was par for the course. She would give Hikaru some soothing words now, the better to keep him on task.

She lifted the phone to her face, recording a voice message.

"That does sound a little concerning. Maybe you should have Aki watch your back for the next couple of days. Or failing that, wear a hair net? You of all people can make it work." Necromantic Necromantic

The next bump in the road could not be brushed off so easily, however.

Just as she thought she could go back to her observation, Sibylla felt a familiar tension in her chest.

It couldn't be a Nightmare: none of her allies in this school had mentioned planning to release one here.

That could only mean...a Wraith. An annoying obstacle that got in the way of Nix's work to help people. So be it. She would help to crush it before it could interfere.

She clasped her cursed gem in her hands, concentrating. Thinking of Eleonore. Of her regrets. Her final mistake.

It wasn't the magical heroes on the ground who met the Wraith on the ground that got the first strike, but the colorful Fool that struck down at it from above. To complement his attack, he would find the Tower, a heavily armored knight appearing in a flash of shadow at the feet of the Wraith. As the Fool plunged down on it, the Tower shoved forward with its shield, hoping to stagger the Wraith and preventing it from dodging the Fool's unsubtle attack.

Omen stood at the top of a nearby building, observing the fight. The Wraith was some distance away, but like all magical creations, especially those borne of terrible emotion, it stood out to her like a blinding beacon in the darkness before her eyes. Her hand gripped her scythe, preparing to intervene if the Tower's assistance proved insufficient.

Nothingness Nothingness Squad141 Squad141 Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples


Location: Mitakihara Academy - Track
Time: Afternoon
Mentions: Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury
Interactions: Nothingness Nothingness Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Squad141 Squad141 Nellancholy Nellancholy

Ethan barely even glanced up from his phone screen as a relatively familiar classmate sat nearby: Arian Hasumi if he remembered correctly, a member of the games club, and one with quite an impressive winning streak if the rumors he overheard were true. Since he seemed content to keep to himself and Ethan definitely wasn't one to initiate conversation, he simply went back to scrolling through his phone.

That is, until the telltale pulsing of his Soul Gem vibrated against his chest, shocking his system into action like the most dire alarm clock. Abruptly jolting up, and then pausing briefly as he remembered where he was and to not make a scene, he scooped up his bag and rushed towards the nearest exit, mumbling some made-up excuse under his breath about needing to grab something for one of his siblings for any of the nosy students that had turned to focus on the upperclassman suddenly storming off.

Practically bashing the door open with his shoulder, it barely had time to close all the way before Ethan pulled his Soul Gem locket out from under his shirt and grasped it in his left hand to began his transformation. A swirling mass of blue energy surrounded him as he levitated off of the ground, the essence settling upon his clothes and replacing them with a skintight black undershirt and matching black pants, coalescing and materializing further as a blue cloak that flowed down his shoulders and an eyepatch that covered his wounded left eye. The remaining magical soul energy enveloped his arms, encasing them in sturdy gauntlets and crystalizing a shield in his left hand, in the palm of which sat his radiant Soul Gem. By the time the transformation had finished Aegis had grown a good few inches, his hair now a lustrous ivory hue that cascaded around his face and down his back.

Still levitating ever so slightly above the ground, Aegis didn't run so much as glide towards the destination his gem directed him. The snow and chill should have gotten to him with the lack of clothing, but instead he found the cold settling quite comfortably on his bare arms as it permeated his thin outfit. Arriving at the scene of the disturbance, he was quite unsurprised to see that several other magical fighters had already gotten there. There were many teens in this place—it was a school, after all—and it was an unspoken, awkwardly avoided truth that a good handful of students were going to secretly be magical allies.

"Just one Wraith? Why is my gem acting up like this then?" Aegis asked in his deep emotionless tone more to himself than the others as he came to a stop, glancing at Sentinel, Hemera, and Nereus. He knew these three well enough having fought alongside the latter two quite a few times for at least a year, and quite a bit longer than that with Sentinel. The colorful one in the sky, however, he didn't know, although the mystery magical boy's tenacity to get straight into the battle was commendable.

"We really don't all need to be here, then." a soft sigh followed his words, knowing that more magical fighters were bound to arrive, which only made his self-assigned job of making sure everyone was safe exponentially harder.

"You all know the deal." he said to them, his right gauntlet already crackling with the energy to summon a bulwark as he watched the new magical boy go in for the attack. "Stay behind a bulwark if you need to, and if you really need to, stay behind me."

Just before he was able to cast his 'laser' bulwark to block some of the Wraith's attacks, however, a massive knight appearing from a flash of shadow halted him from acting. Whipping his head around, Aegis scanned the surroundings before his gaze fell upon a Witch overseeing the battle from a nearby rooftop.

"Mm. That explains it." having found the answer to his previous question, he stared down the Witch, moving to situate himself between her and his allies in case she tried something. As it seemed like she was helping the battle right now—or at least not hindering it—Aegis decided not to push any attack against her for the time being.

"Heads up, the Witch is on the roof to our east." he informed his allies in case they hadn't figured out where the towering knight had come from yet. "Just focus on the Wraith. I'll keep an eye on her in case she's foolish enough to kick the hornet's nest and attack this many magical fighters at once."

Fighting a single Wraith wasn't anything exciting especially this far into his magical boy career, outnumbering and ganging up on a single Wraith even less so, and so Aegis uncharacteristically decided to play outfield this time.

"This would be perfect training for some of the rooks, if they could ever show up to a damn battle on time." he grumbled, letting the rippling blue essence shoot from his gauntlet to form a rectangular bulwark along the frontline while mumbling 'laser'. "I'll sit back for this one. But I swear to the Goddess if any of you get injured I'll bring Aurora herself down to take your powers away as punishment."
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That does sound a little concerning. Maybe you should have Aki watch your back for the next couple of days. Or failing that, wear a hair net? You of all people can make it work.

Hikaru couldn't say that such a response wasn't what he expected out of his desperate bid to find the psycho plucking hair directly out of his head. He'd have to stalk a few fan-forums, anybody crazy enough to go stealing his hair was bound to post it online about it, proud that they'd gotten away with their crime. A sigh escaped Hikaru as he shoved his phone back into his pocket.

He blinked a few times as his Cursed Gem started reacting to something, pulling the gem out of his shirt to look at it for a moment. Huh, seemed like something was happening. Yet, it didn't seem to be Nightmare activity, based on how everything inside the school still seemed perfectly normal. He took a bite out of a sandwich he'd brought for lunch as he turned the gem over in his hand.

...Truth be told, he couldn't care less what was happening, be it Wraith or Nightmare activity. As long as there was chaos being spread, he was content. Yet, whatever it was clearly wasn't causing enough chaos, and more importantly it was leaving him out of the fun. If all the Soul Gems on campus were already going off like little soul-containing alarm clocks, he might as well use this opportunity to make his own entertainment.

He took a peek out of the abandoned classroom he'd been hiding in (away from the crazed bitches wanting his hair), checking for anybody nearby. Nope, still empty. Wait, no, down the hall, he could hear a girl talking. Nobody responding to her, only one set of footsteps, from what he could tell, she was alone.

By the time he reached her, Happy Chaos had already transformed. Tail tucked into his pants, ears squashed down by a hat he'd been carrying, he looked like some lost theater kid wandering the halls. Yet, the girl he'd found didn't seem to mind, willingly confiding in him when he asked her what was wrong. Her parents were getting a divorce, and her mother had become abusive toward her because her dad had been cheating on her with a prostitute. She blamed one of her classmates, whose parent had been the one her dad was cheating with. She planned to kill her classmate's dog as revenge. Her mother had attacked her with a broken beer bottle, but it'd only left a scar on her face rather than any severe damage.

Forget Nightmare, this bitch probably had enough hatred in her to become a Witch. She followed him, still a relatively conveniently attractive guy despite his change in appearance, as he walked toward the cafeteria. Some positive attention in her life probably would've been enough to help her through her family trouble without going to the extreme of killing somebody's dog, but he wasn't there to try to help her. The only words he offered were words of encouragement, trying to stir those feelings of hatred in her heart. Don't target her classmate's dog- Target her. Slit her throat. If the prostitute didn't need to care for a child, they'd probably stop hooking up with her dad, and her parents could go back to having a happy marriage. With the same honeyed words of encouragement he'd give his fans to cheer louder for him, Happy Chaos stirred the girl's feelings of hatred that'd taken root in her heart, until he could practically feel how they were bubbling over.

