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Fantasy The Last Days of the Shifters Characters [CLOSED]


Lost Martian

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Hojin Soo Gran​


Male | He/Him​

Animal Spirit:

Hojin stands at about 5’6’’, with an athletic build made from many years on the run. With dark brown eyes, pale skin, and long naturally red hair, kept in the style of his homeland, Hojin stands out among the native peoples of Durmain, even before they hear his accent. While as a youth his skin was blemish free, Hojin now sports the cuts, bruises, and other healed wounds that came from fighting the Inquisition. Clothes wise Hojin does prefer the styles of his homeland, but he can’t find them everywhere so he has to make compromises. Generally he can only afford basic clothing, but he likes to add a drop of color if he can, generally a blue robe.

While in golden eagle form, Hojin is roughly 3’’ long, with a wingspan of 6’9’’. Mostly dark brown in color, with a few patches of golden feathers, Hojin can pass for just a large bird, not drawing too much attention to himself. Like all shape-shifters, Hojin has a mixed form, though he rarely uses it. In this form Hojin is just under 6’’ in height, with a humanoid body covered in brown and gold feathers. Still having four limbs, of which the feet end in talons, Hojin also possesses two large wings on his back. These wings are capable of brief flight, though it’s hard to maintain given the size, shape, and weight of this mixed form.​

  • Well Read
  • Massage Techniques
  • Apothecary
  • Speaks several languages
  • Forager

Magic Type:
Telekinesis - Hojin is able to move objects with his mind. This is limited to about a twenty foot radius, after which Hojin can’t get a strong hold. It takes more mental effort to lift heavier objects, and if he ever stops focusing the item will drop to the ground.​

Personality Traits:
  • Intelligent
  • Loyal
  • Humorous
  • Spontaneous
  • Stubborn
  • Anxious
  • Flighty
  • Intense

Born the east coast of the main continent, Hojin would be in a low status family. Hojin’s father, apparently a soldier, had split from his mother before either were aware of the pregnancy. Left alone in a big city, Hojin’s mother would turn to prostitution to support her family. This meant that while growing up, Hojin was exposed to a lot of shady people, having, what one could say, an eclectic childhood.

Eventually Hojin’s mother would get out of that profession once she met a man who said he would support her if they got married. Hojin was excited about it as he thought it meant he finally would have a father. However that wouldn’t be the case as the man wanted nothing to do with the youth. Instead he would convince Hojin’s mother to ship her son off into the workforce. After a little bit of looking, Hojin’s stepfather would send him to work for a local magistrate.

From the age of ten Hojin would live away from his mother, forced to do whatever the government official asked of him. Initially just cleaning up his estate, the magistrate would notice intelligence in the young Hojin, realizing that he could do more advanced work. Soon Hojin would be sorting papers and writing letters for the official. Hojin would eventually decide that his life wasn’t too bad, as he had a home and steady employment.

That would all change with a slightly delayed onset of puberty. As Hojin’s body began to change, so would his inner self. It would start with things that Hojin was focusing on moving on their own, then ramping up to items coming to him when he called. The last straw for him ignoring his burgeoning magic was his transformation into a golden eagle, from where he flew over the entire city.

Hojin would immediately suppress this magic, not wishing to cause any issues with his employer. However that wouldn’t fully work as Hojin found himself moving things with his mind or transforming by accident. Eventually Hojin would seek answers, taking whatever free time he had to read at the city’s massive library. There all he could find were folk lore and legends about such magic, a remnant of outdated superstitions. This knowledge only made Hojin feel more alone.

It wouldn’t be too long after that that Hojin would have to deal with his magical nature, as the Inquisition reached the east coast. The Inquisition’s hunters would quickly discover Hojin, barging into his workplace. Frightened, Hojin would inadvertently use his magic to throw the hunters back. He would then transform into an eagle and fly away, leaving his home for the rest of his life.

