The Kryptonian Oligarchy


Go Home, Go Bed

The Kryptonian Oligarchy


Population: 7.2 billion people



Casual Outfit(s):




History: {Discover through RP}



Recon Soldiers:

 Kryptonian Nano suit; able to withstand projectile bullets (Human)

{The suit allows the user to go invisible for ONE Earth minute. Once the cloak is used, the user must wait 5 Earth minutes for it to recharge and is equipped with night vision. The suit also includes a filter for different sola radiation and harmful atmospheric conditions}

Name: TKO Exploration Unit


 M13O9 Energy Rifle; x4 clips; each clip holds 7 energy bolts

 Yuger 511; x3 clips; each clip holds 15 energy bolts

 Smoke Grenade x3

Infantry Unit:

 Kryptonian Military Armor Mk.5; able to withstand projectile bullets (Human)

{The Infantry suit protects the wearer from blast shrapnel's, harmful atmosphere conditions, and foreign solar radiation}

Unit Name: Kryptonian Task Force Z


 VUX 8807; x3 clips; each clip holds 32 energy bolts

 HOY 770; x3 clips; each clip holds 12 energy bolts

 Frag Grenade; standard carry is 3 grenades

Heavy (Support) Unit:


^Kryptonian Battle Armor, with protective mask (the mask allows for the Kryptonians to withstand the change in air pressure, and allows for them to breathe on any planet, along with filtering out unknown solar radiation); able to withstand projectile bullets (Human) and blasts (frag)

Unit Name: Renegade Support


  Reverb Model 223; x3 clips; each clip holds 112 energy bolts

 HUX Linger; x5 clips; each clip holds 25 energy bolts

 Yun Chuck Rocket Launcher; x2 missiles

 Kryptonian Impact grenade Model 2; x5 standard carry

Kryptonian Special Task Force X:






Council Sentry Guards:


Unit Name: Guards

Unit Size: There are exactly 35 Sentry Guards; Kryptonian Council Guards undergo the MOST painful and difficult training throughout the whole military. They're one duty is to protect the High Council members

Armaments: Equipped with Kryptonian Battle Armor, a HOY 770, and a pike, that is tipped with an electric blast (roughly 12,000,000 volts of electrcity)

Light Tanks:


{Taurus 900; Mounted machine gun (tipped with incendiary powder) and 2 canons able to make a full 360 rotation; Each canon produces energy blasts, capable of taking down a 3 story building; The tank itself can hover; takes about 7 people to operate a tank}

Medium Tank:


{The M92A3 Gorgon; The Gorgon is equipped with a railgun, used for short range and long range; estimated damage is capable of destroying a 9 story building and shoot a energy based projectiles; the tank is capable of rotating 360 degrees; takes around 25 people to operate a tank}

Heavy Tank:


{The M98A3 Goliath; The Goliath is fixed with 4 automated turrets on each track and a double pulse canon, capable of destroying a corvette spaceship, but it takes time to rotate the canon 360 degrees, plus the Goliath is slower than the other tanks, only by 5 mph; takes about 40 people to operate a tank}

Artillery Tank:


{USMC Ursa; The USMC Ursa is equipped with a long barrel and fires a Mercury tipped explosive shell, capable of destroying a 9 story building; the artillery tank can maneuver by it's 4 arms; takes around 15 people to operate a tank}

Naval/Space Unit(s):


Pilot suit:

{The Pilot suit can be seen at 0:13 to 0:19}

Retribution Class - Capital Ship:


Crew Size: app. 150,000 people

Armaments: x24 Pulse Canons, x6 Anti-Gravity torpedo silos, x2 gauss canons, x1 auto canon, x3 point defense turrets, can house up to 80 fighter ships and 60 bombers, x14 particle shield generators, x2 ray shield generators, x2 concussion generators, x1 phantom drive

MC87 Star Gazer - Capital Ship:


There are 2 MC87 Star Gazer Capital ships in commission

Crew Size: It takes app. 70,800 people to operate this vessel

Armaments: x15 turbo laser canons, x9 Ion canons, x6 railguns, x1 tractor beam, x8 particle shield generators, x2 ray shield generators, x2 concussion shield generators,  x1 phantom drive, can house 60 fighters and 40 bombers

Other: Serves as a mobile command base

Ravager Class - Destroyer Ship:


Crew Size: app. 20,000 people

Armaments: x10 Railguns, x6 gauss canons, x8 Ion torpedo launchers, x24 Ion torpedoes can house up to 40 fighter ships and 30 bombers, x5 shield generators, x2 concussion shield generator, x1 phantom drive

Marauder Class - Cruiser:


Crew Size: app. 19,000 people

Armament: x5 Ion canons, x4 railguns, x2 auto canons, x2 gauss canons, x4 particle shield generators, x1 concussion shield generator, x1 phantom drive, can house 38 fighters

Revere Class - Battleship:


Crew Size: app. 25,000 people

Armaments: x4 Railgun, x6 Pulse Canons, x2 gauss canons, can house up to 40 fighter ships and 40 bombers, x5 particle shield generators, x2 concussion shield generators, x1 phantom drive

Valor Class - Frigate:

MOS-FP-0055 (2).jpg

Crew Size: app. 200 people

Armaments: x6 pulse canons, x2 Proton canons, x1 auto canon, x3 particle shield generators, x1 concussion shield generator, x1 phantom drive

Blockade Runner Class - Cargo Ship:


Crew Size: 550 people

Armaments: x5 auto canons, x2 railguns, x9 particle shield generators, x2 concussion shield generators, x1 phantom drive, x2 distress beacons

Zod Class - Scout Ship:


Crew Size: app. 40 people

Armaments: x5 pulse canons (rate of fire is increased), x2 particle shield generators, x1 phantom drive, x1 Genesis chamber