"You know, I think it's pretty hot that you want revenge so badly." A little on the nose, but this was a rush job. Despite being an atrocious pick up line, the girl that seemed desperate for any sort of positive attention practically lit up. Huh, he'd really gotten lucky this time around, but there really wasn't any shortage of girls in abusive households wandering around a Highschool.


She'd taken every piece of bait he'd cast, hook, line, and sinker. He pulled out a baggie full of small, bunny shaped cookies, and bit the ears off of one of them. It didn't matter if it was a magical one or not, it was his magic in them, after all.

"Yep. You're willing to hurt others to protect what you care about. You could say we have that in common... I would," Have, "Kill to keep the ones I love safe."

The girl he was talking to (he'd never even gotten her name, she was such an idiot) was decently taller than him. Somewhere between his height and Akihiko's. So, he had to reach up to poke a strawberry flavoured bunny cookie into her mouth. No reaction...Yet. His cookies could take a minute, depending on how many his victims ate. She seemed to enjoy his cookie, though, so that was a bonus.

"Did you make that?"

"Yep! I love cooking. Have as many as you like, I can always make more." He held up his baggie, and she took it from him. How gullible. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder to pull her down a little, and took a selfie with, which of course he sent to Aki.

"Imma go to the bathroom real quick, 'kay?"

The soon to be Nightmare nodded in response. He left her, going toward the bathroom where he certainly would not actually be pissing, and passing a familiar head of brown hair on his way there. Oh, Arian was also in the cafeteria. Huh, what a small school they lived- No, learned in. Clad in clothes that looked like they could've come straight out of Wonderland, Happy Chaos looked about as conspicuous as possible, but he still tried to seem inconspicuous, if for no other reason than being asked what he was doing in the Men's Bathroom would've been a little weird.

mentions: Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury Nellancholy Nellancholy
Interactions: Myself
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Mercurius Aleator
Arian Hasumi
”I’ll see you on the other side. But I’d kill to bring you back tonight.”
Arian was munching on his sandwich as he stared off into the distance, not looking at anything or anyone in particular. The boredom was getting to him, but at least the Ethan guy besides him wasn’t striking up a conversation with him. When Arian was in moods like this, he despised communicating with anyone. He would soon be a thrown out of his thoughts as he felt a light shock coming from his Cursed Gem. As soon as the feeling had hit, Ethan beside him had shot out of his seat. Had he noticed Arian’s slight reaction to the light shocking sensation? Arian’s suspicion were soon extinguished once Ethan quickly made his way away from the table, mumbling to himself about something. Now that, was interesting.

As Arian continued to eat his sandwich, he noted that nobody in the cafeteria seemed to be freaking out. So it most definitely wasn’t a nightmare, not at the moment at least. It was probably one of those Wraith creatures, the ones that he was actually quite interested in. They weren’t Nightmares, and certainly weren’t allies to him. But nonetheless, they intrigued Arian. He would once again be thrust out of his thoughts as Hikaru- no, Happy Chaos walked passed Arian’s table and towards the bathrooms. Now that certainly reeked of a Nightmare, or more particularly Happy Chaos spreading, well… Chaos. Arian admired it nonetheless, setting a Nightmare free while some magical idiots were dealing with a Wraith seemed a lot more fun than what he had been doing for the past couple of minutes.

Finishing his sandwich, Arian stood up and stretched before making his way out of the cafeteria and into the quiet halls of the school. Arian would slink through the halls, being sure to not be noticed by any wandering student. He would carefully make his way up some stairs which led to the schools roof. His Cursed Gem would appear in his hand as he took one last step up the stairs. Being engulfed in black, blue, and silver light, the person who emerged from the door was not Arian, but the Warlock Mercury. “Always a pleasure to witness a great show~.” he said, making his way to the edge of the building. Fighting the Wraith seemed to be almost a hoard of Magical girls and boys. And was that-? He’d examine his surroundings only to see Omen standing atop a building opposite the school. Of course she was getting involved, she seemed to dislike those things as much as the Magical idiots who tended to fight them. Obviously, Mercury held the Wraith’s in a much more different opinion than Omen. Though, that always did tend to create interesting conversation between the two.
Mentions: Managarmrr Managarmrr Necromantic Necromantic Nellancholy Nellancholy
Code By Nano


Zevra Majiko -> Eulampis
Interactions: Nellancholy Nellancholy
Mentions: Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury Managarmrr Managarmrr Squad141 Squad141 Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Kairi Hanarei Hanarei
Zevra was able to get herself and Kairi to school in the nick of time, unfortunately due to them not having much time she wouldn't be able to escort Kairi to her classroom, unless she wanted to be late. It was quite the unfortunate event but something she would have to live with, she doubted anything bad would happen to Kairi or anyone would bother her when class was soon going to begin anyways.
Class was boring as usual but now it was time for Lunch, a time that she would be able to have to herself, though how would she use that time? She wasn't for sure yet, perhaps she should hang out with one of her few friends or maybe go watch after Kairi. But before she could must up the ability to make a decision she felt her gem react to the pull of activity in the area, Zevra muttering a few curses in response, if this was cause of some idiot Witch or Warlock then Zevra was going to murder them after school. Though in all honesty the only reason she cared so much about this was cause she wasn't with her sister at the moment and stunts like this could potentially put her sister in danger, she only really had two options at the moment find her sister who she wasn't sure where she would be at or go to whatever problem was happening on the school grounds and control it. Of course she could try calling her sister but she wasn't exactly fond of the idea of calling her during school hours, plus it may seem a bit strange to do so anyways.

After a bit of musing in her own thoughts Zevra let out a sigh before walking towards the locker area so she could put her stuff up, and once she had done that she headed on over to a secluded area, a classroom that was completely abandoned at the moment. When she entered she waited a minute to make sure that it was truly empty before taking out her corrupted Soul Gem and slamming it into the middle collar of their neck, with their thoughts focusing in on their hatred for other people, those who had opted to harrass her sister, it didn't take long for her transformation to be complete. Though she wasn't fond of doing this, she was use to doing her hunting at night not during the day, and even then she wasn't someone who liked direct confrontation. But whatever she could still atleast keep her distance though it would be harder to keep hidden with all the daylight, but you had to play with the cards you were given she guessed. Not wanting to use the entrance she used to exit this place, she had opted to open up one of the windows of the room and jump out of it not even caring about the fact that she was not on the first floor. As soon as she was close to hitting the ground she froze midair, making it seem like she was just about hovering over the ground, of course this was thanks to her powers, she didn't have any worries about crashing into the ground , unless she for some reason miscalculates and overshoots herself into the ground, not exactly a pretty sight if it happens.

Regardless now that she was in her Witch form she could investigate the situation that was happening without much fear. Moving fast up into the air before moving straight ahead towards the direction she was feeling pulled to. The scene below was chaotic to say the least, there was many magical boys and girls on scene already all for a weak wraith, and out in the distance she could spot another witch such as herself one that she was sure was there due to their dislike for wraiths. She was beginning to think that she was perhaps not needed at all, but still like she was gonna trust a bunch of magical girls and a few of her compatriots to do something right. But she was not going to join those idiots in combat for one measly wraith, instead she appeared to almost flew forward towards the location of the other witch that had perch herself on the building. She glared at her as she floated a few feet off the ground in front of her, but instead of properly facing her she kept her self-sideways so that she could have a good view of both the magical girls/boys in the distance and be able to have eyes on her without turning.

She gave a firm glare to their senior witch, who held her scythe closely to her, though Zevra/Eulampis kept her many daggers hidden away at her hip.
"I suppose that wraith over there coincidently came here right during our lunch break and it wasn't yours or one of the other smooth brains fault?" her tone was more so in a matter of fact voice than anything. But she had a clear displeasure for things like this happening during school hours, and as much as she wasn't fond of the other Witches and Warlocks she had to have atleast a working relationship with them due to their trade she supposed.