Hojin would follow the winds west, leaving behind his birth nation. With the Inquisition always seemingly right behind him, Hojin would flee all across the continent. Due to his skill with languages, Hojin would pick up whatever form was spoken where he was currently.

It would be while traveling that Hojin encountered an elderly witch. She would inform Hojin that he was a shape-shifter, a dying breed of magic user. The witch would then tell stories of the once mighty clans of shape-shifters, the keepers of peace, before stating that he may well be the last one as she hadn’t seen another one in many years. This would also make Hojin feel extremely alone.

Hojin would then continue to wander the lands for several years, before arriving in Durmain. It would be here that he encountered another shape-shifter, in fact several of them. Remembering the tales of old, Hojin would suggest forming a clan. The others would accept, as they felt it was safer to be together than fight the Inquisition alone.​

Hojin isn’t much of a fighter, instead preferring to just flee and fly away in animal form. Since living in Durmain Hojin has become a masseuse, using the skills of his people to provide a unique experience for those of the west. While that’s his day job, Hojin also sells potions and drugs by night, using the apothecary knowledge he acquired on his travels.​

Name: Kieran Lysandros
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Animal Spirit: Mountain Lion

Kieran is tall and lean, with an agile and athletic build that speaks to his feline nature. His reddish-brown hair is kept short and well-groomed, and his beard is neatly trimmed, giving him a composed and slightly authoritative air. His sharp, greenish-blue eyes constantly scan his surroundings, revealing his sharp instincts and keen awareness. In his human form, Kieran has a quiet strength and graceful movement, while in his hybrid form, his features take on more predatory aspects: retractable claws, elongated canines, and subtly pointed ears. His full cat form is that of a sleek, tawny-furred mountain lion, swift and silent.

- Master of Strategy: Kieran is a tactical thinker, able to assess situations quickly and devise plans on the fly. He was once a commander within a larger shifter community, before the Inquisition started cracking down.
- Hand-to-Hand Combat: Well-versed in various forms of combat, particularly close-quarters fighting. His agility allows him to quickly disarm or incapacitate opponents.
- Stealth and Evasion: As a cat-shifter, Kieran excels at moving silently and remaining unseen when necessary. His ability to sense danger makes him hard to catch.
- Mediation and Diplomacy: Despite his prowess in battle, Kieran is a skilled negotiator, having learned to navigate the increasingly hostile world with words as much as actions.

Magic Type:
Kieran's magic is tied to his animal spirit, primarily focused on physical transformation and enhancement:
- Shape-shifting: Can fully transform into a mountain lion or adopt a hybrid form. The transformation is fluid, but takes a toll when used too often.
- Feline Reflexes: Even in his human form, Kieran has enhanced reflexes, strength, and senses such as night vision and keen hearing. His movements are always precise and deliberate.
- Spiritual Connection: Kieran can sense other shifters or magical beings through the Umbra, though it takes concentration and leaves him vulnerable while doing so.

Personality Traits:
- Stoic and Reserved: Kieran maintains a calm and composed demeanor, even in high-pressure situations. His emotional restraint can sometimes make him seem distant or cold.
- Protective: He is fiercely protective of his sister, Maisie, and the remnants of their clan. He takes on the role of guardian, feeling responsible for their survival in a world that is becoming more hostile.
- Patient: Kieran believes in the long game, favoring strategy over impulsive action, though this sometimes puts him at odds with his more reckless sister.
- Cautious Optimist: Despite the odds, Kieran holds onto the hope that there’s still a place for his kind in the world. However, he knows the path forward requires patience, subtlety, and sacrifice.

Kieran and his sister Maisie were born into a once-powerful clan of shifters who ruled parts of Durmain with grace and dignity. However, as magic was driven underground, their clan fractured and scattered, some losing their way in a society that denied their very existence. The two siblings were raised with stories of their ancestors' glory, but Kieran soon realized that the world his parents dreamed of had vanished.

