• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern The Hunt




*I reserve the right to accept and deny characters.

*This is NOT first come first serve. Complete characters will be DUE ON
October 1st.

*Just because I like your CS doesn't mean you're accepted. You just have a high chance.

*You are free to add what you'd like to this Character Sheet.

*Images must be real people.

*I will be taking
3 MALES and 3 FEMALES to be survivors.

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What's your character's full name?


Does your character have any nicknames? If not, delete this part.


Self explanatory.


How old is your character from 18-25? Include their birth date.


Self explanatory.


Self explanatory.


What's their hair color? Is it long, short, straight, curly, etc?


What color are his/her eyes?


How tall is your character?


How much does your character weigh?


What's his/her build? Tall, lanky, skinny, slim, swimmer, muscular, etc...


Does your character have anything unique about them? Scars, birth marks, tattoos, etc...

In Depth

At least 8 sentences.


At least 8 sentences.


Can they run fast? Can they light a fire? Etc. At least 4.


At least 4.


At least 4.


At least 2.


Does your character think they'll win or lose? Are you scared or you feeling brave? Etc.


What's a song that represents your character or gives you inspiration for this character?

Writing Sample
Put a writing sample here.

- IC - Overview - OOC - Settings/Locations - Updates -

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"Hush, little child don't say a word. I promise you will fly like a mockingbird. All you have to do is shut your eyes and cover your ears or you're in for a surprise."


It's coming for you.

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Rein Everett Shevesque


"I wonder what's in store for me. Life has been so mundane lately."


Rein Everett Shevesque






22 /Born On: September 17, 1993/


Panromantic Demisexual




Rein has the chocolate, straight hair that had always run on his father's side of the family. He often styles it up in a quiff like do, but will leave it down on occasion.


Rein's eyes are a mixture of grey, green and blue, but are most prominently green.




160 pounds


Rein has an athletic build. He was an athlete through High School and still worked out after he graduated.


Scar on his left pectoral from a childhood accident.

Scattering of scars along his legs due to small incidents that happened during his childhood. None were major.

Wine-Spot birthmark on his lower abdomen.

In Depth

Rein was born to German immigrant, Erhard and Utah native, Jeanna. He was raised in an open and friendly household, filled with the happy personality of his mother and the quiet, musical approach of his father. He was raised with a set of morals that his father instilled into his brain at a young age and he still lives by them today. He was picked on in school for his first year, because of his odd mixture of a German and American accent, but it ended when he father came in an talked with the principal.

He was only in public school for a short while before his mother began to homeschool him. She found that was what worked best for him. He learned fluent German by the time he was 12, with the help of his parents, and began to switch between the languages because of his frequent conversations in German with his father.

He moved out shortly after he graduated into a small, one bedroom and one bathroom apartment that was just big enough for him and the very few belongings he brought with him. He started at the local Community College to get a degree in Anthropology and worked nights as a Bartender. He hardly had any free-time and was rarely able to see his parents.


Rein is a friendly, confident and intuitive soul. He loves people, all but those who discriminate/bully others because of their differences, and will willingly engage in conversation with anyone. His work ethic is strong and he seldom gives up, no matter the task or the pressure that has been set upon him. He's a 'no-man-left-behind' kind of guy and he lives by this rule, if nothing else, which makes him a team player.

However, he had little to no tolerance for people undermine him and others. He's blunt and will tell you exactly how he feels no matter who you might be. He's honest to a fault and most can find that distasteful when they find themselves on his bad side. He can be rather sensitive on certain subjects, mostly his odd mixture of accents or anything insulting to him, and will flip his lid when they are brought up.


/He's an above-average climber. He loved to climb anything and everything as a child./

/Due to his hiking experience with his parents, he knows how to create shelter with the bare necessities./

/Rein has a slight grasp of what plants hold medical properties and basic knowledge of First Aid./

/Rein has an adept memory and is very good with directions./








/Any kind of combat/


/Goes back for others, no matter the circumstances/





Rein doesn't know how anyone could be confident when put in this situation. You've got a murderous, psychopath after you, you should be a tad scared, if not more. He's afraid of getting killed/defeat, but is also confused. He doesn't understand how he got into this situation.


Writing Sample[/bg
Octavia didn't quite know how to feel about this place, even if she'd been there for over a year. It was strange and so different from where she had grown up. It was... colorful. Not in the literal sense of the word, but it was just... different. She couldn't think of another word to describe. Well, she could but none of them seemed appropriate. She sat on her bunk, fiddling with a small, bug shaped thing that was made of spare tin and wire. It didn't work and served no purpose, but it kept her occupied until she had to head to the meeting.

