The Iron Mask Dynamic


Dungeoneering Goddess

This is an additional tab used for OOC chat! :D


@Shalon Whitehall

@Wolf Rawrrr

Feel free to use it to talk to others in the roleplay about anything you want! :D

(Adding OOC chat to your posts to the IC tab is just fine but it you start to go back and forth pelase move it to the OOC tab afterwards :) )
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Ok so Robin may have posted, but I believe I am still waiting for the transition to the party. Me and Soses have finished the scene we were previously on *woof*
@Soses\-fighter007 & @everyone else

I regret to announce that, under the obvious circumstances (inactivity to begin with), I feel compelled to withdraw from this roleplay in order to better focus my efforts elsewhere. Thank you all for understanding as well as for everything we've been through so far, and I wish you all best of luck in the future *woof*


@Wolf Rawrrr I perfectly understand. I was waiting on Shalon to reply and I tried to contact her several times but I guess she lost interest and unfortunately this roleplay just needed a few roles filled and when I did finally get them filled it seemed that the others lost interest. Thank you for your participation though I really appreciate it. Please have a wonderful day! Hopefully we can roleplay together again some time.

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