When he was younger, Kieran took on a leadership role in their community, working to keep their people safe and hidden. He was often called upon to negotiate with other magical beings and even rival shifter groups. As the Inquisition's presence grew, Kieran’s cautious approach kept them from being discovered for years. However, recently, their clan was betrayed, and many were captured or killed. Kieran suspects an inside job, and though he hasn’t voiced his suspicions, he quietly investigates while trying to keep what remains of his people safe.

Now, he and his rebellious sister Maisie are among the last few of their clan in Durmain. Kieran has been increasingly strained by the responsibility of leadership and the constant threat of the Inquisition, while Maisie grows restless, wanting to fight back. Though they are close, the tension between them is palpable as they try to navigate their differing approaches to survival in an increasingly dangerous world.

- Kieran and Maisie are often at odds, with Kieran acting as the cautious older brother, trying to rein in her rebellious tendencies. Maisie’s recklessness frustrates Kieran, but he secretly admires her courage and determination to fight for their kind's survival.
- Kieran occasionally suffers from nightmares, where he is hunted by the Inquisition in his mountain lion form. These dreams leave him deeply unsettled, and he believes they may be more than just dreams—perhaps warnings or omens tied to his connection with the Umbra.
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Name: Maisie Lysandros
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Animal Spirit: Mountain Lion

Maisie has striking, wavy auburn hair that falls just past her shoulders, contrasting sharply with her pale, freckled skin. Her brown eyes are lively, always sparkling with mischief or curiosity. She is relatively tall, with a lithe, athletic build honed from years of living on the move and in danger. Despite her grace, she has a certain wildness about her, which becomes even more pronounced in her hybrid form: her ears become slightly pointed, her pupils slit, and she sports retractable claws. In her full cat form, Maisie is a sleek mountain lion with a sandy coat, agile and formidable. Her lilting brogue is immediately noticeable, giving her a playful, musical cadence to her speech, far more pronounced than her brother’s more subtle accent. (She plays it up depending on her mood. Her accent becomes thicker when she’s excited, nervous, or when she’s playfully mocking someone, adding to her natural charisma.)

- Quick Reflexes: Maisie is fast—both physically and mentally. Her agility makes her a formidable fighter, though she prefers evasion and outmaneuvering opponents rather than brute force.
- Parkour: With cat-like agility, Maisie excels at moving through urban environments with ease, leaping across rooftops or scaling walls. She enjoys using the world as her playground, her movements almost dance-like.
- Charisma and Trickery: Maisie is naturally charming and persuasive, with a mischievous smile that disarms suspicion. She’s a master of deception when needed, often using humor and wit to deflect serious matters.
- Combat Acrobatics: While not as focused on traditional hand-to-hand combat as Kieran, Maisie incorporates acrobatics into her fighting style, using her environment to her advantage.

Magic Type:
- Shape-shifting: Like her brother, Maisie can fully transform into a mountain lion or a hybrid form. She enjoys shifting mid-movement for added unpredictability, often blending her forms in playful, fluid ways.
- Feline Instincts: Maisie’s instincts are sharper than most, especially in moments of danger. She can predict movement patterns or the intent of enemies, allowing her to dodge attacks or escape tricky situations.
- Enhanced Agility: While Kieran’s strength is more grounded, Maisie’s magic enhances her flexibility, balance, and speed to superhuman levels, especially when in her hybrid or cat form.
- Minor Illusions: Maisie has the ability to create small, fleeting illusions, often using them to confuse enemies or as distractions. These illusions are subtle and tied to her playful nature—like making a quick shadow appear to startle someone or creating the illusion of a second version of herself for a few seconds.

Personality Traits:
- Rebellious and Playful: Maisie has a rebellious streak, often pushing back against authority and convention. She loves playing pranks on those she feels deserve it, and her playful nature keeps her spirits high even in dire situations.
- Loyal and Protective: Although she has a lighthearted personality, Maisie is fiercely protective of her brother and their dwindling clan. She would go to great lengths to defend those she loves, even if it means breaking the rules.
- Energetic and Impulsive: Unlike Kieran, Maisie is impulsive and thrives on spontaneity. She often jumps headfirst into situations without considering the long-term consequences, preferring to act in the moment.
- Optimistic: Maisie maintains a hopeful outlook, even in the darkest of times. Her optimism sometimes clashes with Kieran’s cautious nature, but it keeps her resilient in the face of hardship.

