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Fantasy The Labyrinth Characters



Not made of lies and deceit
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

Character Sheet


Age: Or whatever age they appear to be, since time moves differently in the labyrinth


Race: Human or creature? If playing a human, please add approximately how long they've been trapped

Appearance: Pictures are allowed, but must be accompanied by a paragraph, even if it’s just simple stuff like height, etc. If using a picture, please put it at the top of the character sheet, not here

Strengths: At least three, with a short description of each

Flaws: At least three, with a short description of each

Personality: Can be in depth or simple, depending on how thorough the strengths and weaknesses are described


If you're going to code your CS, please don't make it super
complicated. A lot of it doesn't show up properly on my phone.

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Alex Charbonneau

—leave me alone

[div class=siaquestion]xheightx
[div class=siaanswer]5'5” (165cm)

[div class=siaquestion]xhairx
[div class=siaanswer]Brown & Pink
[div class=siaquestion]xweightx
[div class=siaanswer]127 lbs[/div]
[div class=siaquestion]xeyesx
[div class=siaanswer]Pink[/div][/div][/div][/div]
[div class=siaanswer]
[/div]A female who sticks out like a sore thumb when standing in a sea of people. Well, from the back she wouldn’t stick out too much if you had ignore the added 3 inches height (5’8”) because of her purple horns that sticks up. In the front is more of the obvious, long chocolate velvet hair that reaches past her waist with one side being a bright hot pink color. Her hair is two toned, a little unusual and she doesn’t quite understand how it works but she doesn't question it after a while.

Her hair just adds to her unique features -- her eyes, oh her eyes~ Usually looking at her eyes, you'll only see the matching brilliant ruby red pink eyes. Although upon closer examination, it seems like Alex has a couple of different shade in her eyes. From the top there is this beautiful lavender purple transitioning into those ruby pink eyes that you see. From afar, with the pink dominating the purple, you'll think she has a pair of dull pink eyes until you get up close to her face and look at her dead in the eyes. Or she makes you look at her dead in the eyes.

But yes, this female stands at the height of 5'5", a rather decent height for a female if she had to say so herself. Indeed, the daughter of the Charbonneau family takes pride in her own height. Since she can't be labeled as short by other people since she is already at a pretty decent height if she has to say so herself. Calling her short wouldn't affect her that much nor would it affect her that much if you were to call her tall. Either way, she's not affected by those comments that you'll be making, if you do planned on doing that. She weighs about 127 lbs, why? Well, maybe this young female is like thicker on some areas compared to others.

Alex seems to have clear skin, free of blemishes or scars. She's a pretty pale female if you hadn't notice it already. Why? Well, the girl doesn't like leaving her own room or house so she has pretty much stayed indoors a lot, well and when she is outside, the female tends to try and find shade to stand under. Someone had once said that she acts as if she was allergic to sunlight or something, but are they wrong? Not really, Eliza seems to do act like she's allergic to the light but she isn't. The female just really doesn't like bright lights because it makes it hard for her to see. Her ruby pink eyes are more adjusted to the nighttime environment compared to daytime.

So it shouldn't be that much of a surprise that this female appears to be extremely pale, pale like a porcelain doll that children loves to buy. It was as if she was a doll but a doll that sticks out more than the others, but also ones that would get left on the shelf because of how she had looked. Beautiful but also seemingly dangerous? Not sure what the exact word would be for her. Eliza has a rather obvious hourglass figure but she tends to wear a lot of... loose fitted clothing so it's not that obvious yet at the same time, pretty obvious.


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If you can't fight it, just go along with it -- question it later.

[div class=siaquestion]xnamex
[div class=siaanswer]Alex Eliza Charbonneau

[div class=siaquestion]xtitlesx
[div class=siaanswer]The Labyrinth's Cheshire Cat

[div class=siaquestion]xgenderx
[div class=siaanswer]Female[/div]

[div class=siaquestion]xagex
[div class=siaanswer]???[/div]

[div class=siaquestion]xracex
[div class=siaanswer]Demon[/div]

[div class=siaquestion]xethnicityx
[div class=siaanswer]French[/div]

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[div class=siaheadertitle]Personality[/div]
[div class=siaheadercaption]—dude, give me a break, please[/div]
A simple girl but also with a rather unusual personality. When your eyes first laid eyes upon her, it may seem like she is a pretty exotic looking girl with a rather dull looking expression. It's as if she doesn't show much emotions, it's not that, she's just really easily bored but also really easily entertained and she's kinda like... tired like 24/7. Which kind of explains her attire, it seems sloppy in someways but that's just how she is like. If you're going to point it out to her, guess what? Alex does not care for how you see her, if you're going to just judge her because of that, then go right ahead and be her guest.

Eliza is a pretty sarcastic individual, a little too sarcastic, sometimes it just seems like she wasn't joking but she is just being too sarcastic. It's a little disappointing how she has to explain that to people at times, maybe a little too disappointing. Eli is also a pretty blunt girl and brutally honest, she doesn't apologize for being that honest to someone, if she thinks you're annoying she'll downright say it, that is if you ask her. So she will spare you the harsh words if you don't ask her any questions that'll cause for her to say things like that. Oh yeah, the girl doesn't really have a filter, she says whatever comes to mind. As it might just be a load of swears in one sentence.

Pretty straightforward actually, okay maybe sometimes you don't need to even ask her anything and she'll be honest with you. Well, she'll ask if she can be honest to you before stating whatever she needs to be stated. Don't beat around the bush if you are going to talk to her and also don't lie to her, that'll just not end well. Then she'll be the one beating the bush, sometimes you may be the bush itself. Just kidding, she's a little too... lazy for such things. Besides, if she has to beat someone, she isn't going to do it to someone who wasted her time for lying. She'll just find someone else who actually deserves it, by then she isn't that lazy.

Speaking of beating someone, some would label Alex as a "demon" when fighting someone. Why? She can be fairly vicious and her attacks may appear random but she knows what she is doing. Next thing you know, she is all up on you and stabbing you. But which kinda of leads us to the part where it may seem like she has done something like that before. Trust me, Eliza had never done something like this but she'll damn right make it seem like she's done something like that before. So you better watch out for her. You might just be her next target that she comes for. Oh yeah, this female for some reasons have a collection of knives, daggers, and throwing knives.

Ah yes, shall we mention how reckless she can be when it comes to fighting? It doesn't even matter how you try to hold her back, she won't listen to you and does what she wants. Yeah, she's a free-willed female and does what she wants. Unless you're her father, you don't get to order her around although if she feels like she is correct on something, she'll probably still do it whether her father says no. But yes, Alex is extremely reckless when it comes to fighting, she could literally fling herself onto someone without a second thought.


[div class=siatextbox style="padding-bottom: 25px;"] LIKES

Lemon Tea
Fluffy objects

[div class=siatextbox style="margin-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 25px;"] DISLIKES

Bright lights
Loud noises
Chewing noises
Bright colors
Coffee in general

[div class="siaContent siaContentCombat"]

Her father used to be a trained fighter (when he was alive), whenever her father has free time to hangout with this particular female, Alex is always asking about how to wield weapons. Why? Well, she is interested in knives, daggers, throwing knives, fighting, etc. like ever since she was a child, so she had learned from her father as to how to wield variations of blades. Although her way of wielding them is definitely a lot more different compared to how soldiers would be working with the weapons. She had adapted her own style of fighting. Can you really blame her? She's just comfortable with her own style.


+ stamina
Giving her race, should you really be surprised by her stamina? Alex was no kidding a demon, she could run and move for a fairly long time without getting tired of it. But then why would she do that? Alex was pretty much tired almost everyday, so she barely moves from her spot and if she does move, she's kinda just shuffling around or just lurking in the shade.

+ speed & agility
Sure, we've talked about how lazy the female was but we haven't discussed about how fast she can actually be. Alex's speed is unbelievably quick and that's not just because of her being a demon but that's because she had trained herself to be more of a speedy one instead of strength fixed. Alex may be lazy but speed isn't something you should look down at her for, she can pretty much easily outrun human beings and maybe most supernatural race. So when you are dealing with this particular girl, do be careful of her, next thing you know.. she'll be coming for that clean cut on your neck.

