The Last Rebellion


The Overseer

The Last Rebellion


The year is 2067. The world has fallen into a Totalitarian dictatorship, controlled by the infamous tyrant Luther Darius. Under his rule, the world has formed into an iron cage; what was left of the world before: America, the United Kingdom, China, New Zealand, Russia, all now known as the Nation of Earth. The downside to this forced rule includes curfews, executions, gunman protecting the streets, food shortages, lies coming through the news... the list goes on. The upside? I would say the end of wars, but that wouldn't be true. A day doesn't pass where people don't think about rioting against the new government, but no one dares to oppose the Guardians of Earth. They're commonly known as yellow coats by the people, but they'll shoot you if you call them anything except for what they are.

85% of the population are kept in their homes, unable to do anything more but shop and talk. Their fathers and mothers will work days and nights to pay for the obscene taxes and electricity bills, only still to go into debt. Piles of debt; more debt than anyone can get out of. But Darius likes it this way. Oh, how he likes it. Every penny that a man falls into debt is another penny in his pocket, so he milks the world dry. However, the other 10% aren't as lucky as our civilian friends. The ten percent spend their days imprisoned in secret detention districts for every dirty thing that Luther wants to do with them; experimentation, torture, test dummies, you name it. A special group of guards get to protect these dungeons: The Sentinels of Earth. However, to everyone else, they're just the black backs; or the blackies. Their black coats and boots are rather ominous, but when you slap them a nickname, the fear seems to melt away. However, they're much more cruel than the yellow coats; each one of them has a personal taser, and boy, do they like using it. Even if you do nothing wrong,
zap. Some of them even make a game out of it.

Three days ago, however, the idiotic blackies made a dire mistake; they let some rogue experiments go free. Not intentionally, of course. You see; Luther wanted to experiment with a new chemical formula known as Specter-VI. It was supposed to cure a disease commonly referred to as the Specter, since it made the subjects skin sickly pale, and their eyes as white as snow before they died. They could still see, of course, but the sight of a person infected by the Specter virus was horrifying. Little more then a week ago, several hundred test subjects were injected with the Specter virus. Days later, when they were all adequately infected, they were given a shot of Specter-VI. Four days ago, every test subject died; or, so they thought. The black back scientists, determining the batch of test subjects to be now dead, had them buried in a mass grave, twenty miles away. Today, however, a few of them awakened.

Specter-VI killed most of the populace; enhancing the side effects of the Specter virus. However, the surviving few were given the antidote just in time. The Specter virus, nearly killing them, was swept from their blood stream at the last possible moment by the Specter-VI formula. Of course, such things had side effects. The survivors took on the side effects of the Specter disease; their skin become a sickly pale white along with their eyes, that now glimmered like snow. Their hair remained mostly the same color, although for the more extreme cases, their hair became white. But not all side effects were bad.

The survivors gained characteristics that no one else would ever attain; strength, endurance, intelligence, speed, and much, much more. With every passing day, their abilities even seem to increase. These new found talents, only recently acquired allowed them to escape the ditch which they were buried in. Freed from their underground prison, they headed West, to stumble across a nearby town. Of course, it was completely controlled by the NoE, but these survivors were treated as outcasts; just outside of the law, when met with confrontation, either evaded it or overcame it. Soon, however, they were met by the mysterious "Count." Going by no other name, he was too against the law; and sought for his work to be done. Agreeing to pay the survivors for each mission they completed, he help would help them attack the country as the formidable Syndicate, the last rebellion.

Rules of the Game

The rules are simple and straightforward. They're quite easy to follow, and they play an important role in the game.

1) No godmodding! Follow the character creation system, and the rules given. These are made to hold an aspect of character growth, along with the fear of death.

2) Please, keep vulgar language to a minimum.

3) Violence is completely fine. Feel free to be descriptive.

4) Romance is allowed! Just please, keep everything PG-13 or cleaner.

