Dru Bishop


Paragon of Dreams
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Name: Dru Bishop

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Alias: Siphon

Child Of: Lucan Bishop, and unnamed Human

Sexuality: Pansexual 

Appearance(pic please!):

Personality: Smart Witty and usually rude, those sum up Dru in a nutshell. Although he is young he has proven a few times he has whay it takes to pull the trigger of he needs to although he usually prefers to leave his target alive although he isn't agains maiming a target or torturing them. Dru has been looking for a place to go since his father managed to make it back to his correct time although without Dru leaving Dru as a child to fend for himself. Since then Dru has been a little wary of people especially mutants.

Powers: Energy absorption and energy projection

Weapons: One blade he can cover with energy a special made hilt that he can channel his energy through to make a blade, an assault rifle that can use standard ammunition and 2 pistols one uses his energy to shoot energy based projectiles and the other uses bullets. He also has 2 batteries he keeps that can store double his full capacity between the two of them.

Weaknesses: Over absorption, bullets and blades, normal human weaknesses

Favorite Passtimes: Sparring, reading, practicing with his guns, interfering in others issues.

Favorite Song: No sympathy for the devil


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