+ unflinching
Due to Alex's reckless trait, when adrenaline pumps through her blood, she seems to be a person who wouldn't flinch when things would strike near her face. In fact, she might find it even more exciting that someone had struck so close to her face, fueling her energy even more than ever. Making her even more reckless a little... bloodthirsty some could say.


- recklessness
As mentioned previously in her strengths, because of her being reckless, she could get herself into serious trouble and some serious injuries due to that one trait. Alex was almost known to get injured because of that one damn trait. Let's just say it wasn't the first time she had gotten into some serious injuries because of it.

- lack of pain
You know how there are beings who doesn't feel as much pain as others? Yeah, Eliza is one of those people who doesn't feel pain that much compared to usual responses towards pain. Sometimes, depending on how big of an injury it is, she might not even notice that she is bleeding out! Do you know how many times she could've died because of blood loss? Many, many times. (P.S. minor cuts tends to heal over time pretty quickly so she doesn't worry about that)

- sounds & light
This isn't something one could easily figure out but once you do, one could easily use it against her. Having her to be focused is easy but distracting her or even ruining her focus is a lot easier, sudden loud noises or even high pitched noises causes for Alex to stop midway for a second, creating an opening. The female tends to have a slightly more sensitive hearing compared to others and her eyes are a little bit more sensitive to lights, so when a flash of light hits her eyes when she isn't prepared or well adjusted to it, it can cause for her vision to be a little disorienting.

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[div class=siaheadertitle]Ability

[div class=siaheadercaption]—please don't move, i need a clean cut or else it'll hurt more[/div]

Enhanced hearing & sight
Extremely useful when traveling in the dark, due to the fact that her ears are more sensitive to noises, she is capable of navigating through the dark a lot more easily, little echoes and sounds could notify her in an instant. Wouldn't say she has like full on enhanced sights on this, she's just more capable of seeing things in the dark compared to others. But due to that, her eyes are more adapted to the dark surroundings, in the daytime, it can be a little bit more harder for her to really focus on anything. So whenever she goes outside, at first her eyes would be pretty annoyed for a good solid 10 minutes before adjusting to the light but any brighter light shining into her eyes can definitely make her vision pretty disoriented.

Her regeneration isn't ridiculous as when it comes to minor injuries like cuts that aren't deep, it's always regenerating within a couple of minutes. Depending on how small of a cut it is, so if it were a paper cut, then Alex's little cut quickly closes up within a couple of seconds. If it's like a 4 inches long cut then it would take approximately 5-10 minutes before it fully closes. So during that time, you can technically injure her more on the same area which makes it even harder for it to heal. Oh yes, adding onto that part, if you were to hit/injure her on the same area, then that injury would double the time of healing. So if you want to beat her, you might as well strike her in the same area over and over or something like that.

Error 404
Corrupted File: Try again.

Error 404
Corrupted File: Try again.

Error 404
Corrupted File: Try again.

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[div class=siaheadertitle]Weapon[/div]
[div class=siaheadercaption]—seriously, don't fucking move, dude. i need your head.[/div]

Surprise, surprise, Alex is a scythe wielder. She doesn't enjoy how plain and boring a sword is like and far range weapons doesn't give her much adrenaline. Her knowledge wasn't that wide when it came to weapons until she had reached the age of 6, she had found out about the scythe since she had watched another creature wielding it previously. And man, this female had fallen in-love with this weapon as soon as she had saw such gorgeous but deadly weapon. Of course, that didn't exactly stopped her from learning other weapons but her main weapon and focus was on this deadly weapon. It's been over just a couple of decades since she had started learning this weapon and she had been using it basically everyday, so to her, this weapon is pretty easy for her to wield by now. So definitely be careful, a scythe is definitely not a joke when going against someone like her, you might have a bit of trouble to block the attacks since it is a curved weapon to begin with. Oh don't worry, Eliza wouldn't use it on people unless they decided to have a little.. brawl against her or when it's needed (or when she is bored).

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[div class=siaheadertitle]Backstory

[div class=siaheadercaption]—the past is in the past, don't bring it up. please...[/div]

Error 107: Retrieving Main File: Failed
Retrieving File: Cheshire Cat provoking the Lion: Successful
Loading. . . .

"Have you heard about Cadeyrn?"
"Oh, yes, yes, doesn't his name mean the Battle King?"
"Yeah, exactly his name does mean battle king. I heard that he had ripped one of the demon's arms off because he was in the way of Cadeyrn. Anything or anyone that gets in his way either dies or get seriously injured..."
"Oh my god, I wouldn't want to run into that lion then. I value my life and limbs."

"Did I hear a challenge?~" Alex had questioned, usually she doesn't care for these minor gossip and rumors that goes around in the labyrinth but she had gotten curious about this... Cadeyrn. "Cheshire cat..." "You're going to get yourself ripped apart if you try to face -" The demon couldn't even finish his sentence before he was interrupted by the sudden green blade that was pressed against the male's neck. The so called "Cheshire Cat" had moved herself behind the male with her scythe's green blade pressed against his throat, "Now, now~ Who are you talking to right now?" Eliza had questioned, she slowly walks around the male before standing in front of the male with her bright ruby pink eyes that seems to be pretty dead to look into. "Alex, lower your weapon down, there's no need to get violent. Ahah.." Elliot had said, an awkward chuckle had escaped the blonde male's lips.

"Did I ask for you to talk?" Eli had turned her head over to the taller male with a sickly sweet smile playing on her face, it was a warning for Elliot to close his mouth which he had complied. In the labyrinth, her ranking wasn't low, she wasn't a measly low demon. Some had feared her name so they had referred to her by her title instead of her actual name. As you can tell, there's definitely a lot of people that feared her and/or hated her to the bones. "You are going to get yourself killed if you try to go against Cadeyrn." The Cheshire Cat removed her scythe away from the male's neck while her arrowed tail flickered around in amusement. "I'm not going to repeat myself, Lucas." Alex had stated before her ruby pink eyes had started to glow in a rather demonic blood red color.

The look could send chills down the spines of other supernatural race, her eyes seems so dead but it seems to hold so much at the same time. The dark navy blue haired male had clenched his teeth before muttering out -- "The Cheshire Cat, Alex..." "I'm glad you still remember." The demon had said before swinging down her scythe, the blade dug right into the ground, cracking the ground just a little. "We'll come with you! It's better to go together if you're going to look for him." "Now, off you two go now, I wouldn't want to drag two deadweights with me." Alex had said, it was as if she didn't even pay any attention to what Elliot had said to her. When Lucas started walking off, Elliot followed along after -- the two siblings had soon walked away far from her view... "I wonder if you're really that strong as they rumor about you."

Brilliant ruby pink eyes that held nothing but this beautiful empty shell, decorated and tinted with a beautiful amethyst purple at the top.

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[div class=siaheadertitle]Extras

[div class=siaheadercaption]—what did i even get myself into these days? like what is this?[/div]

01. true name
Her full name is
Alexandrine Blanche Eliza Charbonneau

02. birthdate
Alex was actually born on October 31th, exactly, on Halloween. She is a Scorpio, her birth flower would be marigold, and her birthstone is either an opal or a tourmaline.

03. ambidextrous
Eliza over here is ambidextrous, which means she is fully capable of using bother her left and right hand. She was born as a lefty but due to having some weapons needing to be dual wielded, her right hand started getting adjusted to be used. Later on, she just became ambidextrous.

04. languages
This female is 100% French, which leads us to the fact that she is capable of speaking French fluently. But that's not it, nope, Alex had too much free time to on her hands so this female had decided to learn pretty much a lot of languages. Since French was a little bit close to Italian and Spanish, it didn't take her too long to get a hang of it. Soon English to her little list before moving onto the Eastern Asia side; Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, and Japanese. All in total, she knows how to speak 8 languages in total.

05. companion
Cadeyrn, an ash grey brown coated lion that is at least capable of carrying 2 grown males upon his back. He has bright glowing but striking pair of blue eyes that also seems to be lingering with a blood red near the iris of the eye. Ferocious sharp claws that are always unsheathed and big sharp teeth that can easily tear flesh away from it's bone. Two long horns at the top of his head with the color of ivory white, somewhat striped with the similar shade of grey brown upon his coat. Dark chocolate brown mane that fluffs out gracefully but messily, exaggerating his fearsome features and exaggerating his figure, making him seem bigger than he already is. Guess what? This fella here is Blanche's companion that follows her everywhere.