5) In character creation, your character is built just like any other, except for three differences; Feats, Money, and Points.

6) Be careful of what you do in the world; the more crimes you commit, the more notorious you become, and the more guards will be looking for you. Wear a mask during missions to help prevent being chased or attacked at random.

7) Guards are
everywhere. Be ever vigilant.

8) This is an open world game, allowing you to steal from or attack whomever you wish; however, this will usually come with a price.

Feats are simple. You choose one when your character starts the game, and you gain more feats as the game progresses.

Your characters starts with 100 credits (Dollars, Greenbacks, Big ones. Moola. Universal currency used for the game) . The more missions you complete (and places you rob) the more money you have. Money is used at black markets, and can be spent when your character is made.

Your character has four stats; Endurance, Cunning, Agility, Charisma. Each is as important as the others.

Endurance - Covers how much health you have, and how much strength you have to overcome strength based obstacles.

Cunning - Your knowledge of weapons (and how to use them), your ability to hack devices, deactivate bombs, destroy turrets, etc.

Agility - How much damage you can deal, and effects your agility based skills.

Charisma - How well you play with others; negotiations, interrogations, etc. Much more important than you think.

In the beginning of the game, you're given 10 points. Each stat has a maximum of 6. Both Endurance and Agility start with a base of 1, but they do not count to the kind of weapons that you can have; for example, you cannot use a Short-bow without 1 Cunning and 3​Agility. Use the points wisely.

Note that the health that you have is multiplied by 2.

Laws of the Nations of the Earth -

Firstly, civilians will remain in their homes past the time of 10 o'clock pm, EST time, and shant emerge from their homes until the time of 6 o'clock has passed. Secondly, no man shall kill another, shall steal from another, and shall not lie to another. Each is equally forbidden. Thirdly, no man has the ability to harass, annoy, or disobey the Guardians of Earth whom protect us. Doing so will result in immediate execution. Fourthly, no man retains the ability to own a weapon large than a simple kitchen knife. Owning a gun of any sort will result in immediate execution and confiscation of the weapon. Fifthly, no marking will ever be made on walls or any other faces of any structure or place, nor will any papers or attachments be added to any part of the city we call home. Sixthly, none shall live the walls of our city without a proper escort, as given to by the town's mayor or our esteemed leader. Seventhly, none shall depict our gracious leader or any of his people in a poor or horrible fashion. Eighthly, no congregations of more than fifteen people will be made, unless this group is given permission by the area's leader or our gracious leader. Ninthly, none shall threaten any man, especially not any who protect our nation, or any of the leaders who watch over us. Tenthly, it is forbidden to wear clothes thicker than an inch so that our nation can remain pure, and so that no weapons can be hid under them, and no masks may be worn by any persons, unless they serve the noble Guardians of the Earth. Eleventhly, relationships between the same gender are completely forbidden; all men and women should come together among the other gender, so that they may set forth more followers of our great nation. All laws must be followed to the letter. Breaking the law will result in execution, serious threats will result in immediate execution.


Simply enough. The more enemies there are, the more times they can attack you. The more noticeable and out there you are, the more likely the are to hitting you. Also, the more Agility you have, the more people you can kill in one post; I'll post how much health your enemies have. If, say, 3 enemies have 2 health, and you have 6 Agility, you can distribute your damage to kill all of them in a single post.

Each round is based on "posts." When you post in combat, you cannot post again until I post what the enemies do. The amount of Agility you have determines how much damage you can do to a set of enemies. Your Endurance (times 2) is how much damage you can take from said enemies. Fight wisely, and you should be fine. If you run out into the middle of combat with no health, you will die. No respawns, no health potions, no health regeneration. You get your health back if you rest (6-8 hours of sleep) or if someone slaps a band-aid on you. Have fun.

Also, note the ranges next to the equipment information. This is loose, of course. If you have a dagger, you have to be right next to the person. If you're using a rifle, you can be in practically any range. Use common sense here.

