[The Inspired: A Game of Mad Science!] Insane Rambles

The Dark Wizard

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Hey guys, we will be using this thread for all OOC Discussion while using other threads for Character/World Creation.

Speaking of which do we want to do World Creation first together before Character Creation?

Also if you have something for your characters, you can start submitting your work in progresses to the mad dreams subforum so others can see it and we can see where we are at right now.
Hey, Cap here. I have no idea what I'm doing.

However I do have a hankering to be tinkering with aethertech transports, land, sea and air vehicles with the ability to channel through the aether to cut massive travel times down to minutes.

Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]Hey, Cap here. I have no idea what I'm doing.
However I do have a hankering to be tinkering with aethertech transports, land, sea and air vehicles with the ability to channel through the aether to cut massive travel times down to minutes.

Captain Hesperus

:D !

Don't worry I will be helping people and trying to explain things once we start.
seems to me the world is already mostly done based on the "basic setting" thing you posted, the only really important questions left are: what will WE be doing as characters, apart from being insane to the point of absurdly bending the known Laws of Physics... Just how far CAN we bend said laws before some kind of cataclysmic "Oups" happens (or you know, our brain melts)... And since some people seemed to want some to be around, how common is Magic and how is it explained within the world (In general, I Mean it is Magic the whole point is that you don't HAVE to fully explain it)...

oo also you mentioned that the characters all some day just "Got inspired" so I'm assuming that means no-one is just born that way... so any Idea just how said "inspiration" happens? do they just rub two sticks together trying to make fire and suddenly he understands how to make lightning come out of a rock if he has the right equipment (Said sticks, a tin can, a rug and an other rock xD ) ? or does it always involve some kind of Superhero origin story lab experiment type of thing?
And World Creation is good. And seems like something that would be the Very First Step, rather than one taken later.
[QUOTE="KG-Motte]seems to me the world is already mostly done based on the "basic setting" thing you posted, the only really important questions left are: what will WE be doing as characters, apart from being insane to the point of absurdly bending the known Laws of Physics... Just how far CAN we bend said laws before some kind of cataclysmic "Oups" happens (or you know, our brain melts)... And since some people seemed to want some to be around, how common is Magic and how is it explained within the world (In general, I Mean it is Magic the whole point is that you don't HAVE to fully explain it)...
oo also you mentioned that the characters all some day just "Got inspired" so I'm assuming that means no-one is just born that way... so any Idea just how said "inspiration" happens? do they just rub two sticks together trying to make fire and suddenly he understands how to make lightning come out of a rock if he has the right equipment (Said sticks, a tin can, a rug and an other rock xD ) ? or does it always involve some kind of Superhero origin story lab experiment type of thing?

World Creation(while we have the basic setting) still involves things, like deciding the problems and various other threats/aspects of the campaign that we do together in.

Inspiration can happen anyway you want, if people want I can create some sort of unified theme for it.

SephirothSage said:
And yes, I want some explanation.. and a Magi Charachter is okay?
You can't have magic, you can't shoot fireballs from your hands, you can create something on your palm that shoots fireballs. Etc.
SephirothSage said:
Right, right.. but Magiteck?
That's pretty much it. You are breaking the bounds of established science using principles that you are pulling out of your own minds. Time/space dilation principles that require a hot cup of tea with two sugars and milk to work properly, aircraft that defy the laws of physics by the fact their engines do not produce enough power to get airborne but instead channel alternate energies, creating a new breed of jelly people who photosynthesise and enjoy eating wallpaper. It's crazy, random, totally not proper science. But the Inspired make it work.


They just do.

Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]That's pretty much it. You are breaking the bounds of established science using principles that you are pulling out of your own minds. Time/space dilation principles that require a hot cup of tea with two sugars and milk to work properly, aircraft that defy the laws of physics by the fact their engines do not produce enough power to get airborne but instead channel alternate energies, creating a new breed of jelly people who photosynthesise and enjoy eating wallpaper. It's crazy, random, totally not proper science. But the Inspired make it work.

They just do.

Captain Hesperus

I am already playing a super-science nerd in a super-hero game - The Human Element. That said, it might be interesting to try a game where being the super-scientist whole point.

That said, I still know very little about the FATE system, and the world, or how this whole thing will work once we get characters started. Will we be the mad scientists up in our towers trying to quell the masses? Or will we be industrial scientists working for the corps while trying to get funding from the sponsors?
[QUOTE="KG-Motte].... You're not gonna try and recreate the Washu Crater are you?.... Oh Gods, Oh Gods we're all gonna die!... She Has MULTIPLE Doomsday devices, ranging from city destroying to multi-solar system swallowing, passing by Bio-weapons that make the Galactic military as a whole sweat like they're standing next to a Volcano (And by this I mean Ryo-ohki and Ryoko), all of which she can store in an alternate dimensional lab that seems to go on forever (or at least as far as she needs it to)... the Chibitizing Function of her Holo-keyboard is pretty funny though, and yet still just as terrifying... Great now i feel like watching that show!... Thanks!
Sidenote: about that crater... how in blazes did she even make it INSIDE a space station without blowing up the station itself?

