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Fantasy The Guild's Roster (Les Chevaliers des Fleurs)

Jean Otus

Would-Be Prince
Les Chevaliers des Fleurs
The Guild's Common Room




Knight's Title(Pick your favorite flower, if not sure, just ask):


Combat Style:


Magic Ability: (This is a skill that your character is born with, these are often small magical quirks, highly specialized and specific. Again if not sure, please ask)





Likes: (Optional)

Dislikes: (Optional)

//My apologies for posting in the incorrect place, my application will be posted momentarily.
Appearance: The first, and most noticeable aspect of Rhea is her hair. It is long and black, reaching almost to her the back of her knees, and was always worn down loosely and never tied back. She had an athletic form, and her height was just below average, at 5'1'', but no one ever bothered her about it. Rhea's eyes were hidden behind a white silk cloth that was never removed. Gossipers speculated it was because she was a monster who murdered with people her deathly eyes. Family members knew that this was not. Rhea was just rather simply blind. However, if one were to remove that cloth, and Rhea were to open her eyes, they would be a dazzling sapphire blue.

Name: Rhea

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Knight's Title(Pick your favorite flower, if not sure, just ask): Knight Lotus

Armor: Rhea suspiciously wears little armor. She often prefers to keep her skin bare by wearing short-sleeved tunics and a light chest plate with pants cut to expose her ankles.

Weapon: Rhea uses a bow and arrow, and is rather skilled for being blind.

Combat Style: Although she prefers to strike from a distance, Rhea can also handle herself in close combat. During a fight, she is very calm and level headed.

Skills: As she came from a family of performers and entertainers, Rhea is beautifully skilled in the gift of music. She can play almost any instrument, and is a wonderful singer.

Magic Ability: Rhea's family calls her Windsinger. This is due to her gift. Rhea explains it as almost whispering to the wind. She does not control the wind, but it seems to guide her. She says it's because she's blind that she has bonded with the wind so well and honed her gift as much as she has. She also says that it definitely helps with shooting.

Strengths: As mentioned before, Rhea is extremely level-headed. It's rare that she loses her temper. She is also rather intelligent and can be quite clever.

Weaknesses: Rhea is sensitive. Even when people are joking, she takes things too personally. Oftentimes, she'll just bottle her emotions and won't talk to anyone.

Backstory: Rhea came from a loving family of gifted performers. They were well off, and supported each other in all they did. No real tragedy had ever befallen them, and they thanked the Gods every day.

Personality: Other than being a rather calm person, Rhea is very loyal. Once she trusts a person, she will devote her entire self to them and their cause should they need it.

Likes: (Optional) Rhea likes the rain, rice, and being outside.

Dislikes: (Optional) She dislikes feeling alone, liars, cruelty.

Other: Her greatest fear is drowning, as once she is underwater she can not feel the wind and she does not know which way is up or down.
Appearance: The first, and most noticeable aspect of Rhea is her hair. It is long and black, reaching almost to her the back of her knees, and was always worn down loosely and never tied back. She had an athletic form, and her height was just below average, at 5'1'', but no one ever bothered her about it. Rhea's eyes were hidden behind a white silk cloth that was never removed. Gossipers speculated it was because she was a monster who murdered with people her deathly eyes. Family members knew that this was not. Rhea was just rather simply blind. However, if one were to remove that cloth, and Rhea were to open her eyes, they would be a dazzling sapphire blue.

Name: Rhea

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Knight's Title(Pick your favorite flower, if not sure, just ask): Knight Lotus

Armor: Rhea suspiciously wears little armor. She often prefers to keep her skin bare by wearing short-sleeved tunics and a light chest plate with pants cut to expose her ankles.

Weapon: Rhea uses a bow and arrow, and is rather skilled for being blind.

Combat Style: Although she prefers to strike from a distance, Rhea can also handle herself in close combat. During a fight, she is very calm and level headed.

Skills: As she came from a family of performers and entertainers, Rhea is beautifully skilled in the gift of music. She can play almost any instrument, and is a wonderful singer.

Magic Ability: Rhea's family calls her Windsinger. This is due to her gift. Rhea explains it as almost whispering to the wind. She does not control the wind, but it seems to guide her. She says it's because she's blind that she has bonded with the wind so well and honed her gift as much as she has. She also says that it definitely helps with shooting.

Strengths: As mentioned before, Rhea is extremely level-headed. It's rare that she loses her temper. She is also rather intelligent and can be quite clever.

Weaknesses: Rhea is sensitive. Even when people are joking, she takes things too personally. Oftentimes, she'll just bottle her emotions and won't talk to anyone.

Backstory: Rhea came from a loving family of gifted performers. They were well off, and supported each other in all they did. No real tragedy had ever befallen them, and they thanked the Gods every day.

Personality: Other than being a rather calm person, Rhea is very loyal. Once she trusts a person, she will devote her entire self to them and their cause should they need it.

Likes: (Optional) Rhea likes the rain, rice, and being outside.

Dislikes: (Optional) She dislikes feeling alone, liars, cruelty.

Other: Her greatest fear is drowning, as once she is underwater she can not feel the wind and she does not know which way is up or down.
Approved. I like her already.
Appearance: A lanky, unassuming young man who appears to be just like every other farmhand or peasant in Orleans. His brown hair grows in a strange fashion somewhere between straight and curly. This results in an unmanageable sea of waves and tangles which hangs around his ears and down the back of his neck, often tied back with a bit of cloth to appear somewhat less disheveled. His flat brown eyes are a point of insecurity for him, as is most of his middling appearance.

Name: Matthias

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Knight's Title: Knight Bramble

Weapon/Armor: In accordance with his commonplace appearance, Matthias uses the most common of weapons, the spear, and wears a simple cuirass and gauntlets.

Combat Style: Matthias was trained by huntsmen in the lowland forests to fight larger beasts with his spear. After joining the Knights he specialized in hunting down more magical, troublesome beasts which harried the farmers and shepherds of Orleans.

Skills: Matthias is an expert tracker and huntsman, stemming from his training, but also has a great interest in chess and strategy. Games in general excite him.

