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Realistic or Modern The Island Experiment


Always up for a new rp PM me or tag me!

Age(around 15-16):




(now this of course will be limited and probably short because of the nature of the rp, but give me your character thoughts and feelings and a bit of their experience while being in the facility):

Preferred weapon
(since in the poll the majority said they prefer there will be a chest with weapons and tools I am allowing every character to chose his own weapon that will be in the chest, as for tools we will share them all according to the rp.)

2 things you are good at:

2 things you are bad at:
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Sam Parker

Age(around 15-16):





6'3, Brown Hair, Light Brown Eyes


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Ansel.gif.203f7c31f37499509ef1ea51b557cac0.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107225" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/Ansel.gif.203f7c31f37499509ef1ea51b557cac0.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Quiet, intelligent, observant, stubborn,

loyal, courageous, aggressive, sarcastic, can be seen as rude, charismatic,

focused, arrogant.


According to his doctor, he hit his growth spurt young. That never really mattered to Sam. He loved himself as he was the only one who he could trust. Sam spent his time exercising and reading to keep from boredom and always wonded what was outside of the facility. Now that he is outside, he won't let anything, or anyone, keep from being there. Teachers at the facility who taught Sam liked him.

Preferred weapon:


2 things you are good at:

Combat, a natural talent.

Reading, had a plentiful supply of books.

2 things you are bad at:

Communication, had no one speak to throughout his life excluding doctor's visits.

Swimming, doesn't know how/ not taught.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7f69ae23_AnselElgortyyy.jpg.e4639be38bf3fb4c01b3ec641d56de8e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107226" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/57a8c7f69ae23_AnselElgortyyy.jpg.e4639be38bf3fb4c01b3ec641d56de8e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Ansel.gif
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    Ansel Elgortyyy.jpg
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[QUOTE="Xx Cosmic Storm xX]


Sam Parker

Age(around 15-16):





6'3, Brown Hair, Light Brown Eyes


View attachment 239412


Mostly independent, funny ( read a few joke books ), loyal, courageous, aggressive, hot headed, charismatic, smart, focused, arrogant.


According to his doctor, he hit his growth spurt young. That never really mattered to Sam. He loved himself as he was the only one who he could trust. Sam spent his time exercising and reading to keep from boredom and always wonded what was outside of the facility. Now that he is outside, he won't let anything, or anyone, keep from being there. Teachers at the facility who taught Sam liked him.

Preferred weapon:


2 things you are good at:

Combat, a natural talent.

Reading, had a plentiful supply of books.

2 things you are bad at:

Communication, had no one speak to throughout his life excluding doctor's visits.

Swimming, doesn't know how/ not taught.

Nice character, you are accepted.

Lilith Veronica May



Lilith Veronica May






? Quiet

? Blunt

? Caring

? Hot-headed

? Stubborn

? Calm

? Flirtatious


Lilith was always so reserved when it came to the tests they ran on her in the facility. She didn't speak to really anyone and just let them do what they wanted to as long as it didn't kill her. She always stayed locked up in her room, not talking to anyone unless spoken to, which made her vulnerable to the scientists. Nothing crazy ever happened at the facility dealing with her.

Preferred Weapon



Two things you're good at

? Building beneficial needs for survival

? Catching food (although not really needed for her)

Two things you're bad at

? Communicating (since she doesn't talk much)

? Building fires

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TuffBbg said:

Lilith Veronica May



Lilith Veronica May






? Quiet

? Blunt

? Caring

? Hot-headed

? Stubborn

? Calm

? Flirtatious


Lilith was always so reserved when it came to the tests they ran on her in the facility. She didn't speak to really anyone and just let them do what they wanted to as long as it didn't kill her. She always stayed locked up in her room, not talking to anyone unless spoken to, which made her vulnerable to the scientists. Nothing crazy ever happened at the facility dealing with her.

Preferred Weapon



Two things you're good at

? Building beneficial needs for survival

? Catching food (although not really needed for her)

Two things you're bad at

? Communicating (since she doesn't talk much)

? Building fires

Looks good accepted.
Name: Avalon

Age(around 15-16): 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Avalon is of average height, being of 5'4" and has a slim figure to her. She wears glasses due to her near sightedness.


