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Realistic or Modern The Hospital CS


Mother of Tiny Lions


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Basic Information

Shinoa Nicole Bradford
The Mom


Don't lose your friends because of a relationship


Since her Father was never really a good example to her, let alone her Mother was never really around because god knows what happened to her, Shinoa feels obligated to set an example for her younger siblings as the eldest child in her household. Although she means well, sometimes what Shinoa says tends to upset others because more often then not, she will come off as negative and pessimistic, when really she is just being blunt and honest. While she has a good heart, growing up in South Side has left her with a pessimistic outlook on life, especially with the kind of Father she had. Because of how her Father was, Shinoa tends to get very envious of people around her who have loving parents and families, whereas her own is dysfunctional and scattered.

While she is not super outgoing, she is not super shy either. One can say that she is 'Selectively Social', where she does not open up to people very easily. In the event that she does open up, Shinoa does not trust very easily, especially when it comes to people outside of family. When she does become close to anyone, that's where she starts becoming doubtful about the friendship or relationship that she shares with the one she opens up to. In addition to not trusting easily, the two things that Shinoa is truly afraid of are her loyalty and kindness being taken for granted, or being taken advantage of. But when pushed far enough, she is not afraid to cut someone out of her life if in her mind, they deserve it. Same goes for forgiving, she won't forgive if she does not think the other person deserves it, no matter what people around her say. When it comes to things she does not like, especially other people, she will be very vocal, claiming that she has nothing to hide. It takes a lot for her to forgive anyone, as she has 'gotten good at holding grudges'.

When it comes to dating, that's where Shinoa gets really 'edgy'. For most of her young life, Shinoa has been either screwed over or heart broken. As a result, Shinoa had a pessimistic attitude towards relationships. However, she will also be extreme about it, as she does not trust people who are in relationships, mainly because she believes in her claim that people who are in relationships are more likely to turn against you then any other friend. To top it all off, she tends to think that dating is a waste of time, especially since the people she dated, she had invested a lot of time into, only to be screwed over, have her loyalty be taken for granted and being taken advantage of. It will take someone amazing, in her mind, to change such a negative view.


Growing up, Shinoa never really had it easy, especially since dear old dad was deadbeat who was never home and was out moving drugs and having sex left and right. If it were not for her Grandmother, Shinoa would not be the person she is today. From a young age, Shinoa had to learn about being responsible and learning discipline, wanting to stay out of trouble. As much as she hated it, every day was a fight to live an honest life. On top of household responsibilities, she also took Academics very seriously, wanting to get out of South Side and live a better life.

Sadly, being responsible wasn't always a priority, especially when it came to providing for the family. On a reluctant matter, she learned from a few friends on how to grow weed. Since it is in such a high demand, she had to learn how to perfect it so that she could have the best kind on the block. To her, Pot was hell of a lot better then Methamphetamine, Crack Cocaine, Morphine and all that other bad stuff. Too bad the drug dealing business was also dangerous, so Noah had to be slick if she wanted to stay alive. Above all, never get high on your own supply. Aside from selling pot, Brianna still took her academics seriously and it wasn't like she sold it willingly either. Around the time she turned sixteen, Bree took up on being a part-time receptionist at a local beauty salon to have a more stable income. After all, she couldn't go around selling weed everyday, she had homework! As a Receptionist, she could do her homework...and get paid...as long as she did her job.

During her Senior Year and about a month before her Graduation, Shinoa would find herself in for a life-changing and traumatizing event. A group of angry gangsters broke into her lovely home and gunned down her Grandmother. This was where she started really hating her Dad. He could give two shits about his Mother dying and being gunned down in front of her! After her Graduation, instead of going to Beauty School like she had planned, all the money she had...Went to Grandma's Funeral.

With School out of the way, Shinoa went full time at the Salon as a Receptionist and sold pot on the weekends. Though one night, she decided to let loose, being too stressed out because she was overworked. Her prime, which was just beginning was just about to be torpedoed. Shinoa decided to get in bed with her husband. They ended up not using protection. Her Body was going to be paying for it. One morning after throwing up, Noah took a pregnancy test...it came back positive.


