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Fantasy The Heroes contract// CS page



The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Heyo it's below, it's the minimum amount of info I need to accept a sheet. The sheet will be filled out differently depending on what you make but I'll try an make it easy to follow. Just delete whatever's in brackets below. If you have questions please ask in a PM or on the check not here.
If I ask you to change something please don't get offended or real defensive as its nothing against you personally I just want stuff to fit and be fair etc etc
Race: (isekai champions are human, natives to Wækah can be almost anything)

Age: (be older than fifteen and younger than fifty, this goes for monsters and other races aswell.)

(Picture is needed but even then give a brief description of this character. For monster races please have a picture of said monster and a picture of what they become after the contract makes them more human looking.)

God given gift:
(isekai souls only thank you, try and make it unique and remember that this weapon is the only one they can use. No mortal made weapons for a champion. Remember that these weapons are on shield hero rules...
No sword that turns into a bow or spear or shield as needed. It's just one thing that can change it's look and magic)

Mana: (natives to Wækah only thank you, try an make it unique but remember lots of shit could be similar. The toxic mana of a deathspider is kinda the same as the venom mana of a snake but they are technically different. A elf could have the same mana as a human etc etc)

(for isekai souls you have been in this new world for at least a month so you have bought or created clothes and equipment. Don't go crazy listing shit but don't be a naked person with a gold sword.
For natives have whatever seems right.
For monsters this gear would be created from the contract.
If your a horned wolf who becomes human then your fur might become clothes an armour with a weapon made from fangs an horn.
If your a Dragon you might just spawn a kimono or hoodie etc etc. Point is no one is naked)

Brief history:
(For a isekai soul you can make up a sad/fulfilling life on earth before being dropped into Wækah and exploring as a group for at least a month. Slaying goblins an weak shit...
For a native or a monster have fun and be creative in what they been doing before a god sent champion arrived to change everything... but know I may ask you to edit or change something if shit seems ridiculous.
"My elf is sword champion of Wækah who can summon swords and shoot lasers from his eyes an..."
That shit is ridiculous and would need a change.)

(For isekai souls this is basically your list of mana. Feel free to have one or two here if you want but know they aren't top tier monsters Unless you decide with another player OOC for your characters to team up.
It may be easier to leave this blank for now and edit it later once progress happens in the rp.)
(For natives and monsters keep it blank unless you know which hero will be giving them the contract)
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I'll finish this at some point soon.

Name: Micah Ceede
Race: human "champion"
Age: 26
Micah stands at 5ft10 with messy brown hair and dark green eyes. The man has a slightly above average physique (by earth standards) but after spending a month in Wækah Micah has changed for the better thanks to diet and lifestyle changes. Most notably is the beginnings of abs and a decent tan, less impressive is a short messy beard grew during this time. Micah has a cold stoic face but is rather expressive in social interactions. He would describe himself as good looking in a rugged way, not handsome or pretty but certainly not a mess.

God given gift: Boomerang
A large boomerang that can be swung like a sword, it changes determined by the user and what it has slain/absorbed.
big boomer.jpg
(Easiest example I can find)

As a god sent soul from earth Micah has no mana,

Since arriving in Wækah Micah has taken a "monster hunter" approach and wears protection made from animals and monsters he has killed himself. So far he has enough hides and furs to cover his vitals and a hood/cloak for style points.
(As I can't find decent art I may put some examples here later)
A bag which holds common tools to help in the wild, such as cooking tools an utensils, firestones, bottles for water, spare change of clothes.

Brief history:
Micah lived a life that's for sure... But he was killed on the sidewalk at the age of 26 when a truck jumped the curb and mowed down four people unable to avoid the disaster.
Upon signing the gods contract he found himself in a beautiful village in the magical world of Wækah with only a large fancy boomerang and enough fabric to cover his junk.
Others arrived here the same way, with a fancy weapon and enough cloth to be embarrassed in while still not showing any bits.

After a brief introduction to each other and the village the God sent champions are given clothes, food and some information about Wækah. The four champions are encouraged to explore the areas and learn from experience. During this time Micah killed a number of monsters and completed at least seven quests. Micah's weapon underwent two changes during this time...
It could shrink to more manageable size, it could return when thrown correctly but it would instantly return to his hand if Micah wished for it.

Micah has made one contract during his time in Wækah, a grey Eatum which he named Sly.
The Eatum gave him the ability to use void magic or teleportation, the Eatum gained sentience and the ability to communicate. No physical changes occurred apart from gaining winged armor and a jagged sword.

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