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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern The Experiment


King of Prehistory
First, Before you sign up, read these rules please.

Please try to be active, you don't have to be on the look out for new posts 24/7 just make sure you can post 2-3 times per week at the minimum, if you have a reason for not posting for a while, please tell me so that I don't think you have broken this rule, if you are unable to post at least twice a week, this RP may not be for you.

This is casual- Detailed level, so I would expect at least one or two good paragraphs per post, of course I will make exceptions for certain times, like when interacting with another character and there isn't much to talk about, but please try to make such posts at least 3 sentences long

Standard RP rules apply, no God modding no killing other characters without their creator's consent, etc

Even though I do have some requirements with posts, please don't make this RP the most important thing in your life, put real life first.

Have fun.

If you read the rules, like this post so I can tell who took the time to read.

Now, onto the character sheet





Are You a Hybrid?

If so,Hybrid of (e.g Human x Leopard)







You are allowed to create as many characters as you can handle.


My Characters:

Name: Peter Samson

Age: 19

Personality: Quite shy and easily frightened, Peter was never a highly social person, he was often a laughing stock for being scared of just about anything, especially Insects and spiders, which is extremely Ironic when you look at him as a hybrid.

Background: Peter came from a relatively poor family, with parents that loved him and a younger brother. When he was first sent to school, he tended to stay away from other children, he was always quiet and never made any friends, he was often picked on for being shy and easily frightened, with other children putting bugs in his hair. He was also very intelligent, and usually got top marks. when he left school he went to university studying chemistry before being drugged and taken to the facility

Are You a Hybrid? Yes

If so,Hybrid of (e.g Human x (Your animal)) Human x Mexican Red Knee Tarantula.

Appearance Black and hairy all over, with orange-red bands on his knees and arms. Instead of a mouth, he has two large fangs, on his head he has eight eyes.

Abilities: (based on the animal you are hybridized with and your past life) Urictating hairs: Peter can rub his body and dislodge irritating hairs, which can cause temporary blindness if caught in someone's eyes. Wall climbing, Peter can climb walls. Venomous bite: Using his fangs, Peter can bite an attacker, the bite isn't usually fatal, but can cause swelling.

Likes: His family, Cakes, his mother's scones, his brother.

Dislikes: The cold, The dark, his fears,people who would keep him in the facility.

Fears: Spiders, losing his family, snakes, being an outcast, the site of blood.

Hopes: To escape the facility and rejoin his family.

Name: Caleb Johnson

Age: 30

Personality: Caleb is short tempered, violent, and aggressive. He will never take no for an answer and will always try to get his way, no matter what, making him very stubborn

Background: Caleb was born to a normal family as an only child, he was usually very happy as a young child, however became more aggressive and stubborn as he matured, and could be prone to bullying others. When he left school he decided to seek a career in wrestling, where he quickly became famous, he managed to earn enough money to buy a large mansion and also got married and had a son called Jacob, who he wishes to see again some time

Are You a Hybrid? Yes

If so,Hybrid of (e.g Human x Leopard) Human x Crocodile

Appearance: He is huge, standing at about 7 feet high and weighing 220 pounds, he his a muddy green, with lot of scales and bumps, he has a large tail and nostrils high up on his short snout, which is full of teeth.

Abilities Powerful bite: Caleb has an immense bite force from crocodile DNA. Armour: Caleb's scales are highly resilient to damage, making him hard to hurt. Fighting skills: Because of his past occupation, Caleb is very strong and good at fighting. Swimming: Caleb is very good at swimming with help from his rudder like tail and powerful arms, he can also hold his breath for a long time.

Likes: His son, fighting, his home.

Dislikes: Wimps, people who disagree with him.

Fears: He doesn't fear anything, or so he says.

Hopes: To finally see his son and get his old life back.
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Name: Kathrina

Age: 20

Personality: She's a strong, determined girl, when she wants something done, she gets it done, she's strong, a little bit short tempered, she's merciless and has no problem cutting down anybody who stands in her way. She usay gets fueled by revenge. She's silent and only speaks out in well.. Fights, instructions etc. she basically always serious, but if you break her shell she's kinder and funny. She never minds a good challenge either, and is a little competitive.

Background: Instead of being born into a family, she was homeless since four, being taken in by kind strangers then thrown out for no reason. Getting by with a part time job and begging, she slept in the ally. And she was taken off the streets by her nightmares. She lived most of her life in a cage, always trying to kill those who experimented on her. She was never able to go to school and spent her time stealing library books to Learn, to other kids she was cold and silent to them, and would even insult them and beat them up. When she wasn't a kid, she worked so she could get food, and one night she was snatched up by the facility.

Are You a Hybrid? Yes

If so,Hybrid of (e.g Human x Leopard) Human x Lizard x (little) cat



Agility- her claws and quick body allows her to move very fast, stealthy and she's acrobatic.

Yes she has somewhat shaper teeth, and a bite from her could cause serious injury if she bites hard.

Animal communication: Yes she can converse with animals using eyecontact and animal speech

Claws: there not really sharp, but a very strong swipe may cause blood.

Speed: her small form makes her very fast





Being in control


Killing the people who made her like this



Unskilled in battle people



Dark places


Enclosed spaces

People who kill animals for no reason


Useless people

People who disobey


Fears: She's scared she'll never be accepted and always be a outcast, she's scared she'll never find a true family. Never being able to escape the facility.

Hopes: to escape and burn down the whole facility. Then starting a family and being accepted for who she is.

(I hope I'm not doing this too early, looks so intreasting thou and I saw you were getting your characters up..)
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Name: Ivy Latimer

Age: 16

Personality:Ivy is a outgoing person and will stand for what is right. She very cynical and sarcastic and is a very hard girl to read at times. She's insecure but she's doesn't show it and replaces it with her out going side. She's kind on the inside and will care for those who need it. She's very competitive and very quick to understand things easily. She speaks a few languages and is very arrogant as well

Background: Ivy grew up with one of the world's richest man in the world. Her father is one of the best lawyers in the world and her mother was a massive tv host. She was lonely as an only child which made her a bit sarcastic. She grew up with a black cat until she was ten, her parents were usually ignorant to Ivy and her nanny took care of her most of her life. She was popular at school. She was on the track team at school. One night she was walking home from school and she was knocked out by a man dressed in black and went unconscious

Are You a Hybrid: Yes

If so, Hybrid of: Cheetah

Appearance: She has faint cheetah spots in her hair and on her shoulders as well

Abilities: Speed up to 120km/h, she can talk to cats mentally and physically, her nails grow into large cat claws, she can turn into a cheetah

Likes: Running, cats, speed, competition, food, fun

Dislikes: Rudeness, dogs, her parents, bitching, sour things, bad movies

Fears: Death

Hopes: She dreams of becoming a model

Other: She has a cheetah tail from her merged DNA:​
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Name: Kara Bladen

Age: 17

Personality: Kara used to be a sarcastic, carefree, sweet and lovable girl.. until being captured, that is. Out of fear, Kara forced herself to become cold and in-compassionate, unknowingly making her the perfect soldier for the scientists. The scientists treat her cruelly, which only makes her cold exterior become more real. Deep down, however, Kara truly wishes to be loved and accepted, like all the others out there.

Background: Kara lived a mostly average life. She lived in a family with four brothers and a father, her mother having passed whens she was young. Most of her life she had learned to deal with her two younger and two older brothers, which is mainly how her sarcasm developed. Even though she could fend for herself when it came to who got the TV remote, Kara was incredibly sweet to others, somehow managing to be gifted with manors compared to her barbarian siblings. She wasn't popular at school, being called a boy mostly, due to her siblings and choice of clothing, yet it hardly effected how she treated others.

