The Horrors Of Isolrah


The Ghost in your Closet









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Name: Professor Ezekiel Von Ludwigsten

Age: Oh dear, I seem to have forgotten… around… three hundred or so?

Gender: Male

Species: Scientifically Modified human

Personality: Professor Von Ludwigsten is eccentric, intelligent, spontaneous and most definitely nuts. He lost his brain years ago and since then hasn’t had the marbles, even after he found it hiding under his chair. (apparently it was playing hide and seek with his liver) He is forgetful, scatterbrained some would say, exuberant when an idea strikes him, and incrediblu enthusiastic when it comes to experiments. He loves a new challenge and a chance to do research. While he can be quite positive, there are times when he’s just plain scary. Never give this guy a chance to mess with your head. You might find your brain has legs too.

History: Professor Von Ludwigsten was a part of a wealthy family, and as such he was granted a great many things, but after his teenage years he told his parents he wished to study science, and to become a doctor. Three years of medical school taught him that he could do far greater than that and so he set off to become the greatest scientist in the world. Sadly his only successful experiments, and many unsuccessful ones, were ones he was forced to perform on himself, and as such, he became quite addled. Still a brilliant man even in his fifties, he perfected the extraction of a youth serum by isolating a certain genome in the pertuitary gland. Unfortunately, the procedure didn’t go so well, killing his subject with the extraction method, and so it was banned and he was forced to spend 30 years in a mental institution. After being released he used the last of his money to purchase a large isolated estate in which to continue his work without the intrusion of others. Over time however, it became known as a sanctuary for lost souls and the creatures of the unknown, which he welcomed in, finding the company to be a pleasant change.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/mad_scientist.jpg.89686585d4a04f542cbcc6aa57612f47.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13251" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/mad_scientist.jpg.89686585d4a04f542cbcc6aa57612f47.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilities: Extended life and a knack for science, both medical and otherwise.

Origins: Based on the ideals of a truly mad scientist

Name: Gwynith

Age: 241

Gender: Female

Species: Banshee

Personality: Gwynith is lonely. She spends so much time mourning the loss of loved ones that she doesn’t risk getting to know anyone lest she witness their deaths too. She is often very tired and very softspoken. She tries to avoid troubles and arguments as her temper can yield unwanted and unpleasant results. She is kind, but steers clear of people for the most part and can often be found either in her room at the manor or in the library.

History: Born in rural Ireland, Gwynith spent her life locked safely within the walls of her village, a village of women like herself and their families. When she was twelve she had her first vision of death and her screams rippled through the night like the lightning in a storm. Her vision came to be true and distraught she locked herself away for weeks until her mother coaxed her to come down to explain what had happened and what she was. She was sealed a fate worse than death, to know that she was spending her life following people around and predicting their demise, and that she would never die herself. All she had to comfort her was a comb, a comb with mother of pearl teeth that she would comb through her hair to calm herself after a vision. She was hunted by a village after her two hundredth birthday and was forced to run away, looking for a new home, wishing she could escape her fate. That was when she found Isolrah.


Visions of death plague her constantly. She has the ability to teleport of sorts, vanishing in a flash if she needs to.

Origins: most likely inaccurate but hey, who cares xD



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Name: Timber Downs

Age: Approximately 300 - After Death

Gender: Male

Species: Undead, Skeleton

Personality: Timber Down's usually seems to be in an upbeat mood, trying to get the most out of death that he can
. He could even be described as being full of life, ironically. One of his favorite things to quote is "You only die once" enjoying his long lasting death to the fullest. Although since his options are limited, he's taken up scaring folks as a hobby, taking it almost as an art, often coming up with new and unique methods to scare. However, he believes people are becoming desensitized to creatures like him, and will rant on about it if it comes up, being one of the few times he's ever seen truly upset, not counting occasional outbursts. After all, he's only ever done the skeleton dance once...