Cadeyrn, her lovely lion


Her beloved scythe that can be a black rod, attached to her thigh.



— code by nano

if you can't see it, i can make a mobile friendly one and hopefully she's okay!!
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Name: Baird

Age: he looks 25 but is actually thousands of years old

Gender: Male

Race: trickster Fae

Appearance: White hair that almost glows flows in a silky curtain to his feet, his right eye was ice blue and his left was bright lavender, when he locked them on you, however, he seemed to know more than he should and his eyes are framed by bangs, being a supernatural being has its advantages, and hair that floats like it’s underwater is one of those bonuses’, he has milk white skin that’s unblemished, or at least as far as people can see, he always keeps hair over his left shoulder, covering his heart. He stands at 6’3” and usually is shirtless, only walking around in a long black skirt that hangs low on his hips and seems to float around him and reaches the floor, he walks around barefoot. He is lean and muscular with long pointed ears. He has full lips and always smiled with closed lips, is he did smile openly you would see sharp teeth. When he is seen when it's dark out he seems to almost glow in the dark like the stars or the moon

He is sometimes seen wandering around as an almost mist like a grey house cat that is larger than most. The only way to tell that they are one in the same is that the cat shares his eye patterns and colors and has the same sharp toothed grin as the man, but be wary. The Cat's even worse than the man, if you run across the cat, do not stop, do not engage, simply turn around and walk away.

Strengths: He has limited powers, but one of them is he can get a sense of which paths are safe or trapped, where to find food and water, and be better able to navigate the labarenth in general.
He is intelligent, like scary smart, but that could be because he isn’t human and is a faery.
He’s very persuasive and usually gets what he wants.
He lures people into finding him by playing a double wooden flute, the music is so different than any other sounds in the labyrinth that it seems to draw people like moths to a flame

Flaws:….he’s literally a Malevolent Fae whose sole purpose is to lead you astray…..but he is bound by the Faery laws of the land and cannot break them, no matter what. He is selfish, if you compliment him enough and get him preening, he’ll basically do what you ask him to do and only realize after he’s bound by his word that it was a trick. Funnily enough, he is extremely farsighted, if you ask him what something a mile away is he could tell you, but anything closer than 3 feet and he can barely make out shapes.

Personality: He seems innocent and benevolent at first, offering to lead you through the maze if you ‘give them your name’. but under no circumstance can you give it to him! By giving him your name, you have said that he now owns your name and he will ‘lead you through the maze’ until you die. If you thank him even if you do not give him your name he will follow you and play tricks and make things harder and harder for you because you ‘owe him’ and he’ll follow you until you repay him for his kindness, which he will never tell you how to do.

