The Kingdom of Dreams


The Kingdom of Dreams

As the mortals of Creation reckon it, it is now two years after the invasion of the Raksha. Two years after the end of the Great Contagion. Two yours after the founding of the Realm. In what once will be known as the Hundred Kingdoms, one Raksha survived the activation of the Realm Defense Grid. One Raksha survived the ravages by passing through The Gateway of Sundraprisha and seeking refuge in the demesne of a former Solar Manse, ravaged by time and neglect, hidden by obscurity.

Slowly regaining her strength, she harvested the demesne, as well as others in the surrounding area, as the mortals and Dragon-Blooded of Creation were busy reforming their societies, for it's precious glamour.

She then created her first offspring and promptly used it to create the Freehold, called Hope.

To her surprise a tribe of wandering mortals found the freehold and started to build their own huts and houses. Using their dreams and desires, she took a permanent shape and became their ruler, their goddess, feasting on their dreams and emotions and using her new found wealth to fully build the freehold and city, Hope. Incorporating her own graces into the construction.


The City of Hope (Freehold 5)

However, the apparent wealth and success of Hope created problems with others in the region and the Queen of Dreams, as her name by that time was, created her workers, her entertainers, her diplomats and her warriors.


The Queen of Dreams, Luminary Noble


Game Notes:

The Kingdom of Dreams is very much the Queen of Dreams personal playground. And the Queen happens to like mortals very much. The mortals of the Kingdom are also her Cult (although only rating 2).

Backgrounds are restricted. Nobles start out with 0 background points, and receive 5 additional Bonus Points.


*Birth is restricted to a maximum 3 for nobles (and a maximum of 2 for heroic commoners).

*Retinue is restricted to 1 for nobles, as there simply aren't that many commoner raksha around.

*Retainer is an allowed background (with a maximum of 3) as the number of mortals here make those possible.

*Henchmen is allowed (up to a rating of 2), this will either buy you normal henchmen, or for rating 2 a single Fae-Blooded that can be a lorekeeper or handler.

*Freehold is at the start not available. You're welcome in one freehold and it's rated at 5.

*Artifact is not restricted, but the maximum value of the artifacts available is 3

*Gossamer is restricted to a rating of 3

*Manse is not available as a background at the start of the game.

*Cult is not available as a background at the start of the game.

All other backgrounds normally accessible to Raksha are (as it stands), normally available.

With this mixed society of mortals and Raksha, being a Fae-Blooded is also an option to play. Beyond what is mentioned in the Scroll of Heroes, they start out with the charm Ravishing the Created Form. They also start out with an additional 5 Bonus Points. And one Grace at the equivalent virtue as their Feeding Grace. Other Graces can be bought at the Price of Minor Graces (5 bonus points per dot)

Also, consider the way the characters come into existence, it's very rare for them to posses, own, or even hold their own Graces, with the heart grace for the Queen of Dreams.

Also, as a very important thing, which people should be aware of, the Queen's Court is based completely on how she perceives the way a court and a kingdom should work. She stands on etiquette and protocol. On bravery, honor, and justice. On compassion, love and romance. On courtly intrigue. She loves tragedy. She loves happy endings.

She loves her knights and their tales of great deeds and mighty quests. She loves the stories of far away places and customs brought to her by her diplomats and her courtiers. She dotes on her entertainers, her artists and performers. And those who make it all happen, she loves most of all. Her farmers, her blacksmiths, her tailors, and her stonemasons. Her workers.


The Queen of Dream's favorite mount


Lady Larissa, the Queen's Handmaiden (Entertainer Commonerr)


Gareth, Master of the Hunt (Fae-Blooded)


Corvis, Lord Seneschal, Master of the Birds (Diplomat Commoner)


Questions, requests, opinions ?

Edit: Added a bit about Graces and not possessing, owning or holding your own.

Edit: Added an update to the backgrounds.

Edit: Expanded and relaxed the restriction on the artifact background. Added a bit about style.

Edit: Added Henchmen as an optional background.

Edit: Added a bit about the Queen (as story background)

Edit: Added some pictures.

Edit: Removed the part about assumptions for Fae-Blooded.
A few questions.

Given that essence pools are equal to (essence x 10), and by default, assumption charms are committed for 10 motes each (see wiki errata), this means that raksha essence pools are REALLY effectively (essence x 10 -10) before artifact commitments, so will there be a change to the essence pools? Or do assumption charms simply not commit?

Also, as it is, Imposition of Law is kind of weak and is not worth getting outside of utility effects, is it possible to retro-adjust the charm back to the way it was in 1e?

2e - Imposition of Law

2g, duration (assumption),requires (attribute + ability + specialty) to be set when purchased. May be purchased up to heart grace times. Innate power (cost 10 motes, 1 willpower), for 1 day, the raksha is guaranteed 1 success above the difficulty threshold no matter what he rolls. Stunts or charms outright negate the charm effects. The effect can only affect something he can do.