O's brain hurt, it really did. Emotions took a toll on her mental capacity. She had been trying to process the fact that Dante was here and alive, but was... different. There she went again. What was it with her and that word? It had been nothing short of a miracle that he had been spotted by her. Without her glasses, she would have gone right past him.

Her eyes fell to the crooked clock that sat against the pale wall. It was time for her to leave, otherwise she would be late. She didn't want to be late to this. It was important and while her nerves coiled her stomach into a knot, her excitement squashed any unpleasant feeling her gut could produce. She hopped down from her bunk, readjusted the earpiece that sat on her ear and exited the small living quarters.

Octavia began her fast-paced walk to the Mission Room. She counted her steps as she went, something she sometimes did when feeling rushed, until she came to stand in front of the daunting door. Sure, she had met these people and knew one of them better than anyone, but that didn't quell the oncoming dread. Some of them weren't experienced. They didn't know how each other worked. What if that was the downfall of their team? Incoordination. That would be pathetic.

She shook her pessimistic thoughts off, before her hand wrapped around the cool metal of the door handle and she pushed it open. "Iblic," She said in greeting upon seeing him, standing still in the doorway with her eyes on him for several long moments before she took her seat, scootching the chair in. She knew the mission. In those brief seconds, she had taken the information of his brain, some old and others new. She leaned back in her chair, arms folded across her chest.

Now, they would have to wait for the others.

Code & Character by Asylumnated

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Clifford "Ford" Blackburn


Funny, that things seem impossible until they are done, isn't it?
Clifford Blackburn

The Basics

Clifford James Blackburn


Ford, Cliff




Eighteen | Born April 21st, 1997





Somewhat grown out, chestnut brown, and somewhat wavy.


Deep chocolate brown.


Below average, standing at 5'6".


147 lbs.


Runner, slim.



Other Features:

Got this
tattoo, a symbol of him overcoming his past difficulties, on his left arm right after his eighteenth birthday.
Digging Deeper

Born within the walls of a prison to a single mother, "easy" was never acquainted with Clifford Blackburn's life. Though the mother had been in rehab for over a year, the state had decided she was not fit to fill the shoes of becoming a mom, and took the little baby boy away from her grasp immediately after his first breath was taken. She signed a contract, waving all her rights as a parent over the woman of the name Teresa Blackburn, as well as her husband, William Blackburn, as well as agreeing to ensure the baby boy would never learn of his biological mother, the exception being he would be told, once they thought him to be ready, that he had been adopted.

The little boy, Clifford, lived a swell enough life growing up, wrapped with loving parents every night and two children his age to call best friends. The time came, however, that William and Teresa revealed the truth to him when he was thirteen years of age. It shattered him, perhaps more than it should have, been nonetheless his perception of his parents, of his family, was distorted and warped into something that could never be undone. From there on, Clifford slowly changed from the charming, good little boy into someone entirely unrecognizable; troubled in thought, distant even from those he once held closest. For the remainder of his days, he would spend nights tossing and turning as he wrestled with the matter. Academics were incredibly difficult for him, and often lead to arguments within the family.

By the time high school rolled on by, Clifford had already become bitter towards his parents. He rebelled in the smallest of acts after they quickly cut off his questions about his biological mother, leaving him feeling more empty than he had in the previous moment. Over time, his grades dropped dramatically, and he stopped visiting old friends. At age fourteen, he was diagnosed with dyslexia, of which gave him somewhat of an excuse for his poor grades. As the years passed on by, his behavior only worsened around his parents. During the middle of the night, he would often sneak out of the house to run; he claimed it helped him think. Little did he know running would change his life for the better.

Clifford Blackburn joined the high school varsity track team, shortly after the coach watched him run. The coach became something of a fatherly figure to the troubled boy, and helped clean his act up--immensely improving both his grades and attitude--and signed him up for track. Day in and day out, Clifford trained, and became the star player on the team. Eventually, he had transformed from the troubled boy with an attitude to something quite remarkable; disciplined, hard-working and persistent in whatever he did. Though his relationship with his parents was tattered, the arguments stopped and life continued on. He obtained an scholarship for one of the best track and field colleges in the U.S., but after graduating he decided to take a year off for himself, and search for his biological mother.


