The hybrids rise

The J

I'm trying, damn it
Character sheet:






Short Bio:


If you're a Hybrid:




If you're a Human:

Nothing extra.

If you're a Metal Hunter:

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Name: Currently known as Kuro. Known previously as Nitro

Gender: Current physical appearance as female

Appearance: Human form~

Sexuality: N/A

Personality: Plays sweet and somewhat mind twisted. Has rage moments here and there but manages.

Short Bio: Currently known as Kuro Ometeresu, she's been attempting to blend into her surroundings as a conceiled hybrid. Whenever threatened, she wouldn't hesitate to give away what she really was. Nitro, her name classifyed as hybrid, had a thing for playing games. She has a deadly childish voice and is never scared to show it. She originated from a more brute and selfless land, so transferring over to a more populated area was quite confusing at that time. Now, she simply travels the streets, picking off people one by one to keep her thirst for blood at a neutral state.

Weapons: Uses chains upon her wrists to her advantage. Either that or recreating her opponent's fears.


Her alternate form (she keeps this one hidden and conceiled so that she would be able to live a less horrific lifestyle amongst the humans.) Uses blades to pierce through the toughest metals around. Adapted to human life years after her escape.

Animal: currently unknown. Not much info have been collected from her.

Element: Electricity

Power: situation varies. Currently able to draw up heat around it. The rest unidentifyed.


Nothing extra.

Metal Hunter:

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I'll be controlling what the institution does, maybe a metal hunter or human agent for them as well.
I'll join :D

Name: Xavier Jacrezz

Gender: Male

Appearance: Xavier has shortly cut hair that's snow-white and a pale completion to go with it. His eyes are black, and it's hard for most to tell but his pupils are slits. He has black feline ears and a tail, both of which he hides (the ears under a cap and his tail around his torso under shirts), and slightly sharper canines. He's not that tall for a guy, only 5'9", but he's thin and lean. On his right arm is a barcode tattoo put there by the institute that made him before it shut down.

Sexuality: Homosexual

Personality: He's carefree and relaxed, not really concerned about being hunted down and more so of being found out by humans. Is really protective of his friends and will stand up for just about anyone, even if he doesn't know them or it could start a fight.

Short Bio: Xavier lived in a smaller lab, one where the humans weren't as cruel as other places. When the lab shut down, any of the hybrids that weren't old enough to be adults were enrolled in schools or orphanages. Xavier was sent to a school alone, and dropped out when he turned 17 to get a job and support himself. Currently works at a cafe/bookstore and helps tutor part time in math.

Weapons: Keeps a handgun on his person at all times and has a Japanese sword that he keeps at his apartment just in case.

If you're a Hybrid:

Animal: Feline

Element: Ice

Power: Can control/make ice and can manipulate winter wind a little bit. Also able to make it snowstorm, but can't make a full blown blizzard in the middle of June or anything. Has cat-like agility and can see decently in the dark.

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