1e - Imposition of Law

10m, 1wp, 4g, duration (story), requires (attribute + ability + specialty) to be set when purchased. May be purchased up to heart grace times. The raksha is guaranteed 1 success above the difficulty threshold no matter what he rolls (this includes defensive actions). If opposed with charms/stunts, Imposition of Law provides 2 extra successes instead of automatic success above threshold. The charm can be used for unrolled tasks instead of an attribute/ability/specialty combination, such as "fertility" or "attracting the notice of the Realm".

Also, is it possible to get Way grace?
Haku said:
A few questions.
Given that essence pools are equal to (essence x 10), and by default, assumption charms are committed for 10 motes each (see wiki errata), this means that raksha essence pools are REALLY effectively (essence x 10 -10) before artifact commitments, so will there be a change to the essence pools? Or do assumption charms simply not commit?
They don't commit. I know what's in the errata, but it doesn't make sense.

Haku said:
Also, as it is, Imposition of Law is kind of weak and is not worth getting outside of utility effects, is it possible to retro-adjust the charm back to the way it was in 1e?

2e - Imposition of Law

2g, duration (assumption),requires (attribute + ability + specialty) to be set when purchased. May be purchased up to heart grace times. Innate power (cost 10 motes, 1 willpower), for 1 day, the raksha is guaranteed 1 success above the difficulty threshold no matter what he rolls. Stunts or charms outright negate the charm effects. The effect can only affect something he can do.

1e - Imposition of Law

10m, 1wp, 4g, duration (story), requires (attribute + ability + specialty) to be set when purchased. May be purchased up to heart grace times. The raksha is guaranteed 1 success above the difficulty threshold no matter what he rolls (this includes defensive actions). If opposed with charms/stunts, Imposition of Law provides 2 extra successes instead of automatic success above threshold. The charm can be used for unrolled tasks instead of an attribute/ability/specialty combination, such as "fertility" or "attracting the notice of the Realm".
It's the one first edition book I don't have. Also I don't exactly see what the problem is. Is it the unrolled tasks ? Or the 2 extra successes part ?

Haku said:
Also, is it possible to get Way grace?
At start no. Later in the game, very unlikely. Unless you really really want to.
d1ng0d0g said:
Haku said:
A few questions.
Given that essence pools are equal to (essence x 10), and by default, assumption charms are committed for 10 motes each (see wiki errata), this means that raksha essence pools are REALLY effectively (essence x 10 -10) before artifact commitments, so will there be a change to the essence pools? Or do assumption charms simply not commit?
They don't commit. I know what's in the errata, but it doesn't make sense.

d1ng0d0g said:
Haku said:
Also, as it is, Imposition of Law is kind of weak and is not worth getting outside of utility effects, is it possible to retro-adjust the charm back to the way it was in 1e?

2e - Imposition of Law

2g, duration (assumption),requires (attribute + ability + specialty) to be set when purchased. May be purchased up to heart grace times. Innate power (cost 10 motes, 1 willpower), for 1 day, the raksha is guaranteed 1 success above the difficulty threshold no matter what he rolls. Stunts or charms outright negate the charm effects. The effect can only affect something he can do.

1e - Imposition of Law

10m, 1wp, 4g, duration (story), requires (attribute + ability + specialty) to be set when purchased. May be purchased up to heart grace times. The raksha is guaranteed 1 success above the difficulty threshold no matter what he rolls (this includes defensive actions). If opposed with charms/stunts, Imposition of Law provides 2 extra successes instead of automatic success above threshold. The charm can be used for unrolled tasks instead of an attribute/ability/specialty combination, such as "fertility" or "attracting the notice of the Realm".
It's the one first edition book I don't have. Also I don't exactly see what the problem is. Is it the unrolled tasks ? Or the 2 extra successes part ?
It's more the 2 successes when hit by stunts and charms and unrolled stuff, such as oh... DV which are no longer covered by IoL, given that they're not rolled.

d1ng0d0g said:
Haku said:
Also, is it possible to get Way grace?
At start no. Later in the game, very unlikely. Unless you really really want to.
*nodnods* Fair enough...
I grasp at every chance for some Fae romping.

Would a raksha not originating from within Hope be OK as long as they still abide by your char-gen?

I get back into the states tomorrow, so I will be jet-jagged and picking up my life where I left it for a day or two, so I can get a character hammered out about then.
magnificentmomo said:
Would a raksha not originating from within Hope be OK as long as they still abide by your char-gen?
Maybe it wasn't clear, but the game starts in RY 3. And from my understanding the Raksha from the Balorean Crusade really had their ass handed by the Empress, and at least initially were pretty scared by what she promised them she would do if they ever came in again

As for not being originally created by the Queen of Dreams, that's possible, but not very likely.
d1ng0d0g said:
Maybe it wasn't clear, but the game starts in RY 3. And from my understanding the Raksha from the Balorean Crusade really had their ass handed by the Empress, and at least initially were pretty scared by what she promised them she would do if they ever came in again
As for not being originally created by the Queen of Dreams, that's possible, but not very likely.
One of the things that one must remember of the fae is that they don't make any sense.