Magic Ability: As a young man, Matthias grew like a weed, partly due to his diet and partly due to his gift. When he has his feet on the ground, Matthias can draw strength from the earth like a plant with deep roots. While on the ground, Matthias has increased vitality, with the drawback that staying still for too long will sap the nutrients from the ground and lessen his gift's impact.

Strengths: Matthias is fleet of foot and full of stamina, on a mental level he has excellent memory and puts that to use learning the nuance of strategy.

Weaknesses: Matthias can't stand still for too long, and this translates to impatience and being very quick to judge other people. In combat this weakens his defense and ability to work in formation.

Backstory: Matthias comes from a family of migratory herders and hunters. They were never rich, but their common standing gave them a tight-knit attitude and a general mistrust of outsiders.

Personality: Due to his upbringing, Matthias is highly judgmental of others, and takes time to warm to new allies. Once he gets to know someone though, he is loyal to a fault, accepting them as a part of his pseudo family. On a superficial level he is impatient and rather homespun, a bit 0f a yokel really.

Likes: Horses, Forests, Handmade Goods and Big Meals

Dislikes: Tight Clothes, Jewelry, Nobles​

Name: Julien Isidore Desjardins

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Knight's Title: Knight Daffodil (Le Chevalier de Jonquille)

Appearance: Julien is tall and powerfully built, the result of his father's harsh training regimen and his occupation as a knight. His dark hair is meticulously kept short, mostly for the sake of practicality, though on occasion he'll let it grow just long enough to be fashionable. Brown eyes stare out from his head, often wary or scrutinizing.

Weapon/Armor: Julien wields a longsword gifted to him by his father, for it suited his build and fighting style. The steel blade is long yet slender enough that it wouldn't be too cumbersome. He also carries a pair of daggers at his belt. Simple blades, but they're good tools to have in a pinch.

When it comes to armor, Julien prefers to add a more dignified flair to his attire. He sports a full set of steel plate, reinforced by a sheen of chainmail. His cuirass is emblazoned with the heraldry of his House, a peregrine falcon flying skyward with wings outspread.

Combat Style: A master duelist can win a fight within the span of three breaths, or so his father tells him. With that in mind, Julien's goal in battle is to end the altercation as quickly as possible. He's fast and aggressive, seeking to overwhelm the enemy with wide, powerful strikes. This brute strength, combined with his magically-imbued Vigor, makes him a formidable opponent, though his lack of finesse, fluidity, and self control hinders his defensive capabilities.


- Sword combat
- Basic tactics
- First aid
- Negotiation
- Knowledge of court etiquette and Orleans' political climate.
- Dressing F A B U L O U S L Y

Magic Ability: Julien has something he calls his Vigor, a small pool of magical energy in his chest that can be invoked to stretch the limits of his physical body. When Julien uses his Vigor, he gains enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and reflexes. His fears are extinguished and his courage is bolstered. Julien can move heavy objects around more easily, endure wounds that could otherwise be deadly, and sprint for extended periods of time. He can push his body far past what it should normally be able to achieve, which can be dangerous if used recklessly.

Vigor does not make one invincible. Julien can survive lethal wounds and fight off exhaustion, yes, but as soon as his body runs out of Vigor, he could very well collapse from an injury he never even felt. Even worse, if he calls upon too much of his power, he could fall into an uncontrollable battle trance where he cannot think coherently or distinguish between friend and foe.

Julien can use his Vigor continuously for around seven or eight minutes, assuming he keeps it at a steady burn. It can be replenished through regular food and rest (he gets very tired and hungry after burning through a lot) and as such, the man is known for being a heavy sleeper with a gargantuan appetite.

- Physically strong
- Good initiative
- Has some experience in politics and other noble affairs
- Skilled diplomat

- Short-tempered
- Overconfident
- Weak defense
- Emotionally unstable

Backstory: Julien is the youngest son of Étienne Gaspard Desjardins, Baron d'Arelon, and a prominent general in the Orlenian army. Being the son of such a distinguished military man, he was expected from the moment of his conception to follow his father's footsteps. Starting from the moment he could grasp a blade, Julien underwent harsh training from his father. Unfortunately for him, the boy was far softer and more sensitive than his older brothers, much to Étienne's discontent. He was often the target of his father's vicious, sometimes violent outbursts, which possibly led to him developing some emotional problems of his own.

And perhaps, it was what awakened his Vigor.

When it was discovered that Julien had magical abilities, his father had him shipped away to Les Chevaliers des Fleurs, hoping that they would know what to do with him better than he. Julien, on the other hand, was glad to be away from home.

Personality: For someone who's prone to hot-headed outbursts and bloodlusted ululations during the heat of battle, Julien is a very proper and sophisticated individual. Outwardly, he's quiet yet confident, taking a dignified tone to all he meets be they noble or peasant. He comes off as proud and stately, yet also volatile. Julien has always had a loose handle on his emotions, a side of his personality he's learned to hide during social situations. Even still, his temper is short, and he can be roused by the wrong combination of words or actions. For the most part, he tries to save his angst for the battlefield, where he can embrace his pent up anger more freely and effectively.

Despite these issues, Julien does have a sense of humor, even if it is subtle and understated. From time to time, he also enjoys a nice (and expensive) bottle of wine by the fireplace, telling stories to whomever has the time to listen. As a child, he didn't have a lot of time to really enjoy himself, though now he tries to appreciate the fun he has as an adult.

- Fighting
- Sunny days
- Crêpes
- Food in general
- Sleep

- Becoming emotional
- Being touched
- Celery
- Crowded rooms
- Seagulls
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Les Chevaliers des Fleurs
The Guild's Common Room
Appearance: Sylvia Darret is a slim but strong girl, barely reaching 5'3, with long, strait golden-blond hair braided out of the way the majority of the time. Dark green eyes that seem to change colors with her mood. Wears mostly green, dark blue or red, with fitted black pants to increase mobility. Her black and gray cloak is almost never removed.

