The Hidden Beast of Vernin Manor


New Member
Kei took the parchment paper out of his pocket. it was a letter explaining the haunting at the Vernin manor. He read the paper aloud so that he may lure the beast to him for a quick kill"

"Dear Hunter Kei, I shall not waste time in matters that is not needed. I shall go straight to business and say that there is beast in my manor and that I have not been able to escape from the manor once to send letters to many Hunters known around the world. Why do I say you ask? I stay because I have a priceless Heirloom in my family that is where the beast lives. It rampages my Manor night and day and I am never safe. Kill this beast and I shall pay you any amount of available gold or items"

Other Hunters huh? I wonder how strong this creature may be. with that he walk toward the manor more cautious than before.

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