Also also, you can only have one weapon and one piece of armor equipped at a time (or two small weapons).

Also also also, in combat, it would be wise to stay behind cover or to state that you're in mid-range from an enemy with a dagger. Especially if you have a mid-range weapon.


As the story progresses, I might add more items, or change the cost/damage of certain equipment. Note the difference between permanent health and temporary health in armor; when permanent health is lost, rest or take a band-aid to regain it. When temporary health is lost, it's gone for good.

Also note the difference between reusable and non-reusable items; reusable items can be used again, however you must retrieve them from where they were thrown to do so. Non-reusable items can only be used

Melee Weapons -

Dagger - +1 damage. Costs 50 credits. Melee range. Small weapon. Requires 2 Agility if dual-wielding.

Brass Knuckles - +1 damage. Costs 50 credits. Melee range. Small weapon. Requires 2 Endurance if dual-wielding.

Sword - +2 damage. Costs 100 credits. Melee range. Requires minimum of 1 Cunning.

Hidden Knife - +3 damage. Costs 300 credits. Melee range. Small weapon. Requires minimum of 2 Cunning. 6 Cunning if dual-wielding.

Katana - +4 damage. Costs 400 credits. Melee range. Requires minimum of 4 Cunning.

Great Hammer - +4 damage. Costs 450 credits. Melee range. Requires minimum of 2 Endurance and 2 Cunning.

Mid-range Weapons -

Bow Staff -
+1 damage. Costs 75 credits. Mid-range. Requires minimum of 1 Cunning.

Pistol - +2 damage. Costs 250 credits. Mid-range. Small weapon. Requires minimum of 2 Cunning. 6 Cunning if dual-wielding. Uses Ammunition.

Great Sword - +3 damage. Costs 400 credits. Mid-range. Requires minimum of 3 Cunning.

Short Bow - +3 damage. Costs 400 credits. Mid-range. Requires minimum of 2 Agility and 1 Cunning. Uses arrows.

Shotgun - +4 damage. Costs 450 credits. Mid-range. Requires minimum of 4 Endurance and 2 Cunning. Uses shotgun shells.

Light Machine Gun - +4 damage. Costs 500 credits. Mid-range. Requires minimum of 4 Cunning. Uses Ammunition.

Long-range Weapons -

Crossbow - +1 damage. Costs 100 credits. Long-range. Requires minimum of 1 Cunning. Uses arrows.

Longbow - +2 damage. Costs 300 credits. Long-range. Requires minimum of 2 Agility and 2 Cunning. Uses arrows.

Rifle - +3 damage. Costs 500 credits. Long-range. Requires minimum of 4 Cunning. Uses Rifle Bullets.

Hunting Rifle - +3 damage. Costs 500 credits. Long-range. Requires minimum of 3 Agility and 1 Cunning. Uses Rifle Bullets.

Sniper Rifle - +4 damage. Costs 750 credits. Long-range. Requires minimum of 6 Cunning. Uses Rifle Bullets.

Reusable -

Throwing Dagger - ​
+1 damage. Costs 25 credits. Mid-range. Requires minimum of 1 Cunning.

Throwing Axe - +1 damage. Costs 25 credits. Mid-range. Requires minimum of 1 Endurance.

Non-reusable -

Smoke grenade - Shroud an area in a heavy smoke for several posts. Costs 20 credits. Mid-range.

Grenade - +4 damage. Costs 20 credits. Mid-range.

Molotov -+3 damage over two posts in rapid succession. Costs 50 credits. Mid-range.

EMP grenade - Deactivates electric machine/device. Costs 25 credits. Mid-range.

Acid Flask - Deals 1 damage to a maximum of 4 enemies. Costs 25 credits. Mid-range.

Armor and Vitality Items -

Leather Vest - +2 Health. Costs 50 credits. Permanent additional health when worn.

