The Haunted Mansion (Creepy pasta)

For creepy pastas







Any special weapons?:


CS for humans




Personality :


Occupation :

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I'm interested in doing this with you, but are original characters allowed per say? I'm not sure if you mentioned it, but it's not clearly stated and I don't want to seem like a fool for thinking of it wrong. @EmilyPower
Name: Elizabeth Blackwell

Nickname: Doll

Age: 678 (looks 15)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/4853759933_beautiful_blonde_doll_girl_porcelain_answer_2_xlarge.jpeg.e3d50c19915816e7341e51b99197910b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40433" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/4853759933_beautiful_blonde_doll_girl_porcelain_answer_2_xlarge.jpeg.e3d50c19915816e7341e51b99197910b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Elizabeth is rebellious and hates following orders, she likes to take risks and she is very mysterious. She only kills people who take advantage of others and she enjoys killing them. She likes to follow people to learn all their secrets. She is very agile and sneaky like a shadow

Bio: Elizabeth was born a really long time ago in a really wealthy family. Everyone thought the family was the best family in the world, they had everything! But what they didn't know is that everything was just an act. Elizabeth's father was horrible and manipulative and he forced Elizabeth to do horrible stuff for him while she was still a little girl. Elizabeth was fine with that and she was happy to kill anyone for his father and had a huge porcelain doll collection. She would work on her dolls every day to make them work with her when murdering people until she died. Her death was really horrible, her father cut off her head and put it on the ceiling so everyone could see it but Elizabeth's soul passed into one of her porcelain dolls and became as big as she was before her death. Elizabeth had control over her porcelain friends so she made them kill anyone they found in the most horrible way they could.

Any special weapons?: No

Others: People say they can hear a dim piano tune when they meet her.


Nico said:
How many characters can one play o:
As much as you want



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Name: Sally Williams

Nickname: Sally

Age: 8

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Sally_play_with_me.jpg.18038a848d5dc8e5577d462cf4bf0e60.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41952" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/Sally_play_with_me.jpg.18038a848d5dc8e5577d462cf4bf0e60.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She is sweet and is able to easily wrap people around her little finger. She will throw a fit if she doesn't get her way and if someone doesn't play with her when she asks all hell will break loose.

Bio: She was betrayed by her uncle and has a hard time trusting new people. She has her bear Mr. Death, or Mr. D for short

Any special weapons?: Just herself

Others: She loves to play pranks and cause trouble but will always turn to Slenderman as he is the closest thing to a father she has.



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Name: Toby Rodgers

Nickname: Ticci Toby

Age: 18


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.1369f946c7f04c9d5c011903ae7255aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53560" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.1369f946c7f04c9d5c011903ae7255aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Even though Toby usually has an up-beat and hyper personality, he can be very sarcastic at times and he will sometimes lose control of his emotions due to his bipolar disorder. He can change from being very emotional to being angry or happy in an instant, making it very difficult to talk to him at times. Despite this, he can be friendly to certain people and he is


Toby grew up with several mental disorders during his childhood, making it difficult for him to fit in with "normal people". He was constantly bullied by his classmates for his tics and was ultimately deemed unsuited for a public school surrounding, so he switched to homeschooling. Although he received plenty of support from his mother and older sister Lyra, his father lost himself to alcohol, drugs and gambling, and started abusing his family.

When Toby was 17, he and his sister were involved in a tragic car accident resulting in Lyra's death. Toby's symptoms started to worsen because of this; he lost his appetite for food, slowly began to lose his memories, and became even less social than before. The Slender Man starts to repeatedly stalk Toby afterwards in an attempt to turn him into a Proxy, and slowly does so by giving him strange visual and auditory hallucinations.

Toby eventually gives into the voices in his head and violently murders his father. In a desperate attempt to escape the police, he sets the neighborhood on fire as a distraction, but was quickly surrounded by the flames. He was about to give into his inevitable death when the Slender Man saved him as he was about to black out. When Toby woke up, all his memories of the past were taken by Slender Man and he became a loyal Proxy.


Two hatchets, one looking newer with an orange handle. The other looking older, with a red handle but the paint peeling off.


When he so called 'tics' he tends to stutter.



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For creepy pastas

Name: Shadoine Lament

Nickname: Nightmare Summoner

Age: 17


Personality: Shadoine is a sadistic girl who loves toying with her prey. She'll make you live out your worst nightmares over and over again before finally draining you of your life source. She loves the screams and will do anything to hear them. She also has a slight masochistic streak as she loves it when they fight back. She does, however, hate when they get away.

Bio: Shadoine was born...different. When she was born, she was able to control the shadows around her ad well as being born with the ears and tail of a cat. She was loved deeply by her mother, who could see another person's nightmares, but hated and despised by her father. He beat, abused, and tortured her, going as far as burning her alive. She soon lost her sanity after that and murdered both of her parents in a blind rage. Her mother, feeling sorry for her daughter, gave up her power to see another's nightmares to get daughter. Shadoine then learned to combine both abilities and made it possible to kill those she caught.

Any special weapons?: Her shadows and, when she can't use those, two small daggers that she made from dried blood and the gem chrysanthemum.

Others: She has a burn scar over her right eye.

CS for humans

Name: Leroy Adams

Nickname: Leo, Roy, Adam

Age: 19

Personality: Leroy is a hyper active boy who loves horror. He found he can't be scared so whenever he finds something that does get his heart racing and makes his skin start to sweat, he falls in love. He isn't angered by anything and really only smiles. He does, however, hate talking about his past because, well, he can't remember it.

Bio: Don't know. He can't remember anything about it, though he does get weird senses of Deja Vu.

Occupation: Starting out horror writer

Others: Nothing of mention


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