Name: Sylvia Darett

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Knight's Title: Tigerlily Knight

Weapon/Armor: Sylvia carries two indentical slender swords that are razor sharp, and several daggers hidden on her person. She wears light brown leather armor covering her abdomen, with arm guards of the same material on her forearms.

Combat Style: head-on attack. Fierce and deadly in battle, She is quick, agile, and ready to take risks, but at the same time, usually knows her limits.

Skills: Excellent with a sword and knife throwing, can handle most weapons with ease. Sylvia is also fairly adept at strategizing an spontaneous plan when needed.

Magic Ability: Sylvia can influence fire strongly, but not completely control it. The limit to which she can manipulate it is increased when she is angry or frustrated.

Strengths: swordsmanship, natural leader, but can follow as well. Agility, speed, and an unusual amount of energy, almost never tired.

Weaknesses: impulsive, and eager for action, sometimes leading to bad situations. She often acts before she thinks.

Backstory: grew up an only daughter with seven brothers, and so she tagged along with them, making her tough and not offended easily. at the age of 7, she took an interest in swordsmanship, and followed her brother to his training, where she found a stick and practiced the drills along with the other apprentices out of sight. Years later, she was discovered, but her father allowed to continue her training due to her natural talent. Upon graduating, she was given her swords, which are her most prized possession.

Personality: as stated, she is impulsive, stubborn, and often brutally honest. A fiery temper is also a trait from birth. She is honorable, has a strict Code of chivalry, and is brave and willing to sacrifice herself to save another if need be. Sarcastic and fond of teasing.

Likes: adventure, quests, sparring/swordfighting, and learning interesting facts from people and books.

Dislikes: arrogant people who consider themselves above her, dogs, and inactivity or feeling useless.

Other: wears a dark blue stone pendant with a strange silver symbol on it at all times. No one knows why, and she refuses to talk about it.

Name: Julien Isidore Desjardins

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Knight's Title: Knight Daffodil (Le Chevalier de Jonquille)

Appearance: Julien is tall and powerfully built, the result of his father's harsh training regimen and his occupation as a knight. His dark hair is meticulously kept short, mostly for the sake of practicality, though on occasion he'll let it grow just long enough to be fashionable. Brown eyes stare out from his head, often wary or scrutinizing.

Weapon/Armor: Julien wields a longsword gifted to him by his father, for it suited his build and fighting style. The steel blade is long yet slender enough that it wouldn't be too cumbersome. He also carries a pair of daggers at his belt. Simple blades, but they're good tools to have in a pinch.

When it comes to armor, Julien prefers to add a more dignified flair to his attire. He sports a full set of steel plate, reinforced by a sheen of chainmail. His cuirass is emblazoned with the heraldry of his House, a peregrine falcon flying skyward with wings outspread.

Combat Style: A master duelist can win a fight within the span of three breaths, or so his father tells him. With that in mind, Julien's goal in battle is to end the altercation as quickly as possible. He's fast and aggressive, seeking to overwhelm the enemy with wide, powerful strikes. This brute strength, combined with his magically-imbued Vigor, makes him a formidable opponent, though his lack of finesse, fluidity, and self control hinders his defensive capabilities.


- Sword combat
- Basic tactics
- First aid
- Negotiation
- Knowledge of court etiquette and Orleans' political climate.
- Dressing F A B U L O U S L Y

Magic Ability: Julien has something he calls his Vigor, a small pool of magical energy in his chest that can be invoked to stretch the limits of his physical body. When Julien uses his Vigor, he gains enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and reflexes. His fears are extinguished and his courage is bolstered. Julien can move heavy objects around more easily, endure wounds that could otherwise be deadly, and sprint for extended periods of time. He can push his body far past what it should normally be able to achieve, which can be dangerous if used recklessly.

Vigor does not make one invincible. Julien can survive lethal wounds and fight off exhaustion, yes, but as soon as his body runs out of Vigor, he could very well collapse from an injury he never even felt. Even worse, if he calls upon too much of his power, he could fall into an uncontrollable battle trance where he cannot think coherently or distinguish between friend and foe.

Julien can use his Vigor continuously for around seven or eight minutes, assuming he keeps it at a steady burn. It can be replenished through regular food and rest (he gets very tired and hungry after burning through a lot) and as such, the man is known for being a heavy sleeper with a gargantuan appetite.

- Physically strong
- Good initiative
- Has some experience in politics and other noble affairs
- Skilled diplomat

- Short-tempered
- Overconfident
- Weak defense
- Emotionally unstable

Backstory: Julien is the youngest son of Étienne Gaspard Desjardins, Baron d'Arelon, and a prominent general in the Orlenian army. Being the son of such a distinguished military man, he was expected from the moment of his conception to follow his father's footsteps. Starting from the moment he could grasp a blade, Julien underwent harsh training from his father. Unfortunately for him, the boy was far softer and more sensitive than his older brothers, much to Étienne's discontent. He was often the target of his father's vicious, sometimes violent outbursts, which possibly led to him developing some emotional problems of his own.

And perhaps, it was what awakened his Vigor.

When it was discovered that Julien had magical abilities, his father had him shipped away to Les Chevaliers des Fleurs, hoping that they would know what to do with him better than he. Julien, on the other hand, was glad to be away from home.

Personality: For someone who's prone to hot-headed outbursts and bloodlusted ululations during the heat of battle, Julien is a very proper and sophisticated individual. Outwardly, he's quiet yet confident, taking a dignified tone to all he meets be they noble or peasant. He comes off as proud and stately, yet also volatile. Julien has always had a loose handle on his emotions, a side of his personality he's learned to hide during social situations. Even still, his temper is short, and he can be roused by the wrong combination of words or actions. For the most part, he tries to save his angst for the battlefield, where he can embrace his pent up anger more freely and effectively.

Despite these issues, Julien does have a sense of humor, even if it is subtle and understated. From time to time, he also enjoys a nice (and expensive) bottle of wine by the fireplace, telling stories to whomever has the time to listen. As a child, he didn't have a lot of time to really enjoy himself, though now he tries to appreciate the fun he has as an adult.