For the longest time, Ford had chosen to revel in his bitterness towards his parents and allow it to cloud his vision. Any little rule crafted by his parents was bound to be broken, given his rebellious attitude that was nothing more than a manifestation of his anger directed at his lack of a sense of
belonging to anyone in his life. He was often lost in his own little world, and from time to time, snapped and lashed out only in a meager attempt to get rid of his own pain. Over time, however, spent with his coach (though he would recognize him more as a father), he slowly began to face the emotional baggage he had been putting in the back burner ever since the news had been bombed on him, and put an end to the bitterness.

Even after changing for the better, Clifford has held onto sarcasm as a means of venting frustration or anger. But for the most part, he has changed in nearly every aspect of both his view on life, and his behavior. Now, he is a well-mannered young man that doesn't believe in giving up, even when the odds weigh heavily against him or those that he holds dearest, and persistently insists that anything can be accomplished so long as one puts their mind, heart and being into the matter to tackle it. Ford is disciplined, unwilling to even briefly consider the option of holding something off that needs to be done. Though he does have moments when he needs to be serious and completely focused, he does enjoy letting loose every now and then to just be himself freely. Overall, he is a well-rounded young man that has only grown stronger from his somewhat tangled backstory.


- An extremely fast runner.

- Has excellent stamina.

- Can be stealthy, when needed.

- Easily memorizes new areas, as he explored different areas frequently in his lifetime and forged the skill to map places in his mind.


- Having willpower to see past the impossibility.

- Very disciplined in anything he partakes in.

- Does what it takes to obtain what he desires/needs.

- Stamina, speed, agility.


- Horrible at lying, and/or improvisation.

- Unable to contain his emotions sometimes.

- Pushing people away that get in the way.

- Unable to accept circumstances for what they are.


- Being in the open water.

- Falling to his death.
Misc. Information
Character's Feelings for their Future:

Despite the nearly impossible odds for him and the others to survive their ordeal, Ford strongly believes that if they can pull together, they will conquer and overcome this life-changing challenge. Though he is overly optimistic, he does realize that many dangers await him, which he occasionally doesn't want to acknowledge simply because it would ultimately shatter his hope in the long end. Even so, he is frightened and even turned slightly paranoid, as should any normal being put into this wretched situation.

Theme Song:


Writing Sample
Excerpt taken from a private roleplay: Shattered.
Everything within sight became an easy distraction for Jackson’s eyes, the pair both filled to the brim with indications of nerves and uneasiness. Anything, it seemed, was better than their current conversation, and where it would inevitably end. He was sure of it, and did everything in his willpower to ensure he remained trapped in his own thoughts, far away from the rough edges of reality for as long as possible. Whether the fear or confusion was the reason for his behavior, he could not know or even dare to allow for himself to submit to these emotions completely and blindly whilst put under the spotlight, of which was operated by Phera for the time being. She would be, perhaps, the only person on earth that would even bother putting him on the spot when it came to issues like these. Regardless of the circumstances and Phera’s inquiring curiosity getting the better of her, Jackson felt a twinge of guilt swell up inside. Just like everything else, she just wanted answers. She wanted to clear the doubt fogging her mind, just as he wanted to regarding her words and their meaning, and now she was asking him for answers, of which he didn’t give in complete truth. It had occurred to him that before enlistment, before all the drama that went tumbling down through relationships, he had been honest. Perhaps this explained the guilt and regret that befell after lying through his teeth, but at this point, there wasn’t going back on his word. As his mother told him, once words were spoken, they stayed out there forever. Sometimes they were the cause of haunted dreams, and other times they were the cause of a smile.

The black coffee was bitter and piping hot, just the way he liked it for years. Even before enlistment, Jack had been an avid coffee consumer, and was constantly seen in mornings with a mug in hand before anything else took place in his routine. Phera had, he recalled, coffee every now and then, but nothing like she did now. Now, it seemed, she had it every day and apart of her morning rituals, like he had back in the day. It was funny, he thought, how some little things could change and bring back such vivid memories even after years have passed. Slowly sipping on the beverage, Jackson periodically glanced at Phera in between drinks, and mulled over his answers in a silent manner. They were vague enough, and offered little to no substance of a real response to shed light on the night’s previous events. Perhaps he had taken the wrong approach, because as the words left his mouth, Phera’s expression changed slightly. The indications were there, of course, but only someone that has known her for quite some time would be able to pick up on them and decipher them. Given the change in the air, Jackson fiddled with his mug for a while, clearly avoiding her occasional glance that sent his heart racing, and not in a good way. She swore quietly under her breath, and to emphasize her emotions, lifted a hand to be wrapped over her mouth in a manner of both guilt and disdain of her own actions. Jackson didn’t find the heart to shrug or offer words of comfort to her; after all,
he was the one holding the information from her, not the other way around. All he knew to do was dwell in momentary silence.