Even after the end of the Balorean Crusade, there were still Raksha who wanted to (and did) attack creation.

Remember, the Wyld is infinite, and while they lost their main leader, there's nothing that says a few exceptionally crazy/"She didn't mean ME! I love Creation, especially how the creation born squirm as I drain their dreams!" raksha wouldn't enter/continue attacking.
They lost five leaders. And considering how those leaders kept things in check, that vacuum had to be filled first. And then there's the way Raksha perceive time. Two years to some Raksha is like yesterday to us mere mortals. And lastly there's the actual physical distance between the Kingdom of Dreams and the Deep Wyld.
I was thinking maybe another raksha that was stranded nearby-ish, and abandoned everything and sought out Hope, or a raksha that spontaneously birthed nearby and in his toils found Hope. I would agree that another raksha from the deep wyld wouldn't necessarily intentionally seek out Hope, but accidents happen.
d1ng0d0g said:
They lost five leaders. And considering how those leaders kept things in check, that vacuum had to be filled first. And then there's the way Raksha perceive time. Two years to some Raksha is like yesterday to us mere mortals. And lastly there's the actual physical distance between the Kingdom of Dreams and the Deep Wyld.
I'm still wondering about those raksha who didn't go with the Crusade. Or about Raksha who go with the 'Loner' stereotype, only doing things when it's no longer 'cool.' I now totally want to play a Fae who spends all of combat going "Someone just used a bow, bows aren't cool anymore (tosses his bow). Oh, someone just used an axe, axes aren't cool anymore (tosses his axe). Oh, someone just used their hands, hands aren't cool anymore (you get the picture).

Plus, I believe you don't need to be in the Deep Wyld to make more Raksha.
d1ng0d0g said:
They lost five leaders. And considering how those leaders kept things in check, that vacuum had to be filled first. And then there's the way Raksha perceive time. Two years to some Raksha is like yesterday to us mere mortals. And lastly there's the actual physical distance between the Kingdom of Dreams and the Deep Wyld.
Aside from how it makes for an AWESOME STORY which is probably why it happened, them losing 'leaders' is actually completely insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

And physical distances are absolutely unimportant in the Wyld.

And there's easy ways to make more Raksha, even in Creation, if you're crafty enough. And that's in Creation, again. In anything like the bordermarches or a Freehold or a tainted Manse, it becomes ridiculously easy to do so. Especially with time being, as you just said, 'relative' to the Raksha. It's all about the story they tell.

You can't beat back the Wyld. You can't win.

They always have reserves.

Seriously, it's essential to avoid thinking of the Raksha as rational beings as we define reason. They do not fear death, they can pretend that they do, and they even may act as if they do.

But they don't.

Because they do not operate under the same strictures as we do, they don't follow the same basic principles we do. Our rules aren't their rules.

What I'm getting at is that if you're going to use that as your justification, then it doesn't really work. Think like a Raksha.

Make it a story.


Or about Raksha who go with the 'Loner' stereotype, only doing things when it's no longer 'cool.' I now totally want to play a Fae who spends all of combat going "Someone just used a bow, bows aren't cool anymore (tosses his bow). Oh, someone just used an axe, axes aren't cool anymore (tosses his axe). Oh, someone just used their hands, hands aren't cool anymore (you get the picture).
Add some more meat to it and this is essentially the kind of concept that Raksha are all about.

Just be sure to make it an oath for extra cool points.
Interested, potentially as a fae-blooded as they intrigue me, but I need to reread some things. When do you want characters?
Given that the style background is NOT dependent on the setting/resources, do they go above 3?
As for why there are so little commoners/nobles in the Kingdom of Dreams (say, is that the household/court's name?), why not simply say it's the Queen of Dreams putting a cap on how many raksha are created/allowed in there. That she's limiting the number of raksha, so as to avoid attracting too much attention from the fearsome weapon of the Scarlet Empress, and to prevent her mortal followers from all being eaten up as snacks.
Feantari said:
Interested, potentially as a fae-blooded as they intrigue me, but I need to reread some things. When do you want characters?
You'll have time. Two weeks, maybe even three. I'm still sorting out stuff privately.
A suggestion, which may be a bit forward...

The PCs' heart graces are owned by the Queen of Dreams. Ditto with the other graces, but it is possible that they're held by the PCs, possibly in the form of artifacts.

And if you wish to limit artifact proliferation, just say that artifacts (not the background rating) can't go above X due to a lack of Unshaped to quest against... in that threshold region. Which could make for a good future plot hook, the PCs or NPCs want to get better artifacts... which requires visiting the Wyld and hunting down an Unshape to quest agains...
Haku said:
Given that the style background is NOT dependent on the setting/resources, do they go above 3?
I knew someone would ask that. The answer is yes.