One day at school however, she snapped, having enough with the school bully's insults. Kara got in a pretty bad fight with him, managing to win (thanks to her wrestling matches with her eldest brother). It also lead to her suspension. So, leaving the school, she made her trek home, but she never arrived at her destination, being swooped up by scientists at the facility.

Are You a Hybrid? Yup

If so,Hybrid of Human x wolf


Her appearance after her mutation hasn't changed too much. She now has bright gold eyes, incredibly large canines, pitch black wolf ears, and a tail.


-Advanced eyesight

-Advanced hearing

-Very advanced sense of smell

-Can transform into a wolf (very unstable, it can happen any time but is mostly triggered based off of emotion).

-Increased speed (not as fast as the other hybrids that are built for speed, but she can outrun a human any day.

Likes: Meat, people who don't judge others, writing, music, being accepted

Dislikes: high pitched noises, needles, enclosed spaces, most people

Fears: Being forgotton, enclosed spaces, living an unmeaningful life.

Hopes: To be accepted into society, to be loved by someone.

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Name: Hannah

Age: 12



Are You a Hybrid? Yes (Human x Wolf x Bat)



This was her appearance before she was captured. However, she now has much sharper teeth, a tail, and enhanced sense of smell as a result of the wolf. As a result of the bat, she has small wings, talons, and her vocal range can go much higher now. She is also blind, but her hearing is phenomonal.

Abilities: Enhanced Speed (about 40 mph)

Enhanced Sense of Smell/Hearing

More Agile

Her Scream is like that of a Banshee

Likes: Reading, Drawing, People

Dislikes:Medication, mental hospitals

Fears: To not be accepted, death

Hopes: To get back to her 'family', to cure her schizophrenia
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[QUOTE="Alexis Martin]Name: Hannah
Age: 12



Are You a Hybrid? Yes (Human x Wolf x Bat)



This was her appearance before she was captured. However, she now has much sharper teeth, a tail, and enhanced sense of smell as a result of the wolf. As a result of the bat, she has small wings and her vocal range can go much higher now. She is also blind, but her hearing is phenomonal.

Abilities: Enhanced Speed (about 40 mph)

Enhanced Sense of Smell/Hearing

More Agile

Her Scream is like that of a Banshee

Likes: Reading, Drawing, People

Dislikes:Medication, mental hospitals

Fears: To not be accepted, death

Hopes: To get back to her 'family', to cure her schizophrenia

Name: Kolleen Simon

Age: 21

Personality: Kolleen is quiet and reserved. She doesn't like to cause any problems and prefers to keep to herself. She never really seems to show emotion. She's really just blank.

Background: Kolleen grew up with her grandparents. Her grandmother was a very kind woman and always took care of Kolleen. Her grandfather was quite the character and was really the only one to ever get a laugh out of Colleen. One night, she went to sleep and woke up not in her own bed. She doesn't really know what has been happening, but she knows that she just wants out.

Hybrid: Human x Fish



She looks like an average human from a distance. However, at a closet glance, parts of her skin are covered in shiny scales. She also has sets of gills on her neck and webbed hands/feet.

Abilities: She can swim extremely fast and breathe underwater.


  • Reading
  • Her Family
  • Swimming


  • Social Interactions
  • Showing Emotion
  • Stupidity


  • Fire
  • Appearing Weak
  • Losing Her Family

Hopes: Kolleen wishes to find her grandparents and live the life that she once had.



Bellame Ace Loara




One of the more 'monstrous' Hybrids created. She was injected with the DNA of a Komodo Dragon, an Inland Taipan, a Texas Horned Lizard and a very unnoticed strand from a monkey.



Her appearance prior operation.

Now the sclera of her eyes are a yellow color with a erratic red line circling around her iris, which is more of a small, black oval in the center of her eye, surrounded by a thin white border. Her flawless skin is now speckled with brown, gray, yellow, black and green scales, all sprouting in patches across her skin in random patches. Her feet are completely covered in dark scales that lessen as they go up her legs, her hands and arms are a repeat of this. Two, twelve in long, brown, spiky horns jut out from mirrored spots on the top of her head. Smaller spikes protrude from her temples and cheek bones. Her lips are a dark pink with purple speckles on them. Her tongue is long, thin, and forked. It's yellow in color. Every single one of her teeth are bone daggers, waiting to pierce and rip flesh, which makes her smile pretty intimidating. Her two largest teeth are located where her human canines were. They are large, sharp, and semi hollow. These are the fangs she uses to pump lethal venom into her victims. Her venom gland is located inside of her gums. She has a large, 6 foot long tail waving about just above her butt. The tail is thick, usually one foot wide at the base and gradually getting smaller. Its a muddy grayishy color with a yellow underside. A few tan colored spikes, three to four inches in length, surround the tip and upper portion of her tail.



She wasn't chosen to become a military weapon for her kindness. Bellame is detached, analytical, and hard to get to know well. She can be insensitive to the misfortunes of others can isn't very affectionate. She can seen unemotional as she has trouble describing her feelings. She's loyal to peers and value systems, but not overly concerned with respecting laws and rules if they get in the way of getting things done. She isn't one to be dominated or belittled. She has loner tendencies. She's hot headed, irritable and impulsive, taking risks and living in the moment. Individualistic, she has no desire to lead or follow others. She isn't influenced by the will of others. She is socially uncomfortable and usually comes off as aggressive or standoffish. She's suspicious of others and distrustful. She has an exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans of action. She doesn't value religion or other beliefs as such. She's secretly a perfectionist,but is hard to impress, or frighten for that matter. She has a darker side that is prone to violence. She's sadistic to an extent, enjoying watching those who have done her or her loved ones injustice befall a painful fate. She isn't very altruistic. She's vengeful and protective of those she finds worthy of protecting. She despises humans. Despite her cold, cruel, ruthless killer facade, Bellame does know how to be kind. It's a rare occurrence, but it happens.


Bellame was born the identical twin to her brother, Justice, on November 15th. They grew up in a small, tired town with parents that shouldn't have been parents. Their mother and father were unemployed, living off of the government and spending what little they had on drugs and alcohol. They lived in a tiny apartment in the shady part of town. They were inseparable, always wanting to be with the other and always finding ways to get back together when separated. From an early age Bellame and Justice had to learn how to care for themselves. Their survival became their own job, and if they made a mistake they would pay with their lives. They managed to balance their time between school and basic survival, but before and after school they were out on the streets, stealing and pick-pocketing.

The first time their parents stooped to physically abusing their children was on their tenth birthday. The twins refused to come home for their 'party', a shot of birthday cake flavored liqueur, and decided to work for a little extra cash instead. They had their own little private birthday party on a playground, each surprised the other with their own cupcake, a treat both had secretly worked a little extra for. When they returned to the building they slept in, because it surely wasn't a home, their parents were intoxicated beyond belief. They lectured them, yelled and threw things, but the twins stood firm. They were just weak little children, afraid of their own shadows, but together they could accomplish anything. Then their father punched Justice, and Bellame went to protect him. It only lasted a few minutes, but it changed their lives forever. That night Justice carried his sister, older by two minutes, to the emergency room. Her nose was broken, she had a concussion, her arm was fractured and she was bleeding profusely from a wound on her side, done by her father after he stabbed her with a bottle, all the while their 'mother' was giggling from the corner, shooting up with another drug.

