Story The Hall of the Silent.


All according to my Scenario
Massive doors loomed, black as coal and large enough to allow a dragon passage. Two hundred feet it was to the gates, and the colossal doors opened at his approach. As he entered the Throne Room, he noticed the hundred-foot dragon statues guarding the inner side of the Gate. Each was molded of obsidian, each scale perfectly replicated in volcanic glass. Burning Asphodel dripped from each set of jaws, illuminating the first section of the chamber. A path was marked with flaming torches, leading the way to the throne in the distance.

He looked back, as the doors swung shut. The wall was elegantly decorated in a baroque fashion, dragons winding down, up and across. As his gaze tracked upwards, he noted veins of dark gold and purple and green. Through the surface decor, they sketched out castles, warriors and queens from across the long history of the Empire.

Farther up, the roof was lost in shadow. As he set out to cross the chamber floor, he saw the ceiling blaze into view. Candles and torches, entire bonfires igniting in recessed spaces in the walls. The ceiling was layered and tiered, and the height of it was impossible to measure. Something in the decor and size stymied all attempts to comprehend or rationalize, forced the mind to relinquish control.

It was a powerful effect.

At the far end, the Silent Emperor sat in his towering Throne. After thirty minutes of walking from one side to the other, he arrived. From beneath the Mask every Silent Emperor wore, burning dark eyes of gold glared down. Five of the ten kings who bowed before the Throne were in attendance, along with their own courts. The Silent Emperor sat thirty feet above them, for the Throne was the only seat in the chamber.

And there was a dragon.

Twice the size of a warship, with shingled wings, void-black scales and flaming maw. There was a reason the Silent Emperor had no guards in his Throne Room.

An excerpt from my WIP novel, A Dream of Flames.

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