Other: though it is hard, travelers have been known to trick him and get his help navigating the labyrinth. He is actually a pretty nice guy, once you get over the whole trying to walk you to death fae part.
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i don't know if you notice it or not Fae13 Fae13 but that fc you're using, he has two different eye colors! one of them is purple.
NAME alphonse lightwood
❛ noble ❜ & ❛ a torch of flame.
AGE twenty six
❛ 05-24 & gemini.
❛ preferred pronouns; he / his / him.❜
RACE human
❛ the holy knight.
HEIGHT 610 WEIGHT 220 lbs
EYES blue-grey HAIR red
STRENGTHS shadow manipulation
❛shadows. yes, there are some people who are capable of manipulating shadows. . . but do they take them ? well, he does. he admits he's able to manipulate shadows as well, at least to some degree. the male is able to stretched out his own shadow to the shadows of others and be able to manipulate their movements like they are just mere puppets. as long as his own shadow is connected to theirs, even if that said person claimed to be one of the most strong willed one alive. . . they still won't be able to move an inch until he either releases the shadows or it's an order under his command. there are also many other things he could creatively do using his own shadow, but really, they take a lot of energy. . . so, he prefers to steal away people's shadows instead and take them for himself. yin and yang. have you ever heard of that ? it’s just a fancy philosophy that the chinese created to explain balance. even though you never really think that much about your shadow, do think strongly of them now. what you see underneath you is simply another you. . . a darker version of yourself that balance with the current you, the light version of yourself. a bit confusing, but bear with me. . . both light and dark cannot live without one another and you, yourself, cannot live long without your shadow. ah, how misleading. clarification, you won’t die without your shadow, so don’t worry. while he may have the ability to destroy and cut the bond between you and your shadow. . . it still wouldn’t kill you. you wouldn’t feel a single pain if your shadow happened to ‘die’. you might feel a sense of emptiness in you after losing your other half, but you would still be alive. however, if your shadow does ever get stolen away from you, you will be unable to bask in the sunlight forever as even just a small glimpse from it. . . you will burn. you won’t just be vulnerable to the sun, it’ll be any form of light. . . fire, moon beam, a light bulb. see ? your shadow is very important. they protected you by reflecting and bouncing from the light, you see. and now with them gone, you will be vulnerable. so, better stay away from any light for awhile or you literally will turn to ashes. oh, you can still live, don't worry ! you just won't be able to show yourself during the day, only able to roam at the darkest of night like a vampire, figuratively speaking. . . stealing what belongs to others does not take away his stamina. what he does with the stolen goods will. he breathes life into them, you see. . . once more, these shadows are you. they have everything that you have, even your special abilities. that’s why it’s useful for him to keep them ‘alive’ than to ‘destroy’ them. when he collects shadows, he is basically collecting the abilities that comes along with it. since you were born, the other you have always been strictly underneath your foot, now how would you feel if you were to come to face with your dark self ?❜
FLAWS shadow manipulation
❛of course, there are flaws to this technique if someone happens to be smart enough to figure it out. shadows, yes, they are made by the sun. it is the thing that blocks the light. therefore, for it to form, there need to be a little bit of light present. despite it’s weakness against light, it is still very much attracted to it. yes, cliché. but, like always, darkness has always been rather weak to light. kind of. to make a shadow, you need a little light. if there’s too much. . . it will vanish. if the fire is a baby one, then the darkness will just swallow that adorable thing whole. . . but, nevertheless, with just a short flash of light. . . a person is capable of breaking the connection between their shadow and his, which means they'll be free from being his puppet. the boy, to clarify, isn’t actually capable of controlling you or your shadows. . . more like connect your shadows to his own, so he could manipulate your actions. if the tie between your shadow and his are cut, then you shall be free. as he control more and more shadows, his strength will diminish and those who have resisted him, will be able to break away from their cursed state. or they might be able to if they have like, enhanced strength or something ? the male is pretty strong himself, but if they're stronger than him, then yeah ! they'll get away ! there is only one way for the male to steal the shadows of others and that is through contact. just a little bit is fine, it'll give him a chance to take it away before you could even blink. to take it back, you would simply have to defeat your shadow. . . will you be able to ? this is you, you know ? just how well do you actually know about yourself ?? your shadow have been with you since the day you’ve been born. it knows your ability, and your strength. but, plot twist. . . what you have, it will also share. which mean, it will share your weakness. he simply breathe a bit of life into your shadow, but it still majorly makes up of your soul. It is still you. he can steal shadows, yes. most of the time, he put what he stole and lock it deeply into his own shadows until the time comes when he uses it. he can take as much as much as he like, but bringing them to life. . . there is a limit of three only. anymore than this number and not only will he be exhausted, but he will also have a high chance of dying. also, the time limit ranges from about twenty four hours before he succumb to sleep to regain his energy back. giving life to something, no matter what it is, interferes with nature. even a mere five minute will make him weak. once he goes to sleep, those shadows will vanish and their owners still won’t be able to reclaim them back because you have to defeat it, remember ? the owners don’t necessary have to fight their own shadow. let’s say you are a fire user which mean your shadow is a fire user as well. . . you could send a friend who’s capable of manipulating water in your stead to defeat your shadow and still be able to reclaim it. of course, he isn’t the only shadow user in town. he’s not the only shadow mage around. there are others, but those people will be unable to control his shadows. . . and he too, will be unable to control theirs. but, you have to be a full shadow mage or a powerful god. key word, powerful. if it isn’t a powerful one, then the chances of him defeating the deity is really high. another key word is full. now, you can’t just be someone who’s capable of using shadow magic and another thing like a witch. if that’s the case, your alignment to the shadow world won’t be as strong, so therefore. . . he would be capable of controlling your shadows and stealing them. all shadow mages have different ways of using their ability. . . and they all lack at something. like I said above, he can not control your shadow with a wave of his hands. that’s not how it works. to do so, he must connect yours to his. make a bond with it. otherwise it won’t work. he’s not a shadow manipulator, he’s a thief. what he could do that is special is have his own shadow be his shield, attacking his opponents as they stretched from the ground. furthermore, he has a collection of other people's shadows at his own disposal. . . their abilities shall be used during her battles. when i say burn to ashes, it will obviously take some time. if you were to stay under the sun for one hour after your shadow got stolen, then of course. . . you will turn to ashes. however, you are capable of protecting yourself. wear extra long clothing and always carry an umbrella with you at all times. just think of it as you having a high allergy against the sun. otherwise, you will only have yourself to blame if you die. . . so, hurry and get your shadow back if it has been taken from you.❜
PERSONALITY due to his terrible childhood, alphonse grew up into a twisted lad who trusted no one, but himself. everyone always chooses to leave him anyway .. eventually, to protect himself, his face would often always be painted with an idiotic smile. whether he was in pain, angry or hurt, he’d always smile. it’s just better to, you know ? no one ever really likes to see a sad face .. on first note, the male comes across as warm and welcoming and understanding, but you see. that is just a facade. alphonse was a lonely man. he wanted to feel needed and loved. he desired a place for him to stay .. one where he won’t ever get replaced or ever be abandoned. therefore, in his effort to protect himself, he became somewhat of a people’s pleaser. with every person he’s with, his own personality changes drastically .. always adapting to the wavelengths of others. he was sensitive to their moods and he needed to be, otherwise .. he wouldn’t be able to gain their trust. wearing a mask is what he does best, but along the way .. he sheds it during his battles. it was truly the only time he gets to go wild and relax. his heart is one made of stone, they say. with each life he takes, not a single regret was felt. he did not give second chances .. in the battlefield, the soldiers lead under him referred to alphonse as a tyrant. he gave inhumane orders mercilessly without any shred of hesitation. each one proved correct, but still .. could you still be considered human after murdering a thirteen year old girl without a drop of sweat ? she was an spy on the enemy side, but surely there could’ve been another way ?? war made people ruthless .. but, perhaps, he was born ruthless from the start. as time ticked on, alphonse realized he lacked the things that others have. he copied them all, from facial expressions and what to say. he lied professionally, even forcing himself, at times, to believe in his lies .. because if he didn’t, he’d have to admit that he was empty. he was merely a vessel that contained a broken soul.
NEGATIVE TRAITS ↬ un-merciful, unpredictable, unforgiving, deceitful, manipulative, possessive .
POSITIVE TRAITS ↬ observant, adaptable, quick-witted, clever, humorously charming, open-minded .
BIOGRAPHY to bear the surname, lightwood is an honor to anyone that was born into the family. they were all well-known holy knights that have served loyally to their home country for decades. they protected and died with pride. they wield light magic as well as are skilled with their swordsmanship. however, one day, a child was born from that particular family. his hair was dye in crimson blood and with innocent silver eyes which saw nothing but darkness. red was a color of bad luck. it was feared and it was to be considered as an ill omen to the lightwood family. with the doctor’s diagnosis, his parents certainty of this facts only deepened : alphonse was blind. perhaps it was a blessing in disguise that he could not see .. for the expression engraved on his parents’ face would be one that could scar a child for life. he was sent to live in another house, kept away from his parents and other siblings. at the age of four, an attribute test took place to determined whether he had the capabilities to possess mana; the source to all magic. but, of course, he did ! even if he was born to be a total disgrace, everyone who was in the lightwood household possessed light magic .. if not, then one of the elements. not once has there ever been a magic-less child sired from this noble line, you see. his parents still had hope for this bad luck bringer .. but, their hope shriveled yo when the priest had determined their child had a strong link to darkness. alphonese had magic, alright .. but, not one a parent should be proud of. children who usually align themselves with darkness are said to be unstable. they will forever lack control of their gift and will eventually fall off the path of righteousness. every humans possess a demon or two within them, whispering mischievous deeds into their ears .. tempting them to sin. well, a child who had dark magic will have a harder time resisting that temptation. fearing for the household’s future .. alphonse was banished and strip of his last name. however, the boy never gave up. while treated unfairly, he held onto his foolish hopes that, perhaps, if he work hard .. sharpen his skills and grow up to be an outstanding knights, his parents will accept him again. and that was what he did. alphonse eventually rose in rank, taking the role of second commander and was given the name, the dark knight.he was eventually able to return back to his family .. as the fame he brought with him was something his parents could not refuse on. while proven himself worthy, he was not accepted to be a legal heir, even thought he was their first born son. to distract him with this, his parents gifted him with a young woman by the name of lilia goldsmith, a young lower noble lady who holds the title of being the most beautiful. the girl was to be his wife. anyone with eyes and sight could see that she held disdain toward alphonse. they knew that she was the ultimate sacrifice needed to gain his trust again .. alphonse was no way in love with her, but he fear for her life if he so much as refuse her hand. they married and lived their days, not once looking at one another. alphonse kept himself busy .. he worked and worked .. killed and killed .. all for the sake of keeping peace in this lovely kingdom of his .. all for the sake of being worthy enough to bear the name lightwood.
&. holy moonlight sword :: it is a blade gained after defeating a ferocious dragon on top of the mountain of mist; a place where hundreds have travel in the past and made their grave there. it was said to be the home of many creatures born from the darkness .. one that was infamously known was the dark fae who with his mischievous tongue would speak in sweet lies to lure the travelers towards the wrong path. however, not once did alphonse strayed. it wasn’t because he possessed a pure and strong heart enough to resist the fae .. more because of the strong conviction he stands by. the male was sixteen, then. still assisting with odd task in the knight court. to climb higher in ranks and faster, he needed a weapon to do so and that was this sword. the one that was said to have separate the heavens and earth. it was a sword made from divine objects .. sculpted and purified by the gods themselves as nature, herself, nurture it with time.
&. when it comes to fights, he is quite swift with his feet .. relying on his senses to direct him to his target as he posses no sight. alphonese did not just have agility on his side, his own physical strength was above the average human .. and he did not gain his position as second commander with his surname alone. he had worked hard and earned his rights to be crowned one of the best in his nation .. and that, alone, grants him the privilege to stand up with pride.

so, yeah. im done.
please tell me if there’s any problems
and i’ll get to it as fast as i can !!
NAME alphonse lightwood
❛ noble ❜ & ❛ a torch of flame.
AGE twenty six
❛ 05-24 & gemini.
❛ preferred pronouns; he / his / him.❜
RACE human
❛ the holy knight.
HEIGHT 610 WEIGHT 220 lbs

