[The Human Element] Atlantis

Lady Jane

Senior Member
Atlantis was in a state of disarray, but its beauty was unquestionable. Spires of varying height rose above the streets and housed shops and residential quarters.They reached impressive heights, but the dome over the city reached higher. It looked like a recreation of a sky, complete with a focal point of light much like a sun. The material that built the city was of a shifting mother-of-pearl color, with pinks, greens, and blues intertwining among each other beneath the surface, moving as if the city itself breathed. Runic carvings covered every square inch of the place. Their purpose was as intricate as they were diverse; everything from breathable air to irrigation to lighting. The air was comfortably warm and smelled vaguely of lilacs and cinnamon; one could almost forget the sub-zero temperatures outside. A soft glow lit every square inch of the place. Not a shadow was in sight.

The sounds of the City was magical, in every sense of the word. The stones themselves that made up its structure sang a background melody of harmonizing low hums and high tinkling bells. That was nearly overpowered by the esoteric chant of the Elves. The City Guard stood watch over the diplomatic proceedings, silent and watchful, but the rest of the population busied themselves all around the City. As they chanted, the cracks in the City structure, damaged after their unexpected trans-dimensional journey, began to mend as if their song willed it. As they wove their spells, most of them stole furtive glances at the group from Delta, and only partially because they were a strange group by Earth standards.

A keen eye would notice a young Elf openly staring at them with a look of excited wonder. That stopped only for a moment when his superior scolded him and the kid turned back to his work. For a moment. But even as he rejoined his voice in a spellcasting chant that went on around the city, he never stopped smiling as he watched the people from Delta.

They stood within the vast courtyard of the City. Opposite them stood a delegation of Elves. They were tall, their average height at about six feet five inches, most of them with willowy builds. Their hair ranged in color from a deep raven black to ice white, and everything in between. In that matter, they were much like humans. But it was their eyes that were different. For one thing, they were spaced just far enough apart to appear alien and give anyone used to Human proportions a double-take. The eyes themselves were pastel colors, the same pink, purple, and green seen in their home’s architecture. Their clothing reflected that as well. They were dressed traditionally, in robes that flowed over the shoulders, loosely covering their arms and falling nearly to the floor. Their clothing wasn't uniform; there were slight style differences like one would expect of Earth clothing.

There were six in the delegation, each adorned with varying jewelry or tattoo markings. Rio'kir stood in front, taller than the rest, with surprisingly broad shoulders. By sheer size, he was the most imposing. He wore metal bracers each depicting a humanoid creature with its arms crossed in salute over its chest. Beside him was a scarlet-haired Elf with her hair in an elaborate up-do. She wore earrings shaped like silver dragons holding small gems that shifted colors in a pattern between black, white, light blue, green, red, and a sapphire color. Her clothing was patterned with elaborate designs that also reflected those colors. She regarded them much like one would a spider found in the kitchen sink--though that broke momentarily in favor of astonishment when Oroborous came through the portal. Rio'kir, by contrast, beheld them with a stoic expression.

The others eyed them with varying levels of curiosity. All except one. He had nearly translucent white hair and purple eyes, and a smile that carried a hint of malice. A tattoo of a small child clung to his exposed forearm. A second glance showed that 'child' to be a Fae.

Sam and Rio'kir exchanged deep, polite nods. "Greetings, and welcome to Atlantis. The impact of this momentous occasion is not lost on us, despite the circumstances under which we find ourselves. I am Rio'kir, Chancellor of the Elves, master of the Element of Earth."

The red-haired Elf spoke. Her accent was heavy, and it took a moment to understand her. "I am Ayla, Light Mage, and Archmage of Atlantis."

The others introduced themselves. One, a female that bore a tattoo with wispy blue tendrils that resolved into a nymph-like figure said, "I am Rania, Water Mage."

"I am Alinar, Fire Mage." She had ear cuffs that edged the tip of his long, pointed ears. They looked like a creature similar to a squid, formed out of a material that was vibrant red.

"I am Venali, Air Mage," That one had a pendant around his neck that depicted a creature that appeared much like a gryphon.

"I am Laeroth, Dark Mage," said the creepy one with the unnerving smile.

