• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic The Keepers: Unity


New Leaf
[border=5px solid darkred]
[border=2px dotted darkred]

[center][image here, realistic preferred. If you're an Ascendii, your image does not require to show wings.][/center]


[border=2px solid darkred][h][name here][/h][/border]

[Row][column=span4][border=2px dotted darkred][Row][h]GENERAL INFORMATION[/h]


(You may apply as human or Ascendii, but you must study the lore before playing. Also, in the creation of a new species, you must be approved first.)

Race Description: (Either a three paragraph description of your new race physically and mentally with their abilities, or two paragraphs and one image. NOTE: You don't have to do this if you pick Ascendii or human, unless you do want something else)




Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Previous Occupation:
(If you served as a figure in the EM or Exansis, please be realistic. A mercenary/assassin does not need to follow the same extensive code, just something that merits an invitation by one of the most elusive groups in the galaxy.)

[/Row][/border][Row][/row][/column][Row][/row][column=span4][border=2px dotted darkred][Row][h]PERSONAL INFORMATION[/h]

[+] Positive Traits [+]

[-] Negative Traits [-]



[border=2px dotted darkred][Row][h]Personality, Bio, & Other[/h]

Written Personality Description
(Two paragraphs minimum)

Past Life
(Two paragraphs minimum)

Casual Wear

Combat Wear

Combat Gear
(Realistic. AKA, proportionate to how much money you make.)



Please follow the format above, all character apps will now on be handled by @JackMonroe
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Odysseus, Ca. 2310

Odysseus/Ozymandias (a.k.a Ulysses)



February 2, 2260



Race Description:





While generally straight and not one who commonly engages in sexual activities, on rare occasions he engages in chivalrous flirtation pansexually; formerly married to a woman and engaged in a long-time romantic friendship to another woman



Eye Color:


Hair Color:

Very dark brown to the point of black, but with definite patches of developing gray

Previous Occupation:

As Ozymandias, OGA Leader

As Odysseus, former Keeper

As Ulysses, former EM Captain


[+] Positive Traits [+]

Extremely intelligent, both
tactically and generally

Dedicated, to the point of stubborn idealism


Odysseus: Kind, Gentler, Laid-back sense of humor

[-] Negative Traits [-]


Ozymandias: Ruthless, Manipulative, Destructive, Little Regard for the lives of others, Vengeful, Cruel


Personality: Depends on active persona.

Personal History: (see Lore)

Casual Wear:

Bow Tie

Various suits/blazers and shirts

Pocket watch

Dark pants

Combat Wear:

Graphene, titanium mesh exo-suit armor, worn beneath the clothes, with various small utility attachments (e.g. Tea flask, communicator, galactic map, etc.)

At times, goggles or an insulated visor

Combat Gear:

Electrified batons and knives

Modern pistol

S.A.L. Database

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Sierra Perr


DOB: December 6, 2270 (Someone correct this)

Race: Ascendii/Human Hybrid

Race Description: Ascendii/Human Hybrid

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 6'4"

Eye Color: Orange

Hair Color: Brownish

Previous Occupation: EM Commander (Ascendii/Human Team Leader)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

-Positive in situations, thinks of the bright side

-Likes to show hospitality and will take care of injuries

-Capable in acrobatics

-Rather sneaky, able to sneak in and out of places quickly

[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Tends to overthink stuff

-Downright afraid of fire

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Sierra tends to be caring whenever her friends are injured or anything of the sort, and will even go to extents as to sympathize with those who have done wrong. However, since she is somewhat a war leader, she is able to make sure that she gets whatever she has to get done, done. Her team was mostly her life, and that's what made her the best.

Her personality is shaped by her background, which involved people like her. She is determined to be able to fight hundred percent by the end of the meeting. Being a spy, her life was shaped by sneaking around places, where she basically had a secret life. This gave her some silence tactics, being able to snoop on most targets.

Past Life

Sierra was basically born into the EM, being a resident of Earth and all. She had enlisted as a hybrid and basically started service doing basic patrol and things. She couldn't really say much since she wasn't a human, and Ascendii were sort of in Exansis, not in EM. She was ok, though, and eventually started doing well.

Her entire life turned around when her commander took her team out to spot places for a new galaxy. Taking a wrong turn, their ship was boarded by pirates and the commander was slain. Sierra, however, being the only Ascendii/Hybrid in the situation, used her speed to fashion a plan of grabbing weapons and killing the pirates. Upon her return, she was promoted to the new commander, however her term was ended as soon as she received a commendation flier for The Keepers. Telling nobody, she had left.

Casual Wear

A black jacket with two burned out wing holes and dark gray shorts.

Combat Wear

Whatever she normally wears.

Electric Distributor Armor

Combat Gear

Electronic Rifle

Bomb Dispenser

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Ulysseus said:


Odysseus, Ca. 2310

Odysseus/Ozymandias (a.k.a Ulysses)



February 2, 2260



Race Description:





While generally straight and not one who commonly engages in sexual activities, on rare occasions he engages in chivalrous flirtation pansexually; formerly married to a woman and engaged in a long-time romantic friendship to another woman (if Captain Jack Harkness entered a committed relationship and then had his heart broken severely = Odysseus' sexuality)



Eye Color:


Hair Color:

Very dark brown to the point of black, but with definite patches of developing gray

Previous Occupation:

As Ozymandias, OGA Leader

As Odysseus, former Keeper

As Ulysses, former EM Captain


[+] Positive Traits [+]

Extremely intelligent tactically and generally

Dedicated, to the point of stubborn idealism


Odysseus: Kind, Gentler, Laid-back sense of humor

[-] Negative Traits [-]


Ozymandias: Ruthless, Manipulative, Destructive, Little Regard for the lives of others, Vengeful, Cruel

Personality, Bio, & Other

Personality: It's complicated.

Past: It's a long story (see Lore timeline); you'll probably hear all about it throughout the RP. (New Applicants, don't be lazy like me! Write good descriptions! I just won't do it here, because trust me when I tell you that you will be quite familiar with it all very soon!)