+Beauty Treatments
-Poisonous Spiders
-Valentine's Day
-April Fool's

Playing with her hair when she talks to guys
When she gets angry, she will start crying

Pregnancy Quirks
Hands always on the belly
If it hurts, or the baby is kicking, caress it
Hands on the back, only if its aching

Zodiac/Birth-Date: June 7th (Gemini)
She is expecting her first child (Currently 36 weeks pregnant) (Its a Girl)
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Brea Reagan


american (Italian on moms side)
The Diabetic



~Sunshine mixed with a little hurricane~


Sunshine mixed with a little hurricane... that's Arianna. She's a whirlwind of energy, always smiling, loves to have fun. Unless her sugar is low, in which case she's quite sick. Her sugar dropping affects her physically, but mentally as well. She grows tired and weak, and her energy is zapped, usually for the day. But other than that, she's usually goinggoinggoing and you have to physically make her stop. She sometimes talks faster than most people can comprehend, and again, you might have to make her stop and take a breather. She has fears, everyone does, but she puts on a brave face and faces them. Except for bees-- those make her run in the other direction. Some people can't handle her loud personality, and sometimes she says things before fully thinking them out in her mind, which can hurt people's feelings. But she doesn't mean to hurt them; she would never hurt someone on purpose.


Arianna is a type 1 diabetic. At two years old, her sugar dropped so low that she almost went comatose. Her parents rushed her to the hospital, and spent the next few days in the ICU. Her parents had never dealt with diabetes before. Though it ran in her dads side of the family, he didn't have it, nor was he close to the siblings that did. The doctors and nurses explained everything to Arianna's parents, and they learned how to administer insulin shots to a screaming child. Because of this, Arianna isn't really afraid of needles anymore. She injects herself with insulin twice a day, sometimes more if she needs it. Because of her fearlessness, she started getting piercings at 16 and even went on her eighteenth birthday to get a tattoo. It hurt a touch more than her insulin needles, but within a few short months, she was craving another. But they were expensive, so she stuck with piercings.

Her parents split when she was thirteen, right before she hit puberty. They had been fighting behind closed doors for years; no one but them saw it coming when her mother ran off to Vegas, leaving Arianna and her father behind. Arianna didn't have big sisters or an aunt or anything to help her though puberty, but her father did the best he could. He dealt with the mood swings and the buying of bras without complaining once. She cringes now thinking about how she treated him, but at 22, their relationship is better than ever. She lives on her own, working two jobs and somehow still managing to have a social life. She calls him every Sunday, and goes and visits when she can. He lives an hour away, but taking the time off work can be difficult. She hasn't spoken to her mother since she was 13.


~Her father

~Not knowing what's going on
~People who humor her

~Speaks very fast, and is usually doing something with her hands: i.e.; playing with her hair, tapping her fingers, snapping a rubber band, etc.
~When she's nervous or anxious, she will put her hair up and take it back down repeatedly

Piercings: A total of 13
~Her earlobes three times up (6), an industrial on her right ear (1), an ear weave/spiral on her left ear (1), cartilage on left ear (1), front orbital on left ear (1), tragus on both ears (2), belly button (1)

Tattoos: A total of 1
~A bumblebee on her left hip. She thought if she got one tattooed on her, she would become less fearful of them. Note: She was wrong.

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Oliver Clark


name... Oliver Clark
age... 42
gender... Male
sexuality... Straight
nationality... American
role... Drunk

Alcohol may be mans worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy


Oliver, before he drank, was a nice guy. He was friendly and charismatic, and he loved helping people and having a good time. He was the guy that you could call at 6 am to take you to the airport and he wouldn't complain a bit. Oliver was everyone's best friend, until he started to drink. Now, Oliver is nasty, mean, and generally a person you don't want to be around. When he's drunk, he can be goofy but he's generally good for nothing and easily angered. Besides the people who drink with him most, people try to stay away from him as he has a habit or hurting himself and others. He'll fight without question, and is easily riled up. When sober, he constantly feels like shit and isn't afraid to let you know it. He's still nasty, but he has much less fire behind it. He won't try to fight with you much and will give up in most arguements, not that anyone takes him seriously anyways. Really, he's mostly just a sad guy who covers up his problems with alcohol.