The hospital took her in, but Justice wasn't one to keep secrets. The sight of his sister in so much pain broken him. He confessed everything to the nurses, not leaving out a single detail. The law took action immediately, arresting the parents and taking the children away to a foster home. They lived a semi-normal life in that crowded home, but they were just happy to be with each other. After they graduated high school they enlisted themselves into the army. Five years in they were kidnapped by people they later discovered to be their friends and taken to an experimental facility. Their specific scientist grew obsessed with the twins, treating them much harsher than other hybrids. Not only did they go through the extreme pain of growing new limbs and their bones changing, but their head scientist, Dr. Bagger, tortured them for his own enjoyment. Physical pain they could deal with, but Dr. Bagger found their weakness. He split them apart, placing each in complete different sections of the facility.


Raw meat


Getting revenge


The Hybrid species

The outdoors

Her brother



Any food other than meat

Being restrained

Being touched

Being inside

The cold


Losing the only person she truly couldn't live without, her brother.


Living peacefully with her brother in a country home in the middle of nowhere with no humans or hybrids to bother them.


Due to her vast amount of reptilian DNA, Bellame is now left with mostly lethal abilities.

Prehensile Tail- Her tail can be controlled and used as a 'third arm' because of her monkey DNA. Though it stores fat, is covered in scales and doesn't exactly feel as gentle as the furry mammal you picture when you think of a monkey, it has bones in it, allowing for controlled movement. This means she can't cast her tail off when she's in danger, and if it were to be cut off not only would it not grow back, but it would cause her an extreme amount of pain.

Deadly Bite- Bellame is mixed with the most dangerous lizard and most venomous snake in the world. Her dull, herbivore teeth were replaced with sharp, serrated ones. Her jaws are more flexible, able to open wider and snap down with a greater force. She gained the ability to live a healthy life while her saliva contained a large quantity of serious bacteria, ready to infect a body of her choice and deliver around fifty eight different types of infectious bacteria into their blood stream. It all began after the scientists fed her raw, decaying and/or tainted meat and continued on from there. The fact that she has hollow fangs containing the same venom of an Inland Taipan only strengthens the fact that her bite is extremely lethal. The venom of a single bite from an Inland Taipan is strong enough to kill 100 men. The unlucky victim of Bellame's wrath would have only forty five minutes to live after she delivered her bite. If they somehow managed to make anti-venom, in four or five days the infection from her saliva would kill them (unless they were being treated 24/7 with super strong antibiotics.).

Auto-Hemorrhaging- The horned lizard has two constricting muscles that line the major veins around its eye. When these muscles contract, they cut off blood flow back to the heart, while it continues to flow into the head. This floods the ocular sinuses with blood, building pressure, and causing them to bulge. By further contracting these muscles in a rapid manner, the pressure increases even more, eventually rupturing the thin sinus membranes. The result is a jet stream of blood that can shoot up to four feet from the eye socket, a process known as auto-hemorrhaging. Amazingly, this process can be repeated several times within a short period if necessary, though the mechanism for this rapid recovery is not completely understood. Bellame has the same ability, though her bigger muscles give her the ability to shoot up to seven feet from her eye. Her scientists have found that after altered with this DNA, Bellame could no later cry clear, watery tears. Instead, the come out as droplets of blood.

Heightened Smell- Komodo dragons have a very good sense of smell. But it's not the kind of smell most of us are familiar with. Like a snake, a Komodo "smells" by collecting air with its forked tongue and then depositing it on receptors on the roof of its mouth. Using this method, it can detect a dead animal up to 5 miles (8 kilometers) off. Bellame's vision is in need of repair, but her sense of smell, due to her receptors and forked tongue, is extraordinary

Legs and Claws- Her leg and feet structure underwent a drastic change. Her feet shortened in length and expanded in width. Her toes sharpened and curved into the talons similar to that of a Komodo Dragon. Her fingers are long and bony, ending in thick, black, curved claws. She isn't faster than your average human, but her legs and arms are very powerful, although she doesn't seem to be extremely muscular.Though they aren't as dangerous as her mouth, her talons are surely something to look out for.

Her leg and feet structure, but it doesn't look like a separate section of her body like it does in the picture.

Her brother is coming soon.


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Name: Nibb Ler

Age: 21

Personality: Curiosity is his foray and experience his limiter. Now being able to explore the world he was amazed at what existed outside the lab, that was really his only home. Quickly he took to exploring the world to increase his girth of knowledge. Meeting many people with hate or fear in their hearts of hybrids he never grew to hate them, but rather felt sympathy for them. More specially adults who seemed stuck with their ideologies and viewed as a sad case. His fondness towards human youth grew more profound in his travels as they exhibited the greatest potential for growth mentally. They also tended to be more curious then fearful of him. Overall he is a direct person which can make him seem spiteful at times depending on the subject. His isn't quite talkative unless a person captures his curiosity or in some ways serves a purpose. This leads into his darker half that constitutes his self serving nature due to the nature of his hybridization. He doesn't feel any direct connection to humans, animals, or hybrids as he looks only at his own being and needs. As such he isn't likely to involve himself with issues unless a personal quot is filled.

Background: Nibb is a one of the first attempts to create a hybrid that could absorb other hybrid's abilities. Though like previous experiments there was limited success in this department, but he was considered a major step forward. He was stolen away at a park according to his file records at a young age. Nibb remembers none of his human life since he was so young, all he knew were the walls of the lab. Unlike other hybrids who went through physical training due to the nature of their hybridization he was locked away in a white room with only a plethora of books to keep his curiosity at bay. Commonly to test out his abilities he was fed the flesh of various organisms, hybrids included. Through this isolation he managed to learn mathematics, science, and other disciplines from his books. Though the isolation did have a reciprocation on his social skills.

Once he reached around ten years of age he was allowed to interact with other hybrids since most numerical data had been gathered on him. This would prove troublesome in a few years for the facility when he managed to escape at the age of thirteen with a group. It wasn't long before he parted with the group to explore the world that he never knew. Here he gained something that he never could in lab walls, experience. The facility eventually caught up with him as he was captured and returned to the facility, he was nineteen at this time. The records of what happened while he was in the human world are limited as he refuses to speak of it.

This character is a hybrid.

Hybrid of Human X Elysia chlorotica (Sea Slug) X Laevicaulis alte (Common Slug [small part of genetic material])

Elysia chlorotica


Appearance: His body is humanoid, but barren of certain humanistic features such as hair, nostrils, and ears. He has pointed skeletal structures such as his chin; his epidermal system (skin) seems more tightly woven and dry compared to a human giving him a skeletal body figure. His skin pigmentation is normally a pale white with green faded in green patterns on some parts of his body. The unique feature about Nibb are his antenna like structures protruding from his head that are more than mere skin growths. They have a their own nerve lines that is connected to the brain, like the eyes have, and CT scans show that part of his skull has slight openings where the nerve endings meet his brain. This gives him a profound skull shape that lacks nasal cavities, but has orbital dishes where the antenna are formed, comparative to the eyes.


1. Chemical Perception: This ability extends from his antenna that can allow him to in a sense smell. Like a canine he can recognize more scents and in fainter amounts then any mere human could hope. Sea slugs are known to use this ability to follow chemical trails and track down prey. The skill has great tactical use, but is limited in direct confrontations.