Bullet-Proof Vest - +4 Health. Costs 100 credits. Permanent additional health when worn.

Breast-Plate - +6 Health. Costs 250 credits. Permanent additional health when worn.

Riot Armor - +8 Health. Costs 400 credits. Permanent additional health when worn.

Band-Aid - +1 Health. Costs 25 credits. Heals 1 point of health once.

Wooden Plate - +4 Health. Costs 50 credits. Temporary health when worn.

Metal-Plate - +8 Health. Costs 150 credits. Temporary health when worn.

Mask - Become anonymous. Costs 25 credits.

Ammunition -

Arrow - Costs 2 credits.

Ammunition - Costs 5 credits.

Shotgun shells - Costs 5 credits.

Rifle Bullets - Costs 10 credits.


Will probably add more as more Feats are thought of.

Hero's Endurance - +1 Endurance

Hero's Agility - +1 Agility

Hero's Cunning - +1 Cunning

Hero's Charisma - +1 Charisma

Vitality - +1 Endurance, Requires Hero's Endurance first

Deadly Strike - +1 Agility, Requires Hero's Agility first

Perception - +1 Cunning, Requires Hero's Cunning first

Fluid Negotiation - +1 Charisma, Requires Hero's Charisma first

Strength - +1 to Strength skills, Requires Hero's Endurance first

Speed - +1 to Agility skills, Requires Hero's Agility first

Intelligence - +1 to Intelligence skills, Requires Hero's Cunning first

Price Reduction - -5% price when purchasing an item, Requires Hero's Charisma first

Melee Weapons Proficiency - +1 damage when using melee weapons

Mid-range Weapons Proficiency - +1 damage when using mid-range weapons

Long-range Weapons Proficiency - +1 damage when using long-range weapons

Armor Proficiency - +1 health when wearing armor

Quick Recovery - additional +1 health received from band-aids, Requires Vitality

Weapon Master -
When dual-wielding, gain +1 damage, Requires Deadily Strike

​Guerrilla Warfare - Use an enemy's weapon (which deals +2 damage or less) on the fly, Requires Perception

Manipulator - During combat, convince an enemy to fight against his allies (can only be used once per combat), Requires Fluid Negotiation

Character Skeleton

Name - (Can be your actual name, or a new name that you give yourself)

Age - (Anything reasonable; anything younger than 16 is pushing it)

Gender -

Appearance - (A picture works best)

History - (Your characters personal back story; why were you sent to the facility in the first place? What did you do? What didn't you do?)

Motivation - (Vengeance, Determination, Justice, Romance, etc.)

Personality - (This can be brief, but please, be original)

Endurance -

Agility -

Cunning -

Charisma -

Feat(s) -

Equipment -

Armor -

Weapon(s) -

Credits - (You don't have to use this if you're keeping track somewhere else. Note that I
will be keeping track, so don't try to cheat yourself more money please)

Name - David Mercer

Age - 20

Gender - Male

Appearance - View attachment 9657

History - David never knew the world before it fell into the hands of Luther. The only son of a family in poverty, both of his parents constantly worked at a coal mine South of their town; giving David plenty of time alone during the day. Even at 6 years old, he would use the time that they were gone to leave his home; setting out to explore the town that he lived in. He purchased nothing, talked to no one; all that accompanied him was his shoes and his thoughts. However, when he was 11 years old, that all changed.

A sweet girl named Patricia Valentine caught his eye; every day he would see her at the market, a different sundress cloaking her petite body ever day; even in the winter, it seemed. She had the most gorgeous blue eyes that anyone had ever seen, and nearly glowing blonde hair. The second he saw her was the second he fell in love with her. And for years, he would do nothing about it; merely watching her in the shadows, an admirer without words to state his vicious feelings. And as the years had passed, this remained the same; she would stroll around the market, one hand clasped around a parent, he simply watching from afar.

