The Iron Curtain (Nation Roleplay) [Inactive]

Chairman Stein

New Member
Chairman Stein submitted a new role play:

The Iron Curtain (Nation Roleplay) - After WWII, the World is divided in two...


The year is 1950 and the world is very much recovering from the most destructive war in human history. With the introduction of nuclear technology tensions between the great powers only heated up, potentially leading to the introduction of something much greater or perhaps destructive. What this is, only time will tell...

So yes, as you have most likely guessed this is a...
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Chairman Stein updated The Iron Curtain (Nation Roleplay) with a new update entry:

Very Quick Update on Military Size!

Okay so I've been speaking to my shadow Co-GM and we have agreed that for Military Size we will keep the maximum size of any military 5% or less of your population during Peace time. During War time, 20% or less is decent in size. And I will be very liberal with military strength, I would like it somewhat historic but if you can't find any information you can just aim for something in those % guidelines!
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