(TW - Sexual Assault, Death in pregnancy) Oliver grew up in a loving home with three sisters. Believe it or not, the four of them got along pretty well, and he was always very close with his sisters. His parents were great, and although they didn't have the most money they always made ends meet, one way or another. He was a pretty happy kid until one day when he was 10 at his cousins birthday party. His aunt who he had always known and trusted had convinced him to play a little "game". I won't go into detail, but this game was incredibly perverted, and Oliver didn't really have any idea what was really going on, or what he or his aunt were doing. To him, it really was just a game and while he didn't want to play it he didn't feel like he could say no to an adult, at least, not one that he knew well.This went on for a few years, but eventually his parents caught on, and while Oliver didn't know exactly what happened, he never saw his aunt ever again.

Things were okay after that for Oliver. He got over everything that happened through counseling, and had put it behind him. He still had a great relationship with his sister and parents, and it was almost like the way it had been before anything had happened.

When Oliver was 17, his mother was killed in a car accident. It was tragic, and she was killed on impact. It was the other driver's fault, he was drunk. The whole family was sent into a dark place for a long time, especially Oliver's father. He never recovered, really, turning to drinking to forget about Oliver's mother. Oliver mourned for a long time, but he eventually put the past behind him, and while he still loved and thought about his mother a lot, he was able to move on.

Things went well for Oliver after that for years. He finished highschool and college, got a house and girlfriend and a job. He was even making a decent amount of money, and had a baby on the way. His sisters all came to visit regularly, and he would go visit his father every week or two just to keep the guy company and hide some of his liquor bottles. Things were good until he lost his job. See, Oliver's girlfriend didn't have a job that made a lot of money, and Oliver was the breadwinner. The job that was supposedly secure went out of buisness practically overnight, and they were left with almost nothing. Soon, they had to move out and live in an apartment, and Oliver got a crappy job at a Walmart.

One night, late into Oliver's girlfriend's pregnancy, she began to scream. At first, they thought it was good - sounds of labor, but when they got to the hospital it turned out things weren't so good. The baby was coming, but it was choking on the umbilical cord. The baby died before it was even born. Oliver's girlfriend died that day aswell, due to complications in delivery. Oliver had nothing. He turned to drinking soon after, and has been that way ever since.


- Booze
- TV
- Working

- People nagging him
- His sisters
- Bananas

Quirks: Taps his foot constantly, for no reason

Other: N/A

Just imagine the guy in the picture sad, his hair flat and unkempt from lack of washing it, no scarf, sweat pants with holes and a t-shirt with stains... sitting all alone in a little apartment that has barely any furniture and smells of beer.
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Major WIP

Alaska Brookes


role...the asthmatic


~It is only in sorrow bad weather masters us; in joy we face the storm and defy it~




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name Amara Valerie Maude
age 25
gender Female
sexuality Pansexual
nationality Caucasian
role Wheelchair User



True strength is not physical.

Bright and charismatic, she tries hard not to let things bring her down. However she is prone to boughts odepression, both due to the death of her friend and by what happened to her. The leg she has will often cause her pain and when it gets really bad she can be sharp with people.


Amy once dreamed of being a model, however one day while on a roller coaster with her best friend the coaster broke and they were hurled into the ground. Her friend died of sever head trauma before help could arrive, by the time Amy was rescued she had passed out from pain and shock. Her left leg was pulverized and amputated, her right leg was badly crushed but was saved. After years of physical therapy Amy can put weight on the leg but only for short periods of time and needs to be holding onto something. While her modeling dream was killed, she did the next best thing and became a somewhat successful YouTuber. While she mostly does makeup tutorials she will also post reviews of certain products, few of her followers know about her disability.


Having fun
nice people
people crying out in pain
being looked down upon
people pitying her
uses her hands when talking
her face is very expressive
Wears a prosthetic, mostly for aesthetic reasons. Has very muscular arms. She likes to decorate her wheelchair with stickers and bows.

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Rayne Alexander Wilde


name... Rayne Alexander Wilde
age... 16 (and a half, thank you very much!)
gender... male
sexuality... bicurious
nationality... american
role... teen

"aww, you actually think you're winning at the game of life? Spoiler alert, everyone dies."

It would be easy at first glance to dismiss Rayne Wilde as nothing more than an edgy teenager... and to most people, that's all he'll ever be.

