The Hidden Side of the Mobs

Name: Kelo

Age: 18


He is quiet and often comes off as lazy. He's smart though even considered a genius but is slow to do stuff he doesn't want to. He doesn't trust or respect others easily but once you earn his trust and respect he will follow you to the ends of the earth. He is a loner calm and patient.

Physical description: He stands at 5'4 with a slim but toned build. He's lightly tanned with shoulder length black hair and emerald green eyes. He's very androgynous and is often mistaken as a girl. He uses it to his advantage.

Weaknesses: He's lazy, hes untrustworthy, he falls asleep when and where he wants, and he will only obay those he trust and respect


He doesn't remember much of his life before he was nine. Just pain and the color crimson. Next thing he knew he was running from an angry merchant clutching a few apples to his chest. He's gotten better since then and even became the leader of a small gang of fellow orphans. He loved it there but found something was missing. At the age of 12 he was approached by an old assassin and offered a role as his apprentice. He took it and at the mere age of 16 was titled the status of assasine.

Position: assasin
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Name: Jared William James

Age: 21

Personality: Jared is quite confident and cocky, and fulfills the stereotype of the typical Templar. He is very arrogant and follows the ideals of self-power instead of justice for all. He's typically considered a leader among the Templar ranks (however not being the lead Templar), despite his certain lack of intelligence. He definitely puts brain before brawn and is quite strong. Jared is also quite headstrong and is a risk-taker. His intelligence level and reckless nature make a vicious combination of mob-machine and certain-to-die. He is also able to easily adapt to his environment and is quite good at blending in with the mob.

Physical description: Jared is quite large, muscular and toned from years of training and is quite bulky, with broad shoulders and a large arm. He is 6' tall. He brandishes the typical Templar robes from the late 18th century, retrofitted to fit in with the current time period making the outfit somewhat less obvious while still carrying the Templar charm. His hair is a dark brown, cut short but quite curly and random with each strand going every which way. His eyes are a deep blue, with a noticeable scar crossing his eye from an earlier encounter with an Assassin. He wears a golden necklace with the Templar cross close to his chest.

Weaknesses: He's quite the risk-taker, unintelligent, and quite cocky and arrogant. He is also quite the heavy, if you will, and is not easily knocked over but is quite slow.

Bio: Jared was born into a rich Templar family that taught him the Templar ideals from an early age. In his early life, he lived perfectly with all the luxuries that he could ask for. Riches upon riches poured upon his family from income from the family business and Templar contracts and deals.

Flash-forward to the age of 13. Jared's parents, after a meeting with the Templar Order, are murdered by an Assassin. This is the point where Jared decides to be a full-fledged Templar and avenge his parents. He sought out the others of the order that were at the meeting, and was thankfully met by a mentor that would teach him the way in combat and physical training as well as training of the mind.

When Jared reached the age of 18, he was fully trained by his mentor. He was given his robes and was sent off by the Templars to complete a mission that would take his entire life; to vanquish the Assassin's and their beliefs of freedom and establish strong roots in order and control.

Position: Templar
Name: Eshana "Echo" Ashelyn

Age: 19

Pesonality: Eshana (Prefers to be called Echo) is a rather free willed and imaginative person. She hates being told what to do and being ordered around, especially by someone too big for their boots, but has the wisdom to realise when following orders is needed. She is often found up in trees because of the privacy and shelter it offers. She isn't particularly loud and generally dislikes those kind of loud, arrogant people, so she has problems with a few of the other Templars. She isn't that shy though, because she hasnt got any problem talking to others, just tends to not speak.

Also, she has a fairly quick temper and isn't easily intimidated.

She loves cats and often attracts strays from the streets, as they tend to love Echo as well for some reason.

Physical Description: Echo is rather short (5'3"), and is quite slim and lithe. She has white-blonde hair in a pixie cut, bright hazel eyes and pale, unscarred skin. She doesn't usually wear her Templar uniform, but wears a hidden red cross around her neck which she doesn't keep out, preferring to stay unrecognised as a Templar.

Weaknesses: Echo, although fast and good with weapons, isn't that physically strong, especially in hand to hand combat. Also, she has a bit of a waver in her loyalty to the Templars, although she is good at hiding it from the rest.

