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Fantasy The Hunters guild roster


More toxic less flow
Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
Heyo thanks for getting this far, the sheet below is the minimum I need to accept a character but feel free to add more if you think it's needed or you simply want to. If you have any questions please ask them on the check or in a PM as I won't make a OOC until this picks up proper aha Though you have freedoms in making the cs I may ask you to edit or change something if it seems to broken or bullshit. The sheet changes slightly if you make a royal or guild member so delete from the sheet accordingly.

Name :
(picture is nice but give a brief description anyway, height, hair colour... anything notable)

(whatever this person has on them while questing. You can have one or two artefacts depending on what it is and does. Can't own the "world ending sword" and the "saviours shield" for example)

(say no if you do not have mana, if you do have mana list what type it is and give a example of how its used. This could be anything from telekinesis, firebending, turning invisible, boosts to speed or strength... If it seems to BS I may ask you tone it down or change it. Time magic is a no for example. Controlling thunder aswell as ice is a no etc etc)

Hunter or royal: (If your a hunter say how long you have been apart of the Deathless hunters guild. List any sort of monster you have slain or helped in slaying and the artefact/weapon made from said monster that you now use!
This could be a dagger made from a ice wolf's fang or shield made from the scales of a toxic drake. Be creative but know I may ask for a edit)

(If your a royal, list what artefact or two have recently gone missing from you or your family. Could be a flaming sword, a demon wolf ring, a glass orb of foresight... same rules as above basically except these things were recently stolen and you saw the person/thing? That did it.)

Brief history: (If it's a hunter describe something you slain or someone you helped. If it's a royal give a brief description of how the recent theft occurred)
I'll finish this when I see another sheet or two aha
Name : Nahza Shikki (Nahza Deathless)
Age: 29
Messy black hair, beard, large scar across face, green eyes, 5ft11 with a well trained body. Smiles often. Usually in simple clothes unless geared to hunt.

Armour made from various beasts, most notable is a flame resistant hood and leathers made from Pyroar pelt and drake scales. A longsword...

Mana: Wraith mana
Useless until one dies where upon their spirit can choose to pass on or seek out their body to respawn which is when the mana truly unlocks. The main power is respawning at the cost of humanity but with each death more unatural ghostly abilities unlock.
At present time Nahza has died at least seven times in his unnatural life.
1st death unlocked the ability to see the void, (basically to see sources of life/mana)
3rd death unlocked a speed boost at the cost of mana,
5th death unlocked the ability to travel the void via mana
(looks like teleportation but a ghostly trail follows the path taken as it is not instantaneous)
7th death unlocked the ability to use his soul as a ghostly projectile via arrows, thrown weapons or a brief clone.

The humanity lost so far is somewhat miniscule or Nahza is a very good actor.

Hunter: founder and guild master of the Deathless Hunter's guild.
After dying to a Wryven which whipped the lad off a cliff leaving a scar across his face Nahza eventually woke up and swam to safety to realise what just happened. Sixteen years of hunting monsters and working as a mercenary and Nahza the Deathless was a famous name throughout the lands... He created a guild for like minded individual who strive to help others and live a hunters life.

Brief history: Nahza has fought all manner of beasts including some legendary ones. While he's been alive for thirty years (his best guess) ultimately the man has been on Karna between life and living undead for at least forty years.

Think Talion from shadow of mordor/war but more anime in terms of keeping ones soul yada yada

Assuming he will eventually turn evil from his unnatural magic due to monsters having the same or similar mana, Nahza tried to recruit and train strong indviduals who could take him down when the time eventually comes... at the very least they will be armed with the best artefacts and have experienced battles far greater then a wraith fool could provide.
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