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Realistic or Modern The Hunt Begins (Female Partner Needed) [Temp. Closed]

Lucid Dreamer

The Hand of Doom
Hello! I'm on the hunt for a female partner for an RP idea I got. The thing's pretty simple and I'll explain right off, just after I place down a few of my requirements. Let's get over with the hard part. 

I need a detailed partner, one that doesn't fear writing down a lot, and can do so. If you can write in detail without fluffing a post just to get that extra paragraph in, I'd love it. I'd say I can go up from about 2 to 3 paragraphs, and extend as much as needed. I can provide a sample, if you like, and it would be a nice touch if you could provide yours so I can see what kind of writer you are! 

I welcome constructive criticism. I'm well aware I'm not perfect, nor am I the best out there, so whatever you don't like in my writing, whatever you feel needs adjusting or whatever advice you'd have for me, please, let me know! 

Good grammar, punctuation and spelling are a must. I won't kill you for a mistake but if you throw me posts with "your" instead of "you're" or stuff like that, it'll kill my mood. Same goes for the discussions beforehand. I'm sorry, don't want to be an ass, but I just value literacy, and to me, RP is like a book. I definitely wouldn't read books with grammatical errors every once in two sentences. 

Posting times don't matter so much unless we're talking one post a week. I need to keep connected to the story and to the characters. I'd say a post a day should be just fine. If you can't do that one time, or if you just don't feel like writing at that moment, it's cool. I get that way too, so no bother. 

OOC chats are awesome! I love friends. 

We're done with that part, here comes the fun. Plot time!

So I feel like this plot has the generic feeling of most superhero/comic book kinda things, but I just can't help it, it's something I think could turn into awesomeness with the right people.

Character and character B are the first male and female genetic experiments out of a larger series. It all began with them. They are dubbed "Adam and Eve" but no individual names had been given to either, except for EX-01 and EX-02. (We'll discuss and establish their abilities together.) Years have passed since they were created, years in which they have gone through tests, have been abused and put through the worst treatments in order to evoke their full potential as weapons. In the meantime, other experiments have been created, all until a large operation by the government uncovered the facility and the shady and sometimes borderline sadistic practices within it. In order to wipe out all the traces of their work, the organization began killing off their experiments. and catch word of it fairly quick, and decide to make a run for it. They escape, much to the fury of the organization's leaders, who order the two to be captured by any means possible. They can't let the word get out there. But what can two mutants who have never in their life seen the world outside do? 

Here we go. I hope I catch someone's attention. If you like this, contact me via PM and we'll go from there. I will only pick one partner, as I don't double. I will place a [Closed] edit on the title of the thread once I found someone, so until then, feel free to PM me. So long! 
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