- Fighting
- Sunny days
- Crêpes
- Food in general
- Sleep

- Becoming emotional
- Being touched
- Celery
- Crowded rooms
- Seagulls
Les Chevaliers des Fleurs
The Guild's Common Room
Appearance: Sylvia Darret is a slim but strong girl, barely reaching 5'3, with long, strait golden-blond hair braided out of the way the majority of the time. Dark green eyes that seem to change colors with her mood. Wears mostly green, dark blue or red, with fitted black pants to increase mobility. Her black and gray cloak is almost never removed.

Name: Sylvia Darett

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Knight's Title: Tigerlily Knight

Weapon/Armor: Sylvia carries two indentical slender swords that are razor sharp, and several daggers hidden on her person. She wears light brown leather armor covering her abdomen, with arm guards of the same material on her forearms.

Combat Style: head-on attack. Fierce and deadly in battle, She is quick, agile, and ready to take risks, but at the same time, usually knows her limits.

Skills: Excellent with a sword and knife throwing, can handle most weapons with ease. Sylvia is also fairly adept at strategizing an spontaneous plan when needed.

Magic Ability: Sylvia can influence fire strongly, but not completely control it. The limit to which she can manipulate it is increased when she is angry or frustrated.

Strengths: swordsmanship, natural leader, but can follow as well. Agility, speed, and an unusual amount of energy, almost never tired.

Weaknesses: impulsive, and eager for action, sometimes leading to bad situations. She often acts before she thinks.

Backstory: grew up an only daughter with seven brothers, and so she tagged along with them, making her tough and not offended easily. at the age of 7, she took an interest in swordsmanship, and followed her brother to his training, where she found a stick and practiced the drills along with the other apprentices out of sight. Years later, she was discovered, but her father allowed to continue her training due to her natural talent. Upon graduating, she was given her swords, which are her most prized possession.

Personality: as stated, she is impulsive, stubborn, and often brutally honest. A fiery temper is also a trait from birth. She is honorable, has a strict Code of chivalry, and is brave and willing to sacrifice herself to save another if need be. Sarcastic and fond of teasing.

Likes: adventure, quests, sparring/swordfighting, and learning interesting facts from people and books.

Dislikes: arrogant people who consider themselves above her, dogs, and inactivity or feeling useless.

Other: wears a dark blue stone pendant with a strange silver symbol on it at all times. No one knows why, and she refuses to talk about it.
Approved, the both of you.
Klein vi Salaneri



Knight's Title:
Knight Rose


Combat Style:


Magic Ability:
Fleur d'épines







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Name: Alis Lucita Cuevas

Age: 21 years

: Female

Knight's Title
: Knight Aster

Appearance: Wiry and lithe, Alis is known for the sharp cheekbones, strong jawline, and pert nose that mark the angles of her face. With long legs and her father's height, she stands above the average female, her gait quick and even. Her eyes are a stormy blue ringed with grey; her hair a mane of flaxen blonde. Despite the light pallor of her skin, she is known to tan rather than burn, the faint smattering of freckles upon her cheeks a testament to her time outdoors. Burn scars mar the skin of both her hands.

: Alis wields a single, double edged rapier sharpened to the hilt as her main weapon of choice. Due to its lacking defense, however, she is known to carry a parrying dagger on her person and, at times, utilize her cloak as a makeshift "shield".

As heavy armor would hinder and slow her movements, Alis dresses in a formfitting ensemble often fitted with strategic padding and twin shoulder guards. A pair of leather gloves cover her hands and wrists while a lightweight cloak rests over her shoulders.

Combat Style: Featuring quick lunges and deft maneuvers, Alis's fighting style is a patchwork of thrusting attacks and light-footed evasions. She follows Capo Ferro's teachings, utilizing her parrying dagger as both a defensive block and offensive weapon in close range while making use of her cloak as one might a shield. Her optimal fighting distance is at mid-range, where she can keep enemies from getting too close with practiced lunges and the long reach of her weapon. In much the same way, the hilt of her rapier is often used to deflect incoming attacks from bladed weapons of similar build. Endurance and speed are the name of her game, for brute strength is lost in the wielding of a weapon with a rapier's properties.

- Swordsmanship
- Silver Tongue
- Flexibility
- Climbing
- Woodcarving

Magic Ability
: Alis holds and affinity for metals and ores. Unlike those who can manipulate and bend them to their will, however, the blonde is limited to enhancing or diminishing their natural properties. In the case of her weapons, she is known to increase their sharpness and durability without lowering any of their other attributes. Such manipulations require contact with her hands, though not her skin, and last as long as the object is within her grasp.

- Dexterous
- High Endurance
- Eloquent
- Optimistic (if not stubbornly so)

- Over Calculating
- Judgmental
- Bleeding Heart
- Stubborn

Backstory: The eldest child of her generation in a familiar line of a blacksmiths, Alis spent a vast portion of her childhood working in the forges of her home. An accident in her early teenage years left her hands scared and her magical affinity discovered. Luckily a lifetime spent among weapons made her decision to join Les Chevaliers des Fleurs an easy one.

: Alis is a woman forged from the flames of her youth, a compassionate soul with a will of steel who refuses to bend under pressure and give in to those around her. She's proud of her heritage, gaining joy from the seemingly mundane in life and imparting her positivism to those around her. Yet, while her words are open, honest, and true, the woman crafts them to hide the darker aspects and nuances of her person. Indeed, private though she may not appear to be, Alis maintains a degree of confidentiality about herself she loses only among those who gain her trust.

- Apples
- Assessing weapons
- Woodcarving
- Sunny days

- Those who don't appreciate or care for their weapons
- Poorly crafted weapons
- Entitlement
- Needless violence

: Alis learned how to carve wood from her uncle as a child. While she is not prone to angry outbursts - her ire is more of a smoldering, forged entity - woodcarving has come to serve as a point of relaxation and comfort for her.