EYES blue-grey HAIR red​

STRENGTHS shadow manipulation
❛shadows. yes, there are some people who are capable of manipulating shadows. . . but do they take them ? well, he does. he admits he's able to manipulate shadows as well, at least to some degree. the male is able to stretched out his own shadow to the shadows of others and be able to manipulate their movements like they are just mere puppets. as long as his own shadow is connected to theirs, even if that said person claimed to be one of the most strong willed one alive. . . they still won't be able to move an inch until he either releases the shadows or it's an order under his command. there are also many other things he could creatively do using his own shadow, but really, they take a lot of energy. . . so, he prefers to steal away people's shadows instead and take them for himself. yin and yang. have you ever heard of that ? it’s just a fancy philosophy that the chinese created to explain balance. even though you never really think that much about your shadow, do think strongly of them now. what you see underneath you is simply another you. . . a darker version of yourself that balance with the current you, the light version of yourself. a bit confusing, but bear with me. . . both light and dark cannot live without one another and you, yourself, cannot live long without your shadow. ah, how misleading. clarification, you won’t die without your shadow, so don’t worry. while he may have the ability to destroy and cut the bond between you and your shadow. . . it still wouldn’t kill you. you wouldn’t feel a single pain if your shadow happened to ‘die’. you might feel a sense of emptiness in you after losing your other half, but you would still be alive. however, if your shadow does ever get stolen away from you, you will be unable to bask in the sunlight forever as even just a small glimpse from it. . . you will burn. you won’t just be vulnerable to the sun, it’ll be any form of light. . . fire, moon beam, a light bulb. see ? your shadow is very important. they protected you by reflecting and bouncing from the light, you see. and now with them gone, you will be vulnerable. so, better stay away from any light for awhile or you literally will turn to ashes. oh, you can still live, don't worry ! you just won't be able to show yourself during the day, only able to roam at the darkest of night like a vampire, figuratively speaking. . . stealing what belongs to others does not take away his stamina. what he does with the stolen goods will. he breathes life into them, you see. . . once more, these shadows are you. they have everything that you have, even your special abilities. that’s why it’s useful for him to keep them ‘alive’ than to ‘destroy’ them. when he collects shadows, he is basically collecting the abilities that comes along with it. since you were born, the other you have always been strictly underneath your foot, now how would you feel if you were to come to face with your dark self ?❜
FLAWS shadow manipulation
❛of course, there are flaws to this technique if someone happens to be smart enough to figure it out. shadows, yes, they are made by the sun. it is the thing that blocks the light. therefore, for it to form, there need to be a little bit of light present. despite it’s weakness against light, it is still very much attracted to it. yes, cliché. but, like always, darkness has always been rather weak to light. kind of. to make a shadow, you need a little light. if there’s too much. . . it will vanish. if the fire is a baby one, then the darkness will just swallow that adorable thing whole. . . but, nevertheless, with just a short flash of light. . . a person is capable of breaking the connection between their shadow and his, which means they'll be free from being his puppet. the boy, to clarify, isn’t actually capable of controlling you or your shadows. . . more like connect your shadows to his own, so he could manipulate your actions. if the tie between your shadow and his are cut, then you shall be free. as he control more and more shadows, his strength will diminish and those who have resisted him, will be able to break away from their cursed state. or they might be able to if they have like, enhanced strength or something ? the male is pretty strong himself, but if they're stronger than him, then yeah ! they'll get away ! there is only one way for the male to steal the shadows of others and that is through contact. just a little bit is fine, it'll give him a chance to take it away before you could even blink. to take it back, you would simply have to defeat your shadow. . . will you be able to ? this is you, you know ? just how well do you actually know about yourself ?? your shadow have been with you since the day you’ve been born. it knows your ability, and your strength. but, plot twist. . . what you have, it will also share. which mean, it will share your weakness. he simply breathe a bit of life into your shadow, but it still majorly makes up of your soul. It is still you. he can steal shadows, yes. most of the time, he put what he stole and lock it deeply into his own shadows until the time comes when he uses it. he can take as much as much as he like, but bringing them to life. . . there is a limit of three only. anymore than this number and not only will he be exhausted, but he will also have a high chance of dying. also, the time limit ranges from about twenty four hours before he succumb to sleep to regain his energy back. giving life to something, no matter what it is, interferes with nature. even a mere five minute will make him weak. once he goes to sleep, those shadows will vanish and their owners still won’t be able to reclaim them back because you have to defeat it, remember ? the owners don’t necessary have to fight their own shadow. let’s say you are a fire user which mean your shadow is a fire user as well. . . you could send a friend who’s capable of manipulating water in your stead to defeat your shadow and still be able to reclaim it. of course, he isn’t the only shadow user in town. he’s not the only shadow mage around. there are others, but those people will be unable to control his shadows. . . and he too, will be unable to control theirs. but, you have to be a full shadow mage or a powerful god. key word, powerful. if it isn’t a powerful one, then the chances of him defeating the deity is really high. another key word is full. now, you can’t just be someone who’s capable of using shadow magic and another thing like a witch. if that’s the case, your alignment to the shadow world won’t be as strong, so therefore. . . he would be capable of controlling your shadows and stealing them. all shadow mages have different ways of using their ability. . . and they all lack at something. like I said above, he can not control your shadow with a wave of his hands. that’s not how it works. to do so, he must connect yours to his. make a bond with it. otherwise it won’t work. he’s not a shadow manipulator, he’s a thief. what he could do that is special is have his own shadow be his shield, attacking his opponents as they stretched from the ground. furthermore, he has a collection of other people's shadows at his own disposal. . . their abilities shall be used during her battles. when i say burn to ashes, it will obviously take some time. if you were to stay under the sun for one hour after your shadow got stolen, then of course. . . you will turn to ashes. however, you are capable of protecting yourself. wear extra long clothing and always carry an umbrella with you at all times. just think of it as you having a high allergy against the sun. otherwise, you will only have yourself to blame if you die. . . so, hurry and get your shadow back if it has been taken from you.❜
PERSONALITY due to his terrible childhood, alphonse grew up into a twisted lad who trusted no one, but himself. everyone always chooses to leave him anyway .. eventually, to protect himself, his face would often always be painted with an idiotic smile. whether he was in pain, angry or hurt, he’d always smile. it’s just better to, you know ? no one ever really likes to see a sad face .. on first note, the male comes across as warm and welcoming and understanding, but you see. that is just a facade. alphonse was a lonely man. he wanted to feel needed and loved. he desired a place for him to stay .. one where he won’t ever get replaced or ever be abandoned. therefore, in his effort to protect himself, he became somewhat of a people’s pleaser. with every person he’s with, his own personality changes drastically .. always adapting to the wavelengths of others. he was sensitive to their moods and he needed to be, otherwise .. he wouldn’t be able to gain their trust. wearing a mask is what he does best, but along the way .. he sheds it during his battles. it was truly the only time he gets to go wild and relax. his heart is one made of stone, they say. with each life he takes, not a single regret was felt. he did not give second chances .. in the battlefield, the soldiers lead under him referred to alphonse as a tyrant. he gave inhumane orders mercilessly without any shred of hesitation. each one proved correct, but still .. could you still be considered human after murdering a thirteen year old girl without a drop of sweat ? she was an spy on the enemy side, but surely there could’ve been another way ?? war made people ruthless .. but, perhaps, he was born ruthless from the start. as time ticked on, alphonse realized he lacked the things that others have. he copied them all, from facial expressions and what to say. he lied professionally, even forcing himself, at times, to believe in his lies .. because if he didn’t, he’d have to admit that he was empty. he was merely a vessel that contained a broken soul.
NEGATIVE TRAITS ↬ un-merciful, unpredictable, unforgiving, deceitful, manipulative, possessive .

POSITIVE TRAITS ↬ observant, adaptable, quick-witted, clever, humorously charming, open-minded .

BIOGRAPHY to bear the surname, lightwood is an honor to anyone that was born into the family. they were all well-known holy knights that have served loyally to their home country for decades. they protected and died with pride. they wield light magic as well as are skilled with their swordsmanship. however, one day, a child was born from that particular family. his hair was dye in crimson blood and with innocent silver eyes which saw nothing but darkness. red was a color of bad luck. it was feared and it was to be considered as an ill omen to the lightwood family. with the doctor’s diagnosis, his parents certainty of this facts only deepened : alphonse was blind. perhaps it was a blessing in disguise that he could not see .. for the expression engraved on his parents’ face would be one that could scar a child for life. he was sent to live in another house, kept away from his parents and other siblings. at the age of four, an attribute test took place to determined whether he had the capabilities to possess mana; the source to all magic. but, of course, he did ! even if he was born to be a total disgrace, everyone who was in the lightwood household possessed light magic .. if not, then one of the elements. not once has there ever been a magic-less child sired from this noble line, you see. his parents still had hope for this bad luck bringer .. but, their hope shriveled yo when the priest had determined their child had a strong link to darkness. alphonese had magic, alright .. but, not one a parent should be proud of. children who usually align themselves with darkness are said to be unstable. they will forever lack control of their gift and will eventually fall off the path of righteousness. every humans possess a demon or two within them, whispering mischievous deeds into their ears .. tempting them to sin. well, a child who had dark magic will have a harder time resisting that temptation. fearing for the household’s future .. alphonse was banished and strip of his last name. however, the boy never gave up. while treated unfairly, he held onto his foolish hopes that, perhaps, if he work hard .. sharpen his skills and grow up to be an outstanding knights, his parents will accept him again. and that was what he did. alphonse eventually rose in rank, taking the role of second commander and was given the name, the dark knight.he was eventually able to return back to his family .. as the fame he brought with him was something his parents could not refuse on. while proven himself worthy, he was not accepted to be a legal heir, even thought he was their first born son. to distract him with this, his parents gifted him with a young woman by the name of lilia goldsmith, a young lower noble lady who holds the title of being the most beautiful. the girl was to be his wife. anyone with eyes and sight could see that she held disdain toward alphonse. they knew that she was the ultimate sacrifice needed to gain his trust again .. alphonse was no way in love with her, but he fear for her life if he so much as refuse her hand. they married and lived their days, not once looking at one another. alphonse kept himself busy .. he worked and worked .. killed and killed .. all for the sake of keeping peace in this lovely kingdom of his .. all for the sake of being worthy enough to bear the name lightwood.
&. holy moonlight sword :: it is a blade gained after defeating a ferocious dragon on top of the mountain of mist; a place where hundreds have travel in the past and made their grave there. it was said to be the home of many creatures born from the darkness .. one that was infamously known was the dark fae who with his mischievous tongue would speak in sweet lies to lure the travelers towards the wrong path. however, not once did alphonse strayed. it wasn’t because he possessed a pure and strong heart enough to resist the fae .. more because of the strong conviction he stands by. the male was sixteen, then. still assisting with odd task in the knight court. to climb higher in ranks and faster, he needed a weapon to do so and that was this sword. the one that was said to have separate the heavens and earth. it was a sword made from divine objects .. sculpted and purified by the gods themselves as nature, herself, nurture it with time.