The weirdo boy in eyeliner. Freak. That creepy kid. Outsider. The one that will never fit in. Emo crybaby.

Just a few things of the things whispered and giggled behind his back.
No wonder he doesn't trust anyone.

Rayne's moods seem to change on a dime, with him being aloof one moment and clingy the next. Of his consistent traits, pessimism and sarcasm are the ones revealed most often. Though he comes off as rude and confrontational, it's really just a defense at this point. After all, crying in front of people is why he's in this depressive hell. Rudeness, Rayne has learned, is what makes people listen.

Of course, even the best walls crack if they're under enough pressure, and his is no exception. Given enough reason to panic, Rayne's glassy eyes fill with tears, no matter how valiantly he fights them down. Much like a child, he'll seek out comfort in those he thinks are more mature, though expect the boy to deny it passionately if he's ever caught.

Rayne is a thousand contradicting things, but cheerful isn't one of them. He occasionally gets excited or even bouncy, but snaps out of it once he realizes how uncool such behavior is considered. Instead, he chooses to act emotionless and apathetic, much like a cliche movie character.

If you're one of the few that he trusts enough to be genuine around, you'll find that he's a sweet and somewhat soft-spoken individual.

(TW: depression, implied suicide attempt and self harm)

Born a few weeks too soon, that was really the most remarkable thing about Rayne's early life. The only son of two middle-class high school sweethearts, he had a fairly happy childhood despite being very shy around other kids his age.

School was a bit of a nightmare due to the social aspect, and Rayne found himself on the fringes well before he even reached middle school. He kept his grades up, but dreaded every comment or dirty look before it even came.

Things got a lot worse when his parents divorced a few months after his 13th birthday. Though he knew logically that it had nothing to do with him, he still blamed himself sometimes, as many kids are known to do. It didn't help that the people he trusted most were too busy fighting with each other to notice all the times he skipped dinner or stayed out too late.

That, combined with high school and the constant stress and torment of being around a thousand other kids, was what sent him in a downward spiral towards depression and self hatred.

Now living alone with his mom, Rayne ignored every attempt she made to help him and would spend all his free time locked in his room with the lights turned out. Even though the woman meant well, she had no idea that things had gotten so severe, or why Rayne insisted on wearing long sleeves in 90 degree weather... and really, how could she? It's not like he ever opened up to anyone.

He took one step too far, however, after crying in class and becoming the joke of the month among his peers. Desperate for his pain to end, what Rayne did next landed him in a treatment ward despite his mother's desperate pleading. This made him even more hopeless and apathetic, though he hid it well and was released early on the promise that he would continue counselling and take his medication.

Of course, he rejected both of those things. Rayne did recover however, at least somewhat. He poured his time and energy into art, making a name for himself online with his unique, creepy-cute style and interesting subject matter. He's rarely seen without a tablet or sketchbook, and hopes to attend college for 2D animation someday.

His one, major fear is hospitals... poor, poor Rayne has no idea what he's in for.



•Screamo music
•Hot Topic


•Pop music
•Trendy stuff
•Mushy romance


•Smells like candy
•Draws on hands/wrists
•Caffeine addict
•Always has headphones/earbuds
•Hides behind hair if nervous/upset
•Rarely smiles


•Pierced his own snakebites
•Has a fear of needles (go figure)
•Always wears eyeliner. Always.
•Loves black nail polish, but isn't that great at applying it
•"Ugh, stupid adults. It's not a phase!"

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Oliver Robson


oliver robson





the ex military



Put Quote Here




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Lenora Chastain


Lenora Chastain



Put Quote Here


“Your hair, it's beautiful.”

She must've heard that compliment a million times over. It's frequently the first – and last – thing people say to her. One would think after so many years she would have thought of a response better than the whisper of thanks that occasionally falls from her usually still lips.