: Around a few turns in a corridor Nibb can detect the presence of a person through their unique smell. This can allow him to known a person is there before seeing them and even recognize them. Dangerously enough when he concentrates he can detect a change of hormones in a person's blood that can enlighten him to their emotional state and even intentions.

2. Foul Stench: This ability extends from his unique digestive system that his main ability is also derived from. Through forcing a portion of his intestinal tract into his stomach he ejects a foul odor that carries a disorienting and large shock factor. Sea slugs do this to a larger extent and actually barf out their intestinal tract as a form of self defense. It works well in times of escape, but is uncomfortable for Nibb who has to feel his intestines orient themselves back into position.


: When surrounded he can perform this ability to muffle his attacker senses that can buy him time to think, attack, or flee.

3. A King's Diet: The scientist infused Nibb with Elysia chlorotica specially to steal its odd ability to use genes from other organisms by eating them. A popular example of this is the fact that the sea slug eats algae so that it can use the sun as a source of energy itself. Whenever Nib eats a raw organism in certain proportions (at least half a pound of them) he starts to exhibit some of their genetic traits. These traits linger for a day if he consumed only half a pound of the organism, though continuous dining on a specific organism will not only increase the number of traits he exhibits, but also how long they linger. While it was a great step forward it didn't make Nibb into a war weapon. Limitations existed such as how quickly he digested the organism, how fresh the meal was, and how close that organisms's genetic material is to Nib's own.


: At one point they fed Nib only cactus juice for three weeks to record its effects. After the first day his skin turned lime green and he was able to perform photosynthesis. Consequences of this was that Nibb had a constant need for water. After a week Nibb became lethargic and sat on the table to be closer to the light in his room. During this time his skin became more thick, analysis indicates due to water and glucose build up. It didn't agitate him as he simple read his book, only moving to ask for more water. After a second week on this diet his neural activity and bodily activities have slowed dramatically. It seems his skin has become its own respiratory organ as it cycles out CO2 and O2 freely. He rarely talks or even touches his books, which is abnormal. After two weeks and a half he seems in a meditative state as he simple stares at the light in his room. Shockingly blood tests show he has subtle levels of auxin, gibberellins, cytokinins, and ethylene which are hormones only present in plants. Matters are made worse when the hormones are actually interacting with his cells. The experiment was halted at this juncture since the hormones were driving Nibb into a coma and his organs were shutting down since they were no longer in use. Scientists are still speculating what his body would have turned out like if the experiment was continued.

Likes: Books




Quite locations

Dislikes: Getting sick



Fears: Being close to death

Hopes: To gather the widest amount of knowledge


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RowdyPotato said:



Bellame Ace Loara




One of the more 'monstrous' Hybrids created. She was injected with the DNA of a Komodo Dragon, an Inland Taipan, a Texas Horned Lizard and a very unnoticed strand from a monkey.



Her appearance prior operation.

Now the sclera of her eyes are a yellow color with a erratic red line circling around her iris, which is more of a small, black oval in the center of her eye, surrounded by a thin white border. Her flawless skin is now speckled with brown, gray, yellow, black and green scales, all sprouting in patches across her skin in random patches. Her feet are completely covered in dark scales that lessen as they go up her legs, her hands and arms are a repeat of this. Two, twelve in long, brown, spiky horns jut out from mirrored spots on the top of her head. Smaller spikes protrude from her temples and cheek bones. Her lips are a dark pink with purple speckles on them. Her tongue is long, thin, and forked. It's yellow in color. Every single one of her teeth are bone daggers, waiting to pierce and rip flesh, which makes her smile pretty intimidating. Her two largest teeth are located where her human canines were. They are large, sharp, and semi hollow. These are the fangs she uses to pump lethal venom into her victims. Her venom gland is located inside of her gums. She has a large, 6 foot long tail waving bout just above her butt. The tail is thick, usually one foot wide at the base and gradually getting smaller. Its a muddy grayishy color with a yellow underside. A few tan colored spikes, three to four inches in length, surround the tip and upper portion of her tail.



She wasn't chosen to become a military weapon for her kindness. Bellame is detached, analytical, and hard to get to know well. She can be insensitive to the misfortunes of others can isn't very affectionate. She can seen unemotional as she has trouble describing her feelings. She's loyal to peers and value systems, but not overly concerned with respecting laws and rules if they get in the way of getting things done. She isn't one to be dominated or belittled. She has loner tendencies. She's hot headed, irritable and impulsive, taking risks and living in the moment. Individualistic, she has no desire to lead or follow others. She isn't influenced by the will of others. She is socially uncomfortable and usually comes off as aggressive or standoffish. She's suspicious of others and distrustful. She has an exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans of action. She doesn't value religion or other beliefs as such. She's secretly a perfectionist,but is hard to impress, or frighten for that matter. She has a darker side that is prone to violence. She's sadistic to an extent, enjoying watching those who have done her or her loved ones injustice befall a painful fate. She isn't very altruistic. She's vengeful and protective of those she finds worthy of protecting. She despises humans. Despite her cold, cruel, ruthless killer facade, Bellame does know how to be kind. It's a rare occurrence, but it happens.


Bellame was born the identical twin to her brother, Justice, on November 15th. They grew up in a small, tired town with parents that shouldn't have been parents. Their mother and father were unemployed, living off of the government and spending what little they had on drugs and alcohol. They lived in a tiny apartment in the shady part of town. They were inseparable, always wanting to be with the other and always finding ways to get back together when separated. From an early age Bellame and Justice had to learn how to care for themselves. Their survival became their own job, and if they made a mistake they would pay with their lives. They managed to balance their time between school and basic survival, but before and after school they were out on the streets, stealing and pick-pocketing.

The first time their parents stooped to physically abusing their children was on their tenth birthday. The twins refused to come home for their 'party', a shot of birthday cake flavored liqueur, and decided to work for a little extra cash instead. They had their own little private birthday party on a playground, each surprised the other with their own cupcake, a treat both had secretly worked a little extra for. When they returned to the building they slept in, because it surely wasn't a home, their parents were intoxicated beyond belief. They lectured them, yelled and threw things, but the twins stood firm. They were just weak little children, afraid of their own shadows, but together they could accomplish anything. Then their father punched Justice, and Bellame went to protect him. It only lasted a few minutes, but it changed their lives forever. That night Justice carried his sister, older by two minutes, to the emergency room. Her nose was broken, she had a concussion, her arm was fractured and she was bleeding profusely from a wound on her side, done by her father after he stabbed her with a bottle, all the while their 'mother' was giggling from the corner, shooting up with another drug.

The hospital took her in, but Justice wasn't one to keep secrets. The sight of his sister in so much pain broken him. He confessed everything to the nurses, not leaving out a single detail. The law took action immediately, arresting the parents and taking the children away to a foster home. They lived a semi-normal life in that crowded home, but they were just happy to be with each other. After they graduated high school they enlisted themselves into the army. Five years in they were kidnapped by people they later discovered to be their friends and taken to an experimental facility. Their specific scientist grew obsessed with the twins, treating them much harsher than other hybrids. Not only did they go through the extreme pain of growing new limbs and their bones changing, but their head scientist, Dr. Bagger, tortured them for his own enjoyment. Physical pain they could deal with, but Dr. Bagger found their weakness. He split them apart, placing each in complete different sections of the facility.


Raw meat


Getting revenge


The Hybrid species

The outdoors

Her brother



Any food other than meat

Being restrained

Being touched

Being inside

The cold


Losing the only person she truly couldn't live without, her brother.


Living peacefully with her brother in a country home in the middle of nowhere with no humans or hybrids to bother them.