Personalty: Anxious, cowardly, introverted, gentle and non violent. She's extremely timid, but she's also kind and loving as well. She's very caring. Easily flustered.

History: She was always the anxious, lonely one who never did much of anything, merely sat there alone, writing poems that were mere words and descriptions of the room, of the corner.. She would talk to the doctors and teachers as much as she could, though it was quite limited. She went along with the tests, and followed their instructions. She never thought anything bad about them.

Preferred weapon: She wouldn't want to hurt anyone!

2 things you are good at: Gathering and poetry writing. She had a natural talent in weaving, as she spent her time creating pieces of cloth and clothing as well.

2 things you are bad at: Violence and hurting other people. She's a little weak and dependent, and tends to be extremely squeamish.
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Name: Leon Kron

Age(around 15-16): 16

Gender: Male



Personalty: Leon is a upbeat guy, letting nothing bring him down and always looking at the cup as half full instead of half empty. Leon despite the lack of social interaction he had, is very social and likes to talk to people any chance he gets. Leon is very curious, always wanting to try everything and learn everything that he can. Leon is honest to a fault, having not learned that lying is necessary in some cases because of the lack of human interaction he will always say what he is thinking and never lie or beat around the bush.

History: Leon despite having no human interaction liked his life in the facility, the facility offered everything that he asked for which allowed him to experience almost everything he wanted to. One of those things being shooting a bow and arrow, which he found he enjoyed very much and became a daily activity for him, Leon did wonder why there was a shooting range already built in the facility but he guessed other people also enjoyed shooting like he did and they came there to pass the time. Though Leon liked the doctors visits the most they were one of the few moments he was allowed to talk to another human, he liked it so much to be able to talk to the doctors that he sometimes faked being sick just so he could talk to them again a few more minutes.

Preferred weapon


2 things you are good at:

Hunting (using a bow)

Quick thinking

2 things you are bad at:

Cooking (he would probably burn a salad)

Lying or being subtle
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budgieboo said:
Name: Avalon
Age(around 15-16): 15

Gender: Female

Appearance: Avalon is of average height, being of 5'4" and has a slim figure to her. She wears glasses due to her near sightedness.


Personalty: Anxious, cowardly, introverted, gentle and non violent. She's extremely timid, but she's also kind and loving as well. She's very caring. Easily flustered.

History: She was always the anxious, lonely one who never did much of anything, merely sat there alone, writing poems that were mere words and descriptions of the room, of the corner.. She would talk to the doctors and teachers as much as she could, though it was quite limited. She went along with the tests, and followed their instructions. She never thought anything bad about them.

Preferred weapon: She wouldn't want to hurt anyone!

2 things you are good at: Gathering and poetry writing. She had a natural talent in weaving, as she spent her time creating pieces of cloth and clothing as well.

2 things you are bad at: Violence and hurting other people. She's a little weak and dependent, and tends to be extremely squeamish.
Accepted, I like the fact you decided to go with a character who doesn't use a weapon (or at least not from the start).
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Name: Jack Rosenfeld

Age(around 15-16): 16

Gender: Male



About 5'11, pretty skinny but toned.

Personalty: Calm, often phlegmatic. He prefers to stay on the outside of groups and observe rather than taking part. Some think he has sociopathic tendencies, but not a lot of people have gotten to know him. He appears cold at first but can develop emotional attachments to people.

History(now this of course will be limited and probably short because of the nature of the rp, but give me your character thoughts and feelings and a bit of their experience while being in the facility): Jack doesn't remember ever craving friends. He was fine by himself with his thoughts and didn't seem to have a need for a social life. He started dancing at a young age but never really developed a passion for it, however he continued taking classes into his teens.

Preferred weapon (since in the poll the majority said they prefer there will be a chest with weapons and tools I am allowing every character to chose his own weapon that will be in the chest, as for tools we will share them all according to the rp.)



2 things you are good at:



2 things you are bad at:

Holding conversations

Video games
(I am so sorry for the word-wall.)