&. when it comes to fights, he is quite swift with his feet .. relying on his senses to direct him to his target as he posses no sight. alphonese did not just have agility on his side, his own physical strength was above the average human .. and he did not gain his position as second commander with his surname alone. he had worked hard and earned his rights to be crowned one of the best in his nation .. and that, alone, grants him the privilege to stand up with pride.

so, yeah. im done.
please tell me if there’s any problems
and i’ll get to it as fast as i can !!
....remind me to keep Baird in a tree or something around him....I do not even want to think about what a darker Baird would be like...x_x

Name: Vujax (Pronounced Voojax. He answers to Vu or Jax as well)

Age: 3

Gender: Male(at least in appearance, gender-less in reality)

Race: Shadow Construct

Appearance: Vujax stands at seven feet tall, but only weights about 70 pounds. His "skin" is a dark grey metallic-like substance. Certain spots, and his eyes, dully glow orange. The spikes and blades on his body can shift and change, but he always remains a large bipedal.

Strengths: His first strength is just that: strength. He's no Superman, but he is stronger than any normal person could be and strong enough to face off against most monsters. His skin is also incredibly though. These two make him an effective tank, which makes sense for why he exists. Further more, he can roughly change his shape. As previously stated, he will always remain bipedal, but he can "stretch" and alter the shape of his limbs (such as forming them into weapons). It should come as no surprise to know that he can see in the dark without any aid. He does not need food or drink to survive. When he does take damage, he can regenerate (more on this in Flaws). Lastly, he feels no pain.

Flaws: For as tough as his skin is, he’s not invulnerable. Being a construct, he is weaker to magic attacks. This is two-fold if exposed to direct sunlight (lucky for him, the tall walls of the labyrinth provide plenty of shadows to hide in). And even if all conditions are perfectly lined against him, he is still no weakling and won’t go down easy. While Vujax has the ability to regenerate, it requires darkness. Nearby shadows can help and he can use his inner shadows if needed, but he can only heal from any major wounds with any speed in the darkness of night (and it may still take multiple nights depending on the severity of the wounds). Moving away from his physical form, Vujax isn’t the brightest. He’s learned plenty of practical knowledge over the years, but if this was an RPG his intelligence stat would be very low. Lastly, he feels no pain. While this can allow him to keep fighting longer than he should, he fights longer than he should. He can’t bleed out or anything like that, but if his inner shadow is destroyed or he stretches it too far he will die. It also makes him dead to the world in a sense (he can’t feel wind, heat, etc.).

Personality: Vujax is a simple fellow. He was created when a human sorcerer get trapped in the labyrinth. His sole purpose was to guard the sorcerer, but when she died of poisoning several months ago he did not disappear. Instead, he gained agency. Still, his personality is very flat. He lacks any empathy and as such cannot understand how others feel. He is actually quite easy to manipulate and could be convinced to take a new individual to guard. He also takes everything literally, not understanding metaphors or figures of speech. His primary driving force is instinct and will not put himself in a position that he views as likely to kill him.

Other: I have previously mentioned his inner shadow, and this is his primary source of power. It is, in a sense, his true self whereas the form everyone sees is just a shell. It can be thought of as his soul, despite being a soulless individual.
— ❝ damn, he is the tallest 3 yr. old i’ve ever met .. but, cool oc, dude.
Fantasy - The Labyrinth OOC .. because im curious about something, but i don’t wanna be the one spamming this thread with my talkative tongue. xD

Name: Asra – the wandering magician

Age: 24

Height: 5’8”

Gender: nonbinary (they/them or he/his pronouns)

Race: Human – he has only been in the maze about a week

Appearance: Asra appears as a svelte young person with golden brown skin, fluffy white shortish hair and deep violet eyes. He has a mischievous grin, and dimples appear on his cheeks when he laughs. He dresses in a poorly-fitted white shirt and brown and black slacks, both with gold decorative studs. Around his neck is a gold choker with simple curve carvings and a small blue crystal on a thick cord. Indoors, he wears a magenta shawl with gold tassels and when traveling, he has a long, sleeveless multicolored coat, a maroon scarf, and sometimes a black hat with a large, bright feather.

Strengths: Asra has a wide range of magical abilities that have barely been seen by others.

Water: Asra has an affinity for water-related magic. He can communicate with people over great distances if both are by a water source, almost like you were both just looking at each other through a pane of glass

Divination: He has a mystical tarot deck that he is well known for and can both feel it speaking when he does readings, and sense its mystic energies.

Familiar: Asra and Faust have a special bond. They can telepathically communicate over great distances, but it is not a constant thing. Asra needs to consciously reach out to speak with her and while he is he is distracted from what’s around him.

Healing: He can heal small cuts with some effort.

Protection: He uses magical glyphs to ward doors, and weaves protection charms out of dried grass. He has heavy protections on himself to keep the ghosts of his past away.

Illusions: He used a glamour spell to disguise himself when he travels in areas he might not be welcomed

Teleportation: Limited, he has to be able to picture the place in his mind or have left a sigil there, yet apparently, this ability is useless in the labyrinth seeing as he simply poofs out in smoke only to be returned to the same place over and over

Personal Gate: The vibrantly colored oasis is Asra's personal connection to other realms, created by Asra himself. But he can only unlock it in certain places

Flaws: he sold a piece of his heart to resurrect his sister from death in his homeland, once it was done he found he no longer had empathy for how people were feeling and his own positive emotions were muted, almost like a washed-out painting, it has taken him a long time to figure out how to be “normal” again.

He keeps too many secrets and speaks in roundabout ways that make the person he is speaking to frustrated at him when people ask too many questions

He doesn’t trust easily

He puts on an act all the time, if you saw inside his heart you would see that while the positive emotions were muted, the negative were amplified.

He gets sick easily

He blames himself for the hurts of the people he cared about, though there might be people all around him he feels alone and pushes people away so that his curse doesn't hurt them. His only real friends is Faust, and his sister who he had left behind when she chose to exclude him from her life (Not on purpose, she can't remember her life before and didn't realize he was her brother)

Personality: Asra is characterized by a wanderlust and curiosity that often leads him away on mysterious journeys, and he enjoys exploring faraway locations.

To the enduring annoyance of his sister, he is often enigmatic and acts ambiguously, especially when pressed about her past (the ritual that brought her back stole her memories). He refrains from telling complete truths most of the time. He is very devoted to and protective of his familiar Faust,

At times Asra is difficult to predict, but he can always be depended on to arrive whenever someone needs him, or at least that was until the stupid maze sucked him and Faust in! He is free-spirited and sociable, though ultimately private, preferring to spend his time alone or with only his snake. He also enjoys teasing others with a mischievous humor, delighted by making them fluster. However when the teasing is returned, or upon receiving genuine affection, he appears comically uncertain of how to respond. Carefree and content to live in the moment, Asra appears to dislike worrying about the future and will remind anyone around him to do the same.