Casual Wear:

Bow Tie

Various suits/blazers and shirts

Pocket watch

Dark pants

Combat Wear:

Graphene, titanium mesh exo-suit armor, worn beneath the clothes, with various small utility attachments (e.g. Tea flask, communicator, galactic map, etc.)

At times, goggles or an insulated visor

Combat Gear:

Electrified batons and knives

Modern pistol

Example application, so...accepted.

JPax42 said:

Hey, I can't find an Image. Sorry! It broke. I blame you


Sierra Perr


DOB: December 6, 2270 (Someone correct this)

Race: Ascendii

Race Description: Ascendii, however she isn't as tall as they are usually, and is somewhat blind to air currents.

Gender: Female, unless there's a different system.

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 6'4"

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Brown

Previous Occupation: Space freighter attendant (Exansis affiliation)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

-Positive in situations, thinks of the bright side

-Likes to show hospitality and will take care of injuries

-Capable in acrobatics

[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Tends to overthink stuff

-A little bit timid in flight

-Downright afraid of fire (which is weird, she's Ascendii)

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Sierra tends to be caring whenever her friends are injured or anything of the sort, and will even go to extents as to sympathize with those who have done wrong. She claims to never have fought or entered a combat situation, although she is capable at dodging and ducking. She is deathly afraid of fire but tends to hide it, though usually failing.

Her personality is shaped by her background, which involved people like her.

Past Life

Sierra grew up always being there for people. She cared about them at a young age, even seeing her wounded mother in war until her death. Never knowing her father, she lived on, not being as active as the other Ascendii. She had heard about The Keepers about five years into her work as a freighter attendant, dismissing them as a criminal band. Although she slowly grew acceptance of them (and the members), she realized they were of importance.

Sierra was soon dismissed from her job as the freighter line shut down, but she still had work opportunities and access in Exansis areas. She was unable to acquire much money so all she can afford is a black jacket and dark gray shorts. She had gone to Earth to escape the reality of her planet when she acquired a flier for The Keepers. Flying to the location imprinted on it, she considered whether this was a hoax or not...

Casual Wear

A black jacket with two burned out wing holes and dark gray shorts.

(Wears an Exansis attendant uniform on duty but isn't able to afford it, so it's borrowed)

Combat Wear

Whatever she normally wears.

Combat Gear

Steak knife

I don't care if I broke it, you need a picture or at least a detailed image description



[Joshua Caine]


DOB:March 25, 2295


Race Description: 175 lbs. / Mesomorphic build / Various scars around body / Caucasian



Eye Color:Green

Hair Color:Brown

Previous Occupation:Black ops operative in the EM

(If you served as a figure in the EM or Exansis, please be realistic. A mercenary/assassin does not need to follow the same extensive code, just something that merits an invitation by one of the most elusive groups in the galaxy.)


[+] Positive Traits [+]



-Honor and duty bound


[-] Negative Traits [-]






Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description: Form an early age, Joshua knew that he wanted to make a difference in the galaxy. How though was the question. He didn't know what was meant for him. His childhood was pretty rough as he learned from an early age how to grow up and take care of himself. This caused him to develop a more blunt and pessimistic nature to his thoughts and words. Because of which, Caine sees the galaxy as a lot of Black and white. His general nature is to be upfront and not bullshit you about what he's saying. And if he has a problem with you, he wont beat around the bush and will make it known. Yet this is mostly kept in check by his military training. In most instances he will revert back to his training and speak only when it's necessary or he's being spoken to. Though his personality and tendency to act as a loner may be counterproductive, his abilities as an operative vastly outweigh it. Stubborn to the bone, Caine will do what ever it takes to complete the mission.

When Caine enlisted in the Military, he shortly after realized what his calling was. He wanted to make the galaxy a better place and saw his service in the military as the best way possible. He found great satisfaction in being apart of something bigger and making a difference by keeping the peace, or ridding the galaxy of evil. The culmination of this was when he was offered a spot on a Black ops team who's main target was the destruction of the OGA.

Past Life:Joshua Caine grew up on the streets of Boston as an Orphan and learnt the ropes of street life. He went in and out of various foster homes, most of which ended in abuse. He was a fairly intelligent kid, scoring In The top 10% of all enlisted for the EM. Caines high school life mostly consisted of parties, fights, women, and general mischief. His Teachers knew he had a lot of potential, but were never able to motivate him enough to apply himself. He graduated from high school but only just barely. So there he was, out of high school with absolutely no career path in mind, or anything done to prepare himself for adulthood. So Caine turned to the only choice available to him. The Military.

Being the smart kid he was, Caine scored very high on his aptitude tests, gaining his choice of job. Caine opted for just the General infantry. Knowing he didn't want to screw up the one chance he had to make something of himself, Caine embraced the soldiers life. He graduated boot camp at the top of his class, with an expert marksman rating. It was there that Caine was then recommended by his drill instructors for Force Reconnaissance and was shortly transferred to the training base. After about two and a half years of training, Caine was finally assigned to his first Recon unit. They were a rapid offensive action group that was often deployed at a moments notice. Their general mission sets included, but weren't limited to Sabotage, Recon, Search and Rescue, and being an Expeditionary unit for uncharted areas. Needless to say Caine's unit saw a lot of action. Caine rose to the rank of Staff Sergeant with the high remarks from his COs for his leadership and combat abilitiesand gaining several combat distinctions and medals. After serving with his Recon unit for about two years, Caine was minding his business in the messhall of the ship he was stationed on when he was approached by a sharp dressed man holding a briefcase.