Due to her vast amount of reptilian DNA, Bellame is now left with mostly lethal abilities.

Prehensile Tail- Her tail can be controlled and used as a 'third arm' because of her monkey DNA. Though it stores fat, is covered in scales and doesn't exactly feel as gentle as the furry mammal you picture when you think of a monkey, it has bones in it, allowing for controlled movement. This means she can't cast her tail off when she's in danger, and if it were to be cut off not only would it not grow back, but it would cause her an extreme amount of pain.

Deadly Bite- Bellame is mixed with the most dangerous lizard and most venomous snake in the world. Her dull, herbivore teeth were replaced with sharp, serrated ones. Her jaws are more flexible, able to open wider and snap down with a greater force.The bacterial toxin from a Komodo dragon is created by her mouth and kept in her saliva, ready to infect a body of her choice and deliver more than eight different types of infection bacteria. The fact that she has hollow, fangs containing the same venom of an Inland Taipan only strengthens the fact that her bite is exremely lethal. The venom of a single bite from an Inland Taipan is strong enough to kill 100 men. The unlucky victim of Bellame's wrath would have only forty five minutes to live after she delivered her bite. If they somehow managed to make anti-venom, in four or five days the infection from her saliva would kill them (unless they would being treated 24/7 with super strong antibiotics.).

Auto-Hemorrhaging- The horned lizard has two constricting muscles that line the major veins around its eye. When these muscles contract, they cut off blood flow back to the heart, while it continues to flow into the head. This floods the ocular sinuses with blood, building pressure, and causing them to bulge. By further contracting these muscles in a rapid manner, the pressure increases even more, eventually rupturing the thin sinus membranes. The result is a jet stream of blood that can shoot up to four feet from the eye socket, a process known as auto-hemorrhaging. Amazingly, this process can be repeated several times within a short period if necessary, though the mechanism for this rapid recovery is not completely understood. Bellame has the same ability, though her bigger muscles give her the ability to shoot up to seven feet from her eye. Her scientists have found that after altered with this DNA, Bellame could no later cry clear, watery tears. Instead, the come out as droplets of blood.

Heightened Smell- Komodo dragons have a very good sense of smell. But it's not the kind of smell most of us are familiar with. Like a snake, a Komodo "smells" by collecting air with its forked tongue and then depositing it on receptors on the roof of its mouth. Using this method, it can detect a dead animal up to 5 miles (8 kilometers) off. Bellame's vision is in need of repair, but her sense of smell, due to her receptors and forked tongue, is extraordinary

Legs and Claws- Her leg and feet structure underwent a drastic change. Her feet shortened in length and expanded in width. Her toes sharpened and curved into the talons similar to that of a Komodo Dragon. Her fingers are long and boney, ending in thick, black, curved claws. She isn't faster than your average human, but her legs and arms are very powerful, although she doesn't seem to be extremely muscular.Though they aren't as dangerous as her mouth, her talons are surely something to look out for.

Her leg and feet structure, but it doesn't look like a separate section of her body like it does in the picture.

Her brother is coming soon.


TheMadIceCreamMan said:

Name: Nibb Ler

Age: 21

Personality: Curiosity is his foray and experience his limiter. Now being able to explore the world he was amazed at what existed outside the lab, that was really his only home. Quickly he took to exploring the world to increase his girth of knowledge. Meeting many people with hate or fear in their hearts of hybrids he never grew to hate them, but rather felt sympathy for them. More specially adults who seemed stuck with their ideologies and viewed as a sad case. His fondness towards human youth grew more profound in his travels as they exhibited the greatest potential for growth mentally. They also tended to be more curious then fearful of him. Overall he is a direct person which can make him seem spiteful at times depending on the subject. His isn't quite talkative unless a person captures his curiosity or in some ways serves a purpose. This leads into his darker half that constitutes his self serving nature due to the nature of his hybridization. He doesn't feel any direct connection to humans, animals, or hybrids as he looks only at his own being and needs. As such he isn't likely to involve himself with issues unless a personal quot is filled.

Background: Nibb is a one of the first attempts to create a hybrid that could absorb other hybrid's abilities. Though like previous experiments there was limited success in this department, but he was considered a major step forward. He was stolen away at a park according to his file records at a young age. Nibb remembers none of his human life since he was so young, all he knew were the walls of the lab. Unlike other hybrids who went through physical training due to the nature of their hybridization he was locked away in a white room with only a plethora of books to keep his curiosity at bay. Commonly to test out his abilities he was fed the flesh of various organisms, hybrids included. Through this isolation he managed to learn mathematics, science, and other disciplines from his books. Though the isolation did have a reciprocation on his social skills.

Once he reached around ten years of age he was allowed to interact with other hybrids since most numerical data had been gathered on him. This would prove troublesome in a few years for the facility when he managed to escape at the age of thirteen with a group. It wasn't long before he parted with the group to explore the world that he never knew. Here he gained something that he never could in lab walls, experience. The facility eventually caught up with him as he was captured and returned to the facility, he was nineteen at this time. The records of what happened while he was in the human world are limited as he refuses to speak of it.

This character is a hybrid.

Hybrid of Human X Elysia chlorotica (Sea Slug) X Laevicaulis alte (Common Slug [small part of genetic material])

Elysia chlorotica


Appearance: His body is humanoid, but barren of certain humanistic features such as hair, nostrils, and ears. He has pointed skeletal structures such as his chin; his epidermal system (skin) seems more tightly woven and dry compared to a human giving him a skeletal body figure. His skin pigmentation is normally a pale white with green faded in green patterns on some parts of his body. The unique feature about Nibb are his antenna like structures protruding from his head that are more than mere skin growths. They have a their own nerve lines that is connected to the brain, like the eyes have, and CT scans show that part of his skull has slight openings where the nerve endings meet his brain. This gives him a profound skull shape that lacks nasal cavities, but has orbital dishes where the antenna are formed, comparative to the eyes.


1. Chemical Perception: This ability extends from his antenna that can allow him to in a sense smell. Like a canine he can recognize more scents and in fainter amounts then any mere human could hope. Sea slugs are known to use this ability to follow chemical trails and track down prey. The skill has great tactical use, but is limited in direct confrontations.


: Around a few turns in a corridor Nibb can detect the presence of a person through their unique smell. This can allow him to known a person is there before seeing them and even recognize them. Dangerously enough when he concentrates he can detect a change of hormones in a person's blood that can enlighten him to their emotional state and even intentions.

2. Foul Stench: This ability extends from his unique digestive system that his main ability is also derived from. Through forcing a portion of his intestinal tract into his stomach he ejects a foul odor that carries a disorienting and large shock factor. Sea slugs do this to a larger extent and actually barf out their intestinal tract as a form of self defense. It works well in times of escape, but is uncomfortable for Nibb who has to feel his intestines orient themselves back into position.


: When surrounded he can perform this ability to muffle his attacker senses that can buy him time to think, attack, or flee.

3. A King's Diet: The scientist infused Nibb with Elysia chlorotica specially to steal its odd ability to use genes from other organisms by eating them. A popular example of this is the fact that the sea slug eats algae so that it can use the sun as a source of energy itself. Whenever Nib eats a raw organism in certain proportions (at least half a pound of them) he starts to exhibit some of their genetic traits. These traits linger for a day if he consumed only half a pound of the organism, though continuous dining on a specific organism will not only increase the number of traits he exhibits, but also how long they linger. While it was a great step forward it didn't make Nibb into a war weapon. Limitations existed such as how quickly he digested the organism, how fresh the meal was, and how close that organisms's genetic material is to Nib's own.