For most of the delegation, chances were that was all the English they knew. At least they seemed willing to make that concession, to open the proceedings in a language unfamiliar to them.

"I am Samantha Clive, Director of the Delta Division," Sam said, giving the same courtesy of introducing herself in the others' language. She nodded to the others, waiting for them to introduce themselves.

"I am Meralise, Gifted of Arlethae, with the power to understand others." She also introduced herself in Elvin.

Jay attempted Elvin, but gave up quickly. "I'm Jay Allison. I bend space to teleport. It's good to see some of you again after the fight with Kronos."

Drake repeated Jayson's comment in fluent Elvin, then continued with his introduction. "I am Drake Hacherobei, well versed in the knowledge of Earth's technology, and possessing the ability to manipulate gravity and magnetic fields." His quick eyes glanced in the direction of the Dark Mage, but he said nothing.

In keeping with the established pattern, it seemed it was left to the others to introduce themselves.
The serene, alien beauty of Atlantis is impossible to miss, no matter which sense you have to use to take it in. When Cassandra arrives, and moreso once she comes down from the handstand she had opted to make the jump to the surface in, its effect on her is profound. She turns until it seems like spinning, trying to take in the full scope of the linked harmonies that sustain the city. Even the sensory disruption of bending space twice in such quick succession cannot stop her enthusiasm from cresting into giggles she'll never confess to later. Every time the chanting of the restorative spells rises in volume, though, it seems to stagger her. By the time the Atlanteans' introductions are over, she looks as queasy as she had been oblivious.

"Guys," she starts, but everyone is doing the name-and-vocation thing and tactfully ignoring the interruption. "Guys, this might have been a bad—"

Two things happen at once. Yea, three are linked under the same star. Firstly, Drake finishes, and there is a moment of silence in the group. Secondly, the repair spell reaches some particularly bad section of the city, or perhaps a more vital one, and the chant takes on an especially complex counterpoint harmony. Finally, inevitably, Cassandra stumbles just far enough out of place to call attention to herself, sinks to her knees, and relieves herself of her lunch. Loudly.

"Sorry," she mutters, wiping at her mouth with a bare wrist. At least she was paying attention when Sam said they spoke Ancient Greek, here. "Long trip. Cassandra. This isn't normally what I do."
The sheer... alieness of Atlantis causes Chase to momentarily pause and take the sight in, his jaw hanging open at the variety of strange new things to witness. The chant has a soothing effect as he briefly takes in the harmonious melody. He quickly straightens up as soon as he notices the delegation though.

Chase sees Cassandra stagger and wanders over, kneeling down as he does so. "Don't worry about that for a minute. Just tell us how bad it feels," he says calmly. He looks away for a moment to quickly say, "I am Fireless. I'm a smoke man," before turning his attention back to Cassandra.
Penelope Urbain

The Fuel Rod

Sweet mother of god, what was this place!? Penny's face was glued to the inside of her suit which in turn was nearly spinning as she tried to take it all in.

A few hours ago, she didn't even believe in magic and now here she was, standing in the lost city of Atlantis with elves. Which, by the way, had almost made her laugh. They were adorably gorgeous, willowy creatures but even that couldn't hide the looks she was getting.

The purple eyed one in particular. Did he know what she was, what she could do? Hell, it wouldn't be a hard argument to convince people that she was a walking nuclear weapon. She was. And here she was in a city that had up until now, been free of radioactive traces.

Her suit compensating for the teleport, Penny finally worked up the courage to speak.

"I am the Fuel Rod, agent of Delta Division and special project director of Urbain Power Solutions"
Ouroboros stands, fully physical and real- manifest in all his thirty or so foot tall glory, he casts his eyes around the city- amazed at what he is seeing. alien to the rest, he finds everything beautiful and pure- almost less disturbing than the mechanical, cold halls he is familiar with. This is organic, beautiful- magical. It feels more /right/ to the Behemoth Lizard than any Concrete Jungle ever has. The feeling of magic tingles the radioactive creature's nerves- and he feels joy and wonder flutter in his heart as he looks over the area. "... Beautttifull...." The Behemoth lets out in English. It then looks around- then at the elves. "Oh! Hello- I am Ouroborous, Wyrm. I'm ... a recent addition to Delta- and Honored to meet you- your city, is beautiful..."
Vlad, still in his whtie raven form, fluttered to a nearby tree branch and made a few squawking noises that could be understood by anything even remotely resembling an intelligent creature as easily as if he was speaking their native language.