Haku said:
As for why there are so little commoners/nobles in the Kingdom of Dreams (say, is that the household/court's name?), why not simply say it's the Queen of Dreams putting a cap on how many raksha are created/allowed in there. That she's limiting the number of raksha, so as to avoid attracting too much attention from the fearsome weapon of the Scarlet Empress, and to prevent her mortal followers from all being eaten up as snacks.
The Kingdom of Dreams is indeed how the territory is called, and the name carried over into the Queen's court. She is also very much an adherent of the Duchy of Dreams philosophy. And she created the Raksha that live there, from the dreams of the mortals that follow her. Making them as much citizens as the mortals who live there.

As for the general attitude of the Queen of Dreams, those were as much shaped by the dreams she devoured as her original philosophy, and by many Raksha's standards she has gone native. Her motivation is very difficult to read, but she does have taken a liking to being seen as a Goddess. And she cares about 'her' mortals greatly, like a mother cares about her children. Like a farmer cares about his animals.

The reasons Haku brought forth are also valid. At least at initially. Raksha from other courts are intruders, disturbances to the peace, and troublemakers at best.
Haku said:
A suggestion, which may be a bit forward...
The PCs' heart graces are owned by the Queen of Dreams. Ditto with the other graces, but it is possible that they're held by the PCs, possibly in the form of artifacts.

And if you wish to limit artifact proliferation, just say that artifacts (not the background rating) can't go above X due to a lack of Unshaped to quest against... in that threshold region. Which could make for a good future plot hook, the PCs or NPCs want to get better artifacts... which requires visiting the Wyld and hunting down an Unshape to quest agains...
That's exactly what I had in mind regarding artifacts. Actually most of their graces have been used as the resource material for artifacts.
Which kind of does mean you don't need to say no background points? Just a limit on backgrounds themselves (ie how high any specific background or item can go)?
Haku said:
Which kind of does mean you don't need to say no background points? Just a limit on backgrounds themselves (ie how high any specific background or item can go)?
That's a very good point. Regarding artifacts. Will update it.

The Owl Knight and the air elemental form she has been known to assume

or is it

The Strongest Ice Fairy and the owl themed form she has been known to assume? ^_-

Atai the Strongest; The Owl Knight, The Strongest Ice Fairy

Things never truly end, not in the wyld. There, echoes of stories, legends reverb and echo, rippling across time and space.

Thus when a certain Queen of Dreams attempted to create a potent warrior to protect her domain, she tapped into those archetypes. A legendary warrior whose legend would echo across time and cast down any that would endanger her kingdom.

And thus was born Atai, kindled from tales of the "Huntress Queen", the "Owl-Feathered Princess", the "Petitioner of Clouds Accordant to the Call of Battle" and all the nameless dragonblooded warriors and soldiers who died and were used to construct the legends of the Immaculate Dragon of Air by the Immaculate Order and those governed it and the relentless workings of the Machine that was Creation.

In an earlier age, Atai would have hewed closer to her owl inspiration. But this was the dawn of the Age of Sorrow, and thus... she has been slowly consumed by the concept of the immaculate dragon of air; the perfect mistress of battle, a mighty warrior whose very motions are glorious and transcendent.

Atai serves as the guardian of the Kingdom of Dreams, a loyal knight of the queen beyond compare and a gatekeeper par excellence. Still, she desires, nay, dreams of worthy opponents to face in battle. To prove she is the strongest in all of Creation. It is only because the queen owns her heart, that Atai has yet to venture into Creation on her own to seek out strong warriors and champions to challenge.

Name : Atai the Strongest
Alias : Atai,
Titles : The Owl Knight, The Strongest Ice Fairy
Player : Haku
Caste : Cataphract Warrior / Shadowed Worker
Court : Kingdom of Dreams
Lure : Opposing superior beings
Concept : Warrior who wants strong opponents to prove herself against
Motivation : To prove she is the strongest!
Total XP : 000
Spend XP : 000
Saved XP : 000

BP Spend : 10/10 backgrounds, 3/3 abilities, 3/1 virtues, 4/2 willpower
Calcify : Willpower 10 + 4 > Essence 2 + Mutation Points (9)
Root of Perfected Lotus 4, Oaths 5,

Strength oooooo Charisma oooo Perception oooo
Dexterity ooooooo Manipulation ooooooo Intelligence oooooo
Stamina oooooo Appearance ooooo Wits ooo

Diplomat F 02+0 Entertainer F 03+0 Warrior F 09+3
Linguistics oo Investigation Archery C oooo
Occult Larceny Martial Arts F ooooobb
Ride Medicine Melee
Socialize Perfomance F ooooo Presence C oooob
Thrown Stealth War C o

Worker F 06+0 Casteless F 05+0
Bureaucracy Athletics oo
Craft C oooo Awareness F ooooo
Integrity Dodge
Lore C oooo Sail
Resistance Survival

Languages : Old Realm (native), Riverspeak, Forest Tongue
Specialties :
Craft : Glamour