: At one point they fed Nib only cactus juice for three weeks to record its effects. After the first day his skin turned lime green and he was able to perform photosynthesis. Consequences of this was that Nibb had a constant need for water. After a week Nibb became lethargic and sat on the table to be closer to the light in his room. During this time his skin became more thick, analysis indicates due to water and glucose build up. It didn't agitate him as he simple read his book, only moving to ask for more water. After a second week on this diet his neural activity and bodily activities have slowed dramatically. It seems his skin has become its own respiratory organ as it cycles out CO2 and O2 freely. He rarely talks or even touches his books, which is abnormal. After two weeks and a half he seems in a meditative state as he simple stares at the light in his room. Shockingly blood tests show he has subtle levels of auxin, gibberellins, cytokinins, and ethylene which are hormones only present in plants. Matters are made worse when the hormones are actually interacting with his cells. The experiment was halted at this juncture since the hormones were driving Nibb into a coma and his organs were shutting down since they were no longer in use. Scientists are still speculating what his body would have turned out like if the experiment was continued.

Likes: Books

TheMadIceCreamMan said:



Quite locations

Dislikes: Getting sick



Fears: Being close to death

Hopes: To gather the widest amount of knowledge


Both accepted. I can see both of you put in a lot of research into them, so well done.



Justice Gunner Loara




The only factors he and Bellame have in common is their seemingly quiet first impression. After the first conversation Justice will reveal his true colors, throwing away all distrust he had just a moment ago. He's the complete opposite of Bellame, outgoing, social, open, doesn't like being alone. He's talkative, open, and can be a little touchy feely, but in an affectionate, not perverted way. He enjoys living for the moment, loves gaining new experiences. He's the optimist of he family, always positive and always making jokes or acting goofy. He's good at getting others to have fun or loosen up. He is warm hearted and altruistic, tending to put the needs of others before himself. He tends to be more of a doer, focusing more on immediate results than long term ones. Similarly to his sister, he is extremely loyal to his peers, but usually isn't respectful of laws and rules if they get in the way of getting things done. He's adaptable and action-oriented. He's loving, considerate, emotional and dutiful. He believes life has a purpose and meaning, and eventually he'll understand why his life had been so hard. He is loyal and hard-working, always the diligent one. He seems almost childlike, though he can handle criticism and is hard to discourage. Despite his happy-go-lucky ways, he feels a strong sense of responsibility over the well being of his sister. He is just as protective over her as she is of him.


Same as sister's.


Justice was mutated with a small variety of animals. He was given a new scientist shortly after his arrival, a much kinder, gentler man than whom his sister was stuck with. Dr. Fredrick injected him with the DNA of Polar Bear, Lyrebird, and Water Deer.



His appearance prior to the operation.

Now his face is pulled outwards in what looks to be a short muzzle. His black lips resemble more of a polar bears, his nose is now pressed down and tipped in black. White fuzz covers his muzzle and gradually lessens in intensity nearer to his face. Two long canines poke out from his upper lip, reaching all the way down to mid-neck. His hands look more like paws, far larger than any humans. His palms and underside of his fingers are rough, black pads. Instead of round finger tips, they curve into large black talons. White fur covers the dorsal of his hands. Coarse fur grows from the skin above his spine. He stands at the height of 7'3. His skin would be littered with stretch marks if there wasn't a light coating off mostly white, occasionally brown fuzz covering it. His rapid muscle growth pushed his skin to it's limits, even ripping it open if he wasn't careful. By now his skin has adapted to the bulging muscles that once threatened to burst through it. He has two large, tubular brown ears replacing his human ones, a trait given to him by the tiny Water Deer.


Swimming- Justice's hands and feet enlarged after his mutation, growing quadruple the size of a full grown man's limbs. Thick webbing formed between his fingers and toes and he grew more powerful, allowing him to pull himself through water at a faster rate per stroke. His endurance sky rocketed as well. He can reach speeds up to 6 mph in water and travel 17 hours to ten days, covering between 33 to 423 miles. Water Deers are also known for being strong swimmers, giving Justice an extra advantage in the water.

Mimicking- A trait given by the Lyrebird, a land-dwelling bird most notable for its superb ability to mimic natural and artificial sounds from its environment. Everything he hears he can mimic perfectly, from voices to cars to camera shutters.

Increased Strength- Accompanied by his new massive paw-like hands, Justice was rewarded with enormous strength to back him up. A single swipe has enough force to break the skull of the average human on impact (Or swipe it clean off depending on the positions they are in). He doesn't have super powers, he can't lift up a car with one hand, but he can easily overpower someone who isn't mutated similarly to him.

Bite: Polar bears have a 1,235 PSI bite force. Justice's jaw also grew and broadened after his genetic scrambling, creating a small muzzle instead of a normal flat human mouth. His mouth itself is full of large canines, sharp incisors and small molars. The DNA of the tiny Water Deer gave him their signature tusks, ready to be thrust into the soft flesh of living things.

Heightened Smell: Polar bear's sense of smell is acute, and it is the most important sense for detecting prey on land. A polar bear can most likely smell a seal from more than 1 km (0.6 mi.) away and 1 m (3 ft.) under the snow.


Making people laugh

All types of food


Physical affection

Living things

Nice people

Having conversations and making bonds

His sister


The cold



People who mean him harm


Being made fun of

Crawly bugs

The heat

Law enforcement



Being taken back to that cold, cruel place of pain and sadness.


To get his sister to understand that not all humans want to hurt them.

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RedLikeRoses said:

Name: Kara Bladen

Age: 17

Personality: Kara used to be a sarcastic, carefree, sweet and lovable girl.. until being captured, that is. Out of fear, Kara forced herself to become cold and in-compassionate, unknowingly making her the perfect soldier for the scientists. The scientists treat her cruelly, which only makes her cold exterior become more real. Deep down, however, Kara truly wishes to be loved and accepted, like all the others out there.

Background: Kara lived a mostly average life. She lived in a family with four brothers and a father, her mother having passed whens she was young. Most of her life she had learned to deal with her two younger and two older brothers, which is mainly how her sarcasm developed. Even though she could fend for herself when it came to who got the TV remote, Kara was incredibly sweet to others, somehow managing to be gifted with manors compared to her barbarian siblings. She wasn't popular at school, being called a boy mostly, due to her siblings and choice of clothing, yet it hardly effected how she treated others.

One day at school however, she snapped, having enough with the school bully's insults. Kara got in a pretty bad fight with him, managing to win (thanks to her wrestling matches with her eldest brother). It also lead to her suspension. So, leaving the school, she made her trek home, but she never arrived at her destination, being swooped up by scientists at the facility.

Are You a Hybrid? Yup

If so,Hybrid of Human x wolf


Her appearance after her mutation hasn't changed too much. She now has bright gold eyes, incredibly large canines, pitch black wolf ears, and a tail.


-Advanced eyesight

-Advanced hearing

-Very advanced sense of smell

-Can transform into a wolf (very unstable, it can happen any time but is mostly triggered based off of emotion).

-Increased speed (not as fast as the other hybrids that are built for speed, but she can outrun a human any day.

Likes: Meat, people who don't judge others, writing, music, being accepted

Dislikes: high pitched noises, needles, enclosed spaces, most people

Fears: Being forgotton, enclosed spaces, living an unmeaningful life.

Hopes: To be accepted into society, to be loved by someone.