Bio: Echo's parents were both very kind and loving when she was younger. But when the rift between the Templars and the Assassins began to grow wider, they started fighting. They usually kept it behind closed doors, but Echo (still fairly young) could hear quite a lot of it a although she didn't always understand what they were arguing about. But she knew that her father was with the Assassins, having a lot of ties with its members and having a long history working with them, although it was unclear if he was ever part of them. But her mother came from a long line of Templars and wanted to keep with them. It became apparent that they no longer spoke much with each other. They acted naturally whenever Echo was around, but as soon as she turned her back, they argued. It got worse and worse, until one night her father disappeared. Her mother wouldn't tell her anything as she rushed her out of the house under the cover of darkness and to the Templar headquarters. Here they stayed, and Echo's mother decided that Echo should join the Templars. It wasn't Echo's decision, but at the time, she was still mourning the loss of her father and too stunned to do much about it. But then her mother disappeared. Nobody told her until she had become a fully trained Templar.

Her mother had been killed by the Assassins, because they had found our that it was her who had killed her husband, who had actually been an Assassin before marrying Echo's mother. Her loyalty became confused, now unsure whether to stay or join the Assassins and follow in her father's footsteps, but also, it was the Assassins who had murdered her mother. But her mother had killed her father so she could take Echo and stay with the Templars. And she owed the Templar Order for raising her and protecting her as one of their own.

In the end, she decided to stay with the Templars, although her loyalty was never quite the same again.

Position: Templar
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Name: Jonathan "Jackdaw" Rook.

Age: 38

Personality: Calm and cool, Rook displays an eerie personality of elegance and gentleman like traits, often sending people in his surroundings into a small fit of unease and paranoia, even his allies.

Physical Description: Standing at 6'2" feet, or 187cm, Rook is a Caucasian male with brown hair and a full beard which is roughly trimmed. His body is borderline fit and average, conditioned and trained to be the way it is. His eyes are blue and sharp, full of intelligence and cunning, not an everyday man.


Ignore the modern war gear and such, just the face and hair.

Weaknesses: A man of honour and pride, and often carelessly so. He takes his name seriously and does not like to see it get spoken down to, often careless and has a hard time working in a team.

Bio: Born and raised in Europe, Germany, Henrich was not the kind to have what most call an "easy" life. Raised with a strict, disciplinary father and a mother too busy to truly show him love, Henrich was forced to fend for himself. This lead the man to grow cold and independent at a young, meaning very few friends and an even more frowned-upon childhood. The war swung by, and that was his chance to leave his previous life, so he joined the army. It was a losing war, he could tell from the very start when he joined, and he had to make ends meet, and just as luck would have it, the Templars got their hands on him. They found a man with no need for his past, and no true ties besides the war, and decided to make an asset out of him.

Trained and conditioned, Henrich soon became the man he always wanted to be, successful, rich, with a job where he was allowed to do what he did best, kill the enemy. He soon lost his true name, and took on the new name of Jonathan Rook to fit in better with the new world that came to after the war. Then came his callsign, or codename, Jackdaw, he did not know why he was given this name, but he accepted it and adopted it effectively, and soon there were whispers in all of Europe of a man only known as Jackdaw. No one knew who he was, where he came from, what he did, or if he even existed, all thanks to the Templar.

He was finally called in for a new job, a job that would require his expertise, for him to act behind the curtains of the actual job to make sure it was a success, and thus he picked up his codename, and headed to America(?) for his next job, a job that he was unaware of being the hardest one he had to do yet.

Position: Templar.
Name: Sorin

Age: 27

Personality: Calculating, crafty and charismatic. He is quiet and caring. He is opened minded and an idealist.

Physical description: He doesn't wear robes. He wears suits when in the city and while on missions he wears a leather jacket while wearing a cotton underlay with a hood. 6"1 with medium length black hair and a 5 o'clock shadow. Dark blue eyes, and a fit build. Two tattoos on his forearms.

Weaknesses: He isn't a ranged fighter. And he isn't very armored. Unorthodox and is very closed off.