Veronica Ayanna Wince

Age: 15, born in the year 2000 in the month of July, on the 23rd, on a Sunday

Gender: Female

Appearance: Veronica is fairly short-although, not to an insane extent-standing at around 5'2 and a half, weighing in at around one hundred and thirty-three pounds. She's a bit heavy around the waist and in her thighs, but that weight doesn't seem to be apparent in the rest of body-although she. Her skin is more on the 'fair' side, but isn't dark enough to the point where it could be considered to be in the brown-towned spectrum, with yellow undertones to it. Her skin is fairly clear if we're not counting the freckles that dot across her cheeks and shoulders, and her nose is small and delicate, with a rounded tip and flat bridge. Her face is a bit puffy, being rounded, so it doesn't indicate full maturity-despite her being 15. Her hair is a very faint red, and is in many thin straight strands that are tucked in a very short and untidy pony tail that only seems to reach an inch below the beginning of her spine. She has thin framed glasses that she wears due to poor eyesight, being of a simple black color. Veronicas irises are a dark pecan brown with very faint flecks of a pale faded gold color lining just around the pupil. Her eyes are downturned, making her eyelids more droopy appearing and giving her a more sentimental and sad look, accompanied with long and curly eyelashes. Her lips are fairly average sized and are basically the color you'd expect with her skin tone-although, there is one odd thing about her. She has a fairly large gap in between her front teeth-nothing big-just thought I'd mention it. She is currently wearing a polo dress that reaches to her knees in a pale peach color with posy colored leggings and pale brown slip on shoes.

Personality: Lets get her flaws out of the way first. Veronica is considered annoying by almost everybody she's met for many reasons. But the biggest one is because of her curious and far too invasive personality. Even the smallest details are one she loves to pick at and investigate into-bothering the person who knows it until they either yell at her to shut up or just succumb to telling her what it means. She is very easily excitable and is fairly cheerful because of this, making her the kind of person introverts just want to slap in the face. She misinterprets things very easily thanks to her lack of social communication and is both easily offended and sensitive-meaning a mistake in wording can make her burst into tears if it's addressing a certain subject. And finally, she isn't very forgiving. Even if she says she forgives somebody for their wrongdoings-she very rarely will actually do so unless it's the most sincere apology somebody can give. She doesn't behave so stubborn in any of her other aspects though. Truly bizarre. She does have a few redeeming qualities, though. Hence 'a few'. Veronica is fairly talkative and will enjoy communication whenever she can get it, especially if it's a light-hearted subject. If not, Veronica will still try to discuss it with as much respect and lack of idiocy as often as possible. She is also incredibly friendly and has tons of motivation behind her actions-Veronica is willing to go through with anything as long as it isn't morally corrupt. Especially when somebody close to her is also willing to go through with it. Although she isn't the strongest, she is still very dependable and loyal to the select few that would like to be around her. Oh: And she is a complete dork. Mainly because of her interest in reading and writing, and the fact that seeing this small little gal jump up and down whenever she gets incredibly excited is just entertaining.

History: Considering she has basically no idea what she's been missing out on-she has loved her life. All the books she has been permitted to read, all the delectable meals she has consumed, and nearly everything she has experienced have all been bliss. Not much else to put.

Preferred weapon:
Uh...the hard cover of her journal?

2 things you are good at:

She is excellent at writing and isn't half bad at drawing and sketching either.

2 things you are bad at:

Hand-to hand combat and dancing. Please don't ask her to dance.

Carmen Powell




Gender: Female

Personality: Carmen is the kind of girl who loves nothing more than a good ol' fashioned adventure. She is always itching to go outside and go places she's never gone before. She doesn't much care about being alone so much, but she also gets excited when she can talk to people. In most situations, she is very calm and relaxed, she loves making jokes, as she is not very good in serious situations, and tends to get flustered easily when they come along.

History: Carmen never resented the people who put her there, but she did try many times to sneak away from them. This had nothing to do with her wanting to get away from them, and everything to do with her wanting to not be cooped up in the same room for hours on end. Obviously, this didn't work out too well, and eventually, she found sanctuary in exercise and training.

Preferred weapon

2 things you are good at:
Carmen is very strong, she spent most of her days exercising in an attempt to ease the tension of being in the same spot all day. She can also run very quickly, as she has very good endurance.

2 things you are bad at: Carmen is very bad under pressure. Especially during time sensitive missions. She tends to think poorly and make bad decisions. She is also very bad at paying attention for long amounts of time, this makes any sort of planning not a very good time for her

PS: (BBC Errors are fixed!)