Years had passed, as they often do; life become heat, heat became lifelessness, and lifelessness became cold. Each year, a new suitor would appear to swoon Patricia; David naturally hated each one of them. However, every year, they were gently turned away. When they were both 15 years old, David had finally gained the courage to do something about his fantastical feelings. When he approached her, his words caught in his throat; however, he need not say a thing. For when he approached, she turned to him and stated simply; "It's about time you came."

For the next three years, they fell ever more in love with each other; all along, Patricia was waiting for David to gain the courage to approach her. And through those years, they loved each other dearly. However, at the age of 18, both of their lives changed for the worse. Forced to live on their own because of the retched governments rules, David had to gain a career with skills he did not have. In only a few months time, he quickly resorted to thievery; and his first attempt was to be his last. Caught in the act, he was ambushed in his home. They had bound his hands and dragged him away, along with Patrica; she was a possible accomplice. In furious anger, David yelled at the guards; but not a word was cared for. Not a word was listened to. In only a few months time, he arrived at the detention cell, only to be experimented on.

Motivation - He demands that society pays for taking Patrica away from him, and doing whatever it is that they did to her. If she is alive, he will find her. If she is dead, he will seek vengeance. Either way, many will die. Many will feel his wrath.

Personality - Determined, Kind, Noble, and sometimes Rash. When his love life is mentioned, he will become hostile, but otherwise he appears rather kind; at least, to those that are his friend.

Endurance - 3

Agility - 3

Cunning - 4 +1

Charisma - 2

Feat(s) - Hero's Cunning

Equipment - Throwing Dagger, Grenade

Armor -

Weapon(s) - Dagger

Credits - 5
(Well this looks like fun. I want to get more practice in before I make my 1st RP. I've been slipping lately.)

Name - Stayne Almist

Age - 19

Gender - Male

Appearance - View attachment 9661

History - Stayne was the son of a broken family in the West. His mother and father worked day after day, and the money they made working at a barn was gone due to the taxes. They spent most days blaming one another as they cannot provide anything for their only son. When he turned 5, Stayne's parents were murdered by the "yellow coats" for not being able to afford to pay their taxes. Stayne was then taken to work at the barn the day after. Stayne spent day after day cleaning the stables, and the rest of the dirty work.

As years go by, his body was getting weak, and by the time he turned 18, he had the physique of a skeleton, and he had to do something or a lovely lady would be paying him a visit. Feeling guilty, the other farmhands broke into the landlord's home stealing enough food to feed a bear, but they were caught by guards before they get the food to Stayne. Unwilling to let them die for his sake, Stayne quickly ran out and told the guards it was him who orchestrated the whole thing and was ready to accept whatever retribution was coming his way. The guards at first thought it was a joke, but when they took a good look at Stayne, they could not believe their eyes or ears. Alas, there was no sap story that would be enough to escape punishment, so they knocked him out. When he woke up, he found himself in a room filled with scientists treating him like a lab rat.

Motivation - Stayne looks at the world today, and thinks to himself, "Oh Lord. How furious you must be to see what has become of us." Stayne wishes to change everything, and give Darius a taste of the pain true despair can bring. After all, that is what he must constantly witness day after day.

Personality - Stayne is brash and overbearing. He often tries to relieve the gloom and doom of the current state of life, and has a unusually large appetite.

Endurance - 4+1

Agility - 2

Cunning - 3

Charisma - 3

Feat(s) - Hero's Endurance

Equipment - Throwing Dagger

Armor -

Weapon(s) - Brass Knuckle

Credits - 25
Besides basic grammar mistakes in your history, everything looks good to me. However, make sure you add a "+1" next to your Endurance to show that the feat has given you another point. It should look like this; "4 +1". This will represent the 5 Endurance which you currently have.
If there are any issues, please feel free to correct me.