Other: He carries a one-handed sword from his homeland. Although he has powers, he needs time to regain his strength after using powerful spells.
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Name: Is unsure of her original name, most simply call her The Child

Age: Appears about ten

Gender: Female

Race: Human? She's been in the labyrinth so long, nobody is entirely certain.

Appearance: Stands at about four foot two, with a lean frame. Her thick, golden curls fall most of the way down her body, typically tied into a braid to keep from tangling and often decorated with flowers. Her eyes are wide and big in her round face, an almost pinkish purple that almost shimmers when the light hits them. Her skin is soft and faintly tan, with a light flush in her cheeks. Very rarely wears shoes, preferring the feel of the ground beneath her feet, and is typically found in loose, either white or pastel dresses. An ornate silver cuff is attached to her right ankle, a delicate silver chain leading off into the labyrinth, extending and shortening by magic as she moves. It is unbreakable.

- Brave; despite being shy around people, she find it easy to stand up to most of the monsters, and is quick to help if somebody's life is in danger.
- Sweet; has an innate kindness and gentleness that has won over even some of the more violent monsters.
- Magical; she's a wellspring of pure, magical energy, and it spills over into everything she does.

- Shy; she's not particularly fond of people she doesn't know, and it takes a bit of coaxing to get her to interact with strangers.
- Weak; physically, she couldn't hurt a fly, both because of her young age, and because she's often sick.
- Powerless; despite containing so much magic, she is either unable to purposely use it, or has never been taught.

Personality: The Child is the darling of the Labyrinth. She moves through its passages and interacts with its citizens without fear of harm, in part because that is who she is and in part because she knows there is no true danger for her. She exudes a sort of calming sweetness, which combined with her shy personality, brings forward a yearning to protect her from most. Although she has no real temper, she has been known to scold creatures for being unkind, and will lose her patience and snap if somebody is refusing or being too slow with getting out of a dangerous situation.

Other: Has been in the labyrinth since it was first created.
Scarlett Felis ("Silver Ferae")
Creature - more specifically, a ShapeShifter. Formerly human.
Silver has long, wavy hair that is - predictably, considering her name - silver in colour, darkening to a very light grey at the tips. She has feline-esque ears, also light silver at the bottom and grey at the tufted tips. Her skin is pale, as she is albino, and her eyes are a deep ruby red. Her eyes have slitted pupils like a cats. Silver is pretty tall for a woman, standing at around five feet and seven inches tall, with a slender, willowy build. She has some muscle tone, as she spends most of her time climbing.

Silver tends to rip up her clothes so they are easier to move in, rendering them unrecognisable from whatever they once were. Her current favourite outfit is all black, the shirt stopping just over her navel, and the pants turned into shorts with a knife. They have a hole cut in them for a long tufted tail.
Calming influence on animals and people
Can be a mundane animal for indefinite amount of time
When in animal form, she can communicate with other animals of the same species
Her senses of smell and hearing is better than a human’s.
Has natural talent for drawing and painting (She only started doing art properly a little while ago, so her style and technique’s really rough)
Has a nice singing voice ( Voice Claim)
Cat like eyes reflect light, giving her great night vision

Is super naive and innocent
Limited understanding of other people's behavior
Limited vocabulary
Can’t read
Has to eat human flesh often or her body will literally unravel
Poor self control
Skin burns easily in sunlight
Has a higher body temperature than a human, which means she hates the cold (as well as her lack of sensible clothing)
Goes into full-blown panic when in a tight space / trapped.
Can’t swim at all in human form, and is absolutely terrified of deep water, meaning she can't (or won't) transform into marine animals
Can’t touch a natural alloy of silver and gold (called electrum). It burns her skin and stops her from Shifting
Her long hair is easy to grab in a fight
Silver hair / fur makes her very visible in the dark​

Personality (and Bio):
Silver behaves like a bright, cheerful child, all of her emotions clear to be seen. She's open and friendly, happy to be friends with everyone she encounters on her wanderings.
But - of course - she has her dark side. Silver has no memories of being human, and she's been alone ever since she woke up in the labyrinth as a child, knowing nothing except her old name and a dreadful, gnawing hunger.
She killed the first person she came across with a swipe of a mountain lion's claws, and as she wolfed down their organs and flesh, the hunger eased. And so, she has no morals, no sense of what is "right" and perhaps more importantly, no sense of what is "wrong". She's happy to be friends with someone, until the hunger makes a reappearance. Whenever she has tried to hold off her body has literally started to unravel, perhaps due to the constant strain of it coming apart and putting itself together again as something new. She can be very selfish.

Her mannerisms are very animalistic, a purr rumbling in her throat when she's pleased, and baring her fangs in a snarl when she's annoyed. She bites people all the time, both in anger and in some strange kind of affection. Her ears and tail also give away her moods often.

Her diet mostly consists of meat but if you give her sweets she will love you!​
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"The beast that dwells within."


Mantle, Scorn.


84 years old. Died as a Seventeen year old human teenager.




540 lbs.


Used to be American.






A lion hybrid sprouting demonic wings and a tail made from hell itself. Mantle has an iron hide that only the sharpest of steels can cut through and not even explosions can phase. He has piercing blue eyes that glow throughout the pitch black darkness and a fluffy golden mane that can tempt almost anyone to touch it. With razor sharp claws and porcupine quills that litter all over his body Mantle looks to be quite fearsome and turns most away with a simple glare. He has scars worn all over his body from previous encounters and is missing his left eye for reasons unknown. Some say that he still wanders around the labyrinth forever seeking revenge on the one who took his eye from him. Mantle also has a poison tipped tail that sounds like thunder cracking through the skies whenever being whipped. He is slightly smaller than the average human but his wingspan makes him appear larger than he actually is whenever he spreads them open. Despite all of these menacing traits he is actually a gentle giant and loves receiving hugs.


Has a piercing sting that can penetrate through basic armor. If a victim doesn't die from blood loss they will surely die from the poison inflicted upon them instead.

A painful bite that can be used to either wound an opponent or crunch through their bones whenever Mantle decides to feed. Normally prefers to swallow his food whole.

Can launch some of his spines like arrows for defense but usually uses them to pin down his victims.

Possess razor sharp claws that can tear through flesh and can become lethal to humans.

Uses his wings to fly and navigate throughout the forbidden labyrinth. Will sometimes cover himself with his wings as a defense mechanism.

Has heightened senses and inhuman strength. Usually clumsy and has a hard time navigating due to his larger size.

Possess a tough hide but a soft underbelly that leaves him vulnerable to attacks from down below.

Color blind but can see through infrared vision.

Also has an ear shattering roar that leaves most petrified from where they stand.


It's obvious that Mantle never came from a good life. He can be found endlessly wandering the halls of the labyrinth searching for a true purpose. He seems to stray away from the other monsters and keeps to himself in a closed off den where no one ever dares to disturb him. He appears to be overly protective of the humans that enter the labyrinth but can never seem to understand why they all run away from him. Some have even tried to kill Mantle which makes him very distrusting for those that carry weapons. Although he appears to be very gruesome he is actually very kind in nature and simply wants to help the humans who have been wrongfully imprisoned by the labyrinth. Mantle seems to be extremely loyal to those he has imprinted on and would practically give up his life to keep them safe from harm. It's impossible for Mantle to speak normally due to a curse that was inflicted on him upon death which makes it much harder for him to communicate with the humans. He also seems to have a serious case of PTSD since certain things set him off and make him much more likely to attack those around him.


A heart of gold can often be used to describe Mantle as he is willing to give up his life in an almost instant to protect the innocents from harm. He is selfless and has many different abilities used to protect himself or others. His courage knows no limitless bounds and he fears almost nothing which makes him one to never be taken for granted. Mantle loves children and doesn't mind letting others ride upon his back whenever they need a lift. He also keeps the mischievous monsters within the labyrinth at bay and hunts down the ones who serve as a threat to the humans. He can tolerate almost any climate and can climb even the highest of mountains where others cannot. The labyrinth seems to ignore Mantle for the most part and leaves his den entirely unscathed. Sadly, there is no real way out for Mantle as he is forever trapped within the labyrinth walls even after death.