RowdyPotato said:



Justice Gunner Loara




The only factors he and Bellame have in common is their seemingly quiet first impression. After the first conversation Justice will reveal his true colors, throwing away all distrust he had just a moment ago. He's the complete opposite of Bellame, outgoing, social, open, doesn't like being alone. He's talkative, open, and can be a little touchy feely, but in an affectionate, not perverted way. He enjoys living for the moment, loves gaining new experiences. He's the optimist of he family, always positive and always making jokes or acting goofy. He's good at getting others to have fun or loosen up. He is warm hearted and altruistic, tending to put the needs of others before himself. He tends to be more of a doer, focusing more on immediate results than long term ones. Similarly to his sister, he is extremely loyal to his peers, but usually isn't respectful of laws and rules if they get in the way of getting things done. He's adaptable and action-oriented. He's loving, considerate, emotional and dutiful. He believes life has a purpose and meaning, and eventually he'll understand why his life had been so hard. He is loyal and hard-working, always the diligent one. He seems almost childlike, though he can handle criticism and is hard to discourage. Despite his happy-go-lucky ways, he feels a strong sense of responsibility over the well being of his sister. He is just as protective over her as she is of him.


Same as sister's.


Justice was mutated with a small variety of animals. He was given a new scientist shortly after his arrival, a much kinder, gentler man than whom his sister was stuck with. Dr. Fredrick injected him with the DNA of Polar Bear, Lyrebird, and Water Deer.



His appearance prior to the operation.

Now his face is pulled outwards in what looks to be a short muzzle. His black lips resemble more of a polar bears, his nose is now pressed down and tipped in black. White fuzz covers his muzzle and gradually lessens in intensity nearer to his face. Two long canines poke out from his upper lip, reaching all the way down to mid-neck. His hands look more like paws, far larger than any humans. His palms and underside of his fingers are rough, black pads. Instead of round finger tips, they curve into large black talons. White fur covers the dorsal of his hands. Coarse fur grows from the skin above his spine. He stands at the height of 7'3. His skin would be littered with stretch marks if there wasn't a light coating off mostly white, occasionally brown fuzz covering it. His rapid muscle growth pushed his skin to it's limits, even ripping it open if he wasn't careful. By now his skin has adapted to the bulging muscles that once threatened to burst through it. He has two large, tubular brown ears replacing his human ones, a trait given to him by the tiny Water Deer.


Swimming- Justice's hands and feet enlarged after his mutation, growing quadruple the size of a full grown man's limbs. Thick webbing formed between his fingers and toes and he grew more powerful, allowing him to pull himself through water at a faster rate per stroke. His endurance sky rocketed as well. He can reach speeds up to 6 mph in water and travel 17 hours to ten days, covering between 33 to 423 miles. Water Deers are also known for being strong swimmers, giving Justice an extra advantage in the water.

Mimicking- A trait given by the Lyrebird, a land-dwelling bird most notable for its superb ability to mimic natural and artificial sounds from its environment. Everything he hears he can mimic perfectly, from voices to cars to camera shutters.

Increased Strength- Accompanied by his new massive paw-like hands, Justice was rewarded with enormous strength to back him up. A single swipe has enough force to break the skull of the average human on impact (Or swipe it clean off depending on the positions they are in). He doesn't have super powers, he can't lift up a car with one hand, but he can easily overpower someone who isn't mutated similarly to him.

Bite: Polar bears have a 1,235 PSI bite force. Justice's jaw also grew and broadened after his genetic scrambling, creating a small muzzle instead of a normal flat human mouth. His mouth itself is full of large canines, sharp incisors and small molars. The DNA of the tiny Water Deer gave him their signature tusks, ready to be thrust into the soft flesh of living things.

Heightened Smell: Polar bear's sense of smell is acute, and it is the most important sense for detecting prey on land. A polar bear can most likely smell a seal from more than 1 km (0.6 mi.) away and 1 m (3 ft.) under the snow.


Making people laugh

All types of food


Physical affection

Living things

Nice people

Having conversations and making bonds

His sister


The cold



People who mean him harm


Being made fun of

Crawly bugs

The heat

Law enforcement



Being taken back to that cold, cruel place of pain and sadness.


To get his sister to understand that not all humans want to hurt them.

Both Accepted.

Elisabeth Mintworth

Head of Reptile and Amphibian Department

Age: 38

Personality: For her frivolous chit-chat is time well wasted. When talking to people below her in status or who are generally boring she quick to end the conversation. While truly ruthless she acts quite composed and oriented which can make talking with her difficult. Never truly upfront with a person she prefers under handed tactics to shame people allowing her to save face. Her dignity is tied to her intelligence and position, when these foundations are threatened she is quick to fix the issue without much a fuss. Rarely does she feel need to talk about herself as she rather talk of other's down comings and her own little failures. A perfectionist she seeks to make the most of herself, but never to the point where she would look at another as worth more than herself.

Not A Hybrid

Appearance: She has long coal black hair that becomes all the more vibrant against her porcelain skin. Her eyes are dark shade of oak brown. She has a defined chin that is common place in her family linage. Her body has clear curves and beauty that she maintains to appear proper for the times and also as tool to manipulate weaker men. She is commonly seen with her hair tied back and a slightly stained lab coat while inside the facility.








Dislikes: Stubborn people



Fears: Her motives are deeply tied to seeing that one person's company is brought down. The closer she comes to the goal the more she fears its completion as she wouldn't be sure what to do with herself. Likewise she fears never being able to crumble her father's company before his death.

Hopes: To make a name for herself in the world so her existence won't soon be forgotten.

Background: Being born into the upper class she had a high chance at a quality life. Due to being the only child between her parents for fifteen years she grew up expecting to take over her family business. When her father decided to adopt her new little brother, she became disgruntled to say the least. Elisabeth wasn't dull and knew that her father did so that she couldn't takeover the business. This was the first split that formed in the family. At that point she started to work towards an education in business in hopes of running a company that would rival her fathers pharmaceutical one. For what should have been simple child-parent resentment lingered out into a defining motivation for her long down her career. In High School she narrowed down her business specialization to a biological one where she saw opportunity growing with the growth of technology in the field. Through time investment and a strong motive she graduated as the top of her class with two years of college credits locked under her belt already.

College served the purpose of shaping her out for what she would later become. Unlike in High School she found a peppy smile and hard work wasn't enough to push her to the top as she desired. The power of connections became a clear tool in her mind to easily rise above her fellow peers in status. Through tactically choosing circles of friends and specific professors she was able to place herself under the lime light as one of the best students the school had in years. All was proceeding well as she excelled at her studies and now had a circle of people to define herself as the best. It wasn't enough for Elisabeth until she had her father under her heel and squirming. She did end up with one special man under heel while in college by the name of John Mintworth. The man was a pig with his desires blatant, but it was a fitting match as his fat face matched the size of his wallet. John was going inherit a business that would give Elisabeth connections to wealth. Even with wealth practically being promised when she earned her doctoral degree in Genetics she knew it would be foolish to turn down a meal ticket such as him that would double her earnings. At times she was spiteful enough to call him a piggy bank just to know how tightly she had John around her finger. Elisabeth knew that he wouldn't get a shot at another woman of status and beauty, she made sure to drill this fact into his head. At the age of twenty-eight she graduated with a Doctoral degree in Genetics, a Bachelor degree in Chemistry and Zoology respectively, and a new loving husband.