Name: Seraphine Lynnai

Age: 21

Gender: Female


History: Seraphine lived in a family that was clearly struggling. Her parents both worked tirelessly to keep her and her younger sister, Saraah, alive. She hardly ever saw her parents, and her sister didn't even know their faces. Unable to care for both their children, her parents had her wed at the age of 16. She didn't know the man she was married to, though she had heard of him before. He was a cruel, harsh man, and she hated him. They were perhaps a bit better off than her parents, but not much. They both worked tirelessly to stay alive, and thus they hardly saw each other. Seraphine rejoiced in working long hours, as it meant that she would be far from her husband. The nights they were together were the worst of her life, forced to comply to the wishes of her most hated.

Four years later, Seraphine's parents died, leaving 5 year old Saraah without a guardian. Naturally, Seraphine took her in, after much arguing with her husband. She loved her sister dearly, and the girl made her life far more bearable. Things were harder with an extra mouth feed, and with another on the way, Seraphine's husband grew restless. He wasn't satisfied with the amount of work she could do and he was tired of caring for Saraah. In an attempt to rid himself of the child, he convinced her to steal for him. The girl, so clumsy and inexperienced, was captured in a few moments and taken away. Seraphine tried to stop the yellow coats, but that didn't happen. They captured her too, dragging her away to be experimented on. What happened to Saraah and her baby she doesn't know. She suspects they are both dead, but hopes that is not the case,at least not with Saraah.

Motivation: Seraphine wants vengance, not only on the government, but on her husband as well. She wants her sister back, and though she is less thrilled about the baby, she wants to find it too, or at least learn what became of it.

Personality: She is hurt, very hurt, and angry. She hates romance of any sort, and is quite distrusting of men. She is often rather hostile, but can at least be civil when the situation demands it.





Feat(s): Hero's Cunning



Weapon(s): Bow Staff

Credits: 25
It's great! However, there is only one issue. Both Endurance and Agility have a base point of 1, thus your scores would be 4 and 5 rather than 3 and 4. Feel free to redistribute your points if need be. However, your history is great, and is quite interesting. I'd love to see your character in the role-play!
Okay. Thank you. I do believe the issue is fixed, with a slight redistrubution of points. If you encounter any more problems, I'll gladly fix them.
Name:Aspen Drake

Age: 29


Gender: Male

History: In contrast to most of our other intrepid heroes and survivors, Aspen did not grow up in poverty or strife. His father was a high ranking official in The Sentinels of truth, and was one of the very few who shared in the massive amounts of wealth the crippling taxes brought in. They lived like royalty; golden goblets and high end entertainment. Aspen grew up as an only child, and was looked after almost endlessly by his beautiful mother. He was taught by the few remaining scholars, and was trained in proper etiquette and mannerisms. His father, for his part, never let the cruelty of his profession enter the household, and was a complete gentleman to his wife, child, and the handful of servants they had. Life, for Aspen, was delicate, sweet, and generally perfect.

When he turned 23, Aspen became the apprentice to a governor, and was being groomed to become the older leaders eventual replacement. Life continued on in such a manner, until his father made a grave mistake. The elder Drake was found to be guilty of fraud, and thief, taking a large slice of the economic pie than even a man of his stature was to be granted. The retaliation and punishment was swift. The Drakes were to be made an example of; their family was stripped of rank and wealth, and was sent to the labs where the experiments were taking place. Even Aspen, the rising political star, with many powerful friends, could not escape this fate.

Motivation: Upon waking, after the experiments, Aspen is angry, at the deaths of his family, and is willing to be anything to seek vengeance. Or so he says. But, truthfully, Is he eager to tear the system to pieces, or simply eager to find a way to reinstate himself at the top?

Endurance: 2

Agility: 2

Cunning: 2

Charisma: 6 + 1

Feat: Hero's Charisma

Equipment: Throwing Dagger, Acid Flask

Armour: Leather Vest

Weapons: No

Credits: 0

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