Striking at first glance, Lenore is adept at simply fading into the background. Her voice is soft and often unheard, she much prefers to simply observe the people around her rather than interact with them. It isn't that she doesn't like people – it's quite the contrary, if there is one thing Lenora prides herself on it would be her ability to really see people which, more often than not, included positive traits many others would otherwise overlook – she was just afraid that they wouldn't like her very much. The world was full of beautiful, vibrant people who shone like a blinding star contrasting against the empty vastness of space and she, in comparison, was a small candle that still flickered on occasion. She was too afraid to step outside of the relative safety of her own observations of other lives to look too far inwardly into her own – what if she was someone even she didn't like? As far as she could tell she didn't have much of a preference in much, she liked chocolate and vanilla equally – though, perhaps, vanilla more so later in the evening. She wasn't sure why. Decaf and caffeine were the same to her, she couldn't tell the difference. In her mind, she had all the personality of rice paper.

People made her nervous. The unknown frightened her. In particular, unknown people were quite terrifying. Sometimes when it got to be too much she would lock herself in her room and paint for days – dizzying abstractions in some sort of an attempt to give her feelings shape, something she could show someone to prove that she had some sort of substance, but she never did. Instead, she hoarded her feelings on canvas that, once complete, never saw the outside of her closet.

She just wants to go home.


Lenora is the youngest of three siblings -- the accident child. Her brother came first. The firsts always have a tendency to be the most talented, don't they? Maybe it's a side-effect of spending so many years as the sole focus of their parents' attention, or perhaps it's because he was born before the inevitable parental exhaustion sets in and got the best of their focus. Regardless, he managed to maintain the perfect grade point average all through high school and undergraduate before being accepted to medical school. Today, he is a rather successful heart surgeon.

Her older sister had always been a little bit rebellious. Perhaps it's because their brother left such big shoes to fill, or maybe it's because she wanted to prove that she could make her own path. Knowing her, it was probably both. She never did exactly well in high school, instead opting to spend her days with a seedier crowd doing everybody-pretends-to-not-know-what. It didn't really matter in the end though. If there's one thing Lenora's sister was, it was lucky. She was in the right place at the right time and fell in love with the right man. Today, she lives as a stay-at-home -- well, not mom, not yet. If she had it her way, probably never. She just stays at home and does whatever she feels like whilst her husband works as an executive for some insurance company.

After her sister, Lenora has always been quite certain that her parents had just given up. They didn't want any more children, couldn't risk another disappointment. Her mother thought they had closed up shop for good, yet almost as soon as her sister entered high school, Lenora was conceived. Her parents did stay up late at night reading to her like they did her brother, nor did they put excessive energy into attempting to push her onto the right path like they did her sister. By the time Lenora came around they were out of patience, out of energy, and completely unwilling to risk being let down again. Lenora's childhood wasn't terrible -- her parents weren't neglectful. It was just if she came home with a 98%, they would smile half-heartedly and congratulate her. Then her mother would turn to her father and smile almost wistfully, asking him if he recalled the time when her brother was in school and they hardly got excited over ninety-eight percent since perfect scores were the expectations. Her father would laugh and ruffle Lenora's hair, asking if she wasn't glad she didn't have to live under the same strict parenting, asking her if she wasn't glad they had loosened up.

Recitals came and went, graduations were missed (they had seen the same one two times now -- it wasn't like they changed much over the years, her mother would always remind her) and when Lenora locked herself in her room for hours, her parents were frankly glad for the peace. When Lenora finally got a job of her own -- an assistant at a small crafts shop, she moved out into her own place with very little fanfare. It wasn't as though she were going to college. She'd hardly be across town, there just wasn't any reason to make it a big deal.

She spent most of her time in the small studio she created out of an oversized closet in her too-small apartment. It took up most of the space, but it wasn't as though she ever had anybody over to complain. When she stood with brush in hand, the rest of it just didn't matter anymore -- she would leave an impression of herself, some sort of proof of her existance. Somebody would appreciate it someday.


- Art and Literature
- Hot coffee on cold mornings
- Oversized sweaters.

- Meeting new people
- Being put in the spotlight
- Fighting

Lenora has various nervous tics -- biting down on her lower lip, picking at her nailbeds, shuffling from side to side. Excessive eye contact is difficult for her. She tends to shy away from disagreements but has been known to voice her opinion when pushed in the right way.

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anthony clawson
age: 27
gender: male
no role
"don't fuck with me"
- - -
Anthony Clawson is an interesting character, somewhat fierce and prone to stuttering. (See his quote? He stuttered through all of that).