Name: Alis Lucita Cuevas

Age: 21 years

: Female

Knight's Title
: Knight Aster

Appearance: Wiry and lithe, Alis is known for the sharp cheekbones, strong jawline, and pert nose that mark the angles of her face. With long legs and her father's height, she stands above the average female, her gait quick and even. Her eyes are a stormy blue ringed with grey; her hair a mane of flaxen blonde. Despite the light pallor of her skin, she is known to tan rather than burn, the faint smattering of freckles upon her cheeks a testament to her time outdoors. Burn scars mar the skin of both her hands.

: Alis wields a single, double edged rapier sharpened to the hilt as her main weapon of choice. Due to its lacking defense, however, she is known to carry a parrying dagger on her person and, at times, utilize her cloak as a makeshift "shield".

As heavy armor would hinder and slow her movements, Alis dresses in a formfitting ensemble often fitted with strategic padding and twin shoulder guards. A pair of leather gloves cover her hands and wrists while a lightweight cloak rests over her shoulders.

Combat Style: Featuring quick lunges and deft maneuvers, Alis's fighting style is a patchwork of thrusting attacks and light-footed evasions. She follows Capo Ferro's teachings, utilizing her parrying dagger as both a defensive block and offensive weapon in close range while making use of her cloak as one might a shield. Her optimal fighting distance is at mid-range, where she can keep enemies from getting too close with practiced lunges and the long reach of her weapon. In much the same way, the hilt of her rapier is often used to deflect incoming attacks from bladed weapons of similar build. Endurance and speed are the name of her game, for brute strength is lost in the wielding of a weapon with a rapier's properties.

- Swordsmanship
- Silver Tongue
- Flexibility
- Climbing
- Woodcarving

Magic Ability
: Alis holds and affinity for metals and ores. Unlike those who can manipulate and bend them to their will, however, the blonde is limited to enhancing or diminishing their natural properties. In the case of her weapons, she is known to increase their sharpness and durability without lowering any of their other attributes. Such manipulations require contact with her hands, though not her skin, and last as long as the object is within her grasp.

- Dexterous
- High Endurance
- Eloquent
- Optimistic (if not stubbornly so)

- Over Calculating
- Judgmental
- Bleeding Heart
- Stubborn

Backstory: The eldest child of her generation in a familiar line of a blacksmiths, Alis spent a vast portion of her childhood working in the forges of her home. An accident in her early teenage years left her hands scared and her magical affinity discovered. Luckily a lifetime spent among weapons made her decision to join Les Chevaliers des Fleurs an easy one.

: Alis is a woman forged from the flames of her youth, a compassionate soul with a will of steel who refuses to bend under pressure and give in to those around her. She's proud of her heritage, gaining joy from the seemingly mundane in life and imparting her positivism to those around her. Yet, while her words are open, honest, and true, the woman crafts them to hide the darker aspects and nuances of her person. Indeed, private though she may not appear to be, Alis maintains a degree of confidentiality about herself she loses only among those who gain her trust.

- Apples
- Assessing weapons
- Woodcarving
- Sunny days

- Those who don't appreciate or care for their weapons
- Poorly crafted weapons
- Entitlement
- Needless violence

: Alis learned how to carve wood from her uncle as a child. While she is not prone to angry outbursts - her ire is more of a smoldering, forged entity - woodcarving has come to serve as a point of relaxation and comfort for her.
Accepted. I had a feeling someone would come along with awesome BBCode to make me look simple.

Name: Raisa (Rai) Midnight

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Knight's Title: The Peony Knight

- Throwing Knives are her weapon of choice. Triangular blade, wickedly sharp with black, leather-bound hilts. Has backup dual swords she keeps strapped across her back.
- Usually a basic undershirt and pants, with comfortable boots. Only wears armor over the upper half of her body, unadorned except for the peonies on the shoulders.
-Her hair is always tied back in some fashion.

Combat Style: Close combat. Swift strokes and calculated moves are her specialty. Not one to lead a charge or be on the front lines.

-Learns quickly
-Very knowledgeable about plants and animals

Magic Ability: Ice. Her calm, relaxed nature has allowed her to conjure and control large amounts, but for short periods of time. Interestingly enough, what makes her special could also mean the end of her. Whenever she uses it, her core temperature drops slightly, and if she overextends herself, she can develop hypothermia and die. This is why you will often see her in heavy clothing, even in the sweltering summers.

Strengths: Very logical, analytical, and somewhat intelligent. Despite her seemingly cold exterior, she is actually very empathetic, and people often find she gives good (but very honest and sometimes curt) advice. Her empathy has allowed her to be able to work with almost everyone. Has the ability to keep a cool head in tense situations, and think clearly (most of the time) in otherwise compromising situations. Knows lots of little random facts that may or may not ever be useful to the average being.

Weaknesses: If you can break her down mentally/emotionally, make her lose her willingness to fight, then you have won. She doesn’t like surprises, but that doesn’t mean that a sneak attack will phase her. Slight fear of the unknown/void. Can be overly judgmental/critical of others. Her natural curiosity can get her in trouble. Not very up-to-date on political stuff, she doesn't like politics.

Backstory: Raised by her aunt and uncle after her parents went missing. She grew up under the influence of her three older male cousins, who were very protective of her but also had no qualms about teaching her swordsmanship and other "manly" arts in secret.

Personality: Raisa, when you first meet her, is very quiet and reserved. She isn’t one to start a conversation, because she doesn’t know what to say. But as you get to know her, she will open up to you, and soon enough you will find that she is one of the coolest, most laid-back person you will ever meet. Around people she knows very well, she can get a bit weird and a slight bit crazy. But that’s only because she can trust you not to judge her.
Raisa is intelligent, curious, and logical. She has a tendency to remember all the details, and may have trouble seeing the big picture. As an empathetic person, she can easily give effective advice and likes when people come to her in times of need. Whatever she can do to help, she most likely will. She is also an effective mediator.
Raisa can get a bit frustrated when things don’t go her way, but she is always willing to compromise and figure out another solution. Rambunctious people can annoy her, as well as people who think too highly of themselves for the wrong reasons. She likes calm and quiet environments where she can be alone with her thoughts. Which may or may not be a good thing.
Raisa is very observant and aware of her surroundings. If something moves even slightly, she will turn to look at it. Staying cool and collected in tense situations is something she prides herself on. She tends to have a serene facial expression, almost tired-looking. She can physically exhaust herself just by thinking through things thoroughly. That being said, she tends to overthink things.
Overall, Raisa is a somewhat introverted person who presents herself as antisocial but really just needs someone to start a conversation with her. Once you do get to know her, she is a very kind a calm person.