Heart Grace o o o Willpower o o o o o o o o b b
Cup Grace o Compassion o
Staff Grace o Conviction oo
Ring Grace * ooo Temperance oob
Sword Grace * ooooo Valor ooooo

Essence o o Charm Commit 00
Motes 14 / 14 Artifact Commit 06

Combat Defense Values Mental Defense Value
Dodge DV 05 Dodge DV 06
Parry DV MA 14 Unarmed Parry DV 06
Parry DV MA 15 with weapon

Dodge - (Dexterity + Dodge + Essence)/2
Mental Dodge - (Willpower + Integrity + Specialties + Essence)/2
Mental Parry - (Charisma or Manipulation + Ability + Specialties)/2
- Ability = Investigation, Performance, Presence

Health Levels Soak
-0 o Natural 03L / 06B / 00A
-1 o o Armour 12L / 12B / 12A
-2 o o Mutation 00L / 00B / 00A
-4 o Total 15L / 18B / 12A
Incap. o

Background 00 / 00 + 10 BP
Artifact oo 4 dots of artifacts (minimum 2x 1 dot artifacts)
Birth ooo up to awaken dream manufacture
Gossamer ooo gain 6 extra gossamer per story start
assumption charm is limited to 6 gossamer/mutations
treated as resource 5 in creation
Style oo Gain stunt pool (all feeding graces) each story
creation/tainted lands = add up to 1 stunt die
border/middlemarches/demesnes/freeholds = up to 2 stunt die
deeper wyld = up to 3 stunt die
Freehold xxxxx default welcomed at 5

Birth Charms
01) 0 - Assumption of Bestial Visage (Strix) (p157)
10m,1g, sim, assum. stack, until ended
ess. mutations (calc as 0 for mp)
currently, no mutations

02) 1 - Ravishing the Created Form (p176)
1wp,0g, sim, combo-bas glamor shaped only, instant
touch consenting creation-born, roll feeding grace
1 suxx = 1 virtue/willpower -1 for 10 motes
GR = target trait + essence > willpower

03) 2 - Banquet of Crumbs (p178)
0g, sim, combo-ok shaped only, instant
roll feeding grace after mortals experience strong emotions
1 suxx = 1 mote, usable once per scene

04) 3 - Essence forging Art (p193)
3m,0g, sim, combo-bas glamour shaping, permanent
create mundane object with int+craft glamour roll
GR = perception + essence > intelligence unless perm.

05) 3 - Awakened Dream Manufacture (p199)
3m,0g, sim, combo-bas glamor shaping, permanent
create minion with int+socialize roll
GR = wits + essence > socialize unless perm.

Normal Charms
00) Assumption of Air Shape (p156)
10m,1g, sim, assum. stack, until ended
immune to cold, able to walk on snow/ice as if solid ground

01) Sovereign Element Shape (p161)
1g, Ref, glamour mutation shaped only, assumption
innate power cost = 1m, speed 5
gain a 1 wyld bonus die to 1 action with use of element
give someone else 1 wyld bonus die with use of element
GR = integrity + essence > manipulation 7

02) Element-Weaving Style (p162)
1g, Ref, glamour mutation shaped only, assumption
innate power cost = 5m, speed 6
sculpting of (air element) with (Wits 3 + Craft 4) roll
item will hold new solid shape for 1 lunar month
may reshape air elementals OR (air) element possession of creation-born
GR = intergrity + essence > wits 3 (creation-born's possession)
GR = intergrity + essence > craft 4 (creation-born elemental)

03) Gossamer-Forging Art (p194)
5m,1+g, sim, glamour shaping, permanent
make gossamer items, gossamer cost = mundane resource cost
ring shaping roll (attribute+ring ability) at gossamer cost diff
gossamer weapon bonus = 2x +1 to accuracy, damage, defense or rate
gossamer armor bonus = no mobility penalty, no fatigue penalty
gossamer item bonus = + dice (equal to gossamer cost) to task

04) Gossamer Wing Flight (p216)
4m,2g, sim, combo-ok, mutation, 1 day/assumption
fly = move/dash spd, up = 1/2 move/dash spd, dive = x2 move/dash spd
-2 internal penalty to all dex-based actions while airborne
penalty negated if purchased twice or cost of activation is doubled

05) Wyld Communion (p219)
5m,0g, sim(spd3), mutation, 1 tale/assumption
when active, stunts are boosted by 1 (so stunt die = 2->4)
innate power cost = 5m

06) Root of the Perfected Lotus (p217)
4m, perm. allows raksha to learn MA like DBs

07) Five-Dragon Claw (db p190)
1m, sup, combo-ok, inst
does lethal damage unarmed, ignores hardness

08) Five-Dragon Force Blow (db p190)
2m, sim, combo-ok, inst
does double base (pre-suxx) dmg
if raw (post-suxx/pre-soak) dmg > target stam+resis, knockdown diff. = strength