Bio: Sorin remembers a lot from his childhood. He lived a good life until he was 12. His parents were murdered. And a note left by the Templars saying it was the Assassins. Sorin believing this. Sought out the Templars. And he became a member of the Templar and rose through the ranks and become a more prominent member. As he got older he became more open and questioned the Templar ideals. But He carried out their will because it's what he thought was the better of two evils. He is a more stealthy templar and he prefers moving quietly and decievsely. Not knowing he is there. He prefered it that way. And now adjusting to the turn of the century he will do all he can to make the world a better place.

Position: Templar.

(Sorry that the bio was short. I am rusty on this franchise and is it 1920s or mid 1900s?)
The mobs were big in the 40's-50's. And I will get my characters up soon!

Name: Agnes Birch

Age: 18

Birthday: February 5th

Personality: A very suspicious young woman, mostly of those around her, and is very quick to jump to conclusions. Always wary about her surroundings and tends to stay off to the side if she spots something strange. A bright young woman, in terms of knowledge, and she's good with surviving in the wilderness, having gone camping and hunting when she was younger. She is a skilled fighter with hand to hand combat but isn't the greatest with weapons and often only prefers to use her hands despite how others insist that she use weapons. Very protective of her younger sister and will do anything to keep the child happy and safe. Doesn't like reading and often strays away from libraries. Her little sister, Gabrella (Gabby as she calls her), is her weakness and she will act drastically should anyone threaten the child. Agnes does like animals, specifically red pandas, and loves taking her sister to the zoo every so often to see them all. She does try very hard to participate in her sister's life and tries to stray her on the right path, showing her what's good and bad. Likes hunting and often goes out to hunt during the winter, killing bigger game like elk and bears or something along those lines. Hates cooking and often eats fast food or takeout, never cooking despite how she believes her sister deserves a home cooked meal. It's surprisingly easy to make her embarrassed and make her blush, if someone were to point it out to her, she'd deny it the whole time.

Physical Description: 5'8" in height and somewhat voluptuous, never really showing her feminine side so it can be difficult to see that. Since she doesn't act like a girl sometimes, she doesn't feel the need to dress like one. She wears pants and a button up shirt as well, along with simple tennis shoes. Her hair is a red orange, that goes to her shoulder blades, and her eyes a dark hazel in color. Never does anything with her hair, aside from putting up into a ponytail every now and then, and doesn't wear makeup, she prefers to go all natural. Has a simply gold locket that she wears, the chain is long enough so it goes between her breasts, that was her mother's and she wears no other jewelry. The only time she would ever dress up is if her sister asked her to or she had to go to a fancy gathering or something and she was forced to look nice.

Weapons: She uses her hands mostly but does carry around throwing knives and a small pistol.

Bio: Agnes was born in Sweden and grew up in the far northern part, being used to the bitter cold. She grew up with a very happy life and wanted for nothing, her parents both working and making enough money to support them all. When she was fourteen, her mother had gotten pregnant and thus, Agnes' little sister, Gabrella, was born. Agnes dearly adored her little sister and the two were very close, rarely doing anything without the other being attached to their side. She helped take care of the child, doing simple things like babysitting and bathing her, and helped out her mother when she could as well. Things went smoothly until she was sixteen.

When Agnes hit sixteen years of age, her parents got into a car accident and died later that night. Both were hit by a drunk driver on their way home from work and Agnes was asleep with Gabrella when this happened. The children were forced into foster care and Agnes refused to be separated from her sister, causing an uproar with anyone who attempted to take the toddler from her. They spent two years in foster care and when Agnes hit eighteen, she ran off and took her sister with her. At first, it was tough for the teenager to take care of her younger sister by herself and the two lived on the street for a while. Agnes looked for jobs high and low and then, out of the blue, someone offered her a job. She became a Templar, not knowing what that meant, and didn't know what all came with the job, only knowing that she was making good money to help provide for her sister. After a few months of being on the job, she finally realized what the job consisted of and she put up with it, only thinking of her sister and how she needed to provide for the child.

Extra: She does not believe in the Templar ways and is often repulsed by it.

Position: Templar
Name: Czar Abatangelo

Age: 40

Personality: Cold, Cruel, Gets the Job done.

Physical description: about 6 feet tall, average build, expert marksmen and hand to hand combatant.

Weaknesses: Prone to fits of rage.