The man sat down with Caine, and struck up a conversation with him. While doing that, he opened his brief case and proceeded to show documentation of almost every portion of Caine's life. Even the scattered documents of when he was in and out of various foster homes. The conversation turned towards the man interviewing Caine about his life, his hopes and dreams, and his service record. The man eventually got to the point of it all and offered Caine a spot in a newly formed group of soldiers that comprised of the best the EM had to offer. They would do what the conventional forces couldn't, they would take on the suicide missions, they would be the puppeteers behind the curtain that ultimately could sway the course of certain events in the galaxy. Their Ultimate goal though, was the destruction of OGA. Officially, this unit didn't exist, if they were to be caught, then all records of them would be destroyed and they'd be publicly shown as mercenaries, Terrorists, etc. Caine took the man up on the offer and later that day was transferred off the ship to a location even he didn't know where it was. Caine's service record was simply labeled as "Transferred" and nothing more was put as his file was locked away. Up until the Keepers and their vast array of contacts and abilities found the vault of such operatives like Caine and contacted him.

Casual Wear:Hoodie, Blue jeans, White t-shirt, Black sneakers

Combat Wear:


This is essentially what he looks like, just in a modern, futuristic look.

Combat Gear:

-Mass driver assault rifle with settings between Tungesten, Sabot, explosive, stun

-Holosight/thermal tracking sight


-surpressor depending on op

-Extra power cores for rifle

-plasma coil pistol

-Various grenades depending on the op

-Combat knife

-Tacpad with locater, hacking, holocom, capabilities

-Cheat rig is resistant to most forms of damage


-Standard Misc. equipment

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DJGomez said:



[Joshua Caine]


DOB:March 25, 2295 (Hm, 45 years old? He looks rather young. If you can explain the race description that would be nice, I don't want to be rude though but it seems a little bit different)


Race Description:N/A



Eye Color:Green

Hair Color:Brown

Previous Occupation:Black ops operative in the EM

(If you served as a figure in the EM or Exansis, please be realistic. A mercenary/assassin does not need to follow the same extensive code, just something that merits an invitation by one of the most elusive groups in the galaxy.)


[+] Positive Traits [+]



-Honor and duty bound


[-] Negative Traits [-]






Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description: Form an early age, Joshua knew that he wanted to make a difference in the galaxy. How though was the question. He didn't know what was meant for him. His childhood was pretty rough as he learned from an early age how to grow up and take care of himself. This caused him to develop a more blunt and pessimistic nature to his thoughts and words. Because of which, Caine sees the galaxy as a lot of Black and white. His general nature is to be upfront and not bullshit you about what he's saying. And if he has a problem with you, he wont beat around the bush and will make it known. Yet this is mostly kept in check by his military training. In most instances he will revert back to his training and speak only when it's necessary or he's being spoken to. Though his personality and tendency to act as a loner may be counterproductive, his abilities as an operative vastly outweigh it. Stubborn to the bone, Caine will do what ever it takes to complete the mission.

When Caine enlisted in the Military, he shortly after realized what his calling was. He wanted to make the galaxy a better place and saw his service in the military as the best way possible. He found great satisfaction in being apart of something bigger and making a difference by keeping the peace, or ridding the galaxy of evil. The culmination of this was when he was offered a spot on a Black ops team who's main target was the destruction of the OGA.

Past Life:Joshua Caine grew up on the streets of Boston as an Orphan. He went in and out of various foster homes, most of which ended in abuse. He was a fairly intelligent and productive student in school, when he decided to put effort in, able to score in the top 10% of all U.S. students (While this wasn't stated in the lore, and you aren't compelled to edit it, the countries dissolved and Earth had become a run-down place of bars and shady alleys held together by a powerful ground force, the EM). Caine's high school life mostly consisted of parties, fights, women, and general mischief. His Teachers knew he had a lot of potential, but were never able to motivate him enough to apply himself. He graduated from high school but only just barely. So there he was, out of high school with absolutely no career path in mind, or anything done to prepare himself for adulthood. So Caine turned to the only choice available to him. The Military.

Being the smart kid he was, Caine scored very high on his aptitude tests, gaining his choice of job. Caine opted for just the General infantry. Knowing he didn't want to screw up the one chance he had to make something of himself, Caine embraced the soldiers life. He graduated boot camp at the top of his class, with an expert marksman rating. It was there that Caine was then recommended by his drill instructors for Force Reconnaissance and was shortly transferred to the training base. After about two and a half years of training, Caine was finally assigned to his first Recon unit. They were a rapid offensive action group that was often deployed at a moments notice. Their general mission sets included, but weren't limited to Sabotage, Recon, Search and Rescue, and being an Expeditionary unit for uncharted areas. Needless to say Caine's unit saw a lot of action. Caine rose to the rank of Staff Sergeant with the high remarks from his COs for his leadership and combat abilitiesand gaining several combat distinctions and medals. After serving with his Recon unit for about two years, Caine was minding his business in the messhall of the ship he was stationed on when he was approached by a sharp dressed man holding a briefcase.

The man sat down with Caine, and struck up a conversation with him. While doing that, he opened his brief case and proceeded to show documentation of almost every portion of Caine's life. Even the scattered documents of when he was in and out of various foster homes. The conversation turned towards the man interviewing Caine about his life, his hopes and dreams, and his service record. The man eventually got to the point of it all and offered Caine a spot in a newly formed group of soldiers that comprised of the best the EM had to offer. They would do what the conventional forces couldn't, they would take on the suicide missions, they would be the puppeteers behind the curtain that ultimately could sway the course of certain events in the galaxy. Their Ultimate goal though, was the destruction of OGA. Officially, this unit didn't exist, if they were to be caught, then all records of them would be destroyed and they'd be publicly shown as mercenaries, Terrorists, etc. Caine took the man up on the offer and later that day was transferred off the ship to a location even he didn't know where it was. Caine's service record was simply labeled as "Transferred" and nothing more was put as his file was locked away. Up until the Keepers and their vast array of contacts and abilities found the vault of such operatives like Caine and contacted him.

Casual Wear:Hoodie, Blue jeans, White t-shirt, Black sneakers

Combat Wear:


This is essentially what he looks like, just in a modern, futuristic look.

