The Horizon Aflame (set of short daiklaves)


Elder Member
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The Horizon Aflame (set of short daiklaves) (version 2E) - A supernaturally mirrored set of light blades.

Level 3 Artifact

The Horizon Aflame is a set of Short Daiklaives made by Tepet Nivara, A Twilight Solar, as a celebration of mastering the Fire Dragon Style as many of her family had before her, created using an alloy of orichalcum and Red jade to represent her heritage and her Exalted existence.

One of the blades, “Red Sky Evening”, is made with enough orichalcum to count as solely that material for the purposes of attunement, while the other, “Red Burning Earth”, is made in the opposite concentration and counts as Red Jade for all intents and purposes.

The blades are of exquisite quality, razor sharp, with a rippled pattern down the blade and an intricate pattern etched along the blunt edge. Stamped on the habaki (join between blade and handguard) is the image of a butterfly-crowned dragon emerging from flames, the makers seal.

The tsuba (handguard) on each blade is one half of a Yin-Yang symbol, one made from solid red jade one made from pure orichalcum, each with a small disc of the other material floating freely so that when the blades are placed together in the correct way the symbol completes. Both swords have an orichalcum grip wrapped in essence infused red silk in a diamond pattern. the shitodome kanagu (pommel) of each sword is split to allow a long red silk tassel to continue a fair distance from the end of the hilt. Suspended in the middle of the tassel on each weapon is a medallion, split in half, the one on Red Burning Earth being orichalcum and the one on Red Sky Evening being red jade, made to resemble the horizon, the the gold as the setting sun and the red as the earth.

The swords are perfectly balanced, and apart from the tsuba and medallion, the weapons are identical, supernaturally so.

Both weapons are of the following statistics (not including attunements)

Speed 4 Accuracy +4 Damage +4L Defense +1 Rate 2 Minimums Str 1

When an effect causes one of the blades to become unique from the other, the mismatched blade will also change to once again become a twin, no matter the reason for the change.

example: -

Tepet Nivara, the Twilight Exalted, has just applied the finishing touches to the paired blades, she picks up Red Burning Earth and takes a few practice swings with it, attuning her essence to the flows of the blade, when she is done her essence has lightened the blade and made it sharper and swifter (granting -1 speed and

1 damage for the Jade attunement bonus) when she picks up Red Sky Evening it has also become sharper and swifter (gaining the same -1 speed and +1 damage) in an effort to match its twin, were she to do the same with Red Sky Evening, both weapons would become stronger and easier to handle (

1 rate acc and defense, orichalcum attunement bonus)

however, this also works in reverse, and effects which bring one swords condition below its normal are mimicked by it’s sibling too

example: -

Tepet Nivara has found herself in combat with a feisty, confident Hill Crushing Hero known as the Boulder, she makes an attack with Red Sky Evening, only to find the Boulder is not all talk, he catches the blade in one massive essence infused hand, makes a quip and shatters the blade with his other palm. Alarmingly, Red Burning Earth, in an attempt to be like its twin, shatters into just as many pieces. Nivara manages to recover the shards of her swords and escape with only a few broken ribs, consoled by the fact that if she manages to repair one blade the other with surely become one also.

The weapons' wills are so great to remain a pair that if they are ever separated they will both fall into disrepair as a mundane katana improperly cared for would. For every sunset they are apart, each blade loses a point from a randomly selected statistic as the edges become dull and rust forms on the weapon, though the weapons can become pitifully tattered this way but will never actually break, and if both weapons are brought together again and physically kept that way they will be restored at the next sunset.

The Orichalcum and Jade is alloyed in such a way that it creates a unique red/gold that when light reflects off them, the blades, and anything reflected in them, appear to be burning.

When wielding both weapons the user may make use of the curious effect of the alloyed materials, light reflected from the blades flashing back and forth in combat makes it appear that the blades are on fire, not only this but anyone in close combat with these weapons must avert their eyes (and suffer all that entails) or be drawn into the mesmerizing inferno.

The foe appears to burst into a bright red and gold phantom flame that is so convincing they feel its heat and for the duration they take wound penalties (but not damage) as if they were standing in the middle of a bonfire and taking the average amount of damage every action they take, if they spend a willpower to disbelieve this, or the flame is proved to be illusionary then the effect ends and they may not be affected again this scene, the effect also ends if something that would normally extinguish a large fire is used to douse the poor victim.
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