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Fantasy The I-Told-You-Not-To-Mess-With-Time "Travelling" Agency


Junior Member
To ALL visitors of this thread, we will, at some point, accept other RPers, but need to build a foundation first. We're three buddies who haven't RPed with each other for YEARS and are still working on the idea of this RP at the time of this writing.

Feel free to post in the OOC though, discuss stuff and so on.

Character Sheet Admins (@Me, @Fujihita , @Einkun )




Specialty: (Beating up people, planning, economics, building the time machine ETC)

Bio: (yup, time to get used to this mates)

Sexuality: (Because everyone's doing this nowadays)

Personal reason for setting up this agency: (Besides the fact that it's for the lol)

What level did you reach in Super Mario?: (Remember this? :D )


Character Sheet Tourists

Will be completed the moment we deem this RP ready to pick up more people.
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Name: Mina Tinker


Age: 23 + As old as pottery craft

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight.

Specialty: Reverse-engineering, Precision analysis, Machinery construction, Mastery of technologies.


She is the Goddess of Craftsmanship in the latest generation of Gods. The promotion started with her departure from mortal life. Of course, all the chosen ones shared the same story: tragic background, unyielding survival instinct and a sadistic orb of light guiding most of them to their miserable death while granting demigod status to the surviving few. Mina Tinker was among the handful who lived long enough as demigod to attain full immortality.

God knows for how long she has been in and out of this realm. That phrase doesn't work for her at all. She is a god and she doesn't know. What she does know is the fact that she would have lost track of time and went into stasis like many of her kind too, if not for some crazy guys named Steve--not this Steve but the other Steve(s)--had gone nut with copyright, patents and other selfish "trade secret" craps. By suing the Goddess of Craftsmanship for copyright infringement of craftsmanship artifacts, he successfully entertained, annoyed and challenged the goddess at the same time.

Personal reason for setting up this agency: She wishes to make this Steve the next great Steve in order to send a message to all the great Steve(s) out there that they, along with their patented inventions, can and will be replaced. Also, as the usual immortal, all powerful, all bored deity archetype seeking amusement, she supposed giving a mortal time travel technology sounds like a great way to start Odyssey all over again.

What level did you reach in Super Mario?: Gooseman's tier
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Name: Viscount Alexander Etherpaddington IV

(Picture, to follow)

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Specialty: Planning, politics, history, wargaming, and cash. Loads and loads of cash.


Alexander or "Alex" is the wealthy proprietor of the Time Travelling Agency. He is a nobleman who dabbled in several fields of business, simply because he gets bored easily. Since his collection of plastic models, soda bottles, and stamps, he intends to collect something of more value and significance.

Well, among the three, it was he who has the capital to make things work. The idea originally came from Steve, since he is an avid collector of sorts, he figured that this will be the golden opportunity to get the good stuff straight from the source. While he look too calm and collected, he is as equally crazy as his compatriot, Steve. He will be agreeing to anything simply it's fun; much to Mina's disappointment.

Alex dreams that one day, he can catalog each and every loot that he found and create a museum out of it, simple because he wants to brag his collection of random stuff.

Sexuality: Straight

Personal reason for setting up this agency: Because he wants to collect stuff.

What level did you reach in Super Mario?: Speed-ran it one time.
Name: Steve

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Picture: (comin soon, forget that in the sheet xD )

Specialty: the guy with all the abstract ideas/bodyguard/tank/heavy weapons guy

Bio: in a plane of existence where there is at least one steve per universe, one variable X that cannot be predicted or tamed, he is the one taking the rightful spot in this world. And he might be more, way more than he thinks, which is bad because his ego is already huge.

Being friends with mina and alex for quite a while now, he at some point came with the greatest idea ever: create a time machine for tourist travelling and also cash in loads of gold from ancient, just like artifacts and loot.

All the gold that was lost in historical events and never find, so much stuff that would make him filthy rich, even richer than alex is now!

So driven by his greed and his lust for adventure and battle, he continued to nudge mina in an attempt to make her hurry up already!

Sexuality: straight

Personal reason for setting up this agency: money and sweet, sweet loot. This is just like a videogame!

What level did you reach in Super Mario?: around half of it before moving on to tekken and other games.

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