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Fandom the inside of your mind [Inside Out 2, Slay the Princess, CCxCC]


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the inside of your mind

Hello, my name is Kit! And I am looking for some very particular ships... Ships between the voices and emotions inside one's head...

...By which I mean: Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut update drops today, and I just finished watching both Inside Out movies for the first last week (and again yesterday), and I am having cravings.

First things first: I am 37 years old and nonbinary (they/them pronouns), and I only RP with people who are 18+, but I don't care what gender you are. I roleplay in the third person, but I'm all right with past or present tense, and I tend to match post length but usually my replies average 2-5 paragraphs. Sometimes more or less depending on what suits the reply/roleplay.

All of the ships I'm looking for are canon character/canon character ships. I have no interest in OCs for these fandoms. There are, however, other ships in both of these fandoms that I'm into besides the ones I list, but I'd like the RP to have at least one of my requested ships in it, even if we add in other pairings. But just ask about anything else you're interested in!

The ships I'm looking for canonically run the gamut -- F/F, F/M, and M/M -- but I am also open to genderswap stuff and very open to trans headcanons. We do not have to do either; the ships can stay as they are in canon! But if you're interested in ANY of these ships being F/F, F/M, M/M, F/NB, M/NB, NB/NB, T4T, whatever, I see no problem with that.

If any of these ships catch your eye, let's work together to come up with some plots. Some extra details are available if you click on any of the boxes below, but feel free to suggest anything you feel like as well; I'm very open! Also, I am perfectly happy to play here through threads or DMs, but I'm also open to playing on Discord, so we can discuss that if you'd like. Just reply here if you're interested!


Inside Out 2: Anxiety/Ennui

Somehow I came out of both of these movies with these two as my biggest ship! I am a sucker for "anxious all the time (but affectionate)" and "blasé all the time (but with a soft spot)" and Anxienn was no exception.

I love how, even during her movie-long downward spiral, Anxiety obviously cared for her three friends and was supportive and affectionate, and how she obviously went out of her way to learn at least a little French to call Ennui "mon ami"! I love how, despite acting entirely bored and "too cool for anyone," Ennui was still paying attention to Anxiety (despite her words), helped out from time to time, and apparently has a picture of Anxiety on her phone??? And when Anxiety really started breaking down, Ennui was visibly worried along with the others!

I really like the idea of these two bonding further, either due to the events of the movie (maybe Anxiety is trying to make up for everything, and/or Ennui is trying to check in and make sure Anxiety is okay now?), because they were already interested in each other (or one of them was interested before...), or both. Anxiety encouraging Ennui to be a bit more motivated/social, Ennui trying to find ways to help Anxiety relax and calm down... These two could be so supportive, even if in a fumbling way, but I could also see them grating on each other sometimes too. They could have a really fun dynamic!

I'd love anything set post-canon, either directly after the events of the main part of the movie (so before Riley actually enters high school) or after the entire movie, all the credits, and everything! The new and old emotions properly trying to work together, get comfortable with one another, grow closer, and giving their best effort with regards to helping Riley as well as trying to become a true team themselves could be fun, but I also love the idea of the newer emotions checking in on each other, re-bonding, and growing.

The plot could touch on stuff happening with Riley in the real world as well as everything happening in her mind, or it could focus as much as possible on the emotions themselves! It could also be super slice-of-life or deal with a more intense plot. If you have any ideas you want to play around with, just let me know!

I am happy to play either character for this one, but I do feel a bit more confident in my ability to play Anxiety.


Inside Out 2: Anxiety/Fear

Look, Anxiety/Ennui may be my biggest ship, but wow do I love Anxiety/Fear too! Scared4Scared is such a good dynamic.

I love how Anxiety specifically calls Fear out almost as a counterpart to herself, noting that he protects Riley from the things she can see, while Anxiety herself protects her from the things she can't see. I love that little "okay, you and I are going to be friends" moment from Fear after Anxiety shows off her first sequence of projections, I love the "madame," and his literal "I can fix her" moment made me laugh! It's also so fun to see them close in the promotional material, clinging onto each other in alarm, how Fear tucks Anxiety in in Go to Sleep, Anxiety!, and how in I believe one of the concept art pieces he's let her borrow his teddy bear. Their similarities are also great, with Fear having his own "that's the stuff" moment with the paper bag in the first movie, LOL.