Combat Gear:

-Assault rifle with foregrip, Holosight, Sling, sometimes a surpressor


-Side arm pistol

-Pistol Magazines

-Various grenades depending on the op

-Combat knife

-Standard Misc. equipment such as Flashlight, Zipties, Rope, Muti-tool, etc. (This stuff is far too old tech, and a knife? Really? I would suggest instead of taking a lot of old stuff, replace the stuff that can be replaced with something new, like a handheld rail gun, etc. This is 2340, but if you really insist on using old tech, go ahead)

I highlighted some things which you might want to look into. Other than that, good effort. Can't wait to start RPing with you.
Finally got a chance to edit those things you mentioned
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DJGomez said:



[Joshua Caine]


DOB:March 25, 2295


Race Description: 175 lbs. / Mesomorphic build / Various scars around body / Caucasian



Eye Color:Green

Hair Color:Brown

Previous Occupation:Black ops operative in the EM

(If you served as a figure in the EM or Exansis, please be realistic. A mercenary/assassin does not need to follow the same extensive code, just something that merits an invitation by one of the most elusive groups in the galaxy.)


[+] Positive Traits [+]



-Honor and duty bound


[-] Negative Traits [-]






Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description: Form an early age, Joshua knew that he wanted to make a difference in the galaxy. How though was the question. He didn't know what was meant for him. His childhood was pretty rough as he learned from an early age how to grow up and take care of himself. This caused him to develop a more blunt and pessimistic nature to his thoughts and words. Because of which, Caine sees the galaxy as a lot of Black and white. His general nature is to be upfront and not bullshit you about what he's saying. And if he has a problem with you, he wont beat around the bush and will make it known. Yet this is mostly kept in check by his military training. In most instances he will revert back to his training and speak only when it's necessary or he's being spoken to. Though his personality and tendency to act as a loner may be counterproductive, his abilities as an operative vastly outweigh it. Stubborn to the bone, Caine will do what ever it takes to complete the mission.

When Caine enlisted in the Military, he shortly after realized what his calling was. He wanted to make the galaxy a better place and saw his service in the military as the best way possible. He found great satisfaction in being apart of something bigger and making a difference by keeping the peace, or ridding the galaxy of evil. The culmination of this was when he was offered a spot on a Black ops team who's main target was the destruction of the OGA.

Past Life:Joshua Caine grew up on the streets of Boston as an Orphan and learnt the ropes of street life. He went in and out of various foster homes, most of which ended in abuse. He was a fairly intelligent kid, scoring In The top 10% of all enlisted for the EM. Caines high school life mostly consisted of parties, fights, women, and general mischief. His Teachers knew he had a lot of potential, but were never able to motivate him enough to apply himself. He graduated from high school but only just barely. So there he was, out of high school with absolutely no career path in mind, or anything done to prepare himself for adulthood. So Caine turned to the only choice available to him. The Military.

Being the smart kid he was, Caine scored very high on his aptitude tests, gaining his choice of job. Caine opted for just the General infantry. Knowing he didn't want to screw up the one chance he had to make something of himself, Caine embraced the soldiers life. He graduated boot camp at the top of his class, with an expert marksman rating. It was there that Caine was then recommended by his drill instructors for Force Reconnaissance and was shortly transferred to the training base. After about two and a half years of training, Caine was finally assigned to his first Recon unit. They were a rapid offensive action group that was often deployed at a moments notice. Their general mission sets included, but weren't limited to Sabotage, Recon, Search and Rescue, and being an Expeditionary unit for uncharted areas. Needless to say Caine's unit saw a lot of action. Caine rose to the rank of Staff Sergeant with the high remarks from his COs for his leadership and combat abilitiesand gaining several combat distinctions and medals. After serving with his Recon unit for about two years, Caine was minding his business in the messhall of the ship he was stationed on when he was approached by a sharp dressed man holding a briefcase.

The man sat down with Caine, and struck up a conversation with him. While doing that, he opened his brief case and proceeded to show documentation of almost every portion of Caine's life. Even the scattered documents of when he was in and out of various foster homes. The conversation turned towards the man interviewing Caine about his life, his hopes and dreams, and his service record. The man eventually got to the point of it all and offered Caine a spot in a newly formed group of soldiers that comprised of the best the EM had to offer. They would do what the conventional forces couldn't, they would take on the suicide missions, they would be the puppeteers behind the curtain that ultimately could sway the course of certain events in the galaxy. Their Ultimate goal though, was the destruction of OGA. Officially, this unit didn't exist, if they were to be caught, then all records of them would be destroyed and they'd be publicly shown as mercenaries, Terrorists, etc. Caine took the man up on the offer and later that day was transferred off the ship to a location even he didn't know where it was. Caine's service record was simply labeled as "Transferred" and nothing more was put as his file was locked away. Up until the Keepers and their vast array of contacts and abilities found the vault of such operatives like Caine and contacted him.

Casual Wear:Hoodie, Blue jeans, White t-shirt, Black sneakers

Combat Wear:


This is essentially what he looks like, just in a modern, futuristic look.

Combat Gear:

-Mass driver assault rifle with settings between Tungesten, Sabot, explosive, stun

-Holosight/thermal tracking sight


-surpressor depending on op

-Extra power cores for rifle

-plasma coil pistol

-Various grenades depending on the op

-Combat knife

-Tacpad with locater, hacking, holocom, capabilities

-Cheat rig is resistant to most forms of damage


-Standard Misc. equipment

Accepted (Officially)


Apollo Venport (Direct Translation from Inversic)


DOB: [April 2, 2270] (Physically 25, Chronologically 70)

Race: Ascendii

Race Description: Ascendii

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Ascendii

Height: 6'10"

Eye Color: Pale Blue

Hair Color/Crest Color: Dark Purple

Previous Occupation:

-Exansis Ensign

-The Keepers (Navigator, Co-Leader, Temporary Leader and Scout/Spy. Unofficially the cook)

-Exansis Captain (When dealing with EM-Exansis controversy)

-Exansis Fleet Admiral (Presently, recently on leave)


[+] Positive Traits [+]

+ Optimistic

+ Excellent at hit-and-run

+ Great at scouting/spying

+ Values life

+ Mentally and Physically Fast (REALLY fast)

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Gets extremely mad when someone asks him to re-state what he just said

- On occasion, he will shout/vent about a person if he's made far too mad

- Reactive to situations; will make it physical extremely quick, even if it's just verbal arguments.