She had claimed she was not one to sugar coat it, and lived up to her word as she told him the cold hard truth. If anything, her words sent him rigid and tense, and only added to the outbreak of thoughts in the labyrinth of his mind. Every piece of information felt overwhelming, and the fact that Phera seemed genuinely sorry and apologetic of the whole situation only made his guilt worse. She expressed something of a rueful attitude, and offered him what she wanted to be comforting words. Jackson didn’t respond, but instead intently stared into the abyss of coffee within his mug, steam swirling into the air as she stood up, coffee in hand. Her gentle touch—thankfully on his good shoulder—sent him back to uneasiness, feeling as though the hour would never end. Then she was gone. Instantly, relief flooded him and his body relaxed somewhat.
Maybe she wouldn’t come back. Maybeshe wouldn’t suspect anything else had happened. Maybe he had said enough. Jackson took another swig of the bitter liquid, allowing it to burn down his throat and warm the pit of his stomach. Then the tidbit of relief vanished, gone the second she came back into view. Struggling to swallow the last bit of coffee, he met the serious gaze of her, and tensed, expecting the worst on instinct. Her words sounded harsh to his own words, and inflicted distress and panic inside his veins. Jackson’s strength broke, and he struggled to find words to properly answer her as exasperation filled him.

“You wanna know what happened? Fine. You told me that you love me, alright?” he paused, standing up from his seat to meet her eyes for the first time that morning. “Right after that, you passed out on me, and I was too drunk and tired to do anything about it,”Jackson finished, eyes downcast as he walked away into the comfort of the living room.
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What am I even doing here?


Benjamin Hope Landford

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Is there victory in death?

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B - S - M


Rae, Raerae, Raebear









E - O - O


Virgin, chestnut brown, reaches her hips in length with a fine, shiny texture.






119 lbs


Dainty, delicate, fragile


Beauty mark above the left corner of her lips

Big, doe eyes

Extremely long hair

A - R - I



A wise authoritative figure- Though she'll only step in if she absolutely has to, be it when another is a total screw up, or when no one is willing to step up to the plate. Rae dislikes responsibilities, but assuming the leadership role and effectively solving problems does, indeed, feed her pride.

Creative- Originality, crafting, dreaming, designing- Rae has a knack for it all, though others often don't reciprocate the amount of soul effort she dedicates to creating, which is extremely disheartening for her.

Empathetic & warm: Rae's very open, honest, and loving, with an intimacy that stirs at the soul. She doesn't have time for facades and walls, she'd rather be upfront, truthful, and get to the point. Her empathy enables her to understand even what she can't relate to on an emotional level, though it has a grueling backlash that can lead her to be a little turbulent, and require a lot of time to recharge by herself. She's also very easily brought to tears.

Free spirited: She hates restrictions, being denied, staying indoors too long, opposition- basically anything that degrades her yearning for independence and exploration.

Influential: She's a bit of a logophile, with a unique intellect that's (unconventionally so) persuasive. Though some take her inadvertent tendencies as a challenge, or intimidation, Rae only strives to bring out the best in others, cause watching someone fail is as painful to her as the process is for them.

Melancholic Perfectionist: This is a neutral trait. Her diligence and devotion is commendable, and always assures golden results. However, her expectation for others to disappoint her encourages her lonely nature, lack of a social circle and adds to the stresses of working every project solo.

Prideful, but generous: Double edged sword. Rae will go out of her way to help another, not for credit, but because she was raised that way, and likes the feelings that come with carving self worth. However, she doesn't enjoy receiving gifts, asking for material things, or being rewarded- She won't be a charity case ever again, and believes her efforts are to be acknowledged, but not praised by societies standards.

Opinionated: Rae doesn't always bite her tongue, and although her points are often worthy, logical and accurate, they can always be candid, cynical and, at tines, biased. She doesn't want to be right, however, she'd just like for everyone else to be... less wrong. Or, in her words, "Not so irrevocably stupid."