Active Assumption + Charms 6 / 6

1g Assumption of Bestial Visage

1g Assumption of Air Shape

0g Wyld Communion

1g Sovereign Element Shape

1g Element-Weaving Style

2g Gossamer Wing Flight


"Feathered Edge" Gossamer Perfect Straight Sword

Speed 4, Accuracy +3, Damage +5L, Defense +3, Rate 3, Strength 1, Cost 4

"Icicle Fall" Gossamer Perfect Spear

Speed 5, Accuracy +3, Damage +6/9L, Defense +3, Rate 3, Strength 1, Cost 3

2 handed / lance / reach

"Feathered Defense" Gossamer Superheavy Plate

Soak 12L/12B, Mobility Penalty 0, Fatigue Penalty 0, Cost 5

Shaping Weapons/Possessions

Litany Bones (Staff Shaping Weapon) (p130)

speed 5, accuracy +1, damage +8, defense +1, rate 2, cost -

"The Winged Maw" Monster (Shaping Weapon) (p131)

speed 5, accuracy +3, damage +6, defense -1, rate 2, cost 2

When evoked, uses handler's physical attributes, combat abilities, virtues & willpower

has 3 mutation points, each mental attributes 1, all social attributes 0

see below for full stats


none at the moment

Oneiromancy Spells

Waking Circle Spell (artifact 1 / 10mp)

speed 5, accuracy +1, damage +6, defense +1, rate 2, Tags Entanglement

Cost : 10m, 1g

Invocation : 1 scene

Attunement : 3m (keeper = Atai)

Duration : 1 story

"Declaration of Atai the Strongest!"

The spell manifests as a pair of bracers with filigree imagery of fearsome martial prowess.

Those interacting with Atai suffer an internal penalty of (keeper's) Sword grace.

Those defeated by Atai are cowed into serving her for 1 season (motivation : serve Atai).

1mp Assumption of Dreams and Passion (Awe/Fear)

3mp Emotion-Weaving Style (p167)

roll keeper's manipulation + presence verses target's essence to change motivation

- GR = Integrity + Essence > Keeper's Manipulation 7

6mp Fearsome Mien (p214)

inflict (keeper's) sword grace (5) internal penalties

- GR = Valor + Essence > Keeper's highest Sword Ability 7

Ajuration Oaths

Samhara Oath (artifact 1 / 2mp)

Attunement : 1m

speed 5, accuracy +0, damage +8, defense +2, rate 2, no tags

The Oath of Nobility of Wind

"Until I am defeated by Mela, I am a noble of air."

In the wyld, the oath takes the form of a snow flake.

1mp Elemental Evocation (p162)

- freely evocate any possession into Creation or put them into elsewhere

1mp Elemental Transformation (p164)

- may freely assume an (air) elemental form as a speed 5 action

- essence 2 + 3 mutations that don't add to mutation limit

- Teeth of the World (3mp) (p163)

- speed 5, simple action elemental attack (ice!) (considered non-magical vs charms)

- unblockable/undodgeable (unless stunts/charms are used), range 500 yards

- dexterity + archery roll to attack, damage 2x(essence 2)L

Sthiti Oath (artifact 2 / 3mp)

Attunement : 2m

speed 5, accuracy +1, damage +16, defense +1, rate 2, tags piercing

The Oath of Atai the Strongest!

"Until the next calibration, I shall defeat all my enemies in combat."

In the wyld, the oath takes the form of a ring with an inset diamond that glows like lightning.

2mp Imposition of Law (p168)

- Guaranteed a minimum of 1 suxx in (dexterity + martial arts + unarmed) rolls

- fails if opposed with charms or stunts

1mp Defining the Parameters of Battle (p213)

- negate all penalties to parry DV, increase parry DV by 6

- can block unblockable attacks (force to roll off)


none at the moment


none at the moment

Shaping Combat Stats

Unarmed Shaping Weapons

Cup Entanglement (Unarmed Cup Shaping Weapon) (p128)

speed 6, accuracy +0, damage +0, defense -, rate 1, cost -, tags E,N,P

Milieu (Unarmed Cup Shaping Weapon) (p128)

speed 5, accuracy +1, damage +0, defense +2, rate 3, cost -, tags N

Raw Will (Unarmed Ring Shaping Weapon) (p129)

speed 5, accuracy +0, damage +0, defense -6, rate 2, range 0, cost -, tags N

may spend 1 gossamer to boost accuracy +1, damage +6

Entanglement (Unarmed Staff Shaping Weapon) (p130)

speed 6, accuracy -1, damage +0, defense -, rate 1, cost -, tags E,N,P

Society (Unarmed Staff Shaping Weapon) (p130)

speed 5, accuracy +1, damage +0, defense +2, rate 3, cost -, tags N

Entanglement (Unarmed Sword Shaping Weapon) (p130)

speed 6, accuracy -1, damage +0, defense -, rate 1, cost -, tags E,N,P

Personal Prowess (Unarmed Sword Shaping Weapon) (p131)