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Apollo Venport is the guy you want leading your fleet. He's able to hand out orders and is extremely coordinated when dealing with things like this. However, Venport tends to get a little over his head when dealing with stuff on the ground or in a small group like The Keepers, and will usually //Incomplete

Past Life

Casual Wear

- Basic shirt

- Gray Exansis Jacket

- Black socks

Combat Wear

-Black insulation suit

-Impulse-operated comms

-Light Electrical Armor

-Combat Gear

Belt to hold steel rope

Electrical Armor Distributor

Exansis Chest-Mounted EMP Disruptor

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[Johnathan "Jack" Monroe]


[DOB:] 2300 [Currently 40 years of age]

[RACE:] Human

[GENDER:] Male

[HEIGHT:] 5'9

[bUILD:] Extremely Fit, Heavyweight Class


[HAIR COLOR:] Blonde


-OGA Soldier, Experimentee Division [Against Will]

-Former Mercenary and Bandit

-Wanted Vigilante [Kri, Exansis, and Andromeda Sectors]

-Former Leader of Guerilla Warfare Group known as "The Keepers"


[+] Positive Traits [+]

+Ability to Lead+

+Skill in Ranged Warfare and Combat+

+Skilled in Close Proximity and Hand-to-Hand Combat+

+Skilled Strategist+

+Extremely Capable Soldier+

+High Intellect+

[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Problem with Authority-

-Alcohol Dependency-

-Antisocial Behavior and Detachment Tendencies-

-Pessimistic Attitude-


-Aggressive Tendencies-



Johnathan "Jack" Monroe is a capable leader. While missions assigned to J. Monroe are usually reported back with optimal efficiency and execution, he is NOT recommended for field deployment. While J. Monroe has enough flags in his psych analysis to call for permanent relief of duty, his knowledge of sensitive military issues involving the militia known as the OGA and the outlaw "Ozymandias", as well as a reputation of vigilante action and blind ignorance of the law is too potentially dangerous to allow private operation. Therefore, Mr. Monroe is currently employed by the EM leading a covert black-ops group affectionately coined as "The Keepers" after J. Monroe's previous vigilante group. Mr. Monroe is also in control of the recruitment process, an executive decision that the rational few of the EM council were against. This means that former alumni member of the group, Apollo Venport, has been recruited and pardoned for his actions after help in the Solehrii/Earth Crisis and stopping "Ozymandias" and the potential return of the OGA. Mr. Monroe is a potential political catastrophe waiting to happen, however due to his fame and ability proven from constant and unfortunate saving of the galaxy, there is nothing the EM Council can do but enlist his help or let him illegally do his job anyway. While Mr. Monroe is extremely capable in his work, his personal social life has much to achieve. He can be described by peers as rude, antisocial, offensive, with a tendency of blatant disregard of the law and rules, an attraction to bad habits and danger, and prone to reckless tendencies and little regard of his own life. Despite these unfortunate attributes, Jack Monroe has somehow lived to 40. Some ask if he has many years left in him. In the case of the EM branch blessed with evaluating Mr. Monroe and his team, we hope not.


As a child, J. Monroe was abducted by the Organization of Genetic Advancement, one of many human and Ascendii abductees to be used for illegal and unethical surgical enhancement to evolve the human race for soldier purposes and adaptable improvement and superiority among other species. Fortunately, Mr. Monroe was not one of the many dead experiments and survived through a rogue Exansis raid and bombing of the covert facility stationed on Mars. Mr. Monroe escaped, and later pursued a career as a mercenary and bandit. After many raids, his motives changed from simple jobs to give meaning to the hole in his life from his abduction to liberation and bettering of galactic society. This involved destroying and freeing slaving ships, and eradicating general scum and tyranny in the galaxy on an extremely small scale. After an OGA base raid, J. Monroe found classified documents on the plans to bridge a massive prototype transporter that would crush both Earth and Solehrii. J. Monroe assembled a group of extremely capable soldiers and scientists, stopping the threat by disabling the two machines in the core of both planets. After this mission, Ulysses Zephyr, codenamed "Odysseus", vanished. Presumed dead after volunteering to dismantle the transporter in Solehrii's core. However, after twenty years working to destroy remaining pockets of OGA among other threats, Jack has learned of Odysseus' survival. He has begun recruiting, using his new EM-appointed rank and group to recruit in a sensitive military matter to covertly infiltrate and apprehend Odysseus.


+Leather Jacket+


+Regular Human Boots+

+Long Sleeve Shirt+


+ARI-45 EM-Issue [Modded] Enhanced Warfare ExoBody Armor+


+Omega VII Machine Rifle+

+Explosive Round Mamba Revolver v4+

+Armor-Piercing EM Heavy Shotgun+


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Kaero Talistor


DOB: October 2, 2298



Race Description: Human, red eye mutation

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 6'4"

Eye Color: Red

Hair Color: Light Brown

Previous Occupation:

Well-Known Assassin


[+] Positive Traits [+]

- Clever; Able to talk his way in and out of things

- Quick on his feet; He is rather agile for a human, or as much as it gets.

- Anti-OGA

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- Prefers to leave his targets dead, in case they wake up and tell someone

- Enjoys chewing on raw leather or similar substances, a nasty addiction.

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Kaero, being a natural killer, has been eliminating OGA soldiers from the ranks silently and without being noted much. While his initial identity remained unknown, and was originally mistaken for a virus, he himself continued killing, scoring up to 100 dead generals and a little more in terms of front line soldiers. While he initially had no involvement in the fall of the OGA, he was indeed a major driving factor for the victory of the Allied forces (EM and Exansis).

