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Realistic or Modern The Labyrinth Escape


Creator of my own little Universe
Roleplay Type(s)
((For the thread; https://www.rpnation.com/threads/the-labyrinth-escape.76396/))

((I wasn't really sure whether it is a fandom, since it is a cross over between the Maze Runner and Hunger Game idea, but follows a totally different storyline. Anyway I was just curious to see if people would be interested to do this with me))

The government has divided the kingdom in eight districts, with no contact between the districts so that the people are easy to rule.

These are the districts;

- The Headquarters; this is where the royalty and nobility lives. From here the whole country is ruled. Living in the Headquarters is a real honor and hard to achieve.

- District of Fire; This is where all kind of things are forged, but also candles come from this district.

- District of Water; This is where the water is won, but also (alcoholic) drinks for the Headquarters come from here.

- District of Earth; This is where the wood and grain comes from, but also flowers and plants to decorated the houses of those who live in the Headquarters come from here

- District of Air; This is where the planes for the kingdom are made, but also the lovely perfume for the people at the Headquarters comes from here.

- District of Light; This is where art and books can be found. It is the wealthiest of all districts and the closest you could get to Headquarters as a normal person.

- District of Dark; This is where the coal is won. Needless to say this is the poorest district of all.

- District of Ends; This is where the dead people go. It is the biggest of all districts and basically one big cemetery. However also things that the Headquarters need to get rid of and such are brought here.

Every year there is one girl and one boy picked from each district (except of course the Headquarters). All 14 of them are dropped inside a gigantic labyrinth and they have to find their way out. Within the labyrinth there are cameras so every move from the ‘participants’ can be watched, not only by the government who controls the labyrinth and everything inside, but also by the people at home. The children and youngsters inside the labyrinth can encounter everything, going from monsters to lethal plants and deadly puzzles if not solved in time. Every year the labyrinth theme is different and if not enough the walls of the labyrinth change every day, every hour or every minute, depending on what the government wants. The goal is to get out as fast as possible and the ‘game’ isn’t over until both kids from one district are out of the labyrinth. If one of the kids from a district dies, the other kid will be trapped in the labyrinth forever, or until it can escape the year following with another kid from his district. So also participants from the years before can be encountered and not all of them will be as friendly.

Once in the Labyrinth, everything is possible. Friendship, love, betrayal, death, all of it can happen if you take the wrong or the right turn…

May you find the path that leads you to the exit!

Roles; (Taken, Reserved, free)

District of Fire; boy - girl

District of Water; boy - girl

District of Air; boy - girl

District of Earth; boy - girl

District of Light; boy - girl

District of Dark; boy - girl

District of Ends; boy - girl

((This is the basic idea. I have it further worked out in a document, but didn't want to bore you all with the information, since this will just be an interest check. However roles can be reserved or taken for when this will become a roleplay, though please keep in mind that the district they life in will have to reflect on your characters personality/job and such. But please be serious about this and only TAKE a role when you are absolutely sure you will join this roleplay, otherwise reserve that role for now (this way you will have first call when this roleplay goes up and someone else would want the role also) That being said, yes you may have multiple characters if you want to and yes, magical being are allowed though they will age the same way as humans do. They are still young (between 12-21) so they have not yet full control of their magic.))
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I feel like... Trying something new. Butt I have a question, @DarkiusHeavenstein If the district of ends is where the dead people are, then how are people supposed to be from there... Or are living people there too?
@Sayomi Yes there are people living there. They bury the dead and sort out the trash that arrives and such...

@kira blackthorn The boy of the district Earth is already taken, sorry

@UnendingRain I will reserve her for you? Or are you sure you will join (than I will keep her taken)
Ah. That should have been obvious, sorry Im not fully awake.

Anyways, Id like to reserve the District of Air girl please.
Changing my reservation to the district of light girl, I decided against the air district. Also, Im pretty positive i am joining.
@Sayomi you can also have both if you want to? i am fine with people doubling up with characters. Anyway I will change the light girl to taken than ^^
Alright, just leave the fire reserved, if someone else wants it eventually tho, they can have it, I usually dont call two spots unless I know no one else wants one of them.
This looks interesting maybe i'll choose the district of water (girl) but still not sure :) imma think of it first:bigsmile:

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