_Angel Symphony_
(sorry if things are inconsistent, I’m editing this on my phone)
Location: Mitakihara Academy, Outside
Interactions: Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples , Guppy Franz Guppy Franz , Squad141 Squad141


Mayumi was pacing around the room. A few seconds earlier her stone began to glow and now it was pulsating. She looked at it on her waist and began to sweat. “What should I do? WHAT SHOULD I DO?!” She thought to herself over and over. Phoebe invited her over to the table but she couldn’t sit down, she needed to get out of here. “Uhm, I have to go to the bathroom!” She said and quickly ran out of the cafe, confusing Phoebe, Lincoln, and Hansuke. Running through the halls, she made a sharp turn into the restrooms, which luckily had a small window. She looked around, making sure nobody was inside and transformed. She let the power of the gem surge through her as her uniform disappeared as a pink and white angelic outfit replaced it. Her brown eyes turned pink and bows were everywhere. Once the power died down, she opened her eyes. “Alright let’s get this over with.” She was slightly annoyed. She just had an extremely rough fight last night and she was in no shape to do it again. She had to do this quickly. Clapping her hands, a pink and sliver scythe appeared. Jumping out the window, she saw a couple of other magical kids. She floated down beside The Fool and bluntly asked him. “Alright. What do we know about this thing other than it’s kinda ugly and it likes hiding behind the bleachers.” She normally wasn’t this way but she was pretty agitated by this sudden appearance. She slid into a fighting position while waiting for his answer.
Classroom > Hallway
"I just wanted to have lunch in peace."
Aki ( Necromantic Necromantic )
Yuusuke's Cursed Gem, carelessly tossed into his jacket's pocket that morning, pulsed rhythmically. His hand instinctively closed around it, all thoughts momentarily trailing off along with the warlock's words, the previous conversation already slipping off his mind. This was an all-too-familiar sign that the magical gang was nearby and that trouble was brewing. His eyes flickered around the room and then towards the windows, seeking any glimpse from the potential source of the signal, but the scene remained deceptively peaceful. Everything on this side of the academy looked proper, no people in cosplay jumping around, apart from the fact there weren't too many students in the courtyard as they would on a normal break, likely still engrossed in their lunch. Everyone was bound to be in either the classrooms or cafeteria, so this was probably somewhere outside, away from prying eyes. Judging by his experience with previous occurrences, it was likely just another regular Wraith—unless, of course, someone foolishly decided to transform on a whim. He withdrew his gaze from the glass panels, shifting his attention back to his classmate, just in time to witness Aki's performance.

"Fine." Slipping his wallet back, Yuusuke stood up, brushing any dirt off his knees. Wiping the floor wasn't as nice of a solution as simply spending a bit of money, but if Aki wasn't interested in the offer, Yuusuke wouldn't insist either. Instead, he picked up on the peculiar way the question was phrased, assuming he was needed outside for something else. Was he actually interested in checking it out? He doubted there were any mouth-slitting Wraiths awaiting them; that sounded more like Nightmare territory. Yuusuke himself wasn't too keen on meddling, as he found it unnecessary. This thing had chosen the worst possible location to appear in, one that would undoubtedly draw all the magical girls and boys in the vicinity like flies. While Yuusuke relished every opportunity he could to go make their life a living hell (fighting was his best specialty after all, considering he lacked in probably everything else), he had a feeling this poor creature would be pulverized within a couple of minutes. He wasn't reckless enough to paint a target on himself for the entire magical family over something that wasn't a Nightmare. He'd rather bide his time, in case things took a turn for the worse—which they often did—and his help was needed.

"You coming, then?" He shoved his hands inside his pockets before turning and walking away, chin pointing outside, signaling to the male to come along.
code by @Nano
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Hayashida Erina
knock me down, i'll get right back up again, over & over

Erina Hayashida hurried out of her classroom, hastily pulling up her book bag onto both of her shoulders, her mind already occupied with the different options of food awaiting her in the cafeteria. As she weaved through the bustling school corridors, dodging other classmates of hers lingering in the hallways talking to one other, she couldn’t help but feel something was off, even if everything around her seemed perfectly normal. Erina shrugged it off, wanting to focus on the rest of the day ahead of her (plus she was STARVING, who places math class right before lunch?) instead of worrying for no reason.

But just as Erina stepped foot into the cafeteria, her soul gem hidden in the front pocket of her jacket suddenly began to glow with a soft light, the light was faint, but it was most definitely signifying something was bound to happen. Erina’s heart skipped a beat as she felt that familiar feeling of dread spread through her body—the unmistakable signal that danger was near. Erina stiffly turned around hoping no one noticed her slightly alarmed face and walked out of the cafeteria’s doorway heading to the nearest bathroom available. Locking herself in the furthest stall from the door of the bathroom, she pulls out her soul gem from its hiding place from within the depths of her jacket pocket. As she took it out, this time the jewel was shining brightly instead of faintly like it had been before, and Erina was praying to the gods that no one else was in this bathroom with her. Grasping her soul gem tightly, her transformation began with a burst of purple and white light, the light swirling around her figure to change her appearance completely.

As the light dissipated, Sylph was left in its wake, Erina’s brown tresses were now a snowy white color that transitioned to a light lavender at the ends, and a small silver tiara perched at the top of her ponytail. Her eyes now a purplish-pinkish hue instead of the brown they usually were. The outfit she wore to school was replaced with a white and purple bodice decorated with black, blue and pink flowers, along with a flowing white skirt that billowed behind her. Her soul gem now hangs off a silver necklace that rests around her neck. Sylph climbs out of the window of the bathroom, albeit dreading having to see what caused her gem to go haywire, she changes the gravity of herself to allow her to slowly descend to the ground below instead of falling and possibly breaking a limb. Arriving to where a bunch of her allies were congregated (she wondered if she was even needed there seeing as there were already a few who showed up to take care of whatever was causing trouble), though when she got closer it seemed only a few were already fighting what seemed to be a wraith? She turned her attention to the few that weren’t, "What's the plan?" she asked, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.
Code By Nano
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Even from a distance, Omen could feel Aegis' withering glare upon her, though he did not move to engage her. Perhaps that was largely a function of his more defensive ability; unless he got really close, he wouldn't be able to lock down Omen unless she wanted him to. She frowned, just a little. They didn't really have to join Nix, but if the followers of Aurora could understand their purpose and not get in their way...things would be a lot better for everyone. The careless would think that by now the numbers of the magical heroes that were engaging the Wraith could all but guarantee victory, but that was the sign of carelessness. Even outnumbered, a Wraith's offensive abilities and durability could allow it to demolish the bodies of a careless magical hero, and in the worst circumstances, even their soul gem. Surely Aegis would not allow any such thing to befall his allies...

Managarmrr Managarmrr

A crackling, belligerent presence drew closer to Omen. She allowed it to. As Eulampis approached her, she nonchalantly pulled backwards slightly with her arm, withdrawing The Tower and allowing the magical heroes to engage the Wraith on their own initiative. The armored figure vanished back into the shadows, but she continued to observe. "If we had found a means to conjure and deploy Wraiths, I would still not do so, and I believe our allies here would not either. I am merely seeking to intervene should the followers of Aurora prove insufficient, in order to ensure that any potential Nightmare hosts are unharmed. You are welcome to observe too, if it is your wish." She did her best to remain diplomatic, as she should. Some followers of Nix were more temperamental, but it was worth keeping the gang pointed in the same direction anyway.

Peckinou Peckinou

Aki pulled out his phone out of his pocket when he felt it vibrate. Oh, it looked like Hikaru was texting him. He'd been oddly quiet today, Aki was used to being sent memes or whatever else Hikaru had to say throughout class. He tapped on the message, revealing a selfie that Hikaru had taken with some cute blonde girl wearing a headband.




Hey hold on, Hikaru's hair wasn't brown.

[Hikaru's selfie here]

He wasn't helping with that. He absolutely wasn't helping Hikaru right now. Aki hurried after Yuusuke, trying his best to look like the text he'd gotten wasn't stressing him out. Hikaru couldn't have been the reason Aki's gem was reacting, it'd been pulsing since before he'd even gotten the text, so what the actual fuck did he think he was doing? He was still in the school in that picture. Aki lifted a hand to his mouth, biting down on his pointer finger with one of his small fangs, drawing a trickle of blood that rolled onto his tongue. That was nothing new, if the scars that dotted his knuckles from before he'd made his wish was anything to go off of.

The supply closet wasn't far away, so it didn't take long to reach, and Aki pulled Yuusuke in with him without any warning. That...Might cause some rumors to spread if anyone saw them, so he'd just hope that nobody saw him do that. He hadn't been paying enough attention to know if there were people around to watch him.