Past Life

Kaero was initially a part of a small village in Earth, where he pretty much was raised. During the battles, he had stowed away on multiple ships, sometimes with unknown consent, and began attacking various OGA targets, starting later in the war. He was only a teenager at this point, so he had limited access until the war nearly ended. He had spent a lot of his life training and with limited physical interaction with other people, except for one of the people in the EM he made friends with. After the incidents, he had began healing most of his wounds and things, although his left arm is still a little bit crooked, but he managed to get himself noticed to The Keepers and did get a recruitation flier, most likely due to his efficiency.

Casual Wear

A blue T-Shirt, black pants, and basically his combat gear.

Combat Wear

Armor plates on both his arms and legs

Partial Electrical Armor

Combat Gear

Long range rifle

Armor Distributor

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Cato Anderson[/h]


DOB: 2320

Race: Hybrid

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Irrelevant

Height: 6'6

Eye Color: Blue, Orange

Hair Color: None

Previous Occupation: OGA Experiment


[+] Positive Traits [+]

+Proficient Assassin+

+Drive to Win+

+Arms Specialist+

+Cold Demeanor+

[-] Negative Traits [-]

-Hateful Nature-

-Hair-Trigger Temper-

-Irrational Anger Towards Keepers-



Cato Anderson was born into a life of pain and war. Never knowing his father, the famous Mir Anderson, the only meaning to his life was the OGA. Cato never knew his family outside of what he read about his father's military exploits, so even as a child he dedicated himself to the cause of training. His whole life he has despised the Keepers, the EM, and Exansis, his only goal and meaning is to bring destruction. His whole life he has been treated differently, after Ozymandias taking control of the military, having to obey him. He is the warlord's instrument of power, spreading the fear and pain that is associated with the OGA. Cato does not believe in human superiority, nor ascendii. He believes in the power of himself.


Cato was born into the ranks of the OGA, initially being kept a secret due to his father's heavy message of human power and
hatred for the ascendii. After Ozymandias began controlling the OGA, the message of human superiority changed to that of OGA superiority. Cato believes he was born to control the OGA, as it is his birthright. Mir Anderson is his father in the loosest sense of the word; Cato is an experiment, an insult to his father's legacy. He was created by Ozymandias in a lab using Mir's DNA and that of an ascendii woman to dishonor and purge Anderson's message. He despises not only himself, his father, but Ozymandias as well. He works for Ozymandias so one day he can become close enough to betray him and take over the reigns of OGA after murdering him.

Casual Wear




Combat Wear

Armor, OGA-issued

Combat Gear



Grenade Launcher

Grapple Gun

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Reagis.jpg.c4ad610f4e2e1aa335719da806d6ab65.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="100453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/Reagis.jpg.c4ad610f4e2e1aa335719da806d6ab65.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Reagis Tisaron


DOB: 25.6.2309

Race: Human

Race Description: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 5 foot 6 inches.

Eye Color: Amber

Hair Color: Black

Previous Occupation:

Officially, he worked as a weapons tester for a laboratory. Unofficially, he provided vehicular transport for saboteurs, and, when necessary, worked as a hostile extraction.


[+] Positive Traits [+]

Good at improvising and absorbing information

Fast Learner

Trained to pilot military vehicles

Trained not to panic in combat situations

[-] Negative Traits [-]

Loose sense of loyalty

Bad at saving money

Bad at hand-hand and long-range combat


Cold & Detached

Has a tendency to get into hostile situations


Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Reagis is a calm, cold, person. He generally doesn't really care what happens, provided he comes out alive to speak of it. He's deeply paranoid about people watching him, and will go far to ensure that his privacy remains intact. He likes technology, particularly enjoying virtual reality, and holographic vids, games, and other stuff.

Past Life

Reagis Tisaron was born, on the 25th of June, in the year 2309. He had an uneventful education, until turning seventeen, which was when he started becoming paranoid that things were watching him. This didn't really cause any notable incidents, and he enrolled in the Earth Military as a pilot as soon as possible. He stayed there, and was in it at the time of the fall of the OGA.

A year later, he was sacked after his paranoia grew worse, after an almost fatal accident where he almost crashed a shuttle carrying a dozen soldiers. He was contacted for his services and extra training by a megacorporation and military supplier known as "SynLabs". Taking them up on their offer, he gained access to prototype technology and large sums of cash in exchange for working as a saboteur and assassin. (It should be mentioned that SynLabs has given him medication to combat his paranoia, although he doesn't always take it...)

Casual Wear

T-shirt (Usually Black/Grey)

Cargo Pants (Usually Black/Grey)

Backpack (Containing Hologram Emitter)

Holographic Manipulation Gloves (Black, skintight gloves that allow the user to manipulate holograms)

Combat Wear


Combat Gear

Hologram Emitter

Holographic Manipulation Gloves

Combined Anti-energy Shielding

Energy/Kinetic Pellet Assault Rifle

Kinetic-Based projectile Pistol.



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@The Gunrunner Two paragraphs minimum for Personality and Past life. Also, it would be a appreciated if you avoided technology from Minority Report, as well as coming up with more solid positive and negative traits, not repeating the same one for two classes (cold & detached) as well as finding more rational and meaningful ones instead of an affinity for mango juice.
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LesDom said:
@The Gunrunner Two paragraphs minimum for Personality and Past life. Also, it would be a appreciated if you avoided technology from Minority Report, as well as coming up with more solid positive and negative traits, not repeating the same one for two classes (cold & detached) as well as finding more rational and meaningful ones instead of an affinity for mango juice.
I meant to say that being Cold and detached was both negative and positive. Nevertheless, edited it. What do you mean by Minority Report though? If you're referring to the tech, I made it up to fit the image and from other characters, if you're referring to the image, it was found while searching google for a realistic sci-fi human I was happy with. If you need more for personality I'll work on that as soon as I get home and onto my laptop.