A speech problem when he was young created this stuttered, which contrasted greatly from his personality. Anthony has no tolerance for those attempting to make fun of him.

He's witty, a man who is not scared of confrontation and usually is able to stand up for himself. Anthony is smart and sharp tongued.

The man is not the nicest person, finding affection extremely difficult to give through others. It takes only certain eyes to see he means well, but the walls around him prevent him from being kind.
- - -

+ computers
+ writing
+ vinyl
- physical activity
- ignorance
- needles

~ always needs to push up his glasses as they slip
~ puffs face when frustrated
- - -
Anthony was born to laid back parents - the two of them were travelers who enjoyed taking time off. After all, they had their own, successful company that one day Anthony would inherit.

And so Anthony was left to his own devices and was rather rebellious when he was younger. He would cause all sorts of trouble at school and come out unscathed. However, it was when he had an accident when attempting to jump off of a slide that caused him his speech impairment.

The concussion that led to this allowed him to welcome all sorts of new trouble. Bullies would appear, mocking him throughout the first year of high school. He never asked for helped, instead threatening with his wealth. It eventually died down as he brought down his prowess.

He went on the graduate, going into college with spectacular grades. Anthony never played sports and simply focused on achievement that would outdo his stutter. And it was achieved, as he published a book on business and went on the to climb the ranks in the company.

Anthony wanted to prove to the company that he was not unfit for inheritance and was not chosen only because of his parents.

Due to this, he believes there are enemies willing to take him out for his role and the power he possesses.

coding by cychotic

Matilda Vancamp


Matilda Vancamp
Goes by 'Cindy'

I wonder how many wishes a
⭐ can give


Cindy is honest, going so far as to report a missing 100 thousand or believe that her nonexistent brother is in a dire situation. This earns her the title of being foolishly honest. Nevertheless, Cindy is a kindhearted sweet young woman, she trusts way to easily this gets her in trouble almost all the time causing her mother to scold her. Her heart is very weak to those who have a said life or are in general just hurt. A well behaved young lady she is well mannered to the point of no return.
She is at some points in life childish wishing so much as her sister would notice her or show her a bit of love. Cindy, she can't stand hate and will break down easily it didn't use to be like that at first she was strong emotionally strong she wouldn't cry yet recently it doesn't seem like she would stop crying. Ugly, rude and everything wrong Cindy sees herself as the worst person on the planet that's why her family treated her the way they did thus she strives to do better at times pushing herself to the point of breaking.
Soft spoken, light-hearted Cindy believes that everyone has a pure heart, her belief is that every human has pure intentions.
Around people, Cindy tends to have a childish/innocent aura at times making those around her feel superior and at times she can give a sense of calmness and peace. This person, she really doesn't know who she is.


Cindy was born into a famous family with her father being a famous lawyer opening his own law firm, thus Cindy grew up naturally following every rule in the book. Cindy was a fairly smart obedient child who followed her parent's wishes her mother is a woman the world respects she takes girls with big dreams and turns their dreams into reality. Cindy wasn't really into such things but she soon noticed that she really didn't have a choice Matilda was dragged into this life of fame and fortune by her mother at the age of 5 acting and singing, she quickly became the center of attention causing her sister (unnie means sister ) to ignore her. That's when 'Cindy' was born a name given to her by her mother it was another part of Matilda...the part her mother wanted her to be. Cindy (her stage name) was happy she was perfect her life had no flaws she was a star loved by all. Cindy was perfect.
Matilda has never felt her mother's love, she was more like a manager than a mother, her mother worked her life off to make her daughters stars. That didn't work out well for one of them as she completely flopped, that's when Matilda came out taking her sisters place. Cindy's father was a loving man he was always there...he was an escape from reality away from the pressure her mother had put on her, away from that hateful comments and news. Her safe spot soon died not long after Matilda turned 12, that's when it started Matilda fell into depression. Cindy came in to hide her depression being a perfect young lady.




+Dark rooms

Fear of the dark
Easily scared when yelled at
Bites her lip when nervous
Photographic memory
Talks to animals
Eats ice cream when sad

Can't drive

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Vanessa Courtwright


Vanessa Courtwright
age... 22
gender... Female
sexuality... Bisexual
nationality... American
role... Fearless

Pain is just an illusion triggered by the brain, Fear is no different.