"I just wanted to transform to heal...But, let's hang out in here for a while? I, uhm, don't want to deal with..." Was it even worth trying to make up an excuse for why he'd want to hang out in a closet full of cleaning products? "I don't want to go fight. Unless somebody's actually dying..." Hikaru was a Veteran Warlock- He wouldn't get himself killed. Still, even if Aki was mad about Hikaru's rash decision making, he was worried about him. Healing wouldn't fix his exhaustion, though. He leaned against the shelves behind him. "...People get reckless when I'm around to jump in front of an arrow, but I feel like I'm about to collapse."
interacted: Theasuke Theasuke
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Hansuke Kaito
Interactions: Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples serenibee serenibee Necromantic Necromantic

"Well Mayumi, good to finally meet ya! Hope we get along," he grinned before stuffing his mouth, a peaceful and blissful expression covering his face as he continued filling his stomach. He had had a bite or two of his father's omelets this morning but had spent most of his time helping his mother get his twin brothers ready for the day, not finishing his breakfast before hurrying out the door with his younger sister. Satisfying his taste buds with his meal was nearly enough to bring Kaito to tears, but before it could go that far he was brought out of his thoughts as Phoebe spoke up, inviting him to the arcade after school. Kaito nearly choked on his rice, coughing slightly and tapping his chest with a closed fist. After regaining control of himself Kaito cleared his throat and gave an uncertain laugh, putting down his chopsticks as he tried to come up with an answer. The offer was more than enticing, all their interactions have been in school and never out. Plus, getting to know Lincoln and Phoebe outside of school was... well it made his chest feel warm, and that's when it dawned on him, he's never really interacted with anyone from school outside of it. He would rarely hang out, most of his focus being on his duties as a Magical fighter at night. He wanted to say yes, but the reality of his situation reminded him of his current responsibilities, more specifically his investigation into the mystery Nightmare that had been prowling around town for the past month. There was no way he could have fun knowing he was so far behind in stopping the monster. A low sigh escaped him, a sad smile coming to his face as he rubbed the back of his head.

Before he could answer though, he noticed both the twins tense up, both sharing an odd look before Phoebe cleared her throat and apologized with a smile, claiming they had both forgotten to do something in science class and something about "twin sense". Twin sense? Was that a thing? Did his youngest brothers have those? Before he could come up with his answer both the twins were already heading for the cafeteria exit. "Y-yeah, see ya later then," he muttered, both being too far by the time he spoke up. "Huh, wonder what that was about. Pretty sure we finished everything in class," he thought aloud before looking to Mayumi with a shrug, before pausing to see her pacing about looking stressed. "Hey you alrig-" he didn't get to finish before she suddenly claimed she needed to use the bathroom, quickly running out of the cafeteria and leaving Kaito alone at the table. "Huh," he muttered before pursing his lips in thought. Did he smell? Is that what drove them all away? After a quick sniff under his arms, that thought was dashed.

Weird. Well, he could always catch up with them all later. So with a shrug and a pleasant hum, Kaito focused his attention back on his food and licked his lips. At least he could still enjoy his food in peace. The sudden violent shutter of his soul gem made his heart drop into his stomach, fist clenching tightly around his chopsticks until they snapped under the strength. "You're shitting me," he muttered under his breath before dropping the snapped chopsticks onto his tray, a long sigh leaving him before he slowly rose from his seat. A normal day at school, that was all he asked for. At night, Kaito was more than willing to dive into the dangers of his work, but here? He could feel the months' worth of frustration and stress he's bottled up begin to become undone. With a roll of his shoulders, Kaito made his way to the cafeteria's exit with a false calmness. To his relief, this wasn't a Nightmare, but a Wraith here of all places is still worthy of concern.

Just before he went through the doors, however, he paused, the hairs on the back of his neck suddenly standing tall and a sinking feeling in his gut. Something was... off, and it wasn't just the Wraith's sudden appearance. It was here! His eyes quickly scanned the cafeteria, desperately trying to identify the source of this sinking feeling. It was familiar, but the combination of confusion and slight panic clouded his mind for the moment. Finally, his eyes locked onto a figure wearing a less-than-subtle attire. They stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the crowd, like something out of a fairy tale book. There was no doubting it though, they were a threat, much greater than the Wraith. Kaito couldn't let them wander free around the school, he had to smother this potential forest fire before they did something that made this situation worse.

Without a second thought, Kaito dashed out the cafeteria doors and bolted down the hallway. After a quick scan to make sure the cost was clear, he yanked his soul gem from his pocket and clutched it to his heart. Instantly the sound of rattling chains filled his ears, the familiar sensation of his transformation engulfing every fiber of his body and soul. In the next moment Kaito, now seen as Noir, crashed through the other set of doors leading into the cafeteria, knocking them off their hinges. Flying in from the momentum, Noir was now dawned in his thick pitch-black coat, the outlining lined with pure silver. His vest, pants, and boots all match in black and silver with the only exception being the white shirt under his vest. His face was covered by a black and white bandana. Atop his head was his signature noir-styled hat being kept on by his hand as he soared through the air. A chorus of panicked and shocked screams filled the room an in instant, many confused and startled students barely managed to make sense of what had happened. Noir came to a skidding landing, his steel-toed boots scraping against the floor before coming to a complete halt.

As he stood tall, his gloved fist clutched as he adjusted to the transformation, Noir gave a glance around the room at the students, the anxiety of having so many civilians around this confrontation making him tense. This was the worst-case scenario, but this threat couldn't be ignored. With a slow breath, Noir flexed his hands, and in an instant, a dozen bright ethereal chains shot from his back, as if they were an extension of his body. "GET OUT!!" he boomed as the summoned chains crashed into the floor around him, kicking up debris and shattering the ground. There was no hesitation, in the blink of an eye the room erupted in utter panic, screams filling the air as all the surrounding students made a B line for the doors. He hated causing such a scene, but he couldn't allow anyone to get caught up in what was about to happen. Redirecting his glare at his target, Noir rolled his neck and shoulders, letting a few pops fill the air.

"I don't know why you're here, or if you have something to do with this damn Wraith popping up all of a sudden, but I can assure you this," he paused before holding up his hand, his index finger and his thumb pressed together as the glare from under his hat intensified on the stranger. "You made a mistake coming here, Warlock," he said before snapping his fingers. Like trained animals following their master's command, several ethereal chains blasted forward, all directed at the Warlock.

The cat chuckled as he read the response to his text. Ah, Aki was mad at him, he wasn't too surprised there-

Happy Chaos stopped when he heard commotion behind him. A voice demanding people get out. The crash of chains. A Magical Boy had found him so quickly? Before his Nightmare had even finished festering? He turned, and found that the girl hadn't immediatelt fled the vicinity. As if deaf to everything except him and her own muttering, she was still standing there, mumbling things as she ate his cookies, entranced.

"Wraith?" Oh, so that's what had drawn out everybody? That was such a drag, really, that wouldn't cause nearly as much damage as a Nightmare. Yet, speaking about Nightmares, the one he'd been making was standing between him and the Magical boy that was destroying the damn cafeteria. Dammit, he'd been intending to take her outside, he'd just wanted to go pull his tail out of his pants, but now-

There were chains being launched in his direction, and she was standing between them. Shit, shit, she didn't have any sort of magic to protect her. Normal humans would survive being turned into a Nightmare, but she wouldn't survive being fucking impaled without any magic of her own. Happy Chaos's eyes widened in panic as he ran toward her, a hand tucking behind her head to keep it from hitting the ground as tackled her.

The chains narrowly missed her body, but didn't miss Happy Chaos's. Arms wrenched painfully behind his back, but they weren't actively causing him any real harm. His hat fell off as he adjusted himself onto his knees, ears flicking once free of their cloth prison. He couldn't get any further up, leaving him awkwardly stradding the girl's knees. So that's how it was, huh?

"Shouldn't I be the one trying to kill people? You almost did my job more effectively than me, pal!" Happy Chaos threw his head back in laughter. He'd never intended to truly harm this girl, just wanting a bit more entertainment in his day, and now he was actually saving her from a Magical Boy! How hilarious that this moron would attack before properly making sure there wasn't a person between them.

This guy's powers weren't too different from his own. Another thing infinitely funnier than it should've been. The Warlock tugged against the chains holding him in place, checking for any slack in them. Nope, nope, didn't feel like he was getting free unless he wanted to crush the bones in his hand, but that was fine. He flicked his wrist, several thorned vines breaking through the linoleum flooring and shooting toward the Magical Boy's legs.

Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
Kairi Majiko

A hurried jolt down the halls was all Kairi could manage holding her packed lunch in hand. How embarrassing it was to once again be late after doing so in the morning. This time it had been rather embarrassing jottiing down in her noteback as class had ended. Not an usual thing on her part... but what was meant to be a brief scribbling had turned into several minutes. It had only been due to her teacher's comment that had jolted her out of her dream world realizing she had dwadled around the classroom for longer then she should of.

They are probably wondering where I am. Gosh... I can't believe I've been so bad today. I hope they can forgive me.