Maisie grew up idolizing her older brother, Kieran, but where he adopted their parents’ careful and calculated approach to survival, Maisie sought freedom in rebellion. She always felt stifled by the cautious and secretive life they were forced to lead, yearning for the days of old when shifters were respected and powerful. As a child, she was often the one to sneak out, get into trouble, and pull pranks on their neighbors, much to Kieran’s frustration. Despite their differences, Maisie and Kieran share a deep bond. She’s always known that he feels the weight of their clan’s survival on his shoulders, but Maisie believes that fighting back, not hiding, is the way forward.

In recent years, as the Inquisition has intensified its efforts, Maisie’s desire to strike back has grown stronger. She has little patience for the passive approach many of the remaining shifters have adopted. This has led to heated arguments with Kieran, who wants her to stay safe and hidden. Maisie, on the other hand, believes that their survival depends on taking risks.

Maisie has had several close encounters with the Inquisition, but she’s managed to escape every time, using her agility and wit to outsmart her pursuers. Despite Kieran’s warnings, she continues to push boundaries, often going on missions to gather information or sabotage Inquisition efforts, all while maintaining her mischievous, carefree exterior.

- Maisie is a skilled thief, often stealing small valuables or information, though she sees it as more of a game than a necessity.
- She has a strong connection to the Umbra and often dreams of spirits and ancient beings, though she rarely takes these visions seriously. Kieran believes there may be more to her connection than she lets on, but Maisie prefers to keep things lighthearted.
- Her relationship with Kieran is filled with sibling banter and affection, though they have starkly different views on how to navigate the world. Kieran worries Maisie’s rebellious nature will get her into serious trouble one day, but Maisie shrugs it off, confident in her ability to escape any situation.
- Maisie’s lilting brogue, combined with her playful personality, often leads people to underestimate her intelligence, which she uses to her advantage.
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Diamond's best friend...

'Whisper' - Kikina_ 'The Panther Assassin'


'The Death Whisperer' ,'Shader', 'Kicks',

She/Her ○ 28 ○ 6'1" ○ 175lbs ○ Black Hair ○ Steel Blue Eyes ○ Light Brown Skin ○ Muscular, Athletic build
Assassin/Merc ○ Panther ○ Shadow Magic ○ Former 'Handmaiden' ○ 9 months in Durmain

This is Whisper...



Kikina is a tall and dark haired athletic woman. She is well muscled and moves like a panther even in human form. Steely blue eyes always seem to inspect and watch. They narrow as she feels suspicious or upset. A full lipped pout and disdaining scowl seem to firmly implant upon her face at all times. When she does smile she tends to cover it up which is a shame since it is as bright as her mood is dark.

Dark leathers, lightly armoured, cowled cloak and combat boots. She does not enjoy wearing bright and vivacious colours nor does she feel the need to accessorize with fancy and lavish jewellry. She does however wear a single piece of jewelry; a copper band upon her left ring finger that bears stars and moons upon it. Other than that, the woman dresses to not stand out and prefers to fade into the background. Yet once noticed, if she should step forward, her imposing frame and posture would represent her dangerous nature all at once. When it is 'Time to Bite' she will pull her signature black mask over her face and her eyes darken with Shadow. She embodies the deadly Whisper.

Of the multiple scars upon her, the most notable are the ones that runs down the left side of her cheek and a prominent one just above the left side of her top lip. She bears these with pride for these represent the two times she put her life on the line to protect her bestfriend, DeZhay. She bears tattoos all across her body and of note; the name of her adoptive mother, the arMadara logo, and a moon with several stars around it. She does have her ears pierced but only wears jewelry in them during formal presentations.