"I am Vladamir Brodavitch Drakul, A Child of Sanguin, Vampire for those of you who don't know who Sanguin is, collector of Knowledge, artifacts, and things I generally find interesting. It is a Honor to be here." He said as he bowed his head.
Desmond tears himself from examining the various markings on the elves' robes as Cassandra collapses. He moves over to her side, nodding to Chase as he kneels down and places a hand on her back.

"You have a bad reaction to magic or the teleport?" He asks as he channels his power into her, healing her of whatever was bothering her. "Gotta say, this may be the worst way to make a first impression." He continues as he rubs her back. He glances up after Chase introduces himself and speaks.

"Desmond West, occasionally known as the Heliomancer. I draw power from the sun via the shiny mark on my forehead. Any insight you may have into it would be appreciated."
"I am called Miriam," the android says, bowing to the elven delegates, "I am a synthetic intelligence, and aligned with Delta Division. "
Rule number 438, never stand behind the giant lizard when introductions are needed.

She had lagged behind the rest of the group slightly. She was analyzing the structures. There was a symmetry among them, a pattern in some ways. She wondered if she was able to get a view from above if the pattern would be more recognizable. Perhaps these were the people who taught the Incas to create those patterns in the rocks that only made sense from half a mile up.

As the dragon rose up to his full height he blocked out the audience that had come to welcome them. She had to spend time walking around the dragon, and several others to get to the front where she could see the people she was supposed to introduce herself to. "I am Girl Prodigy. I'm not from the future, or from a different dimension, or an android, or behemoth, or dead." She just wasn't sure what else to say about herself. "I am just a normal teenager."

Perhaps she could say that she made gadgets that she used to give her super powers, but after looking at the city, she doubted that would leave any impression. She had played enough video games to recognize the clan symbols they wore, though she had missed a bit of it about what each clan was about, so she decided to replay it through her head. Wizards of the four elements plus darkness and light. Strange that they would use elemental delineation when they seemed to be more focused on harmonic recrystalization. Perhaps they were old alignments that clung to their society out of tradition.
Vlads feathers ruffled as his wings fluttered. "I only actually died rather recently, I was alive the past 8 or 9 hundred years or so.. My body just sort of recently decided it no longer really required normal human functions and decided to cannibalize bodily functions it viewed as nonessential in favor of other powers that would increase my survivability chances and increase my likely hood of success." he informed her.
Cassandra shifts roughly away from Desmond's touch, well-intentioned though it may be.

"I'm fine," she grumbles, and scrapes her tongue distastefully with her teeth. Judging by the look on her face, it didn't help much. "It's just a lot to deal with at once. Plus, you're glowing so hard I can taste you through the blindfold, so buzz, wouldja?"

With that, she staggers upward to her feet, conspicuously avoiding help from him or Chase. Teenagers. What's with them, anyway?
Chase simply shrugs his shoulders towards Desmond at Cassandra's response and stands back to his full height, resuming his previous straight posture. His arms are kept firmly at his side to ensure he is standing to full attention.
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Stefan remains silent until the last, busy scanning the alien cityscape for snipers, eavesdroppers, and the like. It's not that much stranger here than some of the actual aliens he's met in particular alternate timelines, and "elves" might as well be a new way to say alien. Better than mutant, at any rate. Realizing all the introductions are now waiting on him, he clears his throat. "Stefan, former Chronokeeper, now peacekeeper and troubleshooter for Delta." He's heard Elven at this point his language module can manage most of it, although 'Chronokeeper' doesn't have a frame of reference to translate yet and he has to settle for Greek for it. "This is my robotic companion and best friend, Nicholas." Nicky just smiles and waves.