Her hurried footstpes down the hall brought her closer to the classroom they were suppose to meet at. Far from the nice place eating outside, but given the cold weather it made far more sense to eat inside. Her hurried steps rushed down the hall. Her footsteps rather swift when she felt it... a pulse. Her body shivered glancing about pausing mid step. Her eyes fixating over as she glanced down at her chest placing her free hand upon it. Her worry for her friends briefly coming to a halt as her mind shifted to what could only be some new threat nearby. Not good tat all... it was far too close to the school.

No... I should check on Usagi first... she must of felt it too...

Kairi quickly rushed down the hall. Her feel carrying her forward in what would be the classroom they were suppose to meet. As far as she knew her friends would be there after all. Her quick steps could be heard down the hall when a voice reached her ears faint at first though strangely familiar. Her feet carrying her just past her friends turning her head to glance over.

"...keep it a secret. You aren't going to believe me, but..."

"Usagi! Amanda!" She spoke a little hurried and not expecting to stumble into her friends where they were. Amanda's words had so briefly slipped through her mind though given the situation it only linged so briefly. Something her mind wasn't quite grasping onto in the moment. Her eyes lingered over to Usagi parting her lips as to speak though hesitating. Her glance shifting away to Amanda suddenly realizing she couldn't exactly be open. Her eyes lingered back to Usagi pondering what to say.

"Th.. the thing! Y... yeah! For the club... we um... should we check it out? I mean... I'm hungry and we... could not... b... but what we are suppose to do is near and... well it my be best to take care of it sooner rather then later."

Her words were a bit scattered. She wasn't the type who really liked the idea of talking around someone else. Her eyes lingering on Amanda a bit worried she might be upset. She knew about her love for Magic Girls, though it was something that was important left not spoken of. It was a rather dangerous thing that was left better off not pulling other into their affairs. It felt almost cruel at times knowing how excited she seemed to get at the very idea.

Interactions: Amber redraider redraider Usagi animegirl20 animegirl20
by bad ending.
Usagi Arima
When Amanda mentioned she had sushi rolls Usagi turned to look at her then crossed her arms thinking. "Hmmm Thanks for the offer but I'm positive I brought it...maybe I left it in one the class rooms...." Suddenly Usagi felt her soul gem pulse. What? Is there a witch or warlock here? Why would they appear now? Usagi thought to herself. Before she could decide what to do next Amanda said she wanted to tell her something and that she needed to keep it a secret. But before Amanda could finish Kairi came running in the classroom. Usagi looked at Kairi as she fumbled through her words trying to think of a excuse to leave the classroom. Usagi chimed in, "Oh right that club! Yeah me and Kairi wanted to go peek at this club we were curious about so..." Usagi walked over to Kairi and stood next to her and smiled at Amanda. "you stay here and we will be right back! K?" Usagi grabbed Kairi's hand and quickly walked over to the classroom door but before they could even step out a swarm of students came running down the hall screaming. "Seriously?! Does that mean there's a nightmare here?!...oop" Usagi quickly threw her hands over mouth and dropped Kairi's hand in the process quickly realizing she what she let slip. Usagi turned slowly to look at Amanda. She then removed her hands from her mouth and laughed nervously. "I mean uh man this is a nightmare! Wonder what's going on...."

outfit: school uniform
interactions: redraider redraider Hanarei Hanarei
location: classroom

Yuzuki Takeru
Location: Behind School [Track Field]
Mentions: Managarmrr Managarmrr Squad141 Squad141 Nellancholy Nellancholy Peckinou Peckinou Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury Necromantic Necromantic Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
Interactions: serenibee serenibee felideli felideli Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
OOC: (Just a heads up, you do not need to wait for me to control the Wraiths. They are simply NPC enemies, you do what you want by fighting them. Usual fighting rules apply here...you are not all-powerful, you can get hurt and we are outnumbered now.

With his own transformation completed, Sentinel took a mere step or two forward toward the bleachers to plan and get rid of the Wraith as quickly as he could before further problems arose. Surely whoever was hiding out behind the bleachers was suffering having to feel as though their own life was being drained while suffering on top of that with whatever negative emotion they were feeling that attracted the Wraith. Just as he stepped forward, the sound of footsteps hurriedly rushing up behind him had him turn his attention toward those arriving on the scene. It was another Magical Girl and Boy who appeared to have been a duo, they were offering their assistance on the Wraith matter at hand. "It's fine, it's only one so I can handle this real quick. You guys should check out if there are any other Wraiths nearby--" As he informed the duo, Sentinel turned to face the bleachers once more, just then a large strip of what appeared to be a bright red pathway appeared in the sky, and the sight of it almost made it appear as though it were some sort of red carpet as he raised a brow at the rather strange sight.

Following the red path, another Magical Boy came sprinting down it while saluting at the trio below of which Sentinel only returned a slight wave with his free hand before he watched how the Magical Boy struck at the Wraith from above with what appeared to be a wooden rod of sorts. Of course, the towering and almost skeletal creature would not be taken down so easily, with the strike on the top of its head, the Wraith would only slump forward while it wailed in agony, holding its head with both its skinny and almost bone-like arms before it straightened it's back til it stood straight, shattering through the bleachers as it stood well over 15 - 20feet in height.
"Dammit...he should've killed it immediately..!" Cursing under his breath, with the Wraith now aware that it was being attacked, it slowly began to open its stitched-up maw to prepare and wail for help, another attack, this time from below had it stumble back and fall upon its rear. 'Another...?!' Just how many people noticed the appearance of this Wraith, and how many Magical Boys and Girls were in this school? As Sentinel turned his head to search for the magical individual who had caused the knight-like being to strike at the Wraith, yet another ally came to assist in the battle, this one was a tad bit more familiar though, Aegis.

Fighting alongside him a few other times aside from this battle, Aegis' ability to summon barriers and other techniques were useful, as there were many times over that he could've suffered severe injuries if it wasn't for those bulwarks of his. It wasn't until Aegis mentioned a Witch in the distance did Sentinel directed his gaze toward the direction that was mentioned, so that was who had created the knight. As if the Wraith alone wasn't bad enough, now there had to be a Witch on top of it and to be this close to the school of all places. Luckily the Witch seemed to be more inclined to assist with the Wraith matter than attacking the Magical Boys and Girls though, but who knows what would happen after they dealt with the creature.

While Fool battled against the Wraith, Sentinel simply stood there on the sideline along with his fellow Magical Boys and Girls, watching and waiting to see if their assistance would even be required for a single Wraith, as long as he kept on the offensive and kept it busy, then at least they wouldn't have to worry about anything else. As he watched, it wouldn't be long until yet another two Magical Girls arrived on the scene ready to help with the creature. As both questioned what to do regarding the Wraith and what the next course of action would be, Sentinel replied with a shrug of his shoulders and pointed over toward the ruined remains of the bleachers even if neither were speaking to him.
"Since he's got the Wraith occupied, someone should really check on whoever the Wraith was feeding on and check on them...they're probably going to need to go to the nur--"

Just as he suggested their next course of action, the sound of an ear-piercing screech would echo throughout the track field, the source of which had been the Wraith as it arched its back and screeched through its stitched-up maw from the severe amounts of injuries it was sustaining. Not only did the screech nearly deafen Sentinel's ears causing him to hold them shut, but during the screech, one after another of the Wraiths began to manifest throughout the track field, pulling themselves out from the snowy ground as though they were zombies. Dozens and dozens of them dragged themselves out from the ground while the original one finally finished its screeching only to begin firing lasers from palms and eyesockets. "Shit...! Stop them before they start attacking the school!" Even though Sentinel was no leader, if these Magical Boys and Girls and even if the Witches and Warlocks were actually students in the school, surely they wouldn't want the place of their own education to be destroyed.

Knowing that it was too convenient that there was only a single Wraith when they normally traveled and fed in packs, Sentinel knew that it was only a matter of time that the others showed up, it was only the question as to where they were. As he sprinted towards several of the Wraiths, he'd twirl his spear in hand before using the butt of the spear to help lift him off the ground, shoving the head of the spear into the chest area of one of the Wraiths to knock it to the ground, even if it wouldn't kill the creature immediately, at least its beams wouldn't hit the building. With the Wraith beside him holding out it's arms in both both directions, his eyes widened in shock, if the Wraith shot its beams in that kind of position, there was no telling what it would destroy in either direction. Leaving the spear impaled into the grounded Wraith, he'd lunge his body forward to tackle the legs of the attacking Wraith to cause its arms to swing and blast its lasers directly into the air.
"God dammit...! Where did they all come from?!..."