In panther form she is a bit larger than a male panther in the wild. She measures nearly 8' long and weighs nearly 200lbs. In this form her eyes are yellow but still maintain the watchful and inspecting glare she normally carries. The scars on her cheek and lip carry over too. But the best part is that she may still cast her Shadow magic as a panther.

Her hybrid form is a monstrous sized beast standing nearly 7' tall, and much more powerful and agile than her human form. But she doesn't like it since she may not cast and she seems to be fighting a more animalistic nature that she doesn't have to deal with when in 4-legged form.


+ | Patient, Reserved and Watchful
+ | Polite, Dutiful, Loyal and Respectful of Elders and Proper Authority over her
+ | Steel-Nerved, Quick Reactor, and Resilient
+ | Confident, Hard-Working, Adores children
+ | Tough, Daring and Athletic

- | Poor communicator/standoffish to anyone not her mother.
- | Rigid, Flat Persona, Only Listens to Superiors
- | Inferiority Complex, Openly Disdains Rich Folk, Job is Her Life.
- | Aggressive, Fight First Mentality, Rage-filled Bloodlust
- | Buries emotions, Hates Socializing, Just Cannot Chill and Have a Good Time.

- | Ever since she was little she has trained as a Handmaiden. It's all she knows and has been6ew brainwashed that that is her complete life. She has never lived a proper life as a playful, curious child. There is only training, failure, striving to never make the same mistake again. She is stunted socially and emotionally.
- | KiKina was forbidden to be sexually active and may not bear any children lest that compromise her position to protect her 'Diamond'. This has been ingrained in her and still is a virgin to this day. She herself is a closeted lesbian and desperately in love with DeZhay but duty trumped her emotions as always. Obsessed is closer to the truth.
- | The woman has a very murderous and violent rage in her. Her love and happiness generated for the younger performers and her bff kept her in line. But now she is slipping. Badly. It's only a matter of time. Like all performers and stage hands of the Collective she too went through hypnosis training to help maintain focus and confidence but now that she is away from them, she can get down bad reaaaal quick. She is quick to draw blood and is not satisfied until her opponent stops moving. Doesn't matter if they are breathing or not,.

○ | The scars on her cheek and lips are her badges of honour; she got those protecting her Diamond and her family in the Collective. But when possible she will use her hair to obscure her scars in public.
○ | Goes by 'Whisper' in the town of Durmain. Called 'Kicks' by everyone back home in the Collective. 'Kika' is a pet name from her mother. 'Chaser's Dog' is a name that will start a fight. 'The Death Whisperer' is her alias as an agent for Umbra since whenever she manipulates Shadows or is on a bloodlust, ghostly whispers can be heard.
○ | Does not like 'girlie' things but secretly liked how she looked whenever DeZhay fooled around and dolled her up with fancy clothes and make up like a performer
○ | Not one with the 'x-factor' for performing but actually has a very nice singing voice. Will sing for those she likes.

○ | Loves to remain in panther form for a long time and act like a huge kitty when no one is looking.
○ | When she wears her mask she speaks in a harsh whisper but it is amplified by Shadow.
○ | Only reason she hasn't succumbed to Shadow is the hope still burns bright that DeZhay is still alive.