[Mode breakdown: Head Computer in Investigation mode (for the translator), Uniform in Standard Mode, AMMO in GHOST mode (to spot hidden/illusion/interdimensional), Nicky is in Standard mode (so as to appear non-threatening).]
The woman who had identified as a Water Mage took a hesitant step forward as Cassandra began to lose her lunch, concern lining her face. Uncertain, she glanced back at the others. Rio'kir nodded with encouragement. At the same time, Ayla, the Archmage, gave a subtle but firm shake of her head. It seemed there might not be as much unity among the Elves as there appeared, if they could not agree even on helping an Earthborn in such a minor capacity. Of course, that didn't help Rania at all, though her decision was made for her when Cassandra refused help even from her people. She stepped back into formation.

If Rio'kir was annoyed at Ayla's disagreement, he didn't show it. He scanned the delegation from Delta, then inclined his head respectfully at Sam. "Given the knowledge we had of the Earthborn, I confess I did not expect such a... diversity of creatures at your call." None of them seemed even a little bit surprised to hear comprehensible language coming from a white raven, though both Penelope's suit and Nicky and Miriam's construction held their curiosity for a few moments. Ouroboros seemed to be the only one Ayla beheld without complete disgust.

Rio'kir continued, "Jayson Allison. Maralise. Drake Hachirobei. It gratifies me to see you are well. The knowledge of you and your party was instrumental in binding Kronos.” His eyes flickered. “I note absence of others who stood against the god. What of the others of your company that fought with us against Kronos?"

Meryl replied in a quiet voice. "We have been beleaguered by setbacks within the last few days. Charity's mind has been forcibly regressed to that of a child. My brother...my brother is dead." She struggled to maintain composure.

The Elves were stiff and formal and had a rather large stick wedged up their collective ass, but they were not without sympathy. Rio'kir approached her and clasped the woman’s hands in his. “May he rest in the knowledge of a life well lived,” he said gently.

Meryl’s eyes filled with tears, but they didn’t fall. “Thank you.” It was all she could manage. Rio’kir stepped back.

“We believe that the Shadow Fae are involved in his death, if not directly, than in the attempt to cover it up,” Sam said. "There have also been numerous other incidents that indicate the Fae are amassing an army. Someone is controlling them, just as Kronos once did.”

Rio’kir’s face darkened. “I may lend knowledge to your hypothesis, Samantha Clive. For it is the Fae that are responsible for our sudden and destructive appearance here in your world.”

The Darkness Mage stepped forward. “I recommend caution to add you to your knowledge, Chancellor. Let us not forget, these are Earthborn. Their motives remain unknown to us.”

Rio’kir turned to him. “These Earthborn are known to me. Their motives align with ours.”

The Darkness Mage fixed them all with that eerie stare. “The motives of Earthborn are complex and capable of deception like that of the Fae. For the sake of expounding our knowledge, let me examine their minds.”
"Wait a dog flogging moment!" Grace straightened up, using one of her father's colloquialisms. For all this beauty, the city was strange, but not beyond imagination. That said, she was not willing to have them claim superiority over the entirety of the human race because they were prettier.

"You just got here. You haven't said much more than one word outside of your own city. You seem unsure of the strategy of the shadow fae, nor do you know their goals here. I find your knowledge lacking just as much as ours. And while I might be willing to contend that you have greater experience, something has changed that you can't fathom yet." These people were so much like her fourth grade science teacher that marked her answer wrong for saying there were four states of matter. And once she explained plasma to him, he had to go home and look it up. But he still refused to change her grade.

"If you don't learn to trust someone, you're going to find yourself in a war of attrition, and there are only so many dimensions you can hide in. And you can't afford to lose any more. Faust's Principle says once you've dug a hole for yourself, you can't fill it in without digging another hole."
"Go for it." Desmond says after glaring at Cassandra. "I really don't have anything worth hiding."