Stubborn: Less of an asset, and more so her greatest flaw. She will finish what she starts even if it kills her.

Unpredictable: She can abruptly cut ties, and leave others heartbroken, but usually there is a good reason why she has broken a tryst. This tendency takes a great emotional toll on her, but once trust is broken, Rae has a hard time ever forgetting/forgiving.


Basic engineering/Mechanics- Repairation with electrical circuits, pieces like consoles or cameras, coding, busted pipe, flat tire, lose wire, patching.

Puzzle solving- Anything that's logically challenging or cryptic, she's your girl.

Consolidation- She can rally spirits and help another heal emotionally, enabling clear minds, softened temperaments and a chance to survive without emotional constrictions.


Adapting- Manages to survive stormy tines with humor and by remaining open minded.

Improvisation- Rae can work under various circumstances unhindered, be it severely lacking or copious obstacles. However, emotional battles are more easily overcome than anything physical/mundane.

Logical- Though her logic is drastically different (Less conventional, organized, plausible, and a bit irrational) than others, it almost always pulls through, with efficient results.


Empathetic pains: When another hurts, she does, too. If someone's in any kind of agony, Rae can't do anything until they're better.

Self sabotaging: She yearns for intimacy and depthy connections, but due to her fear of disappointment, Rae backs out midway, losing the potential relationship and executing a mental kind of self harm. It's almost sadistic, and she feels oddly relieved due to all the hypothetical anxiety.

Easily incriminated & Self sacrificial, to her own detriment: She'll put others before herself, not because she's necessarily altruistic, but she's a victim of immense guilt and can't deal with someone else being upset. Rae's easily discouraged, humiliated, and disheartened, even by simple pranks or teasing remarks.


Being immersed in water (Drowning, swimming especially)

Responsibility for another's life


Public humiliation

Finding falsity in her convictions

Fighting (Animosity, drama, yelling, being physical)

U - R - E


Hails from Los Angeles, California. Born to a broken mother, and raised alongside her younger sister, one of many siblings that are both half related to her, and lived relatively far away. She'd had a rough, low class upbringing, and lived a vagabondish lifestyle due to constant financial struggles. Her relatives had deemed the three the 'black sheep' of the family, and had few, fragile ties with them that consisted mostly of forced holiday get togethers and the occasional birthday card. Although her grades were above average, Rae had dropped out of school a few times growing up, officially becoming homeschooled and quickly obtaining her GED. The three women learned how to survive on their own, despite harsh conditions and little to no resources, which humbled Rae, but also taught her some (meager) valuable life skills.

Around the time she turned nineteen, her mother had decided to pursue a type of Hallmark, family business, one that'd taken off seemingly over night, and makes their troublesome pasts seem like humbling, though thankfully distant, memories. They're more in the upper middle class bracket now, with a newly acquainted home in Elkridge, and are investing in a plot of land for potential recreation.

Rae's not had much of a romantic life, and dedicates a lot of her time (when she isn't working at their shop) to animals, her own or volunteer work with the Best Friends foundation in Salt Lake. Her social circle is small, though she doesn't mind that much. Rae is attempting a business degree in online college right now, to better contribute to the family business.
T - O - T


Rae doesn't like competitive outlets, and struggles with the option of doing whatever it takes to win, or dying just so someone else doesn't have to. She has a habit of playing escapist, and finds it hard to believe she doesn't have a third option.



Y - W - Y

"I'd never given much thought to how I'd die." Rae declared aloud, stroking the lazy, gray tom cat curled up in her lap. Thomas was his name, and he was truly one of the most handsome cats the world had to offer, but also, one of the laziest. His green eyes peered up at her, revealing intrigued slivers of black. After an over dramatic yawn, ending with his teeth smacking back together in closure, he meowed as if to say
what brought this up? Or at least, that's how her mind took the mewling.

She shifted a little on an old, wooden bench, running her tongue along her bottom lip as it'd grown dry the from the unusually humid weather. Her brown gaze swept the yard, lips curving upwards every time she found a tail swaying upwards from amidst the sun dried grass, or a pair of vibrant, beady eyes staring back at her. All the neighborhood felines hung around their house, 'cause it was their food source, and had little pockets in the garage or the shed where momma cats could hide their newborn babies. It was getting a little overwhelming, by December, Rae was certain she'd count at least twenty cats in all, babies included. But they needed a home, too; she wouldn't dare let them be cast out in the world, or taken to some ridiculous foster home to fend for themselves, and be separated from each other. They were happy here! And, despite her age and genuine efforts to socialize, they were her only friends.