History: Before his demise, Timber "Black Heart" Downs was known as one of the most dreaded pirates of the seven seas, before his ship was shot down and he was sunk down to the deepest depths of the ocean. But what his enemy's didn't know, was that Timber carried a curse, in the shape of a pendent around his neck. A curse, set onto it years before, and that he had obtained,unknowing of its power in his last plunder. So, it was a surprise to anyone, as much as himself, when he awoke in Davy Jones Locker, at the bottom of the sea. Only grateful for his second chance, Timber's first instinct was to hunt those who had killed him...though he had no idea where they were. So he simply walked..and walked..and walked..and in this time, Timber simply thought to himself...and when he had reemerged, onto dry land..he couldn't even remember what he was ever angry about. He spent his more current years traveling unknowingly as an addition to a horror themed traveling circus, before it went belly up. Needing a place to stay, where he wouldn't end up buried or attacked, Timber learned of a
sanctuary where he might just be welcome.

Appearance: Basically entirely skeletal from his time spent in the ocean, usually seen wearing a top hat and military uniform, who someone simply "left lying around" and a golden pendent he had attached to his bones (glued & duct taped) as for it not to fall off.


Abilities: Can't die, unless pendent is removed, or head/body is destroyed, a Strong skeletal system, Average sea faring skills.

Origins: Multiple old pirate story's, and the song Spooky Scary Skeletons
Name: Little Johnny

Age: Unknown, possibly below 13

Gender: Male

Species: Undead, Ghost

Personality: A playful young ghostly lad, he enjoys practical jokes and some good scares. Dying at a very young age, he manages to bring his immature self to his afterlife. Other than that, he also enjoys sweeties and cookies, though he's unable to digest them...

History: In life, Johnny was born to a married couple of a farmer and a musician somewhere within the Isle of Britain. His father taught and assigned him to farming works since he was 7, mainly field ploughing which he tend to avoid doing by running off to a neighbouring farm, steal their scarecrow and reshape it to look like himself from a far distance so his father would think that he is actually ploughing and at night he would return the scarecrow.

The neighbouring farmer, a troubled and unstable man notices how his corn crops begin to be more vulnerable to crows and eventually lead to the failure of his business, hence one day at night, he caught Johnny trying to return the stolen scarecrow to his farm. He catches the young lad by surprise, causing him to jump from the scare and drops the scarecrow - breaking it into three......the maddened farmer pulls the poor boy with brute force despise his screaming for his parents, and drag him into his barn where he was never heard from for a few days, his parents who were worried sick had been searching for him all nights and days around the area as they do not suspect the neighbouring farm that much.

One day with the help of the locals and town sheriff, they finally found Johnny at the neighbouring farm corn field. Though by the time they found wasn't the same Johnny they knew......Johnny looks sad and scared, he can't express much of his expression through his sewn together lips and empty sockets, his head seems to have been temporarily decapitated and sewn back. His entire body is nothing but torn and empty skins being sewn here and there, further more...he's not moving and seems to have grown fond of the pole he was tied to.

The farmer responsible for Johnny's death was never found, the town soon bury the remains of the boy, and his parents moves away from the area to another country as they can't deal with the shock from the event.

What they do not know is that that's not exactly the end of Johnny, he's still around and had flew his way to Isolrah Estate in the search of his parents and also the path to the ghost world.

Appearance: Hollow, close to weightless. Made of two parts of human body, the torso and the head all sewn together, he has no fingers and may have difficulties interacting with almost every objects weighing more than 5 kg. His eyes are hollow as well and he possesses a torn straw hat above his head.


Abilities: His extremely light weight and ghostly form allows him to fly, he can sometimes take the disguise of a rug-sack, random fabrics or a scarecrow, due to that it also grants him the ability to steal. But other than that, he can't die from anything but fires or being shredded into pieces.

Origins: Local legends - creepy I know 0_0 it gives me the creep even when I'm typing it out.

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