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Dlew73 said:
Name: Jack Rosenfeld
Age(around 15-16): 16

Gender: Male



About 5'11, pretty skinny but toned.

Personalty: Calm, often phlegmatic. He prefers to stay on the outside of groups and observe rather than taking part. Some think he has sociopathic tendencies, but not a lot of people have gotten to know him. He appears cold at first but can develop emotional attachments to people.

History(now this of course will be limited and probably short because of the nature of the rp, but give me your character thoughts and feelings and a bit of their experience while being in the facility): Jack doesn't remember ever craving friends. He was fine by himself with his thoughts and didn't seem to have a need for a social life. He started dancing at a young age but never really developed a passion for it, however he continued taking classes into his teens.

Preferred weapon (since in the poll the majority said they prefer there will be a chest with weapons and tools I am allowing every character to chose his own weapon that will be in the chest, as for tools we will share them all according to the rp.)



2 things you are good at:



2 things you are bad at:

Holding conversations

Video games
GingerDeer said:
(I am so sorry for the word-wall.)

Veronica Ayanna Wince

Age: 15, born in the year 2000 in the month of July, on the 23rd, on a Sunday

Gender: Female

Appearance: Veronica is fairly short-although, not to an insane extent-standing at around 5'2 and a half, weighing in at around one hundred and thirty-three pounds. She's a bit heavy around the waist and in her thighs, but that weight doesn't seem to be apparent in the rest of body-although she. Her skin is more on the 'fair' side, but isn't dark enough to the point where it could be considered to be in the brown-towned spectrum, with yellow undertones to it. Her skin is fairly clear if we're not counting the freckles that dot across her cheeks and shoulders, and her nose is small and delicate, with a rounded tip and flat bridge. Her face is a bit puffy, being rounded, so it doesn't indicate full maturity-despite her being 15. Her hair is a very faint red, and is in many thin straight strands that are tucked in a very short and untidy pony tail that only seems to reach an inch below the beginning of her spine. She has thin framed glasses that she wears due to poor eyesight, being of a simple black color. Veronicas irises are a dark pecan brown with very faint flecks of a pale faded gold color lining just around the pupil. Her eyes are downturned, making her eyelids more droopy appearing and giving her a more sentimental and sad look, accompanied with long and curly eyelashes. Her lips are fairly average sized and are basically the color you'd expect with her skin tone-although, there is one odd thing about her. She has a fairly large gap in between her front teeth-nothing big-just thought I'd mention it. She is currently wearing a polo dress that reaches to her knees in a pale peach color with posy colored leggings and pale brown slip on shoes.

Personality: Lets get her flaws out of the way first. Veronica is considered annoying by almost everybody she's met for many reasons. But the biggest one is because of her curious and far too invasive personality. Even the smallest details are one she loves to pick at and investigate into-bothering the person who knows it until they either yell at her to shut up or just succumb to telling her what it means. She is very easily excitable and is fairly cheerful because of this, making her the kind of person introverts just want to slap in the face. She misinterprets things very easily thanks to her lack of social communication and is both easily offended and sensitive-meaning a mistake in wording can make her burst into tears if it's addressing a certain subject. And finally, she isn't very forgiving. Even if she says she forgives somebody for their wrongdoings-she very rarely will actually do so unless it's the most sincere apology somebody can give. She doesn't behave so stubborn in any of her other aspects though. Truly bizarre. She does have a few redeeming qualities, though. Hence 'a few'. Veronica is fairly talkative and will enjoy communication whenever she can get it, especially if it's a light-hearted subject. If not, Veronica will still try to discuss it with as much respect and lack of idiocy as often as possible. She is also incredibly friendly and has tons of motivation behind her actions-Veronica is willing to go through with anything as long as it isn't morally corrupt. Especially when somebody close to her is also willing to go through with it. Although she isn't the strongest, she is still very dependable and loyal to the select few that would like to be around her. Oh: And she is a complete dork. Mainly because of her interest in reading and writing, and the fact that seeing this small little gal jump up and down whenever she gets incredibly excited is just entertaining.