~Skills and Magic

+ 'Handmaiden' training - expert body guard and danger sense. Close quarter fighting, martial artist, weapon training.
+ Archery / Throwing - skilled with the bow. Most dangerous when she has time to line up a shot. Strong throws, technique and precise and accurate within 30 feet.
+ Infiltrator - 2nd story work, investigation, climbing and stealth. She cannot crack a safe but she can spot and disarm that traps that protect it.
+ | Shadow Mana - Manipulates and bends Shadow to her will. Can blind others and make frightening phantoms.
+ | 'Shadow Steal' - She can drain others of their strength and energy to heal herself or even others. But the catch is that she must be touching your shadow.
+ | 'Dark Slide' - she may 'swim' through shaded areas that are not completely black effectively making her invisible.
+ | 'Now You Don't' - when she is in full darkness/shadow, she is completely silent and gives off no scent. Most importantly she is undetectable by spirits.
- | The Shadow Mana is weaker in bright areas esp. in direct sunlight. Chilling Aetherial whispers can be heard when she manipulates Shadow except when she is completely still. That and each time she manipulates it to Shadow Steal, it corrupts her mind, body and soul. The more she uses that ability in constant succession, the more she gives in to the violence, rage and murderous thoughts. She calls it; The Shadow creeping across her soul'. Until she can master the ability, it really is a matter time that Shadow will consume her and plunge her in to perpetual darkness.


○ | KiKina is most likely from the people of the sands. Her facial features and especially the grey-blue 'steel' eyes are a good indication.
○ | As a small yet fiesty and combative child, she was adopted by
Ms. Cherish Nozaroc, the weapons and security Mother of the arMadara Entertainment Collective. A mildly famous travelling troupe of performers, acrobats, musicians and singers owned by Matriarch Jincarda alMadara.
○ | Groomed and trained to be a fighter and protector for the Collective she flourished and was kept separated from the other children. But as soon as it was discovered that another girl her age, DeZhay could be 'Marquee Level Talent' and that they were fast best friends, KiKina was ingrained to become a 'Handmaiden'. She was now the lifelong protector for her 'Diamond', Dezhay.
○ | One thing that needed to be broken was the violent streak and anger within her that too often flared up. And so she went through mental reparation and pseudo-brain washing by Ms. Miri aka Grand-Aunt Mir, Seer of the Silvery Mists. She was reformed and re-invented into more of a machined tool than a wild girl and KiKina fell in line nicely.
○ | As a teenager, her purpose for being was put to the test. DeZhay was nearly kidnapped along with 3 other young children. Kikina caught them and shifted for the first time. The Panther unleashed bloody red fury upon the abductors, witnessed first hand by DeZhay and the children. The girl was a vicious predator and a natural born killer.

○ | This was the first inkling of the 'Shadow that crept across her soul.' as forewarned by Ms. Miri. KiKina was then forbidden to shift unless given permission from then on.
○ | Since she couldnt shift she was badly beaten when she took on 3 big warriors to protect her Diamond. Here she received her facial scars. But she ferociously fought and took them down. Witnesses saw her even biting... and tearing into their faces with her claws... that seemingly grew from out of her. The 3 were 'dealt with' by order of Jincarda. Yet KiKina does not remember she was there to complete her first executions in her newly found hybrid form. She soon became known as 'Chaser's Dog' and outsiders stayed far away from her.
○ | Then came the day when she lost her 'Diamond.' DeZhay was abducted right under her nose. Humiliated and shamed, she set out to find her Diamond against the wishes of Matriarch Jincarda and the rest of the Collective. For years she had sought out DeZhay without any success. All the while the Shadow slowly taking over before finally emerging during a bout of blood lust.
○ | Hidden in the woods and just when it seemed like she was going to lose herself completely, a lone figure came from the darkness and talked her down. The mysterious woman named Kola took her in. Over the years she was taught about Shadow and how to keep the base nature within her suppressed. But most importantly; how to use it.
○ | Unbeknownst to her, despite spending years under Kola's tutelage, she had become agent and secret assassin for the Umbra Clan. They had been manipulating her to do their bidding. But now with the reputation as 'The Death Whisperer' her bloodlust is sated and the mental exercises they taught her was well maintained esp. In panther form.
○ | Yet despite her changed ways, she has kept sight of her goal all along; 'find and protect her Diamond'. And her search had lead her to Durmain.

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phibglib phibglib
Kieran and Maisie are accepted. I look forward to seeing how their sibling dynamic plays out.

BuggaBoo BuggaBoo
KiKina is accepted. I really like the world building you did and will probably use some of it to shape this roleplay.

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