He looks at Grace as he moves forwards and mutters. "Diplomatic mission remember. Control yourself before Vlad joins in."
Ouoroboros frowns at the look of disgust- a deep welled shame rising- only to be burned down and away by an hot, furious anger- this is their response to his compliments? Hurtful indeed- but this is, as noted, diplomacy... he inclines his head. "I..... if that is nesascarryyy..."
The Fuelrod

"Eh, no thanks. Nobody comes in, nobody goes out. Containment policy numero uno there bub." The speaker rattles off a somewhat tired response, Penelope tapping against her helmet. "If we are good enough to be here in the first place and coming as a group dedicated to preserving peace between us and anyone else for that matter, I don't see why you want to probe around in our heads. I don't want a freaking self proclaimed MAGE of DARKNESS going through my thoughts on what kind of panties I wear. Sorry, you try and peek and I vent my suit. Awful lot of songs to clean a contained city of radiation."

Her words hold a little spite, instead of being treated like the hero she was, these strangers were treating them like hostile diplomats. They were here to help and be helped, not probed by pointy eared mages.

"So...how about we skip the mind melding and dog flogging and get to the point?"
Stefan's face darkens immediately at the thought of submitting to mental influence from someone he can only differentiate from the Fae by height. "Unfortunately, between the defenses most of us have set up against mental intrusion - by the Fae, you know", he begins, with a pointed look at a particular tattoo, "and my responsibilities to particular timelines to maintain their secrets from those who might abuse them, I'm not certain I can submit to any form of mind-scan. However, should my allies wish to, I would provide the service of ensuring for them your good intentions, if you'll lower your own barriers against my own scan and permit me run it."

Nicky's eyes get big when Stefan admits he can even do that, Nicky just carried the talisman back and didn't know every change it would inflict on Stefan's tech.
Chase taps the side of his head lazily, "I'd rather not have someone poking about in my brain. Still, an order would be an order." As he finishes, he turns towards Sam, "Ma'am?"
"Who's the shrink?" Cassandra pipes up. She was, in retrospect, not paying a lot of attention during the introductions. "I got some motives he can look over. Shit, I want him to look. But only as an even trade. I get to inspect his last three months of secrets, no matter whom they're being kept from."

She flashes the direction of the dark mage a canary-catching smile.

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"Diplomacy? He asked to read our minds. Not for our permission, but from his buddies. This is nothing more than schoolyard bullying. I am calling them on it. They are not going to back us into a corner, put us into defense, try to push us around." So far none of the fae magic had any influence on her mind, but she wasn't so sure about these elves. Maybe they might have something that would affect her.

"We came here because we need to understand what they know, and we have offered them what we know. And everyone knows that the currency of knowledge isn't in what each side gives, but in what each side can gain. That's what frightens the dark mage, that we might gain more than him, or worse yet, his companions might gain more than him. He's trying to preserve a balance that benefits only him."

Grace might not be the best diplomat in the world, but she was pretty damn smart. She knew that they needed information on the fae activity in this world quickly. So she decided to call out all the cards being held. Bluffs didn't work as well when everyone knew what all the cards were.

Vlads feathers ruffled and he squaced "Sure" he had nothing to hide and cared little so long as they left his mind unaltered.
Laeroth, the Dark Mage returned Cassandra's grin as his own got somehow bigger and creepier. "Secrets have value only when they are not shared. A purveyor of knowledge understands best how to lessen the value of his own secrets and thereby lessen the potency of harm they might do him. Which is more than I can say for some of you. Secrets within your agency will poison you all." His eerie gaze turned to Drake, who stood behind Sam. Drake looked about as pleased with the turn of events as Grace was. His paranoia against mental effects was nearly as legendary as his Mister X identity.

Inexplicably, Rio'kir's stony visage cracked at Grace's outburst. If his features hadn't returned so quickly to their default stoic expression, one could almost swear he smiled. "Well stated, Girl Prodigy." He inclined his head to her respectfully. "You are correct: we cannot simply retreat to another dimension. While Atlantis is sufficiently fortified against your world's current level of technology, it does not change the fact that we remain bound to this plane of existence." Ayla's mouth opened in horrified protest as Rio'kir continued: "Undoubtedly due to the Fae's meddling, our translocation generators have been severely damaged in the transit. We currently lack the knowledge to repair them."
Vlad pondered as he searched about. "My apologies for seeming blunt, but I assume, that since the mythical city of legend just sort of popped into existence then you do have purpose here beyond a meet and greet of Deltas agents. If you dont then I would be more then happy to hang out for a few generations learning what ever it is you have to offer." he squacked.

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