While holding the creature down, before Sentinel could unleash his next attack to at least finish off one of the Wraiths, the sounds of the school's building doors swinging open with a loud metallic thud against the wall followed by screams of the students had him snap his gaze in the direction of the building. "What now..?!" As he asked no one in particular, with the distraction the Wraith brought one of its palms toward Sentinel's stomach area, with little to no time to react to the next attack, it shot a beam straight through his gut knocking the wind out of Sentinel while he was sent flying off the creature and onto the ground. Although he wasn't dead as long as his Soul Gem was still intact, the sudden unexpected attack at such a close range and attacking a vital organ would leave him incapacitated for at least a few minutes or so. 'I was...too clumsy...'
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hemera and nereus ic.png

Phoebe & Lincoln Brooks
Hemera & Nereus

Location: Mitakihara Academy
Interactions: Noir ( Guppy Franz Guppy Franz ), Sentinel( Nothingness Nothingness ), Aegis ( Managarmrr Managarmrr ), Slyph ( felideli felideli ) Angel Symphony ( serenibee serenibee )
Mentions: Fool ( Squad141 Squad141 ), Happy Chaos ( Necromantic Necromantic ), Omen ( Nellancholy Nellancholy )

Phoebe was surprised to see so many fellow magical girls and boys around, and even Lincoln was given pause as well, though the more allies the better. Especially when it seemed that more Wraiths were appearing, in vast numbers! The twins immediately got to work, looking to their magical girls and boys, Phoebe was the one who spoke. "Protect the school, that's the plan!" She called to them, then gasped when she saw Sentinel get wounded. Before she could go help him, she saw students running from the school screaming.

Her heart sank in her chest, "...Kaito!" She whispered in panic, then looked to Lincoln, "Stay and help the others, I need to see if Kaito's okay." She whispered, and not waiting for a reply from her brother, she dashed forward to the school cafeteria and skidded to a stop as she witnessed a magical boy facing a warlock. Thankfully she didn't see Kaito anywhere, and she prayed in her heart of hearts that he made it out okay.

For now, she decided to help out the Magical Boy against that warlock - aiming her staff at the cat-eared warlock, she summoned forth her magical sunlight spell, preparing to cast it at him, noting the other person that seemed to get herself wrapped up in this mess. No doubt he was going to make that poor girl a Nightmare, and Hemera couldn't allow it. "I'll help, too!" She called to the Magical Boy, aiming her staff at the warlock's head.

Meanwhile, Lincoln couldn't get a word in edgewise with his sister, letting out a growl as she dashed away. "Damn it..." He hissed, looking over to Sentinel on the ground wounded. He went after the Wraith that attacked Sentinel, summoning sharp blades of water thanks to his sword, attacking the Wraith and cutting off its head off with one of the blades, hopefully ending it then and there.

Looking to Aegis when he mentioned a witch, his narrowed blue eyes glanced up spotting her in the distance, before he looked to Aegis. "Should we not deal with her straight away before she gets her friends involved?" He stood by the wounded Sentinel, protecting him, making sure no other Wraiths or nefarious beings attacked him while he was down. He then looked to Fool, Slyph and Angel Symphony. "Keep an eye out for Nightmares, other Witches and Warlocks! Our main goal is to protect the school before any innocents get hurt or worse."
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A vine lifted up Happy Chaos's phone, and he tapped it to take a selfie with his tail. A cheerful smile on his face, as if he wasn't sitting there, actively in danger.

-And then more danger came strolling in, aiming a staff at him. Fuck, fuck, these Magical Idiots truly were stupid, or blind, or both, because they kept aiming attacks at him without really accounting for the collateral damage that he was sitting on, her hand reaching up to stroke his ear as if cat boys were something she saw every day. Too lost in his magic to perceive that petting him could get her genuinely hurt, caught in the crossfire. Being purified from being a Nightmare wouldn't hurt her, but some little shit who thought she was a fairy princess that couldn't hurt the innocent barging in and blasting her magic like gatling gun could sure kill her.

Around his coworkers, he wouldn't have let his composure break, but facing two idiots who couldn't tell this girl was five minutes away from becoming a Nightmare, a panicked expression was quickly forming on his face.

"Dumbasses, you'll kill her like this!" Happy Chaos shouted at both of them, ducking down so that his body covered his future Nightmares vital organs. The chains keeping him in place hardly had enough slack for that, but he still managed to cover most of her body. Her arms still wrapped around him, embracing him as if they actually were lovers rather than him just having had playfully flirted with her. If she survived, he was so going to need to actually give her the company she wanted.

This girl was his, two shitty fairies weren't going to hurt her. He snapped his fingers, a lattice of thick vines forming between him and the two idiots attacking him. Not a great shield, really, but it should've slowed them down.

"Fucking pretty princesses, killing a Nightmare is just fine to them. ...Hey, I forgot to ask your name earlier, Hon?"

"Hayakawa Karin."

Right...Right, he'd remember that.

interactions: Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Guppy Franz Guppy Franz
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Location: Mitakihara Academy - Track > Mitakihara Academy - Cafeteria
Time: Afternoon
Mentions: serenibee serenibee felideli felideli Squad141 Squad141 Nellancholy Nellancholy Peckinou Peckinou Spectra_Mercury Spectra_Mercury Nothingness Nothingness
Interactions: Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples Necromantic Necromantic Guppy Franz Guppy Franz

As two more Magical Girls appeared, Angel Symphony and Sylph, Aegis simply gave them both a curt nod, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the colorful Magical Boy combat the towering Wraith single-handedly. It hadn't escaped his notice that another Witch and a Warlock had arrived, getting a bird's-eye view of the battle from above. Had they come just to gawk and gather intel on the Magical Fighters' combat styles, or were they planning something else? Either way, his Soul Gem didn't seem to be getting any less bright. In fact, it only seemed to pulse more insistently as the moments ticked by.

As Aegis opened his mouth to alert the rest of the group to the increasingly Witchy atmosphere, an shrill shriek cut him off, causing his words to die in his throat before they could even be spoken. Almost as if second nature, he drew his hand from one ear to the other, leaving a shimmering barrier like a visor across his face. His voice was drowned out by the screech, but the proclamation of 'sound' was enough to activate the bulwark and stop the noise from deafening him.

Ears ringing from the sudden and all-encompassing silence, Aegis watched as a legion of Wraiths rose from the snow like an army of battle-slain draugr returning for one more fight. "Of course. It's never just one…" he sighed, a quick snap dispelling his two active bulwarks into ethereal blue energy that flowed back into his gauntlet.

"Just keep an eye on Nix's followers for now. I'd rather not fight on any more fronts than we are right now." he called out in answer to Nereus and a warning to the others before taking off towards the bleachers at a sprint, weaving between the spindly legs of the lanky Wraiths as he kicked up a flurry of snow behind him.

Throwing the sharp pointed bottom end of his shield into one of the creatures, he used it as a foothold to launch himself into the air, twisting around with both gauntleted hands outstretched as etheric essence shot out. "Guard from lasers!" he shouted, forming a large bulwark between the track-become-battlefield and the school. It wasn't big enough to protect everything, but he could certainly feel the energy drain that came from casting a bulwark even that large. Hopefully though it would be enough to stop most of the damage from any errant lasers.

He hit the ground in a backwards roll with a puff of white powdery flakes, a tug from his left hand pulling some unseen string and yanking his shield back into his possession as he took off once again in one fluid motion, making a beeline for the bleachers. Without even taking note of the girl's physical features, he scooped up the half-conscious catalyst who had caused this Wraith outbreak and unceremoniously threw her onto his shoulder, taking just a moment to catch his breath before starting his sprint back to the safe zone of the school.

Or that was the plan at least, until a stream of screaming students poured from the building. It can never just be easy he grumbled internally, turning just in time to see Sentinel take a Laser Blast Deluxe straight to the gut.

"I thought I just fucking told you to—!" with a growl and a clenched jaw Aegis let his words trail off, knowing that chastising his ally for making such an inept and amateur mistake wasn't going to help the situation. In a split second decision, he continued towards the school, his instincts bidding him to protect the ones that couldn't protect themselves over his allies who could actually fight. The students were obviously running from something, and besides, Nereus had already moved to protect Sentinel. As long as nobody got distracted again, the Magical Fighters on the scene could probably mop up the rest of the Wraiths… probably…

Handing off the depressed Wraith-beacon of a girl to an adult who had been ushering the students out of the door, Aegis wasted no time slipping inside of the cafeteria he had just been sitting in mere minutes ago. With a squeak of his heels on the laminated floor, he came upon quite an odd sight: Chains and writhing vines and… a catboy straddling a girl and, oh hey, Noir was here.