Likes: Her guild and the sense of closeness and family of her guild, organization, reading, helping people, having a sense of duty, honestly, loyalty

Dislikes: Rude people, overly emotional people, chaos (although she can tolerate it), egomaniacs, megalomaniacs, being helpless, betrayal
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Name: Raisa (Rai) Midnight

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Knight's Title: The Peony Knight

- Throwing Knives are her weapon of choice. Triangular blade, wickedly sharp with black, leather-bound hilts. Has backup dual swords she keeps strapped across her back.
- Usually a basic undershirt and pants under her armor, which is plain, unadorned except for the peonies on the shoulder piece.
-Her hair is always tied back

Combat Style: Close combat. Swift strokes and calculated moves are her specialty. Not one to lead a charge or be on the front lines.

-Learns quickly
-Very knowledgeable about plants and animals

Magic Ability: Ice. Her calm, relaxed nature has allowed her to conjure and control large amounts, but for short periods of time. Interestingly enough, what makes her special could also mean the end of her. Whenever she uses it, her core temperature drops slightly, and if she overextends herself, she can develop hypothermia and die. This is why you will often see her in heavy clothing, even in the sweltering summers.

Strengths: Very logical, analytical, and somewhat intelligent. Despite her seemingly cold exterior, she is actually very empathetic, and people often find she gives good (but very honest and sometimes curt) advice. Her empathy has allowed her to be able to work with almost everyone. Has the ability to keep a cool head in tense situations, and think clearly (most of the time) in otherwise compromising situations. Knows lots of little random facts that may or may not ever be useful to the average being.

Weaknesses: If you can break her down mentally/emotionally, make her lose her willingness to fight, then you have won. She doesn’t like surprises, but that doesn’t mean that a sneak attack will phase her. Slight fear of the unknown/void. Can be overly judgmental/critical of others. Her natural curiosity can get her in trouble. Not very up-to-date on political stuff, she doesn't like politics.

Backstory: Raised by her aunt and uncle after her parents went missing. She grew up under the influence of her three older male cousins, who were very protective of her but also had no qualms about teaching her swordsmanship and other "manly" arts in secret.

Personality: Raisa, when you first meet her, is very quiet and reserved. She isn’t one to start a conversation, because she doesn’t know what to say. But as you get to know her, she will open up to you, and soon enough you will find that she is one of the coolest, most laid-back person you will ever meet. Around people she knows very well, she can get a bit weird and a slight bit crazy. But that’s only because she can trust you not to judge her.
Raisa is intelligent, curious, and logical. She has a tendency to remember all the details, and may have trouble seeing the big picture. As an empathetic person, she can easily give effective advice and likes when people come to her in times of need. Whatever she can do to help, she most likely will. She is also an effective mediator.
Raisa can get a bit frustrated when things don’t go her way, but she is always willing to compromise and figure out another solution. Rambunctious people can annoy her, as well as people who think too highly of themselves for the wrong reasons. She likes calm and quiet environments where she can be alone with her thoughts. Which may or may not be a good thing.
Raisa is very observant and aware of her surroundings. If something moves even slightly, she will turn to look at it. Staying cool and collected in tense situations is something she prides herself on. She tends to have a serene facial expression, almost tired-looking. She can physically exhaust herself just by thinking through things thoroughly. That being said, she tends to overthink things.
Overall, Raisa is a somewhat introverted person who presents herself as antisocial but really just needs someone to start a conversation with her. Once you do get to know her, she is a very kind a calm person.

Likes: Her guild and the sense of closeness and family of her guild, organization, reading, helping people, having a sense of duty, honestly, loyalty

Dislikes: Rude people, overly emotional people, chaos (although she can tolerate it), egomaniacs, megalomaniacs, being helpless, betrayal
There seems to be a problem with the image you're trying to use. Other than that issue, you're approved, the first post will be going in the main thread around 9:30 EST.
Name: Ludovic Langlais

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Knight's Title: Knight Hyacinth

Appearance: Ludo is a gruff-faced man with an impish expression, average of height but still strong of build. The muscles in his arms and shoulders are more toned than the rest of his body, owing to his many years of archery. His nose has been broken several times in the past, and he bears several scars from drunken fights and scruff s. His blue eyes are known to carry a mischievous gleam, and have the uncanny ability to switch into puppy-dog mode at a moment's notice. Ludo's mother often compared his red hair to fire, and like fire, it was quite hard to control, not even with the best combs and brushes in Orleans.

Weapon/Armor: A yew longbow paired with a quiver large enough for 25 arrows. He keeps a small axe at his belt as a sidearm. His armor consists of a hardened leather chestpiece, bracers, and greaves.

Combat Style: Ludo keeps his distance in battle, preferring to hide and snipe at the enemy from a high, secluded place. He's quick and agile, able to swiftly move between spot to spot before the enemy is able to find him and close in. He is, however, at a severe disadvantage in close combat, and anyone who's even modestly skilled at melee would be able to best him.

- Average knowledge of herbalism and alchemy.
- Archery
- Tracking
- Song and dance
- Fletching/Arrow-making
- Hunting

Magic Ability: Ludo is able to boost and dampen any one of his five senses at will, which made him a natural ranger from the get-go. Boosting Sight, for instance, allows him to see better and father than normal people. Dampening Taste, on the other hand, makes food seem bland and flavorless, which, oddly enough, has helped him down many a foul meal in the past. Dampening Touch can also numb his sense of pain, which can work for or against him. Manipulating senses for longer periods of time can put a lot of strain on his body, and even cause permanent damage if he's not careful. Furthermore, Ludo is unable to manipulate more than two of his senses at the same time.

