Story The Kaltaran Chronicles: Jialdin's Past (Author's In-Depth Story)

Don Valence

Virtuous Madman
Introduction: A Teacher's Last Lecture

(For reference and further information regarding locations, time periods, factions, organizations, etc.​

So, my young wish to know the tale of my life? Why, may I ask? You wish to know why I am the man I am today? An odd reason...but you were always a peculiar Prince, even as a smile child. You were always my favorite student, and one of my finest friends. I watched you grow from a mere lad; been the father you never truly had. To have known you was a pleasure beyond anything I have ever known...and I know you will make a fine Emperor when the time comes. Today, we live in an era of bloodshed and fear; the darkness looms over our world, with you being the only hope of salvation we is too much for a normal man to take, but I know you are greater than most men. You are the Lightbinder, and it is your destiny to guide us from the shadows and back into the light of the Gods. I have faith in you, Rubyn. I always have.

I wish I could speak with you longer, but this blasted Gorehound bite is draining me. So I must be swift, if I ever truly want to tell you my full story. So listen well, dear Prince...this is the last lecture I will ever speak on this world. I was born in the year 2709, Imperial Era; a peaceful year, for what I was told. I grew up in a small farm on the plains of the Military Province, with a loving mother and father, three sisters, and one little brother. We were happy, and content with the way things were. At least, until my brother and I had reached adolescence. My brother, Orys, and I were always the troublesome duo. We constantly got ourselves into trouble, with our parents and the locals...we were mischievous creatures, that was a fact. Our desire for adventure and excitement never dulled, only growing stronger with each passing year...until one day, we came to a decision.

Orys had woken me up one night to tell me of a plan of his; if we wanted to see the world, what better profession was there than serving in the Imperial Army? At that time, it was well-known that the Army rarely came across any actual combat anymore, and that soldiers were able to explore all kinds of places in Kaltara at the behest of the Imperial Command. It sounded like a great idea at the time. However, we waited until our eighteenth and seventeenth birthing days to make our dreams a reality. With our older sisters having been married and bringing in their husbands to support our parents, there was little need for us to work in the family fields...and so we said our goodbyes and left our home behind forever. Of course, at the time, we did not know we would never see our family again.

Orys had our entire journey planned and mapped out accordingly, so that we could reach a military recruitment outpost as soon as possible. We stopped by many small towns on the way, each filled with very kind people who gave us free shelter and food, simply because we were going to enlist. Before the Hikarri War, the citizens of the Empire held a great pride in our would never be the same. It took us a week to reach the Imperial outpost, but the journey was not too difficult, thanks to Orys' intelligent planning. From there, we enlisted in the Imperial Crystal Army and were thrown in with several other recruits who had come in from the surrounding towns and villages. To be honest, many of them were barely more than children...just like we were. I still remember the long, three week trip to Caltir's Rest; I can feel the blisters on my feet even to this day. My story truly began in the Prison City; for it is there that I unwittingly threw myself into an inescapable spiral of tragedy and blood that was started by my very own hand...

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