speed 5, accuracy +1, damage +2, defense +0, rate 3, cost -, tags N

Shaping Weapons

"Declaration of Atai the Strongest!" Waking Circle Spell (Cup Shaping Weapon)

speed 5, accuracy +1, damage +6, defense +1, rate 2, Tags Entanglement

"Raw Will" Unarmed (Ring Shaping Weapon)

speed 5, accuracy +0, damage +0, defense -6, rate 2, range 0

"The Oath of Atai the Strongest!" Sthiti Oath (Staff Shaping Weapon)

speed 5, accuracy +1, damage +16, defense +1, rate 2, piercing

"The Winged Maw" Monster (Sword Shaping Weapon)

speed 5, accuracy +3, damage +6, defense -1, rate 2, cost 2, no tags

Join Shaping Battle = (all feeding graces) = 8

Heart DV = ((Willpower)/2 + Dodge 0 + Essence)/2 = 4

Cup Combat

Abilities (Investigation, Larceny, Medicine, Performance and Stealth)

Attack (Manipulation + highest Ability + Weapon) = 13

Damage (Manipulation + Weapon) = 13

Defense DV (Manipulation + highest Ability + Weapon)/2 = 7

Soak (Appearance + Willpower) = 15

Health (Compassion + Cup) = 2

Ring Combat

Abilities (Bureaucracy, Craft, Integrity, Lore and Resistance)

Attack (Intelligence + highest Ability + Weapon) = 10

Damage (Perception + Weapon) = 4

Defense DV (Intelligence + Craft + Weapon)/2 = 2

Soak (Wits + Willpower) = 13

Health (Temperance + Ring) = 6

Staff Combat

Abilities (Linguistics, Occult, Ride, Socialize and Thrown)

Attack (Intelligence + highest Ability + Weapon) = 9

Damage (Charisma + Weapon) = 20

Defense DV (Intelligence + highest Ability + Weapon)/2 = 5

Soak (Appearance + Willpower) = 15

Health (Conviction + Staff) = 3

Sword Combat

Abilities (Archery, Martial Arts, Melee, Presence and War)

Attack (Dexterity + highest Ability + Weapon) = 17

Damage (Strength + Weapon) = 12

Defense DV (Dexterity + highest Ability + Weapon)/2 = 7

Soak (Stamina + Willpower) = 16

Health (Valor + Sword) = 10


Compassion (curse of hubris)

The Curse of Hubris strikes those raksha who have exhausted all of their Compassion channels. Victim of this curse lose the capacity to appreciate the feelings or even existence of other living beings except as potential agents or enemies of themselves. A raksha under this curse suffers a +2 difficulty to all social rolls meant to influence or understand the feelings of others. The raksha also suffers a +2 difficulty to shaping rolls involving the Cup or the Staff.

The raksha, caught in the grip of contemptuous sociopathy, cannot recover from this curse until she has committed a number of deliberately cruel and regrettable acts equal to her Compassion. In this context, “regrettable†means that the raksha’s cruelty actually puts her at risk of personal suffering or undermines her long-term agenda. Torturing a perfect stranger might not constitute a regrettable action, but torturing a beloved servant or humiliating a dangerous rival might.

Common Lures:

Giving help when asked. Experiencing romantic love. Creating beauty. Serving justice. Aiding the helpless or innocent.

Conviction (curse of alienation)

The Curse of Alienation strikes those raksha who have exhausted all of their Conviction channels. Victims of this curse lose the ability to see how the goals and needs of others might complement their own and often view even allies as inconveniences (at best) or enemies (at worst). A raksha under this curse suffers a +2 difficulty to all social rolls meant to influence or assist others. The raksha also suffers a +2 difficulty to shaping rolls involving the Ring or the Staff.

A raksha suffering this curse commits bizarre, self destructive acts that cut him off from the social power that protects raksha from one another. The cursed one cannot recover until he has betrayed himself a number of times equal to his Conviction. In this context, “betrayal†means an intentional act that inflicts self-suffering. The raksha might deliberately inflict lethal damage upon himself, or he might destroy his precious artifacts. Often, raksha under this curse suffer it for years until their enemies take advantage of this alienated state to pit the raksha against his own self-interests.

Common Lures:

Seizing power over another raksha. Fighting against difficult odds. Making commitments or oaths. Standing by friends or allies in their time of strife.

Temperance (curse of namelessness)

The Curse of Namelessness strikes those raksha who have exhausted all of their Temperance channels. For the duration of the curse, the raksha becomes a virtual amnesiac, unable to remember her name, let alone which oaths bind her. Those oaths still do bind her, of course — she just can’t remember what they are. A raksha under this curse also suffers a +2 difficulty to all Lore rolls due to her amnesia.