Already having a position ready for her she joined a prestigious research facility once her doctoral was in hand. This same facility would later birth the Hybridization Projects. At the time she joined the company was a respectable multi-million business interested in studying exotic organisms for traits that could prove useful in medicine and technology. Within a year of joining she became the head researcher of the Reptile and Amphibians department. Her experiments resulted in a public anti-freeze oil based off the Leopard Frog being sold. It was commonly used in machinery companies working in colder regions to keep the water in their engines from freezing over and as a lubricant for machine parts. This was only the first of a few brain children that would come from her experiments. She was one of the first to join the Hybridization Projects during its developmental stage due to her lofty connections and already being a leading scientist in the company. As the Hybridization Projects grew into a secret branch of the company not much changed for Elisabeth. She still held her own as the head researcher in the Reptile and Amphibian Department, but now had humans included in the experiments. She certainly wasn't any kinder to human subjects compared to animal subjects which made her appear as quite ruthless to her hybrids. While having one of the higher death counts from her experiments to her it is all in the name of self progress.

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TheMadIceCreamMan said:

Elisabeth Mintworth

Head of Reptile and Amphibian Department

Age: 38

Personality: For her frivolous chit-chat is time well wasted. When talking to people below her in status or who are generally boring she quick to end the conversation. While truly ruthless she acts quite composed and oriented which can make talking with her difficult. Never truly upfront with a person she prefers under handed tactics to shame people allowing her to save face. Her dignity is tied to her intelligence and position, when these foundations are threatened she is quick to fix the issue without much a fuss. Rarely does she feel need to talk about herself as she rather talk of other's down comings and her own little failures. A perfectionist she seeks to make the most of herself, but never to the point where she would look at another as worth more than herself.

Not A Hybrid

Appearance: She has long coal black hair that becomes all the more vibrant against her porcelain skin. Her eyes are dark shade of oak brown. She has a defined chin that is common place in her family linage. Her body has clear curves and beauty that she maintains to appear proper for the times and also as tool to manipulate weaker men. She is commonly seen with her hair tied back and a slightly stained lab coat while inside the facility.








Dislikes: Stubborn people



Fears: Her motives are deeply tied to seeing that one person's company is brought down. The closer she comes to the goal the more she fears its completion as she wouldn't be sure what to do with herself. Likewise she fears never being able to crumble her father's company before his death.

Hopes: To make a name for herself in the world so her existence won't soon be forgotten.

Background: Being born into the upper class she had a high chance at a quality life. Due to being the only child between her parents for fifteen years she grew up expecting to take over her family business. When her father decided to adopt her new little brother, she became disgruntled to say the least. Elisabeth wasn't dull and knew that her father did so that she couldn't takeover the business. This was the first split that formed in the family. At that point she started to work towards an education in business in hopes of running a company that would rival her fathers pharmaceutical one. For what should have been simple child-parent resentment lingered out into a defining motivation for her long down her career. In High School she narrowed down her business specialization to a biological one where she saw opportunity growing with the growth of technology in the field. Through time investment and a strong motive she graduated as the top of her class with two years of college credits locked under her belt already.

College served the purpose of shaping her out for what she would later become. Unlike in High School she found a peppy smile and hard work wasn't enough to push her to the top as she desired. The power of connections became a clear tool in her mind to easily rise above her fellow peers in status. Through tactically choosing circles of friends and specific professors she was able to place herself under the lime light as one of the best students the school had in years. All was proceeding well as she excelled at her studies and now had a circle of people to define herself as the best. It wasn't enough for Elisabeth until she had her father under her heel and squirming. She did end up with one special man under heel while in college by the name of John Mintworth. The man was a pig with his desires blatant, but it was a fitting match as his fat face matched the size of his wallet. John was going inherit a business that would give Elisabeth connections to wealth. Even with wealth practically being promised when she earned her doctoral degree in Genetics she knew it would be foolish to turn down a meal ticket such as him that would double her earnings. At times she was spiteful enough to call him a piggy bank just to know how tightly she had John around her finger. Elisabeth knew that he wouldn't get a shot at another woman of status and beauty, she made sure to drill this fact into his head. At the age of twenty-eight she graduated with a Doctoral degree in Genetics, a Bachelor degree in Chemistry and Zoology respectively, and a new loving husband.

Already having a position ready for her she joined a prestigious research facility once her doctoral was in hand. This same facility would later birth the Hybridization Projects. At the time she joined the company was a respectable multi-million business interested in studying exotic organisms for traits that could prove useful in medicine and technology. Within a year of joining she became the head researcher of the Reptile and Amphibians department. Her experiments resulted in a public anti-freeze oil based off the Leopard Frog being sold. It was commonly used in machinery companies working in colder regions to keep the water in their engines from freezing over and as a lubricant for machine parts. This was only the first of a few brain children that would come from her experiments. She was one of the first to join the Hybridization Projects during its developmental stage due to her lofty connections and already being a leading scientist in the company. As the Hybridization Projects grew into a secret branch of the company not much changed for Elisabeth. She still held her own as the head researcher in the Reptile and Amphibian Department, but now had humans included in the experiments. She certainly wasn't any kinder to human subjects compared to animal subjects which made her appear as quite ruthless to her hybrids. While having one of the higher death counts from her experiments to her it is all in the name of self progress.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/asa2.gif.94676ce01ebc5ca4be9122123e38a863.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="82884" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/asa2.gif.94676ce01ebc5ca4be9122123e38a863.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Brandon Tucker




Brandon had quite an ordinary personality before the experiments, he was generally kind and quiet, eager to make new friends although after taking on the traits and abilities of a Dire Wolf (extinct wolf) he became alot more agressive and quick to anger and his eating and sleeping habits began to vary drastically.


Brandon was born to a single mother in downtown New York City, for as long as he could remember he and his mother had always struggled with money, though life went on. Brandon lived quite a boring and uninteresting life before he arrived at the facility, he didnt stand out at school, got average grades, infact most people at his school didnt even know he exhisted. When he arrived at The Facility the experimenters decided to try something new and fuse his DNA with the DNA of a Dire Wolf, and animal that has been extinct for thousands of years and for the most part they quite successful.

Are You a Hybrid?

Yes, Human x Dire Wolf


Increased Eye sight and hearing

Heightened sense of smell

Increased Strength and Speed

Claw like nails





Fighting (New Trait)


The Experimenters



Large bodies of Water


Dieing in the facility


To escape the facility and bring down the organization behind it



  • asa2.gif
    940.8 KB · Views: 28
JacobLoL said:

View attachment 186909


Brandon Tucker




Brandon had quite an ordinary personality before the experiments, he was generally kind and quiet, eager to make new friends although after taking on the traits and abilities of a Dire Wolf (extinct wolf) he became alot more agressive and quick to anger and his eating and sleeping habits began to vary drastically.


Brandon was born to a single mother in downtown New York City, for as long as he could remember he and his mother had always struggled with money, though life went on. Brandon lived quite a boring and uninteresting life before he arrived at the facility, he didnt stand out at school, got average grades, infact most people at his school didnt even know he exhisted. When he arrived at The Facility the experimenters decided to try something new and fuse his DNA with the DNA of a Dire Wolf, and animal that has been extinct for thousands of years and for the most part they quite successful.

Are You a Hybrid?

Yes, Human x Dire Wolf


Increased Eye sight and hearing

Heightened sense of smell

Increased Strength and Speed

Claw like nails





Fighting (New Trait)


The Experimenters



Large bodies of Water


Dieing in the facility


To escape the facility and bring down the organization behind it

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