Scanning along the side walk, where the autumn leaves left the concrete with warm, colored speckles, she fixed her sight on a web. The silk glimmered in the blaring sunlight, stretching from the oak tree that loomed above her, down to the overgrown shrubbery that was planted along the walkway. The design of the web was endearingly intricate, and as she stroked behind Thomas's ears, she wondered how long it took to create such a beautiful home, a convenient route to a new destination, a sticky obstacle in the path of humans...

...A translucent death trap in disguise.

"I just wonder what those moments are like, when death is inevitably coming. What it's like to know beforehand, to have to embrace the truth without an alternative. Or, to be completely unsuspecting, and then..."

As her thoughtful voice laced the atmosphere, commotion came into view- fluttering wings, shining white underneath sun rays, beating feverishly against the slight breeze that stirred everything in sight- except the web. Both Rae and Thomas watched the insect approach, and although the tom cat paid no mind to the butterflies nearing demise, Rae watched with sullen eyes as the bug was inevitably caught in the nearly invisible trap.


The more the poor thing struggled, the more entangled it became. From within the peaked, green shrub on the left, emerged a wolf spider, about the size of Rae's palm, trimmed in white, though primarily brown. At a leisurely pace, it's legs curled around the silky extension, and ever so gradually, it approached the butterfly, and... The brunette dropped her gaze, focusing on the way Thomas pressed his paws against the thin fabric that covered her thighs, though she'd grown used to the slight prick of claws against her skin. "Now, tell me Thomas, how is that fair?"

She received a light whip to the cheek from his tail, but that was it. Although she had to laugh at his lax disposition in the wake of her introspective revelations, the question remained, blaring and unanswered. How is such a cruel, unexpected demise, considered fair?

What is fair?

Is fair even part of the equation? Or is the injustice acceptable in this cruel reality?

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Helena Demshar




Helena Alexandra Demshar




Birthdate: January 7th, 1994; 21 years old




American with Slovenian roots



Helena has long dark burgundy hair which is naturally curly


Helena's eyes are a smooth verdant color.




145 lbs.


Helena is a slim girl that enjoys to rock climb frequently, giving her great arm strength.


Helena hopes to be a walking canvas. She is decorated with tattoos. Pictures are available below. She also has a small scar on the back of her neck from an accident.
In Depth

Helena Demshar is the only child of Charles and Erika Demshar. She was born in Seattle, Washington but that was of no special significance. Her father was a member of the military; therefore, they were constantly moving. Helena was fortunate to have a healthy relationship with her mother. Though most of her childhood she was a bit bitter towards her father for having them move so much. Making it difficult for her to form relationships with others. Therefore, she was a quiet child growing up and she turned to books and found herself intrigued by knowledge and the unknown. Her father tried to teach her about military tactics, first aid, self-defense and more but she never fully listened to him. It wasn't until she was eighteen that her family decided to settle in Salt Lake City, Utah. Evidently, a choice her parents now regret.

Finally able to create connections and build on herself, Helena began making friends at her university. She found herself engulfed by the life of art. She found her passion for photography and tattoos. Helena did not see the point in attending school for her passions so she stopped going. Her parents were enraged by her decision and did not think it was smart of her at all. She was tired of paying thousands of dollars to learn what she had already learned with her books. The argument got so intense that her father accidentally hit her. This caused Helena's body to hit the corner of a bookshelf, causing the scar behind her neck. A scar that will forever haunt her on an emotional level. She was speechless and incredibly hurt. Nothing but horror could be seen on her parents face.

She left. Helena couldn't take anymore. She loved her parents but she felt like they would never be open to the idea that she might be making the right choices for herself. The following years were the hardest on Helena. She moved from friend's houses and worked multiple jobs. It took her two years to get back on her feet and be able to afford a small apartment. She never talked to her parents again and instead devoted her life to her hobbies.

Now, she is a photographer part time and a rock climbing instructor. On her free time, she will practice yoga, drink coffee, get another tattoo or read. She finds herself with a small group of friends, mostly from the punk scene. Yet, she doesn't connect with them easily. Helena tried to have a relationship at the age of twenty but small differences broke them apart. She feels an empty spot in her heart where her parents were. Often, she thinks about contacting them again...but it is not that simple. Nothing ever is.