Rorschach Class - Corvette:


Crew Size: 150 people

Armaments: x4 charric lasers, x2 Proton canons, x1 railguns, x4 particle shield generators, x1 concussion shield generator, x1 phantom drive

Faora Class - Dropship (helicopter and transport ship):


Crew Size: 13 people, plus it can carry app. 75, which is equivalent to a third of a standard Kryptonian battalion 

Armaments: 3 different sized pulse canons (rate of fire increased for each canon), x2 particle shield generators, x1 concussion shield generator

Hornet Class - Attack and Transport ship:


Crew Size: 1 pilot

Armaments: x3 pulse canons that fire simultaneously, can carry 9 people, excluding the pilot 

Victor Class - Fighter ships:


Crew Size: 1 person

Armaments: x2 Taim and Bak IX9 medium laser canons, x2 Proton torpedo launchers, x16 torpedos

Ramen Grox Class - Bomber:


Crew Size: 2 people

Armaments: x2 KX5 laser canons, x2 Arakyd flex tube torpedo launchers; x4 torpedoes, Proton bombs 

World Engine - Terraform Machine


There are 3 World Engines ready for use

Crew Size: Not applicable

Armaments: The Kryptonians have developed a special defense mechanism when the World Engine is terraforming. They have constructed a defense system in which a liquid is able to transform into a solid, referred to as Liquid Geo. The Liquid Geo takes the form of tentacles in order to repel any outside force attempting to stop the terraforming process. The world engine works by placing a Black Zero at one end of the planet, and the world engine at the other. The two machines then link up and send a pulsating gravitational beam through the planet, increasing the gravity of the planet (to match Krypton's) and changing the atmosphere (to match Krypton's). During this process, both machines will bombard the planet with particulate matter to reform the planet's biosphere.

Black Zero - Terraform and Prisoner Ship


There are 3 Black Zeros ready for use

Crew Size: 100 people

Armaments: Contains it's own atmosphere (similar to Krypton's), can hold 25 dropships, several escape pods, particle and concussion shield generators

History: Black Zero being a large barge ship, designed by the famous scientists known as Jor El and Jax Ur, it is capable of terraforming planets, when linked to a world engine. Not only can a Black Zero terraform, but it can send prisoners to a reality known as the Phantom Zone, although there was never a crime so harsh to be committed, in which a prisoner would be sent to the Phantom Zone.

~ {A phantom drive is basically a warp drive}

Reason for War:

The Kryptonians were informed that multiple outposts of theirs were destroyed, due to the conflict between the factions. Now, they just want to end this pitiful war... by terraforming the enemies world's, to make it habitable for the Kryptonians



Name: Kal El



Role: Commander, Special Task Force

Rank: Commander

Personality: Brave, Disciplined, Charismatic, Caring

Gender: Male


MOS_guns_v3_BM (2).jpg MC71; x5 clips; each clip holds 30 energy bolts

 Stilton 42; x3 clips; each clip holds 14 energy bolts

 Smoke Grenades x2

 Kryptonian Impact Grenade x2



{Kryptonian Battle Armor; His right arm piece can retract a blade, primarily used for combat; when his mask is equipped, the battle armor enters it's true state and is able to withstand blasts (frag or impact) and projectile bullets}


His personal Scout ship; which also holds prisoner cells, the ordinary weaponry, a Genesis chamber, and his diplomatic suit


Kal El was gifted a Kelex and Kelor when he was ranked to Commander



Reason for recruitment:

His father is one of the few leaders of the faction. Specifically, Kal's father is the leader, or represents, the science community, but he wanted his son to join and be a part of the military, that way Kal would have experience when he would become the representative for the military, maybe even more. Kal El is very special to the Kryptonians, as he was the first natural born in centuries.

Battalion number/name:

Kryptonian Special Task Force X
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Well, I have no argument with this. Just.... Don't make each of them superhuman. Maybe a little stronger but a scout should never be able to solo another faction's heavy unit by himself and with brute force. If its by trickery then I'm all for it.
Oh I know. There suit is supposed to block out any foreign solar radiation, so no superhuman abilities. And, they'll be traveling in "herds" ,if you will.
Oh I know. There suit is supposed to block out any foreign solar radiation, so no superhuman abilities. And, they'll be traveling in "herds" ,if you will.

Squads sound more military.

P.S Pls don't hurt my Principality. We are a young nation that just happen to have a shit ton of resources. ;w; 
Don't worry, I'm planning on pinning the blame for the destruction of the Krytonian outposts on another faction. My first RP post will mainly revolve around them scouting, via the Scout ships
Don't worry, I'm planning on pinning the blame for the destruction of the Krytonian outposts on another faction. My first RP post will mainly revolve around them scouting, via the Scout ships


P.S Your profile pic made me hunger for waffles.... 
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ok but are we talking humanoid kryptonians or are we talking everyone is goddamn superman kryptonians.

Never mind. Apparently they're allergic to the sun lol.
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I have an inkling of what movie you like. :) :D   So which faction will you blame? The Kaisics? (Steam punk WW1 Germany) The Atlus (that communism.), The UTA? (Earth remnants.) Or the other two?

Also, I am happy that we have another non-human in this rp. Up untill now it was Human V Human. Though there is nothing wrong with H v H but im glad to see some non-human XD 
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I have an inkling of what movie you like. :) :D   So which faction will you blame? The Kaisics? (Steam punk WW1 Germany) The Atlus (that communism.), The UTA? (Earth remnants.) Or the other two?

Also, I am happy that we have another non-human in this rp. Up untill now it was Human V Human. Though there is nothing wrong with H v H but im glad to see some non-human XD 

I believe you're forgetting the IEL (The Empire from star wars)

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