(Presumably you meant to tag me, not TheGunrunner. Let me know if I'm wrong.)
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@ResonantStorm Tom Cruise and the holograms are all from the film 'Minority Report'. Interesting coincidence. Also, the Keepers are recruiting people out of thousands because of something rare they did or just extreme skill. Maybe boost your past life more as well.
I'll tie in the whole "extraction agent" into the past life, maybe modify it a little for cover recon or something. Sound good? The whole Minority Report was literally me seeing the picture and going: "Oh, that's pretty cool, I can use that."



Vincent, Nathaniel C.


DOB: 11/05/XXXX(35)

Race: Experimented Human

Race Description: just a Human with one superhuman ability

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 6'3"

Eye Color: Left-Green Right-Red

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Previous Occupation: Mercenary


[+] Positive Traits [+]





+Highly Trained

[-] Negative Traits [-]


-Over Confident

-Lone Wolf



Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Due to Nathan being experimented on he suffers PTSD and started developing Different personalities but rarely emerges and due to his skills and ability he become over-confident, Aggressive, Hostile, Cynical and Perceptive of his Surroundings.

But he has two alternative personalities
Shattered a Hostile, Aggressive, Merciless, Ruthless, Deceptive and Sadistic side of Nathan and Remnant a Kind, Cautious, Serious, Strategic, Curious and Morale side to what was left of Nathan before the experimentation.

Past Life

Nathan's Past is a mystery to him and others but a total of three files has been recovered, shedding some light onto his past; Nathan was born to a middle class family lived with his biological parents till the age of 18, He was captured by the government and was tested on to make a army of super human peacekeepers but Nathan escaped becoming more aggressive and hostile after his escape the project was scrapped due to concerns in national security.

Five years pass by Nathan now 23 became a mercenary for hire being hired by the Underworlds worst criminals and gangs, he received high amounts of currency now re-emerging the government has assigned him to be on the top 100 most wanted men in the universe getting Rank 10 for his threat level to National Security now having a high price on his head Criminals he once worked for hired other mercenaries to take his Head, now 35 he is now a mercenary for both sides taking trophies in each mission in the object of his targets Skull.

Casual Wear:


Combat Wear: Wear's under Casual Cloths, Symbiotic Like which means it can turn more small and compact


Combat Gear

-Multi Tool Gauntlet:


-Duel Reinforced Blades:




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/geoffroy-thoorens-alien5-hicks.jpg.12f5ea38a3487428297933f4dbfa9d42.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103086" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/geoffroy-thoorens-alien5-hicks.jpg.12f5ea38a3487428297933f4dbfa9d42.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Roan 'the Ghoul' Cropper


DOB: 06/11/2305

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 6'2''

Eye Color: Dark brown (right) Milky white (left)

Hair Color: Greying Brown

Previous Occupation: Decorated EM Soldier


[+] Positive Traits [+]

Determined, he isn't likely to quit even when things seem bleak.

Desensitized, in his experience he's seen quite a lot and it takes more than the viscera of battle to rattle him. He doesn't panic and is able to keep a cool head under fire

Confident, he knows what he's doing and isn't afraid to prove it.

The Ultimate Price, he is willing to sacrifice himself to save another.

[-] Negative Traits [-]

Troubled Mind, the terrors of war don't come without side effects, and Roan is no exception. He has difficulty sleeping most nights and can experience flashbacks.

Can become over protective and tends to 'baby' those he's assigned to protect.

Has a paralyzing fear of water and outright refuses to swim.

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description

Despite his grisly appearance and gravely voice, Roan has managed to keep a positive outlook on life. He is aware of his scars and their grotesque appearance and will often times make himself the center of some gallows human in order to cheer others up. Roan isn't afraid to voice his opinion, even to superiors and always seem to have bottom of the totem pole in mind.

However, do not mistake his mercy for weakness, in the heat of battle Roan is as likely to kill you as he is arrest or apprehend you. He is a focused and determined individual who is not someone you want to fight against if came down to a battle of wills. He is unbreakable and has endured torture before, it takes far more than some pain or some fear to rattle him.

Past Life

Born on Earth, Roan was among the upper class who enjoyed luxuries and found himself rarely at odds with the world. He attended many prestigious schools and excelled in his education, always fascinated with space travel and even more so with the Ascendii race which in his youth were still a miracle to be discovered. Constantly glued to the news, Roan continued to watch as Ascendii and Humans began to colonize each others plants and work with one another almost seamlessly. Several years went by and he met a young Ascendii female whom he fell madly in love with, though their relationship was grand she eventually left the human Home world to return to her own people and left Roan with nothing but happy memories.

Unlike many would suspect, this actually encouraged Roan to support the Ascendii in their colonization of his world, he became immersed in Ascendii culture and their people and eventually as the OGA ramped up their attacks went and joined the EM to serve his people and his world. During his service he acquired his large burn in a skirmish with OGA fighters. The burns not only impacted his appearance but him a gravely voice.

Casual Wear

A greyish brown blouse that has a zipper on the far left side of the shirt (right below the armpit). The suit is lined black and made of a thick material meant to keep out the elements. The trousers are a similar greyish brown and fall over a pair of casual boots.

Combat Wear

The outfit is similar, however the trousers tuck into a pair of black combat boots and comes acquainted with a greyish brown cap with a black bill.

Combat Gear

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/power_armor___chaosium_by_shimmering_sword-d31s4qh.jpg.1204b874c29525619074088743f7815f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103096" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/power_armor___chaosium_by_shimmering_sword-d31s4qh.jpg.1204b874c29525619074088743f7815f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@Anaxial Welcome to the RP, feel free to post as soon as you want to!

EDIT: The gear you have shown seems a bit too grand-scale for a Decorated EM Soldier, because the EM isn't known for their generosity in terms of pay. Maybe if you can put in a little bit of backstory as to how he got an exosuit that would be nice, other than that ^^^^
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SEEKER-9000 'CaiN'


DOM: 7/2/2297

Race: Android

Race description: They are the most advanced technology ever built, their limb systems
are usually made out of fluid-based hydraulics and heavy-duty suspensions. They're more stronger than the usual average soldier. They were made as a support to the soldiers in the battlefield, and in the ship, they were to help the crew in their crucial and difficult works, such as tech research and scientific research, they were specifically not made for use as a butler or a waiter.