Friendly. Great people skills. Outgoing, social, group oriented. Does not like to be alone. Open. Likes to be the center of attention. Likes external praise. Likes crowds. Self-confident. Good at getting people to have fun. Adaptable and action-oriented. A doer, focused on immediate results. Disorganized, messy. Decisive. Finisher. Talented at presentation. Likes to lead. Likes sports. Tends to dominate conversations. Lives in the here-and-now. Fast-paced lifestyle. Impatient with long explanations. Extremely loyal to their peers, but not usually respectful of laws and rules if they get in the way of getting things done. Content, emotionally stable. Frequently joking. Adjusts easily. Neutral moods. Not easily annoyed. Enjoys crude jokes. More likely to come off as masculine. Risk taker, fearless, can handle criticism, hard to discourage.


Vanessa was born to a single father, as her mother died in the complications of Vanessa's birth. He did his best to raise her as a parent should, but with two jobs and volunteer work it was a friend of Vanessa's mother that raised her. Sarah, The local café owner took Vanessa under her wind with her already large family. After adding Vanessa the single mother had a family of six.

Vanessa learned most of her toughness from her four older brothers, having always bickering an wrestling with them.



Likes; Midnight Jogs, Work, Testing her limits, sports, sunsets. Challenges.

Dislikes; Harrasment, Liars, Cocky people, being told she can't do something.

Quirks; rubbing the back of her neck when she is uncomfortable.


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Name: Steve Freeling
Age: 44
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nationality: American
Role: Dad/Father Figure
Height: 6' 3½" (1.92 m)
Weight: 186 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark Brown (Blond from Childhood to 16)
Eye Color: Blue


"I hate Pizza Hut! Where's dinner? I don't understand, Diane. What the hell's going on around here?"
"Breathe, damn it, breathe. Breathe."
"Oh, come on. Oh, you're kidding. I mean, that's sacrilegious, isn't it?"
"You know Teague, he won't take 'Go to Hell' for an answer."

Steve is generally friendly and most who meet him find him likable. He loves his family more than anything. He hates snakes; they are the one thing that can really scare him. It takes a lot to rattle him, though he does tend to be on high alert. Liars, abusive people and cheaters fill him with pure white-hot rage. He is mostly calm to a point, even when he's angry.

Steve had a fairly normal childhood with his parents as well as his (only two months younger) sister he got into all sorts of mischief with and their younger brother in southern California. His father taught him to strike a balance between book smarts, physical strength, gut instinct and bravery, and most importantly, not to be a coward, which is something he's always carried with him. In high school, he met a girl named Diane and they fell in love. He was 17; she was 16. Something happened between them one night and spawned their oldest daughter Dana, 27. When he was 22 and Diane was 21, they married. A year later, their son Robert, 21, was born. Three years after that, their youngest daughter Carol Anne, 18, was born. He also briefly played both football and baseball in high school; though he enjoyed both and was good at both, he let neither rule his life and did not wish to pursue a career in sports. Steve worked as a real estate agent for some time before quitting when Carol Anne was 5, having become disgusted upon discovering his boss, Mr. Teague, had built a neighborhood, that he and his family had been living in, over a cemetery, not to mention that Teague had left the bodies and only moved the headstones. This was later discovered when contractors began digging in the back yard to build a swimming pool, only to find corpses and coffins. Viewing this as "sacrilegious," Steve immediately moved his family out of the house. He left the real estate business and went through several different jobs before settling on that of a janitor.

'80s and '90s Movies
Papa John's

Most Movies Now
Pizza Hut

He chews his tongue when he's bored. He quotes the famous line, "Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?" whenever he sees (a) snake(s).




Name: Tobias Archer
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Closet Homosexual
nationality: Canadian
role: Scardy Cat



"Sometimes, it's alright to just not try..."


Toby is a soft spoken person who likes to spend most of his time being silent. Not for the lack of wanting to speak, but because he prefers listening to others over voicing himself. He is very observant and cautious in his approach towards anything in life. Toby does not like to try new things. He is very apprehensive to change and stays
away from curiosity's call. He is a perfectionist and likes to work at his own pace. Toby is a sensitive young man and has quite a weak heart. He's very easy to scare, and prone to breaking down when least expected. He has tried to get over this, and while he's making progress, it is slow. Toby is agile on his feet and can hide in plain sight, which makes it easy for him to blend in, as he doesn't like to stand out. Also, Toby is a big time pessimist.