- Adventurous
- Light-hearted
- Intuitive
- Straightforard
- Downright friendly

- Skittish
- Trickster
- Short-sighted
- Jumps to conclusions
- Undisciplined

Backstory: Ludovic was born in a small village in western Orleans, a small yet tight-knit farming community that grew mostly cotton and wheat. His mother was the village herbalist, and she was more than willing to pass on some of that knowledge so he could better assist her when she got older. Even from the beginning, Ludo was a friendly boy, and delighted in playing with the other children in his hometown. As he got older, he made some money working on the fields and helping out his mother. His father later introduced him to archery, a sport he took to like a fish took water. Ludo's powers awakened at the age of sixteen, which did not go unnoticed by a recruiting Knight. The boy took on the knight's offer without hesitation.

Personality: Ludo is a man of sanguine temperament, keeping an unfailing attitude of easy-going calm. One of his more prominent traits, for better or for worse, is his sense of humor. He has a clever quip for almost every situation, no matter how inappropriate, which has on occasion led to many feet in mouths. Yet hiding behind his laid-back behavior is a clever, shrewd mind. He rarely makes big decisions without carefully weighing the benefits and drawbacks. He's a quick thinker, which comes in handy during combat, but that also means he can jump to the wrong conclusions too easily. Even still, Ludo has a big heart that he wears on his sleeve, and he's fast to make friends and be trusting. He's fiercely loyal to his fellow Knights, and will do whatever it takes to come to their aid, even at his own risk.

- Being outdoors
- Drinking
- Hunting
- Rain
- Singing

- Buzzkills
- Bullies
- Purple clothes
- Too much garlic
- Crazy women (long story)
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Name: Ludovic Langlais

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Knight's Title: Knight Hyacinth

Appearance: Ludo is a gruff-faced man with an impish expression, average of height but still strong of build. The muscles in his arms and shoulders are more toned than the rest of his body, owing to his many years of archery. His nose has been broken several times in the past, and he bears several scars from drunken fights and scruff s. His blue eyes are known to carry a mischievous gleam, and have the uncanny ability to switch into puppy-dog mode at a moment's notice. Ludo's mother often compared his red hair to fire, and like fire, it was quite hard to control, not even with the best combs and brushes in Orleans.

Weapon/Armor: A yew longbow paired with a quiver large enough for 25 arrows. He keeps a small axe at his belt as a sidearm. His armor consists of a hardened leather chestpiece, bracers, and greaves.

Combat Style: Ludo keeps his distance in battle, preferring to hide and snipe at the enemy from a high, secluded place. He's quick and agile, able to swiftly move between spot to spot before the enemy is able to find him and close in. He is, however, at a severe disadvantage in close combat, and anyone who's even modestly skilled at melee would be able to best him.

- Average knowledge of herbalism and alchemy.
- Archery
- Tracking
- Song and dance
- Fletching/Arrow-making
- Hunting

Magic Ability: Ludo is able to boost and dampen any one of his five senses at will, which made him a natural ranger from the get-go. Boosting Sight, for instance, allows him to see better and father than normal people. Dampening Taste, on the other hand, makes food seem bland and flavorless, which, oddly enough, has helped him down many a foul meal in the past. Dampening Touch can also numb his sense of pain, which can work for or against him. Manipulating senses for longer periods of time can put a lot of strain on his body, and even cause permanent damage if he's not careful. Furthermore, Ludo is unable to manipulate more than two of his senses at the same time.

- Adventurous
- Light-hearted
- Intuitive
- Straightforard
- Downright friendly

- Skittish
- Trickster
- Short-sighted
- Jumps to conclusions
- Undisciplined

Backstory: Ludovic was born in a small village in western Orleans, a small yet tight-knit farming community that grew mostly cotton and wheat. His mother was the village herbalist, and she was more than willing to pass on some of that knowledge so he could better assist her when she got older. Even from the beginning, Ludo was a friendly boy, and delighted in playing with the other children in his hometown. As he got older, he made some money working on the fields and helping out his mother. His father later introduced him to archery, a sport he took to like a fish took water. Ludo's powers awakened at the age of sixteen, which did not go unnoticed by a recruiting Knight. The boy took on the knight's offer without hesitation.

Personality: Ludo is a man of sanguine temperament, keeping an unfailing attitude of easy-going calm. One of his more prominent traits, for better or for worse, is his sense of humor. He has a clever quip for almost every situation, no matter how inappropriate, which has on occasion led to many feet in mouths. Yet hiding behind his laid-back behavior is a clever, shrewd mind. He rarely makes big decisions without carefully weighing the benefits and drawbacks. He's a quick thinker, which comes in handy during combat, but that also means he can jump to the wrong conclusions too easily. Even still, Ludo has a big heart that he wears on his sleeve, and he's fast to make friends and be trusting. He's fiercely loyal to his fellow Knights, and will do whatever it takes to come to their aid, even at his own risk.

- Being outdoors
- Drinking
- Hunting
- Rain
- Singing

- Buzzkills
- Bullies
- Purple clothes
- Too much garlic
- Crazy women (long story)
I want to approve this, but for now I want to keep everyone to one character until we get the story rolling.
Name: Jacque Poerieth


Gender: Male

Knight's Title: Sir Nightshade, The Nightshade Knight.

Weapon/Armor: Jaqcue wears low armor but its functional, thick plating aligns his forearms and shins which are used for blocking attacks. The low amounts of armor on his head and chest actually serve to attract attacks to his unprotected portions which he uses his arms and legs to deflect attacks. He always seems to have daggars on him and nearby. Twin hidden 12 inch blades are his go to weapons, but he also has at least a dozen throwing knives, and a short sword which he wears very obviously to draw attention away from his hidden blades.

Combat Style: Jacque has a very indirect fighting style. He telegraphs false motions using a series of feints and false oppenings to lure his enemy into a false sens of security where he strikes fatally...but thats if the enemy knows the battle has begun, Jacques primary means of incapacitating his opponent is via poisoned daggars, drinks, and clouds, hense the name Nightshade.

Slight of hand- Jacque is capable of subtle motions that few notice, and if one does notice his movements, its usually becaus he wants them too. What one sees halpening in one hand, is usually to distract from what his other hand is doing.