Nah, not a direct port, just a bit of inspiration. Besides, I think someone else was going after spacial compression technology.

Also, sorry not sorry, because now I wanna watch it too.

Also also, she got inside the space station with SCIENCE!
I'm looking at a weapons designer who enjoys using his own inventions a bit too much. He's always looking to solve problems and he's still amazed at the number of problems that go away if you pump enough bullets into it. Or stupidly high-energy explosives. Or plasma vented through a cantilevered coffee pot to produce C-waves that cause your cells to vibrate out of existence, or-

Yeah, you get the idea.
I have a basic understanding of string theory and n-brane super-symmetry, but I really want to play with some ideas on the subatomic level. Still haven't figured out how to make that work, but then again it just might be interesting to be off the curve between good and evil.


Alright, my first attempt at char creation under these rules. The basic idea is there and we can tweak anything that needs to be during char creation. Will need a PC to meet in Phase 2, and a different one for Phase 3, that way we're all tied to the group in one way or another.
I'm willing to begin Charachter Creation as well- a highly Eccentric Inventor, Intent on the creation of Life through Technology, if that is a plausible thought? Mutatin Centric Science is heavily mad, no?
Millershipper said:
Alright, my first attempt at char creation under these rules. The basic idea is there and we can tweak anything that needs to be during char creation. Will need a PC to meet in Phase 2, and a different one for Phase 3, that way we're all tied to the group in one way or another.
We will be doing this in a new thread once everyone reports here, need to see who is still playing.
SephirothSage said:
I'm willing to begin Character Creation as well- a highly Eccentric Inventor, Intent on the creation of Life through Technology, if that is a plausible thought? Mutatin Centric Science is heavily mad, no?
Mad... Was Dr. Frankenstein mad? I don't think so. His only error was a choice of scale. Eight foot tall with yellow eyes and huge scars. His madness was chasing the monster down for his whole life. I am sure you will have learned from his mistakes.
I don't know what you two lunatics are talking about, personal inter-aetheric translocation is the future and is the only discipline worthy of serious time and research grants...

Professor Heinrich von Hesperus
Ahh Sir- but you must of course realize, zat ze current human strain, it is, how you say... insufficient. We must advance all such zings!
Forced evolution is not the way forward, it is only the means of creating artificial evolutionary endpoints. No, the way of advancing humankind must be by breaking the boundaries of time/space as a means of expeditious travel. Let all other forms of research be put aside until such a goal is achieved!!!

Arch-Lunatic von Hesperus
Wait you guys get PAID to make things? I just kinda use mine to carry a bunch of useful things in my coat! Had I known, I'd 'ave had somthin' to Eat a few more times this last month! Also how exactly is moving faster by taking detours in other realms of existence gonna 'elp us grow more food? anyway if you really want to get around fast'r why not just make over there come 'ere by compressin' the space between there and here till it's just two steps away?... oh and nevahmind about crushn' all the buildin's in the way we just need to install this in a Airship!... Anybody know how to make one of those? And you! Ain't what you're talkn' abou' just basicaly Animal Husbandn'? haven't we been doin' that for millennia now? well whatever it iz, I hope you make some kinda Super Yummy Cow that grows fast some time soon cuz' I'm Tired of rummaging through restaurant's leftovers!

(Sufficient to say I intend for my Trouble to Be "Dirt poor" or "can't keep track of his money" or something... also before inspiration he was no scientist, just a tinkerer of junk found in scrap heaps, shady alleys and trade for the occasional favor... as for the rest I'll wait to discuss it with you guys... still not sure if I'm gonna keep him talking like a industrial age British street bum/Hooligan, it'll be a pain to write and to read!)
Pfft you can waste your time on such petty things, the future is obviously GIANT ROBOTS!!!!

So yeah keeping it simple and want to go with crazy gadgets and robotics. Obviously crazy robots with the potential to one day enslave the human race... obviously that is not what they are for... their friendly.
I'd just like to know who's going to protect you from the angry mobs as you tinker with all of these side projects. You haven't been out in the real world much if you think you're going to be allowed to mess about like this and not stir up one bloody-minded group or another. That's why I'm working on my hypervelocity flechette machinegun. It will allow my to protect all of the rest of you singlehandedly when this place is stormed by a swarm of angry protesters. This is the project that allows all others to happen, gentlemen. Protection first, then abstracts.

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