History: Considering she has basically no idea what she's been missing out on-she has loved her life. All the books she has been permitted to read, all the delectable meals she has consumed, and nearly everything she has experienced have all been bliss. Not much else to put.

Preferred weapon:
Uh...the hard cover of her journal?

2 things you are good at:

She is excellent at writing and isn't half bad at drawing and sketching either.

2 things you are bad at:

Hand-to hand combat and dancing. Please don't ask her to dance.

Both looks good both accepted

SimpleReading said:
Carmen Powell (WIP)



Gender: Female

Personality: Carmen is the kind of girl who loves nothing more than a good ol' fashioned adventure. She is always itching to go outside and go places she's never gone before. She doesn't much care about being alone so much, but she also gets excited when she can talk to people. In most situations, she is very calm and relaxed, she loves making jokes, as she is not very good in serious situations, and tends to get flustered easily when they come along.

History: Carmen never resented the people who put her there, but she did try many times to sneak away from them. This had nothing to do with her wanting to get away from them, and everything to do with her wanting to not be cooped up in the same room for hours on end. Obviously, this didn't work out too well, and eventually, she found sanctuary in exercise and training.

Preferred weapon

2 things you are good at: Carmen is very strong, she spent most of her days exercising in an attempt to ease the tension of being in the same spot all day. She can also run very quickly, as she has very good insurance.

2 things you are bad at: Carmen is very bad under pressure. Especially during time sensitive missions. She tends to think poorly and make bad decisions. She is also very bad at paying attention for long amounts of time, this makes any sort of planning not a very good time for her

PS: ( there are probably a lot of BBC code errors, I'll fix them in the morning. But the CS itself is basically done)


Also accepted just fix the first picture not showing up
Name: Jessica 'Jessie' Kron

Age: 16

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.54d343ea856ee3b3926627d4488164df.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="107480" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.54d343ea856ee3b3926627d4488164df.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Jessica is shy around new people, although she easily gets attached to them and becomes very sociable. She's super optimistic, friendly and she only sees the good in everyone she meets, she sees strangers as friends she hasn't met yet. She is very lovable, innocent and silly.

History: Jessica spent a lot of time alone (duh!) and she hated it, nothing to do and she usually spent her time singing and running around. She usually made up excuses, like sickness, pain or something random, in order to spend sometime with other people.

Preferred Weapon: She wouldn't harm another living soul.

2 things she excels at:

~ Singing

~ Hiding, she's really light on her feet

2 things that need improvement:

~ Hunting

~ Combat



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DemonicPossession said:
The organization has put vitamins in every ones food so every one grew to be hot, simple every thing has an explanation xD
damn gotta get me some of those vitamins
SimpleReading said:
damn gotta get me some of those vitamins
Now in your local pharmacy for just 1000000$. Yes you heard it right for only 1000000$ you can become the next super model!

side effect may include cancer, Alzheimer, HIV and death.

P.s my bad should have posted that in the ooc chat oops
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CelestialBunny said:
Name: Jessica 'Jessie' Kron
Age: 16

Gender: Female


View attachment 239926

Personality: Jessica is shy around new people, although she easily gets attached to them and becomes very sociable. She's super optimistic, friendly and she only sees the good in everyone she meets, she sees strangers as friends she hasn't met yet. She is very lovable, innocent and silly.

History: Jessica spent a lot of time alone (duh!) and she hated it, nothing to do and she usually spent her time singing and running around. She usually made up excuses, like sickness, pain or something random, in order to spend sometime with other people.

Preferred Weapon: She wouldn't harm another living soul.

2 things she excels at:

~ Singing

~ Hiding, she's really light on her feet

2 things that need improvement:

~ Hunting

~ Combat
Yea sure "duh!" xD accepted.
DemonicPossession said:
The organization has put vitamins in every ones food so every one grew to be hot, simple every thing has an explanation xD
(But Veronica isn't hot! She's cute in a kind of...dorky way.

GingerDeer said:
Who, Veronica? Nah. For her short height she's relatively average.
Oh I got a good one! The organization realized they have to have a mandatory cute nerd so they gave her different kind of vitamins in her food. Easy
DemonicPossession said:
Oh I got a good one! The organization realized they have to have a mandatory cute nerd so they gave her different kind of vitamins in her food. Easy
Lmao, okay.

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