Misdirection- Jacque is an expert at having people miss the big picture by getting lost in the details.

Stealth- Jacque is a very skilled infiltrator, he can move silently and keep his foes off of his trail. In the event that his position is comprimised he often has multiple backup plans in place.

Tactician- Jacque is a brilliant strategist, able to make tough calls and plan for most anything that comes to his way. He is very good at using the strengths of his allies, and the weaknesses of his enemies.

Magic Ability:
Miasma generation- Jacque was born with an ability that has caused him alot of grief. His body emits a highly toxic magic Poison that he can coat his weapons with or even aerosolize internally. Many years of practice have allowed him the ability to focus this poison, allowing it to be emitted by any bodily function, even his exhaleing can leave trace amounts of the toxin in the air. His blood is the most toxic, followed by his saliva, then his sweat, and lastly his breath. The toxin is very deadly as well, light exposure causes intense pain, moderate exposure can result in blindness and paralysis, and heavy exposure is leathal. Healing magic can overcome this toxin but it is the only known solution.

Strengths: his intellect, Lack of honor, Nothing he wont do to win, Calm reasoning skills.

Weaknesses: Not much stamina, Disliked by most fellow knights, can be very hard to work with, always comes off as manipulative.

Backstory: Jacque was born to the wealthy Poerieth family, he was the sole heir to his family name, however his birth condition, Called The toxin, caused him to live a secluded life kept far away from others. This continued until his Parents finally kicked the bucket and he became the new lord of the poerieth manor. Having spent most of his life secluded, albiet well educated, he sought to interact with the world around him. This eventually lead to him becoming one of the many knights who guarded the lands. However he never seed to blend well with the other knights, as such he took to dealing in the shadows and embraced the seclusion that came with it. Since then he has spent his life aiding his fellow knights but never allowing himself to get too close.

Personality: Jacque is a selfish seeming man, he shows very little concern for others and seems to engage in his duties as a knight stricktly out of a sense of boredom. He does often try to connect with others but gives up after becoming frustrated. Instead he tends to enjoy himself and all else be damned. There are few occasions when he does show normal human emotion, but they are few or far between.

Likes: His poisons, Good wine, expensive clothes, and collectible items.

Dislikes: Forced social interaction, direct confrontation, those who can detect him.

Other: Jacque is actually quite wealthy, also his toxic blood not only makes him immune to poison, toxins, or venoms. In addition it seems to make an excellent antivenom cancelling the effects of poisons on others, though its in a very painful way.
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View attachment 359860
Name: Jacque Poerieth


Gender: Male

Knight's Title: Sir Nightshade, The Nightshade Knight.

Weapon/Armor: Jaqcue wears low armor but its functional, thick plating aligns his forearms and shins which are used for blocking attacks. The low amounts of armor on his head and chest actually serve to attract attacks to his unprotected portions which he uses his arms and legs to deflect attacks. He always seems to have daggars on him and nearby. Twin hidden 12 inch blades are his go to weapons, but he also has at least a dozen throwing knives, and a short sword which he wears very obviously to draw attention away from his hidden blades.

Combat Style: Jacque has a very indirect fighting style. He telegraphs false motions using a series of feints and false oppenings to lure his enemy into a false sens of security where he strikes fatally...but thats if the enemy knows the battle has begun, Jacques primary means of incapacitating his opponent is via poisoned daggars, drinks, and clouds, hense the name Nightshade.

Slight of hand- Jacque is capable of subtle motions that few notice, and if one does notice his movements, its usually becaus he wants them too. What one sees halpening in one hand, is usually to distract from what his other hand is doing.

Misdirection- Jacque is an expert at having people miss the big picture by getting lost in the details.

Stealth- Jacque is a very skilled infiltrator, he can move silently and keep his foes off of his trail. In the event that his position is comprimised he often has multiple backup plans in place.

Tactician- Jacque is a brilliant strategist, able to make tough calls and plan for most anything that comes to his way. He is very good at using the strengths of his allies, and the weaknesses of his enemies.

Magic Ability:
Miasma generation- Jacque was born with an ability that has caused him alot of grief. His body emits a highly toxic magic Poison that he can coat his weapons with or even aerosolize internally. Many years of practice have allowed him the ability to focus this poison, allowing it to be emitted by any bodily function, even his exhaleing can leave trace amounts of the toxin in the air. His blood is the most toxic, followed by his saliva, then his sweat, and lastly his breath. The toxin is very deadly as well, light exposure causes intense pain, moderate exposure can result in blindness and paralysis, and heavy exposure is leathal. Healing magic can overcome this toxin but it is the only known solution.

Strengths: his intellect, Lack of honor, Nothing he wont do to win, Calm reasoning skills.

Weaknesses: Not much stamina, Disliked by most fellow knights, can be very hard to work with, always comes off as manipulative.

Backstory: Jacque was born to the wealthy Poerieth family, he was the sole heir to his family name, however his birth condition, Called The toxin, caused him to live a secluded life kept far away from others. This continued until his Parents finally kicked the bucket and he became the new lord of the poerieth manor. Having spent most of his life secluded, albiet well educated, he sought to interact with the world around him. This eventually lead to him becoming one of the many knights who guarded the lands. However he never seed to blend well with the other knights, as such he took to dealing in the shadows and embraced the seclusion that came with it. Since then he has spent his life aiding his fellow knights but never allowing himself to get too close.

Personality: Jacque is a selfish seeming man, he shows very little concern for others and seems to engage in his duties as a knight stricktly out of a sense of boredom. He does often try to connect with others but gives up after becoming frustrated. Instead he tends to enjoy himself and all else be damned. There are few occasions when he does show normal human emotion, but they are few or far between.

Likes: His poisons, Good wine, expensive clothes, and collectible items.

Dislikes: Forced social interaction, direct confrontation, those who can detect him.

Other: Jacque is actually quite wealthy, also his toxic blood not only makes him immune to poison, toxins, or venoms. In addition it seems to make an excellent antivenom cancelling the effects of poisons on others, though its in a very painful way.
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