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The Hunger Games Roleplay? I'll love you foreverrr!


New Member

I'm looking for someone to roleplay The Hunger Games with. :3

I'm not into OCs or AU, I very much like writing in The Hunger Games world, so as long as we're somewhere in the timeline or after the rebellion, I'll be happy! 

The pairings I'm hoping to work with are:

-Katniss/Peeta (plsplsplspls I will b ur bestest buddy)

-Peeta/Gale (also a good choice, future friend)

-Finnick/Annie (pls)

-Katniss/Prim (pls)

-Johanna/Annie (pls)

I'm willing to play either male or female characters though I'd prefer playing the female. It doesn't really matter, though! All that matters to me is getting a response I can work with (the length doesn't matter, I tend to match what I'm given but I do prefer a more relaxed RP rather than a chore where I'll have to pump out so many paragraphs), a partner that doesn't mind mature content (possible harsh scenes, angst) and most importantly someone willing to COMMUNICATE! If you're uncomfortable or unhappy, do not be afraid to let me know! I'd love to fix the issue rather than flee or at least try to fix it. If it isn't possible, I'll understand, just respect me enough to let me know what's going on, please! I promise to do the same. :)

I'm US Eastern timezone, been roleplaying the fandom for four or five years now, I'm open to plot ideas and have some of my own that chronologically range, I'm looking for something longterm, I love cats as well as all animals, and I prefer roleplaying over private messaging. Either here, kik, or chatzy would be ideal. 

Thank you for reading! If there's anything else you'd like to know, any questions you have, or if you're interested please don't be afraid to let me know! Really, I don't bite. :)
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Yes! Hello! I would love to roleplay some good ol' Hunger Games! I'm particularly interested in your ideas for anything Post-Rebellion. As for your pairings, the only one I'm interested in doing is Peeta/Gale; however, if you were preferring to do any of the other ships you listed, I would understand if you wanted to wait and see if someone willing to do them came along before you chose me as a partner. I am also in the Eastern Timezone and currently have a LOT of time on my hands for replies. I am also no stranger when it comes to mature themes of any kind (violence, sexual themes, gore, etc.). I hope to hear from you soon!

Anyone willing to satisfy my Katniss/Peeta craving? Maybe even be so kind as to let me play Katniss? I'll be happy with any Hunger Games roleplay anyways if not so don't be afraid to message me :3 

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