While it all looked rather… questionable, Aegis immediately worked out what was going on. Making a Nightmare, in the middle of the school?! he thought, his face darkening as he silently seethed. If Noir hadn't caught them and given the students time to flee before the transformation took place, the sheer bloodshed that would have happened…

"Stop pretending you care about anyone's life and drop whatever spell you have on that girl." he said, pointing the spiked end of his shield towards the ostentatiously dressed catboy, keeping his voice level and apathetic despite the anger billowing up inside of him. "Or would you rather see how little three Magical Fighters care about the life of a murderous Warlock instead?"
The situation escalated rapidly, more Wraiths emerging like wasps from a hive, and about the same level of aggressiveness, too. The followers of Aurora did so enjoy their numerical advantage up till a moment ago. It would be interesting to see how well they could maintain their momentum once they lost it. It would in fact be in Omen's interest to make absolutely sure they could cull the herd and keep the vicinity intact, but the sudden change of trajectory of several of the magical heroes implied a change in priority. Omen paused for a moment, feeling one of the strings around her heart twang and tighten, like a particular whopper of a fish pulling at the hook. The cafeteria...

"I may need your help. Come." She nodded at Eulampis. Peckinou Peckinou

As she leapt towards the rapidly-fracturing dining hall, Omen closed her eyes and concentrated, dismissing her scythe and focusing on the card that appeared to replace it in her hand. Deception. Denial. The way Eleonore had deluded herself into thinking she could ignore the signs of doom. The way she hid those facts from her own sister.

The Moon.

Just like that, Omen landed in the cafeteria, a clear crystal orb in her hands. It rapidly clouded over with thick white mist as she focused her power, heavy black wisps forming around Happy and his vine barrier, and more importantly their prize.

With that Omen addressed Hemera and Aegis without looking up at them. "It's not too late to step away. This girl and the nightmare within her are ours. Nix needs it. She needs it."

Any magical attack directed at the targets protected by the wisps would appear to be swallowed up by the darkness, completely nullified. This was largely an illusion, however. Happy would have to put some effort into defending himself against whatever got through.

Managarmrr Managarmrr Necromantic Necromantic Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
Hallway > Closet
"If I can't see it, it doesn't exist."
Aki ( Necromantic Necromantic )
Yuusuke walked along the hallway, making sure he heard Aki's footsteps falling into place behind him before pulling his phone out to do a quick check on his social media. This streamer was live now, he'd have to watch that later. Oh, that game announced a new patch, he'd have to pre-download that soon. He paused, spotting the closet from the corner of his eye. Hm, there were two messages from the gardening club guy. Apparently new plants came in—Yuusuke barely had time to process what was happening before the door shut behind them with a loud thud, all the blood rushing to his head. He could only shove his phone back into his pocket before they were both completely alone and isolated.

The closet was already filled with shelves and all the cleaning supplies needed for an entire floor, leaving not that much space left. Yuusuke practically plastered himself against the wall next to the door, immediately putting some distance between them, trying to make sense of why he was abruptly pulled into the room like he was being kidnapped.

Fuck, straight guys could be fucking clueless sometimes.

"Dude—next time, maybe give me a heads-up if you're gonna shove me in the closet?" Can't you just walk in like a normal person? It took everything Yuusuke had to convince himself to keep his temper in check. Don't hit him, he's done nothing wrong. Even so, his voice still carried a noticeable hint of anger.

As the other leaned against the shelves, Yuusuke let out an imperceptible sigh, feeling like he finally had room to breathe. Having gotten over this little hiccup, he relaxed his tense shoulders, trying to appear nonchalant, like the one who had overreacted to having his personal space invaded just now wasn't him. He glanced around the closet, noting it had just enough room for a few more people to walk around. Still, it felt too enclosed for his liking, not exactly somewhere he'd choose to hang out in, despite the absence of windows being good for a transformation. He thought it would have been better to stand guard outside, but seeing the guy's face, he felt obliged to comply.

"Sure. I'll wait for you to heal." Yuusuke crossed his arms and legs, leaning against the door. Any magical being prowling around was probably too busy to notice a warlock transforming in this part of the school, but it still wouldn't hurt to guard against anyone potentially coming in. If that happened, he would throw his entire body weight against the door like his life depended on it. A guy dressed as a witch with another one just staring at him could be passed off as some sort of weird hobby to an ordinary student, but trying to explain to a magical boy or girl would be considerably more awkward for him—and potentially identity-revealing.

He was just about to ask what the other had meant by not wanting to fight (he'd never heard a warlock say that outright before), as it was the most important part of their job in Yuusuke's mind, but Aki's following words made him think he understood what he was getting at. "Can't really say I blame you. Even meat shields break eventually." Yuusuke shrugged. He unintentionally questioned if he had ever allowed himself to fall complacent and dependent on others, as much as he'd like to think otherwise. It was hard to tell after years of being requested for help. Though Yuusuke didn't exactly empathize with being used exclusively as a shield, he understood the resentment of being taken for granted. He had unfortunately encountered his fair share of temporary teammates who had gotten a little too comfortable with him giving away his luck over the past few years. Most of them hadn't lasted that long. He had been willing to make some sacrifices to save an ally's skin, but it was never, and it never would be, at the expense of his own.

As he waited for the warlock to transform and start his healing process, a sound of something crashing and then shattering, followed by screams, jolted Yuusuke to stand alert. He pressed his head against the door, trying to discern something more, but the ruckus had been too distant. If he wasn't mistaken, it was seemingly coming from the general direction of the cafeteria.

He was starting to feel skeptical about whether or not this was a regular Wraith attack; those weren't visible to regular humans, but screams weren't that out of the ordinary either, assuming the fighting was now happening inside the school, that is. Since there were no witches or warlocks spamming messages for the time being, he assumed this wasn't exactly a Nightmare situation... yet.

"What the fuck is going on now? Are those idiots incompetent?" His Cursed Gem was still pulsing, indicating there was at least one transformed person nearby, likely the one responsible for this mess. It didn't sound like things were going well for them or the school. "Something tells me classes are cancelled." As if on cue, another faint sound of something breaking echoed in the distance. Well, wasn't it lively outside.
code by @Nano
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Hansuke Kaito
Interactions: Necromantic Necromantic Managarmrr Managarmrr Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples

"Shit!" Noir spat as he realized his mistake, acting rashly and not considering the girl standing there. What the hell was she doing!? He tried to redirect the chains with a strained grunt, but the momentum behind them was too fast for him to adjust in time. Just as a hole formed in his gut at the realization, that he was going to hit the girl, his eyes widened in shock to see the Warlock leap for her, just barely managing to cover her before his chains coiled around his arms and restraining him. Noir furrowed his brow, his mind momentarily boggled by the act made by the Warlock. He was confused at the moment, rarely seeing Warlocks act in such a way with their victims. Even if it was to make them into a Nightmare Warlock and Witches would never go to such lengths to protect their potential Nightmare. Though he gritted his teeth in frustration at the shit show he found himself in, he couldn't ignore the pang of relief fluttering in his chest. The girl was safe from his error, but now the Warlock had her. Whatever his reasoning was for saving her, Noir knew better than to believe it was for a good one. There has never been a Warlock with any good intentions.

His frustration would soon grow to anger as the Warlock spoke up, mocking him for his mistake and laughing at him. Noir's teeth ground against one another, his fist tightening till the black leather of his gloves strained to not tear. Shame fell heavily onto his shoulders, hating the fact that his enemy had spoken the truth about him nearly killing the girl. "Damn it!" he hissed in irritation before raising his hand into the air, his fingers flexing as if they were ready to pull a trigger. "Get off her before I rip your arms clean off!" he barked, his threat holding a genuine grim honesty. However, it seemed his threat went on deaf ears as the moment he finished, he just barely noticed the Warlock make the slightest flick of his wrist. Not even a second later several throned vines crashed from under the floor, racing toward Noir at alarming speeds. "Bastard!" he growled under his breath before leaping back, just hardly able to avoid the first few vines. As his left foot touched the floor though, more of the vines slithered quickly at him, obviously targeting his legs. With no time to lose, he shot his arms upward, two chains shooting from the palm of his hands and embedding themselves into the ceiling. Noir then gripped the chains and yanked himself upwards, avoiding most of the vines as they shot passed under him. To his dismay though two of the vines blasted upwards, wrapping around his left leg and sinking their thorns through his pants and deep into his flesh.

