[The Hundred Worlds] Tim Lockehart

KevinC IIT

New Member
Name: Tim Lockehart

Appearance: See profile picture but without facial hair

Race: Human.... Sex: M ....Age: 25 ....Height: 5'10" ....Weight: ~140 lbs.

Character Level: 3............Class: Rogue

Home world: Cleaera (Clay-ah-era)

Back story: When you hail from the most influential and richest world in the 100 worlds but aren't from one one the influential or rich families you have to be able to think on your feet & adapt to any situation quickly just to survive. Enter Tim Lockehart. A man of sharp mind and quick fingers who had gotten by very well in this bustling merchant world of money and power. If you can't find something, Tim will either find it or find someone who knows something about it, for the right price of course because nothing comes for free in Cleaera. He also done well in the trading markets, especially the ones that need to be kept away from prying eyes and burning ears. He has, however, grown bored of his niche in Cleaera and recently moved to Siddrew to carve out a new living as a mercenary for hire. He believes he will do well here as someone with skills of his caliber don't come often...or cheap.



....0........Physical- your ability to solve problems physically, often with violence

....0........Social- how skilled you are at resolving problems with words, diplomacy etc.

....1........Mental- your knowledge, especially your ability to solve puzzles and use creative solutions

....1........Subtlety- your ability to complete tasks unnoticed or without making a scene

....0........Magic- your magical power and ability to use magic to complete tasks

....0........Ruthlessness- your willingness to get your hands dirty to get the job done

....0........Integrity- your tendency to stick to a deal, even if temptations or unforeseen complications arise


Ability .............. Ability ....Ability

Name .................Score ...Modifier

Strength (Str) ........10.........-

Dexterity (Dex) .......17......+3

Constitution (Con) ..10.........-

Intelligence (Int) ....16.......+3

Wisdom (Wis) .......14.......+2

Charisma (Cha) .....13.......+1


Hit points: 24..........Initiative: +3 ..........Speed: 30 ft.

Armor = Base + Armor +Dex + Misc.

.Class .................Bonus ....Mod. ..Mod.


Armor.........AC Bonus ...Type ....Check Penalty....Max Dex Bonus

Chain Shirt.......+4...........Light.................-2......................+4...

Special Defenses: N/A

Base Attack Bonus: +2......CMB: +5......CMD: +15

Weapon..........Att Bonus ..Damage ......Critical ........Type ....Range ......Misc.

Rapier MW ..........+6...........1d6......18-20/x2.......P.........-........

Dagger ...............+6...........1d4......19-20/x2......P/S.....10 ft......

(Add +2d6 sneak attack damage to an enemy within 30 ft. if applicable)

Saving Throws....Total.=.Base +.Ability+Magic.+.Misc

...........................Bonus...Save ...Mod.......Mod......Mod.

Fortitude (Con).......+1..=.+1.........-...........-...........-

Reflex (Dex)...........+6..=.+3.......+3.........-...........-

Will (Wis) ..............+3..=.+1......+2..........-...........-


Skill Name..............................Total .=.Ability.+.Ranks.+.Class.+ Misc


Acrobatics...............................+9 = Dex .+3 ..+....3 .....+.....3 ..............

Appraise........................+7 [+9] =..Int .+3 ..+.....1 ....+.....3 .....[+2 Magnifying glass or Merchants Scale]

Bluff.......................................+7 = Cha .+1 ..+....3 .....+.....3 ..............

Diplomacy ..............................+7 = Cha .+1 ..+....3 .....+.....3 ..............

Disable Device......................+12 = Dex ..+3 ..+....3 .....+.....3 ......+1 Trap Finding, +2 Thieves Tools MW

Disguise...............................+17 = Cha .+1 ...+....3 .....+.....3 ...+10 Hat of Disguise

Escape Artist..........................+9 = Dex ..+3 ..+....3 .....+.....3 ..............

Intimidate .............................+5 = Cha ..+1 ..+....1 .....+.....3 ..............

Knowledge (Dungeoneering) ...+7 =..Int ..+3 ...+...1 .....+.....3 ..............

Knowledge (Local)..................+9 =..Int ...+3 ...+...3 .....+.....3 ..............

Linguistics.............................+9 =..Int ...+3 ...+...3 .....+.....3 ..............

Perception.....................+7[+8] = Wis ..+2 ...+...2 .....+.....3 ....[+1 Trap Finding]

Sense Motive.........................+7 = Wis ..+2 ...+...2 .....+.....3 ..............

Sleight of Hand......................+9 = Dex ..+3 ...+...3 .....+.....3 ..............

Stealth..................................+9 = Dex ..+3 .. +...3 .....+.....3 ..............

Languages: Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Orcish

Conditional Modifiers:

A rogue adds 1/2 his level to Disable Device checks and to Perception checks made to locate traps (minimum +1).

A magnifying glass grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Appraise checks involving any item that is small or highly detailed.

A merchants scale grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Appraise checks involving items that are valued by weight, including anything made out of precious metals.

For every rank of Linguistics taken a new language is learned.

Special Abilities

-Racial Traits:

+2 to one ability score at character creation (+2 Dex in Tim's case)

Medium size creatures

Normal Speed

Bonus Feat: One additional feat at 1st level

Skilled: One additional skill rank at every level

-Class Features:

Sneak Attack: +2d6 damage

Trap finding: A rogue adds 1/2 their rogue level to disable device checks and perception skills checks made to locate traps (minimum +1). A rogue can use disable device to disable magical traps.

Trap sense +1: A rogue gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to danger from traps, giving her a +1 bonus to Reflex saves made to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.

Rogue Talent: Trap spotter (Ex): Whenever a rogue with this talent comes within 10 feet of a trap, that rogue receives an immediate Perception skill check to notice the trap. This check should be made in secret by the DM.

Evasion: If a rogue makes a successful reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, they instead take no damage.


Weapon Finesse- With a light weapon or rapier use Dex modifier rather then Str modifier on melee attack rolls.

Combat Expertise- Trade -1 to attack for +1 dodge bonus to AC. Every +4 increment of base attack bonus get an additional -1 to attack and +1 to AC.

......-Improved Feint- You can make a Bluff check to feint in combat as a move action.


N/A...for now


General Items:................................................. Weapons:

Backpack. ...........................................................Rapier, MW.

Belt pouch (2) .....................................................Daggers (2)

Chalk (3)............................................................

Ink, 1 oz. vial (2).................................................Armor:

Inkpen (2)..........................................................Chain Shirt

Lantern, Hooded (Everburning)....................................

Magnifying Glass................................................ Misc. Magic Items:

Merchants Scale.................................................Hat of Disguise (pg. 516)

Mirror, small steel...............................................

Parchment, Sheet (2)...........................................

Rations (2).........................................................

Thieves Tools MW...............................................

Travelers Outfit..................................................

Waterskin (2).....................................................

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