Bio: When was a young boy his father was the Templar boss, and an Unknown assassin, killed him. He spent years and years working up the Templar ranks and searching for the assassin. When he finally became the boss of the mob and Templars he eventually found the unnamed assassin. He tortured the assassin then eventually buried him alive in an unknown area. Now a new assassin order is about, and he will stop at nothing to destroy them.

Position: Templar Boss.

Name: Edgar Runers (Roon-ers)

Age: 20

Personality: Edgar is daring, and makes decisions without thinking about them. Very few times will he be reasonable. He acts like a child at times, being very arrogant. He's also very caring to those he's close to.

Physical description: He covers most of his body at all times, leaving only his bronze face visible.

Weaknesses: Extremely gullible.

Bio: Edgar lived in the streets, his parents dead, until a Templar picked him up and introduced him to the
Order of the Knights Templar, where Edgar quickly learned about their ways. He was told that his parents were killed by the assassins as some sort of sick joke, and believes strongly in it. He learned how to fight and how to kill, learning of the Assassin Order's ideals and that he didn't want that. He seeks to stop the Assassin Order and all of its members from reaching their goal.

Name: Cedric Blackwell

Age: 24

Birthday: Unknown even to him

Personality: Cedric is a very kind young man, always attempting to lighten the situation somehow. He is a very outgoing man and is rarely at home, preferring to be out and about than inside. Likes traveling when he can and likes experiencing new things in different places. Always tries to be quiet, not wanting to scare his target, and doesn't know if he's making any noise or not. He does get highly embarrassed easily and goes quiet when he does get embarrassed. When there's a tense atmosphere, Cedric attempts to lighten the mood somehow and doesn't like to give up until everyone's not at each other's throats. Can be a bit lazy and likes to sleep when he can, finding the dreamworld a whole lot more interesting than the real one. Likes training with newcomers and likes to attempt to teach them new things, wanting to help them where he can. Cedric likes being high up, meaning he likes to be up in trees or just off the ground in general, and likes to keep himself busy when he's not roaming around trying to find something to do. He is rather shy when you first meet him and can get angry rather quickly if he doesn't like the person.

Appearance: 6'2" in height and muscular enough to hold his own in a fight should it come down to it. He has brown hair that goes to the nape of his neck, never really styled so it stick out everywhere, and his eyes are a light grey, his skin is lightly tanned. Wears a simple pair of pants and likes wearing sweatshirts even in summer with a pair of tennis shoes. Doesn't wear any jewelry and doesn't prefer to have any, finding it too flashy and noticeable. He also doesn't like fancy clothing, meaning tux or anything of the sorts, and tries to stay away from it, finding them rather plain. He doesn't carry much on him in terms of money and other items and doesn't like to be weighed down.

Weapons: Just his bow, arrows, and some throwing knives.

Bio: Cedric was born in Wales and had two older brothers. Since he was born deaf, he was often teased and scared by his brothers and was never given the chance to fight back. When he would be able to fight back, his mother would intervene and punish him and his brothers for it. His brothers never did get caught when they would get on him and it irritated him. Cedric soon started to ignore his brothers, that being fairly easy, and was left alone after a while. He began to take on the hobby of archery and became skilled in the sport rather quickly. Spending most of his time in the class, he was approached by a man and became part of the Templars after that. He had no idea that the Templars were bad people for a while and went on the missions, clueless as ever. A few years into him being part of the organization, he finally finally figured out what they were and often paid no mind to it, just going about his day like nothing else despite how none of his family liked it.

Position: Templar

Everyone ready to begin?
I'm ready, I guess.

I haven't seen that much of Assassin's Creed, so I have no idea what to do.
TurtleGod said:
I'm ready, I guess.
I haven't seen that much of Assassin's Creed, so I have no idea what to do.
Assassin's Creed is basically the Creed going after the Templars and trying to get the Pieces of Eden before they do. That's pretty much it lol I won't even get into detail about Desmond and all them.
Desmond is their descendant. I've watched a walkthrough of about just one episode. Never knew about the pieces of eden, but okay.

Will there be character killing involved?
Their goal is to create a perfect world :3

And yes I am ready, but we only have one assassin at the moment.. I could create a second character for the Assassins if you want?
I take it the Assassins have abandoned us ;-;

So is this RP going to start or are we going to leave it?
lol I didn't even know this thing was going to happen. I got no notifications of anything from it

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