With the many strengths comes many flaws as most of the monsters within the labyrinth seem to hate Mantle with a burning passion. They would love to have his head mounted on their wall and end up being the ones to hunt him down instead at times. It's also physically impossible for Mantle to leave the labyrinth even with the gifted ability of flight as his soul is bound to the endless maze. If Mantle were to ever die within the maze he would be reborn to the labyrinth without his sanity and would become a mindless killing machine. He was cursed long ago by a witch after roaring up the wrong tree and lost his ability to speak. He also still needs to eat and has to hunt down some of the creatures within the labyrinth in order to stay alive. When his PTSD is triggered he often becomes reckless and forgets those around him. Mantle normally blacks out after having one of these episodes and wakes up with no memory of the past events that took place. He also has poor coordination skills and isn't the most elegant or agile of creatures whenever navigating throughout the maze.


Mantle wasn't always a lion hybrid that most now consider as a monstrosity or a freak of nature. He was actually an everyday average human that was stolen away by the labyrinth while he slept. He lived alone and hardly had anything to look forward to during the mornings. He was often described to have the bravery of a lion and the venomous sting of a scorpion due to his harmful and self-destructive nature. Maybe it was this toxic behavior that forever kept him alone as no one ever wanted to be around him. When he awoke within the labyrinth he came across a few other humans where they banded together to try and escape. Unfortunately, his allies fell to the fate of the labyrinth and Mantle was the one who ended up having to kill them. Eventually, the same fate fell to Mantle himself as he died from a poisonous barb to the heart.

Without any past memory of who he was he awoke reborn as a Manticore and was dubbed the name Mantle by some of the other creatures. Flashbacks of his time as a human within the labyrinth will sometimes burn throughout his mind that causes him great distress. These flashbacks often come in the form as PTSD and certain things or actions will trigger Mantle and cause these memories to resurface. A witch had cursed Mantle a long time ago after he underestimated her abilities and took away his ability to speak as one of the consequences. His soul is forever bound to the labyrinth now because of the witch and he tries to help others from falling to the same fate. The witch assigned Mantle to escort an unknown soul throughout the labyrinth to safety. Once this task is fulfilled the witch promised that the curse would be lifted and Mantle would finally be able to move on from the labyrinth and into the afterlife where his soul would finally be at peace.


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  • Name: Joan ??? (She Doesn't Recall Her Last Name)

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human (Roughly 60 or 70 years)

    Appearance: Joan is 5 feet and 9 inches tall, a little above average for a female. She has short, light brown hair that is relatively thick. Joan is rarely seen not wearing her armor, as it seems to be her only outfit. She is very lean and some would say muscular. She has very soft facial features, however she does seem to has some scarring around her neck from an unidentifiable source. Her eyes are a light crystalline blue. She has very fair skin, with few blemishes on her face. At first glance, one can pick out scars on her arms and legs that clearly came from battle.
❝ ahh, is she the recarnated version of joan d’arc with no memories ?? is that why she’s 70-80 years old, even though she’s just a normal human being with no powers ?? if so, that’s creative ! 👌😂
you noticed!!!! Yayyyyyyy, Originally I was goin to make it 600 hundred to 700 years, but then I recalled the the setting is during a time when kings and queens were common.
"Can you build a fire?
Track an animal?
Identify killer trees and traps?
Then you'll never survive the Labyrinth without me."
Ductor, to an unknown person.

Name: Ductor

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Race: Human, trapped for an indeterminate amount of time, assumed to be over a century.

Appearance: Old and well worn. An apt description for both the outfit and the man who wears it. Standing at five feet and eleven inches, almost the entirety of said height is covered in a spiderweb of old and new scars, though most of said scars are hidden under several layers of strange leather that seem to come from no mundane creature.

Professional Hunter - Before being abducted in the night and taken to The Labyrinth, Ductor had been a skilled hunter and poacher, able to spot traps and prey as needed, all while avoiding those that would prefer to see him "hang by the neck until death". After coming to The Labyrinth and the years since then, he hasn't lost any of his skills.

Durable - Since coming to The Labyrinth, Ductor has found that he has become more durable as time goes on. Although disturbed by this ability (especially considering he discovered it after being stabbed by a man and left for dead), the fact that he won't die due solely to many of the common reasons people die in The Labyrinth (aka, stabbings, maulings, poisonings, etc.) is still quite the relief, not that it has abated his paranoia.

Paranoia - The most useful tool in Ductor's arsenal (as per the man himself), his paranoia has saved his hide on innumerable occasions, during his time both inside and outside The Labyrinth.

Heroic - Despite even his greatest flaw (his paranoia), Ductor is still surprisingly willing to put his life on the line for people he doesn't know and probably doesn't even trust simply because he feels that it is the right thing to do.

Reserved and Untrusting - Due to the nature of The Labyrinth and it's inhabitants, Ductor usually doesn't trust anybody he meets, citing the possibility that they were, in fact, insane demons or murderous shapeshifters, or some other equally murderous entity. Because of this, Ductor usually reveals as little as possible about himself, in case said person actually did turn out to be some murderous entity out to try and kill him.

Semi-Loner - Partially due to his paranoia, his surroundings, and what usually happens to people in The Labyrinth, Ductor often tries to stay away from people, as he believes that they will just inevitably die here. However, he only keeps away from people due to his fear of both them and himself having gruesome deaths. Sometimes, when he encounters a person who piques his interest, or is in need of help, he does do his best to try and help them survive.

Paranoid - Ductor's paranoia is both a blessing and a curse. Due to it, he will often not be able to bring himself to trust even the most innocent of children, due to the possibility of them being a flesh eating monster, a shapeshifter, a murderous fae and/or demon, or even all of the above.

Heroic - Much like his paranoia, Ductor's heroism is often a double edged sword, for although his willingness to help those in need has actually helped him numerous times, it has also been the direct cause of some of his greatest injuries and agonies (such as the time he was stabbed in the gut and discovered his unnatural durability).

Personality: As stated before, Ductor is a paranoid, untrusting, yet heroic old man who desires companionship, but can almost never bring himself to trust anyone he meets for fear that they will either betray him, turn into a monster and betray him, or just die a gruesome death within the near future. Due to this, he often seems to be depressed, laconic, and callous, though only two of those are actually true.

Other: For weapons, Ductor carries on him a silver plated short sword, a wicked looking collection of knives and daggers, and a long bow with forty arrows. His clothes and gear are covered in hundreds of little trinkets meant to ward off various magical creatures and entities, with some notable examples being a silver locket, an iron horseshoe, and a strip of papyrus with several esoteric symbols on it.​
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Marcus Felis
An angular, more-than-slightly girlish face, light tan in complexion. From a glance, it's obvious him and Silver are closely related, as their facial structure is exactly the same. His black hair is poker straight and badly in need of a cut as it constantly falls into his eyes, and the ends skim his chin. It's so messy it gives him the appearance of someone who has only just tumbled out of bed. His round eyes are different colours, the left a light almost golden brown, and the right bright blue. He's tall and skinny, and the baggy clothes he wears only accentuate this.

He could be very easily mistaken for a girl and he doesn't really care, like at all. And his hair is almost ridiculously soft - everyone wants to touch it.
-Agile and flexible
- Good with animals
- Good at trapping
- Can track feasibly well
- Basic first aid knowledge
- Smart and thoughtful
- Can throw a knife scarily well

- Somewhat too cautious. He can be indecisive and nervous
- Isn't very good with weaponry (Aside from throwing knives)
- Self-sacrificing nature. He tends to think about others safety over his own
- Too nice, struggling with killing, even for food
- Oblivious to his own feelings
- Obsesses over one goal easily
- Easily startled
- Has difficulty talking to new people and can't maintain eye contact very well

Personality (and Bio):
Marcus is normally very calm, and always thinks before he speaks, observing a situation through his mismatched eyes before deciding a course of action. He's reasonable, but slightly over-cautious and he can be very shy in social scenarios. He's very resourceful, though not many get to see him taking charge and making plans. His best friends are almost solely animals.
Marcus can be very over protective, as well as being incredibly loyal - he would lay down his life in an instant for someone who's earned his loyalty.

From a family of travellers, he wandered off as a child and got separated from his family, and has devoted his whole life to tracking them down - most leads lead to a dead end - quite literally, as his parents got in a bit of trouble a few years after he left. Parents and two siblings confirmed dead and one sister - whispers of her wandering off into the night, towards the Labyrinth.

He accepted this - what else could he do?- and started going from town to town looking for a place to settle down. Until one night, he got caught in a storm and camped out alone...
And look where he is now.


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