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Fantasy The Hermit of Laron (M/M pairings only) Looking for Active Partner



I am new to RP Nation, however, I am definitely not new to RPing. I don't tend to recruit very often, choosing one story and sticking with it for almost 10 years now. As I have recently lost my job, I seem to have more time on my hands and am craving the creative flow that I once had with RPing.

What am I looking for?
  • I would like someone who can be somewhat active. I don't expect nonstop responses, but I am looking to get into a 'flow'. There is something magical that happens when you find a partner to go back and forth with and the story just takes over.
  • I love OOC chat, memes, discord chats, whatever you are comfortable with! I just like getting to know the person behind the screen because it can make us more comfortable! I am fine with staying on site or going over to discord, whatever is easier for you!
  • 21+ only. I'm 29 so I'd like someone around my age but definitely no younger than 21. Sorry!
  • I would probably say I write semi-lit to lit for grammar? Maybe? Post length, I vary greatly depending on the scenario. I like writing multiple characters going at the same time, one paragraph per unless they are interacting and I need to progress the story.
  • I do prefer a more descriptive partner, you don't have to get poetic with it, but I do like to know what is going on, what your character is doing besides just speaking.
  • we all slip with our tenses, but i do prefer third person if possible.
  • I only write M/M pairings, so if you are looking to make any M/F pairings or F/F pairings in the story, its just not what I am comfortable with and I apologize in advance!
  • Be into world building and character creation! I am all for throwing in a few fandom pairings we might share an interest in, but I do prefer OC's and going into depth into their characters and interactions. If we do any fandoms, I like loose characters, giving us the freedom to fit them into the world properly so they don't seem out of place! But we can always talk about that and figure it out together!
The story!

The sun blared down through the stained glass window, the light burning through his eyelids as he stirred from his slumber. The tall, lithe shadow raised from his bed, letting out a groggy groan as he ran a hand through the grey bedhead that threatened to capture his fingers in it's curls. He reached around blindly for his glasses on the nightstand, rubbing his eyes before sliding them up the bridge of his nose. A heavy sigh echoed through the room as he rose to his feet, removing his robe from the back of an old leather desk chair. He threw the silk over his shoulders, tying it neatly at the front before making his way towards the door.

When the two large glass doors with iron filigree opened, it was like a whole new person took over. That same lithe man wore a firm smile, practically beaming as he danced through the halls with cheer. He only seemed to brighten when he saw a woman with long hair standing by the window in a maid outfit. "Hello, Gladys~ A fine morning we are having!" Luka grinned, swinging himself around her so he could look up at her. "Ah, looking out at the garden again, are we?" He spoke, as if expecting a response as he looked up at the faceless mirage of what used to be a person. He turned, looking down at the garden. The bushes had withered, the trees were warped and decaying, and the soil blackened with ash.. "It truly is beautiful, isn't it? Look at all of that green." He leaned his head against his hand, smiling fondly as his eyes practically sparkled. In the reflection of those golden irises, he saw rows of lush green vegetation, Gladys smiling warmly beside him.. her face just like he remembered.

200 years ago, the city of Loran had fallen to a very powerful mage. It disappeared in a flash, nothing but an empty valley left in its wake. Or at least, that's how the stories told it. The souls of said city were trapped, living and dead. The dead had been fragmented, their souls broken and frozen in time doing whatever mundane thing that had been doing on that fateful day. The living, well.. there was just one, Luka Rimonte. That was how the stories of 'The Hermit' started, rumors of wailing echoing through the mountains when the sun goes down, the valley cursed by the ghost of Loran's Prince. People had become too frightened to go anywhere near the forest at night, and during the day, well, nothing was there. It was the job for a very brave adventurer, someone not afraid to face the dangers of the forest, lie in wait for night to set and finally see what had been lost for so long.. the treasure, the power, the knowledge, and the poor young man who has forgotten what companionship was like.
  • This is a concept for a comic I am still messing around with, the main characters being our 'hero' and the hermit, Luka. I say 'hero' because hey, that's your spot to fit into the story, you know? You can take it however you like, be whatever you wanna be! I am not strict about how this story will go or what I 'expect' from your character. You could be evil, good, whatever race you want (like human, demon, elf, etc. as long as they are humanoid!).
  • some details about Luka since I wanted a loose introduction: Human, Male, Mage He appears to be 29 years old and says he is 29 years old. Historically, he's definitely not 29 years old. More like 229 years, but he will never admit to that. Appearance: He has grey curly hair and wears large circular glasses, he is literally blind without them and he would have been lost if they broke during his imprisonment. He's very tall and thin, cares a lot about his looks even though literally NO ONE is around to see him. Personality: He masks his sorrow with a smile for faceless fragments, only allowing himself to feel in the darkness of the night. When he finally has someone, there is.. a lot of adjusting.
  • A little story explanation and mild spoilers: Luka is living in his hometown, Loran, where he watched everyone he loved die and become a 'fragment'. He had to bury them, clean the city, and go on living amongst their shells, talking to them as if they were truly there. His mind had become stuck in the past, seeing things as they used to be instead of how they were now. When the sun is up, he puts on his best smile to try and get through the day, tending to the withered garden, rereading the books in the library. At night, he cries himself to sleep. Those large iron gates finally materialize in the valley, opening up, allowing his cries to ring out across the forest and echo through the realm, granting entrance for anyone brave enough to witness.

This story might get a little dark since it is all about loneliness and opening up to people, so I need someone that is okay with darker themes and horror. If we don't mesh well, there is no pressure to keep responding, I understand anxiety and I won't be upset that you didn't tell me to my face that you weren't feeling it! If my story interests you, send me a dm with your character idea, a little about yourself and listen, no pressure, but if you wrote a continuation of my prompt with your character and jumped right into it, that's a huge A+ from me.

***My post got moved to private workshop somehow and I can't figure out how to move it, so reposting. A little frustrating. Giving this one more shot only because I spent way too long working on this.

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