Tobias Archer's life is nothing much out of the ordinary. He is the second child of a happy couple, with one older sister and a younger one. They're quite close knit, and a St.Bernard seals the deal, making them an idol family. He had a normal school life, facing his fair share of bullying and the spot light- both of which he dislikes. When it comes to his sexuality, Toby began to realize that he wasn't what people labelled as normal boys. He's had his suspicions since he was 16, but he's too afraid to confirm, or admit it. Even to himself. No, it's not because of society or how he might not fit in- he does a splendid job at it otherwise. It's primarily because Toby is frightened about the thought of commitment in general. To him, a relationship can go wrong in several ways and he's afraid of getting his heart broken, or worse. So, it seemed safer to remain in an ambiguous stage- that would surely chase people off, or so he assumes. His family knows though, but they would like to give Tobias the space he requires to figure things out himself. Again, abandoning him in the vast lands of the unknown, or so he assumes.


Art | Listening to people | Warm hugs

The spot-light | Horror and gore (Including blood and everything) | The darkness

Quirks: Tends to mumble when he's unsure of himself (Which is often) | Likes to play with people's hair
Other: Toby is allergic to strawberries | He's had one relationship in the past which he hides from people

Sorry I'm an impatient child!!!! Couldn't wait to post Kyle.

Kyle Thomas Morrison


Kyle Morrison
"Call me Kyle or Thomas!"
age... 9
gender... Male
sexuality... "I identify as a potato...." To young to know.
nationality... American
role... Child

If you think about it, if you dream about it, it's possible.


People-oriented and fun-loving. Makes things more fun for others by their enjoyment, good at getting others to have fun. Outgoing, social, group oriented. Does not like to be alone, feels at ease around others. Talkative, open, can be touchy feely. Values relationships and family over intellectual pursuits. Interested in serving others. Likely to be the center of attention in social situations. Living for the moment, loves new experiences. Dislikes theory and impersonal analysis. Well-developed common sense and practical ability. Dislikes science fiction. Conventional, modest. Likes to dance, spontaneous. Underachieving. At times unprepared. Values organized religion. Suggestible. Easy to impress. Not analytical. Disorganized. Emotional. Prone to crying. Happy. Trusts others. Can be influenced more by others than self. Feels the emotions of others. Likes teamwork. Guided by moods.




Likes; Orange juice, Sweets, Ice, the smell of pine needles, bubbles. Naps.

Dislikes; Milk, Sour foods, Fish, The color purple. Being carried.

Quirks; Humming, Complaining when tired.

Other; Allergic to cinnamon.

Sorry I'm an impatient child!!!! Couldn't wait to post Kyle.

Kyle Thomas Morrison


Kyle Morrison
"Call me Kyle or Thomas!"
age... 9
gender... Male
sexuality... "I identify as a potato...." To young to know.
nationality... American
role... Child

If you think about it, if you dream about it, it's possible.


People-oriented and fun-loving. Makes things more fun for others by their enjoyment, good at getting others to have fun. Outgoing, social, group oriented. Does not like to be alone, feels at ease around others. Talkative, open, can be touchy feely. Values relationships and family over intellectual pursuits. Interested in serving others. Likely to be the center of attention in social situations. Living for the moment, loves new experiences. Dislikes theory and impersonal analysis. Well-developed common sense and practical ability. Dislikes science fiction. Conventional, modest. Likes to dance, spontaneous. Underachieving. At times unprepared. Values organized religion. Suggestible. Easy to impress. Not analytical. Disorganized. Emotional. Prone to crying. Happy. Trusts others. Can be influenced more by others than self. Feels the emotions of others. Likes teamwork. Guided by moods.




Likes; Orange juice, Sweets, Ice, the smell of pine needles, bubbles. Naps.

Dislikes; Milk, Sour foods, Fish, The color purple. Being carried.

Quirks; Humming, Complaining when tired.

Other; Allergic to cinnamon.

Looks good, I am willing to let the backstory slide since he's nine Lol. Start whenever you'd like

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