They don't have any conscience or feelings as all humanoids have, instead, they feature a self-adapting program code, with a large chunk of built in core programs. It's though, that since it has a self-adapting code, it might get human behaviours one day, but then again, it was a ridiculous and silly idea.

They're powered with high-tech hydrogen and nuclear energy, the hydrogen need recharging for about thrice every year. While the nuclear fusion core lasts up to 200 years. Nuclear fusion core powers the most active and complex system in it's body, the brain, while the hydrogen powers the more lesser parts of the system, the body and limbs. They're usually made out of modumetal (white) with an inner coating of transparent graphene. The torso is a 5 layered Kevlar vest, each gap in the layer is filled with shock absorbing gel. It was the perfect machine albeit that it cannot understand human conscience, however you do so.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: asexual

Height: 7 ft

Build: More heavyweight and fit than the peak of human physical prowess.

Eye Color: blue

Hair Color: N/A

Previous Occupation: Extremely special EM operative.


[+] Positive Traits [+]

+ Operates with high finesse.

+ Trained in hand-to-hand combat and CQC and various martial arts.

+ Can do objectives with a high amount of subtlety and stealth.

+ programmed to be team player, though he can go on line objectives.

+ Made to not to get panicked in combat, stays real calm and smooth during tense and distressing events.

+ Extremely good strategist and tactician.

+ Extremely intelligent and intellectual.

+ Ultra strength.

+ Uber Armour.

[-] Negative Traits [-]

- No human consciousness

- Tends to get into hostile situations.

- Demands effectiveness and finesse in combat. Unfortunately, he was programmed to do this as the crew needs to stay fit in case something bad happened.

- Quite aggressive and brutal, never to teammates, but mostly to the enemy as he was programmed to inflict fear and intimidation into the enemy's hearts.

- Quite cold blooded, doesn't hesitate to kill someone, anyone, since he lacks human conscience.

- Cannot seem to understand human habits, sadness or conscience.

- He's a realist, which he expresses quite bluntly. Part of his computing and programming.

- Tacky French accent

Personality, Bio, & Other

Written Personality Description:

CaiN is a really logical, rational and deep-thinking robot, he also likes to deeply express his thoughts and feelings, in a rather cynical and slightly sarcastic way to be precise, due to his a wide human vocabulary. He's also very charitable and assertive, cheerful, energetic and enthusiastic to everyone except the current enemy. He's very independent and a bit quiet at times , but nevertheless, he's quite energetic, but serious at the same time, he also encourages teamwork and others to use their respective talents to successfully complete a mission. He's also very honest, which makes him really blunt, and even if he does lie, he has pretty good reason to do so, he has to be convinced to lie about soemthing which he will compute, identify reason and needs a confirmation from a high class crew member. He's also very sincere and chivalrous, courtesy to gentle-minded programmers.

He likes organization and discipline, in fact, he demands order and discipline. He's also a bit sarcastic and likes to crack jokes or be humorous, even if the joke is lame or bad due to humorous programmers. He's the 'look first then leap' type, preferring to deeply plan before engaging recklessly into an activity though he also believes that improvisation is an integral part of objectives as you can't never be too sure, enemy behaviour, routines and schedules may change during missions, so he recommends caution during covert and difficult missions. He's also very observant of other people or situations, and extensively examines a person before talking with him/her.

Past Life: He was built by ************ and funded by the government to help the EM ein the war against OGA, unfortunately, he was deemed to be valuable and expensive for field deployment, and was kept to their headquarters in dormant mode.

His only use was for critical, and even then, it was a matter of questioning and consulting. It was pretty bad for him, turned into a sleeping machine.

As the war passed and the OGA got defeated, he was in a dormant sleep mode. But when the OGA was rebuilt by the mysterious Ozymandias. He was reactivated and sent to the advanced special operative group which specialized on critical obejectives, which was known as the 'keepers'.

Casual Wear


Combat Wear

N/A (see race description for more info)

Combat gear:

(Please see appearance picture and race description for more info)

His armour is made out of nano-produced 'modumetal'. His helmet has a built-in visor which provides him a HUD and friendly/foe information. He also has some energy techs and abilities in his armour:

  • Electromagnetic shield: produced by intense exchange of electrons in his body, controlled by a magnetic installation in his armour which is co-helped by bio-electric sensors in his helmet. This can protect against most laser based and bullet based weapon but is weak against electron based weapons and plasma which can disentangle the shield as the electrons go awry, making his shield intangible, this allowing them to shoot him.
  • Built-in communication systems, uses advanced radiowave system co-helped by his modified electro-sensitive radiofrequency emitter.
  • He can increase his subtlety, stealth and speed by rerouting his energy source and concentration to the speed and stealth units but at the cost of his shield, which will not run any longer whilst he's in this variation.
  • He can increase his shield and armour by rerouting all energy into the shield unit, significantly increasing his shield at the cost of his speed and stealth which are significantly decreased. His radio comm wavelength is also decreased. This reroute is ideal for heavy combat situation or assault into heavily defended areas.
  • The default variation which is balanced in terms of speed, stealth, strength and armour.

He carries an M41A pulse rifle.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-3_4-50-9.jpeg.9cc486286852882719bad556d52c5cfc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="103593" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/upload_2016-2-3_4-50-9.jpeg.9cc486286852882719bad556d52c5cfc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He carries the BROK-2000 kinetic-based projectile firing sidearm, which unfortunately, needs to charge before firing a projectile, but the good news is that it doesn't need any reloading or ammunition.


A ROD-02 high-voltage electric prod for close quarters takedown.


A CAD-69-S pistol for taking down hostiles without raising attention, aggro or the alarm.




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