Basically, Fear already seems interested and it could be fun to get Anxiety there too. These two bonding further after/due to the events of the movie would work well, I think! Fear drinks tea while on dream duty in the first movie; is he the one to suggest Anxiety switches to tea after the events of the skills camp? Since he's sort of familiar with fear spirals, does he help Anxiety feel better after everything? I'd love to see him progress to actually calling her by name, and see her more for who and how she actually is; I'd love for her to get a chance to really bond with and feel calmer around him, maybe belatedly take him up on what he said about them being friends... Heck, could Anxiety maybe help Fear calm down sometimes, too? These two could easily contribute to both of them spiraling, I feel, but I do also feel like they could help each other out too! And I love everything about that potential dynamic.

I'd love anything set post-canon, either directly after the events of the main part of the movie (so before Riley actually enters high school) or after the entire movie, all the credits, and everything! The new and old emotions properly trying to work together, get comfortable with one another, grow closer, and giving their best effort with regards to helping Riley as well as trying to become a true team themselves could be fun.

The plot could touch on stuff happening with Riley in the real world as well as everything happening in her mind, or it could focus as much as possible on the emotions themselves! It could also be super slice-of-life or deal with a more intense plot. If you have any ideas you want to play around with, just let me know!

I'm open to playing either character for this one, but I do feel quite a bit more confident in my ability to play Anxiety.


Slay the Princess: Cold/Paranoid

(Art by a friend, salty-an-disco on Tumblr, and used with permission!)

And here we are: My all-time OTP for Slay the Princess. Yes, these two! The freaked-out mess who is not actually all that intimidated by the unnaturally calm, dangerous person. My friends have teased me that Anxienn is just ParaCold in a different font, and... kinda, yeah!

I love love love all their similarities and differences! How they're both very aware of and surprisingly in control of their bodies. Cold constantly talks about choosing to just stop feeling things, both emotions and any negative physical sensations, while Paranoid is very much against that... but despite Paranoid being obviously high-strung, he also has an immense amount of steel to him, running the body manually and breaking the rules to show up in Broken's route! And there are so many little details, too, like how both of these two can lead to each other and in fact it's Paranoid's urging that can lead to Cold specifically in The Nightmare chapter, and like how despite Cold's dry sarcasm after, given what Paranoid said it sounds like he had to have helped toss them into the void. And their conversation about joy and pain, and about pain being bad/not bad, has lived in my head rent free for almost a year for real.

Overall, I really think they could see something interesting in each other, and I'd just love to explore that! Besides Paranoid's steel and (occasional) self-awareness, there's also the fact that despite Cold's "danger" he's actually *less* dangerous to the other voices than someone like Broken or even Smitten, and might also be easier to predict than someone like Opportunist or even Hunted. And at the same time, Paranoid seems to trust the other voices in a way he doesn't trust anyone "other," and Cold seems to want to help the other voices, often trying to give them advice on how to get through situations without breaking down. There's an automatic sort of rapport there that makes it more likely they'd get close to each other!

I'd love anything set post- or even during canon, after any of the endings or set during some slightly AU'd game scenario! Whether the voices all stay in the Construct or if they go into the real world (whatever the real world is like!), whether there's bodysharing or they all end up with their own bodies, whether they have bird-people forms or more human-looking forms or become human... I'm even into full AUs, whether human or bird-person or something else, whether more slice-of-life/romance or fantasy or horror or some mix! Crossover AUs could also be great, especially Pokémon, D&D, Monster of the Week, Night in the Woods, Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, BLAME!, NaissanceE... Or the world could just be like any of those when they get out of the Construct!

If you have any ideas you want to play around with, just let me know! But I can also come up with a bunch of more specific ideas if you'd like more of a jumping off place. I don't mind either way at all!

I'm open to playing either character for this one, but I do feel a bit more confident in my ability to play Paranoid.

coded by @DeerPrince

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