An involuntary shout of pain escaped him, the feeling of warm crimson blood already running from below his knee. Gritting his teeth as he struggled to get free from the vines Noir knew he could let these damn things stay wrapped around him. Still hanging from the ethereal chains in the ceiling, Noir swung himself away from the vines, the thorns in his leg tearing at his pants and flesh until he managed to finally slip free, not unscathed however. Landing on his shoulder atop a table Noir rolled with the momentum, rolling off and onto his feet on the floor. He stumbled as he got his footing, the intense stinging sending bolts of pain up his injured leg. He looked back to the Warlock, his glare of pain and frustration ever more intense. Luckily, he managed to keep his chains wrapped around him intact, but the bastard still had the girl under him.

Before Noir could come up with a new plan of attack, he snapped his head to the left as another magical fighter appeared, coming to aid Noir in taking on this Warlock. Noir couldn't tell if he had seen her before, but for some odd reason, she looked weirdly familiar. Perhaps he had seen her during one of his patrols. Though he couldn't remember seeing a Magical fighter looking like a princess. He shook his head, clearing his mind and focusing on the task at hand. As the new Magical fighter raised her staff and prepared to cast a bright attack spell, Noir looked at the Warlock, he saw a look of panic in the eyes before they shouted out to them, continuing to show concern for his victim. "Shit!" he shouted as the Warlock then used his body to cover what he could of the girl. Noir turned to the Magical girl with a raised hand. "Don't! It's too risky!" he shouted, glancing back at the two with a heavy frown under his mask. "We need to get her away from before we can outright attack him," he said before taking a few steps forward, his left leg shaking as the open wounds continued to bother him.

As a wall of thick vines shot up from the ground, breaking Noir's vision of the Warlock and his victim, he clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Damn it, we can't let him have her," he thought aloud, his frustration clear in his tone. Before he could figure out how to separate the two, the squeaking of shoes made him pause and look over to see another Magical fighter join the fight. Noir held back a sigh of relief at the welcomed addition. "Aegis, good. We need all the help we can get," he said before looking back to the wall of vines that blocked them from their target. He could hear Aegis's anger from the tone of his voice as he spoke, understanding the feeling. A long sigh escaped Noir before he took a deep breath, his mind running ideas through his mind before finally picking one.

"Listen to me you two, our main goal is to get that girl away from him at any cost. He cannot be allowed to have her under any circumstances. The situation here is bad enough, we don't need more complications," he said to the two Magical fighters, before directing his gaze to the Magical girl. "I don't know you and I don't know what you're capable of, but from the build-up of your attack I'm going to guess you'll be able to blast through his vines much more effectively than the two of us," he said before pointing to the wall of thick vines. "Hit that with the attack you were preparing before until you break through," he directed before looking to Aegis. "Aegis, I have my chains wrapped around him, restraining his arms. I'm going to double down on those restraints, so once she clears a way for you, get in there and get that girl away from him however you can," he said before looking back to the wall of vines, slowly raising his hands and flexing his fingers. "We have one shot at this, we can't mess up," he clarified, preparing to double the restraints on the Warlock's arms, ready to break his arms if he had to. This had to work, it needs to work.
Hayashida Erina
knock me down, i'll get right back up again, over & over

It was an absolute shit show, and Sylph thinks it can only get worse from here on out. She had arrived seemingly a slight bit late to where her allies were already fighting, another magical girl had arrived alongside her as well. Once she was there she gave a nod back to Aegis who was standing nearby watching the whole thing unravel, thank god for his bulwarks or a good majority of them would’ve been toast by now. Sylph directed her attention to one of the other magical boys, Sentinel was his name she thinks, who was standing by on what the game plan would be from then on. He had started to talk, pointing over to what remained of their school’s bleacher, looking worse for wear, and mentioning someone was being fed on by the wraith that was attacking. He was rudely cut off when the wraith started emitting the most deafening sound she’d ever heard, and Sylph had a feeling she was going to lose her hearing after all this, that is if she made it out of this alive.

Covering her ears with both of her hands, she turned to look at the wraith and she felt sick to her stomach seeing that thing move and contort in such a way, she exhaled loudly scolding herself for feeling sick as she should have been used to seeing this daily at this point. With her ears still covered she heard a few of her allies shout muffled commands and directions at her before going to do their own thing, while her goofy self was still standing there like a dumbass. The screeching from the wraith had stopped abruptly, and it was at that moment more started to unearth from under the snow covered ground, all coming dangerously close to them, and there were a lot of them. Sylph took both of her hands off her ears just in time to see Sentinel jump into action immediately, fighting off the hordes of wraiths, and towards the wraith that had started this whole thing in the first place, while the other ran in the direction of the bleachers taking out wraiths along the way to which Sylph assumed he was on his way to rescue that person Sentinel was talking about earlier. “You’ve got to be shitting me.”, she mumbled to herself seeing the wraith that had been screeching one second, but the next it was perfectly fine spewing lasers like there was no tomorrow.

Running towards the incoming wraiths, she changes the gravity of herself so she’s hovering above the mass of enemies that were hell-bent on taking her down with them, she inhaled deeply before pushing both of her hands out in front of her, to change the gravity of the environment in front of her to a bone-crushing weight, and she watches as the ones in her power’s vicinity get crushed to the ground like little bugs. Taking out what seemed to be a decent amount wasn’t enough apparently as more sprang up from the ground to take their place. “God dammit… what do we do now?” Sylph says alarmed as she continues to crush as many waves of wraiths as she can. The loud sounds of screams filled the air, and Sylph turned around to see panicked students run from within the school building to the outdoors, and it didn’t help her frenzied mind seeing one of her comrades get absolutely decimated by a well-aimed laser to the stomach. The word “fuck” was the only thought she had at the moment, and probably for the rest of the fight too. Before she even had time to blink another ally of hers cleanly cut the head off the wraith that had shot the laser at Sentinel before he stood next to the wounded spear user. Sylph nodded her head in understanding at his directions to protect the civilians who were caught in between the fire. She made herself lighter so she was able to run faster to get to those in need, along the way she noticed a couple of her allies slip back into the school building, she assumed they were rescuing those still stuck within, shrugging her shoulders knowing that her allies were competent enough, she made her way towards a few wounded civilians to assist them.
Code By Nano
Mercurius Aleator
”Is it a crime to kill if we’re only sinking deeper?”
Things had certainly escalated quickly. To bad Mercury didn’t have some popcorn to go with this lovely show. He didn’t know what was better, the new Wraiths that had entered the battlefield, or the screams of the students running out of the school. All of it was pure blissful music to his ears. He would have to thank Happy later, creating a Nightmare in this sort of situation was so entertaining. Mercury would soon be thrust from his enjoyment as he heard strange noises from behind him.

The Wraith lunged at Mercury, seeing him as an easy target to attack. What it didn’t expect was for Mercury to swiftly turn around and hold his right arm out, a cone of silver and blue flames blasted the poor Wraith, only leaving ashes as remains. “Poor thing.” Mercury commented, assuming that it must have been pretty weak. Maybe it had been one of the ones that had just spawned? Either way, he would have to deduct a ‘fun point’ away from watching Wraith’s do their thing. Attempted sneak attacks were never fun when one was on the receiving end. Just then, more commotion from inside the school caught Mercury’s attention. “Hmmm~…”

Clearly, the attention Mercury placed on the muffled blasts from inside the school was warranted. Inside the cafeteria was Happy and Omen, along with a copious amount of vines and chains. Oh, and some magical brats of course. Clearly, Happy’s ploy for corrupting the girl close to him into a Nightmare didn’t go as intended. From the protection of one of the many cafeteria entrances where the magical brats couldn’t see him, Mercury raised his right arm again and shot a beam of silver and blue fire, creating a small barrier between his companions and the magical warriors that looked like they were about to act.

“Now what do we have here?” Mercury said in his sly tone, his distorted voice bouncing through the cafeteria walls. His six foot and ten inch frame would walk out from his hiding and move to Omen’s side. “A group of lost magical warriors? Shouldn’t you be dealing with the Wraith’s outside?” He quizzed in his usual mocking tone. “Or perhaps you were to afraid and ran in here? Leaving your friends to die at the hands of those despicable creatures? Hardly the attitude a follower of Aurora should have, don’t you think?”
Mentions: Necromantic Necromantic Nellancholy Nellancholy Guppy Franz Guppy Franz Managarmrr Managarmrr Evie Maiden Of Apples Evie Maiden Of Apples
Code By Nano


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