While this curse lasts, the raksha forgets the self imposed boundaries that define her and instead surrenders to excessive folly. She cannot recover from this curse until she has committed a number of acts of regrettable excess equal to her Temperance. In this context, “regrettable excess†means that the raksha engages not just in selfishness, but in acts of hedonism and debauchery that in some way undermine her ultimate goals or her sense of self.

Common Lures:

Resisting a certain type of temptation, be it drugs, sex, dancing, et cetera. Refusing a properly phrased request for aid. Concealing one’s true views. Answering a question honestly.

Valor (curse of meekness)

The Curse of Meekness strikes those raksha who have exhausted all of their Valor channels. Victims of this curse lose the capacity to assert their own needs and desires over their surroundings and fellow creatures. A raksha under this curse might be gripped by crippling paranoia, bashful timidity or sniveling servility. Regardless, for the duration of the curse, the raksha must spend a point of Willpower to enter into any sort of combat, whether physical, shaping or even social. When the raksha has spent a number of Willpower points equal to his Sword, the curse ends.

Common Lures:

Acts of heroism. Opposing superior beings. Fighting in duels. Standing fast in the face of terror.

Willpower (curse of stubbornness)

The Curse of Stubbornness is always active. Raksha do not possess channels for their Willpower as they do for their Virtues. Instead, whenever a raksha spends Willpower to resist unnatural mental influence, he automatically loses one channel in whichever Virtue is appropriate to the situation.

For example, in resisting a fear-based compulsion to flee the scene, a raksha might lose a channel in his Valor. On the other hand, if he resists a hypnotic command to attack a loved one, he might be forced to sacrifice a channel in his Compassion (because of his love for the prospective target) or his Conviction (because of his determination to resist domination).

The Winged Maw (monster)

"The Winged Maw" Monster (Shaping Weapon) (p131)
Strength oooooo Charisma Perception o
Dexterity ooooooo Manipulation Intelligence o
Stamina oooooo Appearance Wits o
Martial Arts ooooooo Stealth Dodge

Parry DV 7 Soak 03L / 06B / 00A
Dodge DV 5 Health -0[ ]-1[ ]-1[ ]-2[ ]-2[ ]-4[ ]Inc[ ]

Willpower o o o o o o o o o o
Compassion o Temperance ooo
Conviction oo Valor ooooo

Mutations (3mp)
1mp Claws (core p288)
does lethal while unarmed
2mp Gossamer Wing Flight (p216)
fly = move/dash spd, up = 1/2 move/dash spd, dive = x2 move/dash spd
-2 internal penalty to all dex-based actions while airborne
penalty negated if purchased twice or cost of activation is doubled


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At a quick glance it looked like there is nothing wrong.

But can you clarify your Gossamer Equipment please.
Gossamer equipment are basically mundane equipment (with whatever quality; normal, fine, exceptional, perfect), with the gossamer bonus.

To make such equipment, you require a few things. First gossamer (equal to equipment cost), 5 motes to attune while making said equipment, you also need a specific charm (Gossamer-Forging Art (page 194)) and a season inside the wyld (luckily, the freehold counts as the wyld and time can get funky inside said freehold as long as no creation-born are inside it).

First, the item must be made with a ring shaping roll (Attribute + Ring Ability + Specialties + whatever die) at a difficulty of (item's mundane cost; yes this includes the quality of the mundane item).

The mundane item would have whatever stats and quality bonuses as normal

ie. perfect straight sword = resource 4, thus ring shaping roll difficulty = 4

+2,+1,+1 bonus from perfect equality added to the straight sword's stats

Second, you must spend gossamer equal to the item's mundane cost.

ie perfect straight sword = resource 4, thus gossamer 4

Third, the item being forged must be attuned to for 5 motes and allowed to soak in the energies and power of the wyld for 1 season. That's the mote cost listed in the charm costs.

At the end of it, you now have an item (of whatever quality) with gossamer bonuses, and which is considered a permanent work of glamour (as per charm-text).

+1,+1 bonus and -1 strength requirement from gossamer added to the perfect straight sword's stats.

And yes, Atai does have Gossamer-Forging Art and the gossamer required to forge said items personally.
What sort of limits are there on Inheritance and Patron? Does the Queen herself dally at such things, or is it more likely the child is of a noble or commoner?

also also: What is the local human population like (re: appearance)?
So, in the adjurations sections, the second oath (Sthiti Oath), it shows Ordinary Object Conjuration being bought three times.

Is this necessary?

Because I'd like to get a Tirobhava Oath along these lines:

The Oath of Devesok

"Let me never be the same as I was, and let me never be the same as anyone else, or let me be slain like the cur I am." The oath confers the benefit of Bastion of the Self (Sword) (see pp. 168-169; 4mp), Wyld Prince Resilience (see pp. 185-186, 1mp) and Ordinary Object Conjuration (see pp. 191-192; 1mp), which grants immunity to mundane attacks and to the arts of the Sword, two additional shaping health levels, and allows the player to roll (Intelligence + Craft [Glamour]) to summon a random weapon to the raksha's hand.

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