Helena is a perceptive girl, often confused for being shy at first. She is anything but that. She listens to what others say before responding with a strong sense of confidence. She is generally neutral towards people until she gets to know them yet she has not been able to break through her barrier to truly connect with someone. The few times that she is angry she is incredibly brutal, sometimes even heartless. Her normal thought process is muddled when her emotions are high which is why she generally tries to hide them by separating herself from others.

While Helena is not willing to talk about herself so easily, it is the opposite when it comes to others. She will listen to the problem of others with an open heart. For some reason, that is easier for her to do. She is very organized and precise with her work and her life. Unfortunately, this means that she does not take well when things don't go as she had planned them. She believes that there is always something new to learn every day. Therefore, she makes a point to do so no matter what it is.


Great arm strength; Rock Climber.



Knowledgeable in standard First Aid





Willing to take risks


Emotionally closed off

Cruel when angry

Small figure

Can be stubborn

Low running stamina




Being betrayed


Helena would probably spite herself for not listening to her father's advice when she was young. It probably would've come in handy...In all reality, she would be petrified in the situation. Though her stubborn and closed off nature would try its hardest to deny that. While her emotions might battle her out, she will be smart about her choices. She won't go down without a fight, let's just see how long she can hold her barrier before it breaks. There is no guarantee that anyone will catch her when she falls, possibly to her doom.



Writing Sample
Helena tightened her grip on the camera as she peered through the viewfinder upon her subject. Shooting portfolio wasn't the most artistically exhilarating experience yet her subject has this beautiful radiance around herself. She was a dreamer, searching the world for the opportunity of taking it by the reigns in a famous rage. Helena didn't understand that optimistic approach yet she found it oddly attractive.

"Turn your head slightly and give me a small smile."

The girl followed Helena's instructions and they continued with the shoot. Once it was all over, Helena received a small payment for her work. As the girl turned away to leave, Helena found herself following her. Ready to grasp at a chance of feeding off of that light. Wanting to know more about what made this girl the way she is. But as she got closer, she felt her throat swell in a sense of fear. She dropped her hand and let her walk away.
Who am I kidding?

Hours later, Helena found herself at her rock climbing gym. She has no classes to teach but she needed to distract herself. Her black headphones wrapped around her ears as she engulfed herself in heavy metal music. Inspecting the rock in front of her as she moved each hand towards a different vibrant color. Swaying her body in beat with the music and her soul combining. She then remembered the girl. Someone who's name she didn't even remember. Her brightness and innocence that blinded her. How long has it been since she's experienced that? Her foot went for a peg that didn't exist and Helena slipped off the rock to the cold hard ground.

"Damn it!" She cursed loudly.

While shaking off the glaring stares from other climbers, she stood up and walked to the locker room. Yanking off her headphones with a sense of incredible anger.
I need to stop dreaming these silly things. I just need to survive and move on. Even if it means doing it alone.

Yet nothing could stop the pain that was resonating in her very core. One that is slowly eating her lonely soul. She would find herself spending an evening like any other. Sipping a warm cup of green tea in her living room. Wrapped up in a warm white blanket, her small white feet slipping out from the other side in a small arc. She opens her photo album and reviews some of the photographs she has on display for her clients. She found herself a little sad as she often took photographs of things she found missing in her own life. Often this leads to the question of why she should torture herself by looking over these photographs every night before bed.

She has to face these realities or else she will never get any work done in life. Tomorrow is another day...


A photograph can never capture what is truly felt inside.
Helena Demshar

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≠Niko Montoya≠


O Death, won't you spare me over another year?
Jen Titus


no slide
But what is this that I can't see? With ice cold hands taking hold of me


×Full Name×

≠Niko Giniviere Montoya≠






≠21, October 29≠





When God is gone and the Devil takes hold, who will have mercy on your soul?


×Hair Color×

≠Niko has light brown hair which stops midway down her back, it is naturally curly and often in a disheveled state≠


≠Dark Brown≠




≠Niko has slender features and is alarmingly thin, she has a thin face which is accentuated by her strong jawline. Niko is lanky and what most would consider scrawny and lean≠

×Other Features×

≠Niko has a chipped front tooth as well as a birthmark which extends down her side×

No wealth, no ruin, no silver, no gold; nothing satisfies me but your soul



≠Niko was raised in a somewhat functional household along with her two parents, Nia and John, whom were both prestigious historians. They valued the past and its origins and often insisted that their child become embedded in the roots of history as well although Niko didn't quite turn out like anyone expected. At an early age, the girl began exhibiting displays of emotionally detached behavior and a lack of empathy although various therapists claimed that it was natural behavior and to be expected.

Niko did not take kindly to having to socialize with others and due to that any contact with other children would end violently with Niko harming the other kid or harming herself as a means to escape. Her father persisted his advances in trying to understand what was wrong with his daughter however his endeavors proved to be fruitless; Niko simply did not like other people and she certainly expressed no outward affection towards the ones who raised her. Niko was actually quite intellectual for someone who did not associate with others and found joy in learning which her parents were able to relate to as well as bond with their child over.

Niko homeschooled due to her aggresive demeanor and lack of social conventions, often playing by herself rather than joining in with the other neighborhood children. When Niko turned 16, she graduated early from high school and was able to proceed directly to College due to her academic success and expansive knowledge on the psychological workings of the people around her.

As you can imagine, John and Nia weren't quite happy that their daughter did not further her studies in history however they gave up on trying eventually due to her unresponsive reaction. Niko was an observer and was able to spot subtle difference in people's facial features as well as predict their mannerisms. She took comfort in the ability of being able to solve the complexities of the human mind and graduated with various degrees in the psychological field.

Niko pushed her theorems even further than most had gone before and began working on a project which focused on the core aspects of fear on the human psyche as well as gathering a group of others to assist her in a funded project by an office she happened to be working for. It was frustrating however Niko was able to maintain her temper and disdain for others around her colleagues and began delving deeper into the subject of insanity, prodding at the true meaning of the word.

Niko wasn't able to exploit the project like she could've however she did retain new information on the effects of depression and began being funded by other Universities whom wanted to explore inside of her brain and gain knowledge from what she discovered.≠


≠Niko isn't a receptive person, she is slow to catch onto any attempt at humor and she does not respond to affection well. She has a natural curiosity for the way people think and she often comments on their mannerisms or behavior before utilizing that to her advantage which can be understanbly both irritating and unwarranted. Niko is unable to keep a filter on her words and does not hold back from critiquing another however most people seem to gravitate towards her due to her intellect and ability to look through their facades.

It is safe to say that Niko can be highly paranoid and cautious to approach other people and often uses violence as a way to vent her frustration. She usually keeps a rein on her temper however the worst of her anger tends to flare up when someone teases or taunts her≠





≠Running for an extended period of time≠



≠Observing people's mannerisms≠

≠Navigating through treacherous terrain≠




≠Solving complex riddles≠


≠Large Crowds≠

≠Loud Sounds≠







Well I am Death none can excel, I can open the door to Heaven or Hell


×Character's Thoughts on their Future×

≠Although Niko will do quite a lot to maintain her survival, from a logical view she is not at all optimistic however the thought of her demise has never served to bother her≠

×Theme Song×

≠When You're Strange: The Doors≠


My name is Death and the end is here.

×Writing Sample×

≠In the past 24 seconds the man seated across from Niko had tapped his finger on the bridge of his glasses 4 times, the woman sitting directly beside her had checked her makeup in the reflection of her spoon 9 times since she had arrived, and one of the patrons seemed to be initiating intimate relations with a waitress in the women's bathroom.

The soft hum of a coffee machine seemed to be drowned out by the tidal wave of noise emanating from a high school student's phone which he ceased to silence and the couple who had been intent on forgetting their acts of infidelity clearly had once more recalled their sins. It was all so intriguing how all of this useless information would come into effect in the future and affect those who seemed to be pulled magnetically towards one another, the man would find someone to frequent a coffee shop with him, the woman would either fail spectacularly at impressing the stranger she appeared to be waiting for, the waitress would eventually leave the passerby she had picked up, and the couple would go about their days as if they had never lived them.

A butterfly effect of sorts which seemed to have come and gone with the changing tide of time before awashing them all with its endless and most likely devastating possibilities. It wasn't a sense of being wise or knowledgeable, it was a matter of observing those who would otherwise find themselves worthless within the eyes of others although Niko had always possessed eccentricities which would never be fixed. The young woman returned to sipping her cup of Chai tea, allowing the mixture of herbal essence and chemicals to soothe the imminent coldness in her throat before gazing at the child who appeared to be fascinated with a red truck he was clutching.

It was simply beautiful and destructive how fate seemed to intertwine≠

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